• Published 22nd Sep 2018
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Ponies in Hogwarts [Edited] - KittyrinnAiko

A pony stranded in the past must go to another dimension and learn the ways of wizards before she can return to her own time.

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Chapter 41: Flight Camp

Canterlot: Wonderbolts training compound.

Nova and Scootaloo glided into land, both with big grins on their faces. Their little stunt the other day had made something of a name for them, and the local tower controller couldn't believe that Knave One and Scooter were a couple of seventeen-year-old fillies on their way to Summer Flight Camp.

“Looking for pointers.” Nova had replied. “Even the best of us never stop learning.”

“So, do you think Princess Celestia was serious about bumping you up to Lieutenant?” Scootaloo asked as they made their way to where a large group of ponies were gathering. Most were pegasi. A few were non-pegasi parents dropping off colts or fillies.

“No idea. Let's camouflage our horns before any pony notices.” Nova said with a devious grin. Scootaloo looked at her, smiled, and a moment later they were nothing more than a pair of lanky young adult pegasi.

“Scootaloo?” called a familiar voice.

Scootaloo turned to see Rainbow dash looking at her with her head sideways. She had her Wonderbolts jacket on. “Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo trotted over to her followed by Nova.

“We used a spell to hide our horns,” Nova whispered.

“OK,” Dash said. “You are Scootaloo though...”

“Of course I’m Scootaloo.”

“You’re looking rather mature.” Dash offered.

“Eyes up here buddy.” Scootaloo chastised playfully. Dash gave her a look and laughed.

“What? No. You’ve gotten taller. You both have.” Dash protested a moment later. “You’re taller then I am, and Nova nearly as tall.”

“I see that, but then you’re not exactly the tallest of ponies. Come on by the house, and I’ll introduce you to Rose Myrtle.” Scootaloo replied with a grin.

“Come by the house she says.” Nova teased with a smirk and then whispered. “We are staying with Princess Celestia right now.” Dash couldn't resist a big grin. “Otherwise how are you at high altitude flying?”

“I’ll have you know that I’m the best,” Dash boasted, and then added, “At least among ordinary mortal pegasi.”

“We are at the London location now.” Scootaloo offered while ignoring the quip.

“Captain Dash, do you know this Shadow-bolt?” Asked a Sargent as he approached.

“Sargent Thruster,” Nova said in greeting. He stopped and looked at Nova, a curious expression on his face.

“Ya, I know her.” Dash offered. She gave me a look.

“Let's just say he reminds me of an old training instructor I knew named Thruster.” Nova offered.

“So what are you doing here instead of at OTS?” Dash asked

“I’m supposed to be at OTS?” Nova asked confused. “I’ve still got a year at Hogwarts before I can seriously think about doing anything.”

“Personally I think you're wasting your time over there.” Dash admonished.

“I liberated a Peryton and a Griffin yesterday so no, I’m not wasting my time over there,” Nova replied. “Anyway, ponies need to tell me what’s going on.”

“Oh… I heard about that.” Dash offered. “Are they going to be alright?”

“Ya, they’ll be fine.” Scootaloo offered.

“Are you talking about Miss Hedwig?” asked a blue Griffin with a light amber underside who was about the same age as Nova and Scootaloo. It was entirely possible every single griffon in Canterlot knew about Hedwig by now. News flies fast when you’d rather it not.

“Hi, Gallus.” Scootaloo offered.

“Princess?” Gallus asked. “Hang on, where’s your horn?”

“We used a spell to camouflage them,” Nova offered.

"..and for that matter what’s being done about the ponies that hurt Hedwig?” Gallus added.

“Just so no creature makes a fuss I will be dealing with them personally, and they aren’t ponies. Creatures called humans. Bipedal like a minotaur without the good looks. Right off hoof, I’d say they are more like the Storm King’s kind only with a lot less fur. As to what’s being done about them… Sargent Thruster, have you ever encountered a fox pony on a vendetta?”

The Sargent thought for a moment and then smiled. “Devilish bastards when someone has crossed them,” he replied.

“And they crossed me when their stupidity devastated my Alalme’s family and then her ancestral home. The ones who call themselves wizards that is. Granted I was willing to let it go at first, bring all the ponies back to Equestria that are willing, but then I realized that they posed a threat to Equestria as well. We simply can not turn a blind eye. I’m going to turn their world upside down, and the chief architects of misery in that kingdom will pay, that I guarantee.” There was a moment no one said a thing. “At least the ones I can get. There is one that has gone beyond even my reach.”

“We got that Riddle character at least.” Dash offered.

“And between Selena and myself we’ve killed two giant dragon snake monsters,” Nova added.

“Killed?” Gallus asked shocked.

“They were mindless killing machines that were killing pegasi to eat their eggs,” Nova explained. “Created by an evil wizard for one reason only, and that was to kill.”

“Wow,” Gallas said softly. “I’d heard about when the Storm King attacked Equestria. I remember the Griffins rallying an army because it was going to be us next.”

“So what brings the two of you to Flight Camp?” Dash asked.

“We signed up,” Scootaloo announced.

“The advanced group for our age group,” Nova offered. “I want to make sure I’m not passing on bad habits to Scootaloo, and maybe smooth out some of my ruff edges.”

“Well, then you’re going to want to go find Spitfire’s group.” Dash offered.

“Alright, thank you,” Nova replied. “And Sargent, good catch. I didn’t think anyone would recognize the old grey flight suit. - come on Scootaloo.”

“Hey, maybe we’ll see you around later.” Scootaloo offered as the two went in search of Spitfire.

“So, are you telling me she’s the real thing?” Sargent Thruster asked Dash.

“I’m to understand she was a combat veteran at the age of twelve in the war against King Sombra way back.” Dash offered. She knew there was something more, but there wasn’t any point in saying anything. “Just one more pony having to live with the consequences of mistakes made long ago.”

“Wow,” Gallus said. “Do you think she’s ever killed, well, you know, other ponies?”

“There is definitely something about her eyes.” The Sargent offered. “I’ve seen that look in ponies who gave as good as we got during the invasion by the Storm King. Never thought I’d see it in some pony so young.”


“Good morning… princess?” Colonel Spitfire looked Nova and Scootaloo and then zeroed in on Scootaloo. “You know, you look suspiciously like a little filly I know...” she said as she started to close into eyeball Scootaloo.

“Careful, you could lose an eye that way.” Nova cautioned just loud enough for the colonel to hear. She stopped her forward advancement, and waved a hoof over Scootaloo’s forehead.


“Oh, I get it,” Spitfire said with a smile. “Princess Louise, you’re so grown up?”

“Please call me Scootaloo, at least out here.” Scootaloo requested.

“Alright, I can do that. It’s not some kind of time shift is it, I mean between here and there?” Spitfire asked.

That was as likely just as good of a story as any other, but not one they could spread to too many ponies. An unconfirmed rumour on the other hoof… “I suppose that’s as good an explanation as any,” Nova offered. “I’m to understand she was just a filly when she left, and now she’s a grown mare, widowed with a foal, not even a year old, and in a relationship with two other young mares in similar circumstances.”

“Similar circumstances? You are definitely too young.”

“I rescued my foal from a monster.” Nova offered. “Ambushed it while it was getting ready to chow down on one of my friends.”

“Turned it to stone, did you?” Spitfire asked.

“No, I don’t actually know that spell.”

“Sent it to Tartarus?”

“Don’t know that spell either.” Nova offered. “And no, I didn’t send it into its own pocket dimension either.”

“You’re not saying...” Spitfire began.

“I killed it. Cut it’s head off without a moment's hesitation. I saw no other options that would have saved my friend. The thing had the ability to stop a heart just by looking into the eyes of its victim and I only had seconds to eliminate the threat and revive my friend.”

“Wow, that’s hardcore,” commented a greenish-white hippogriff with a two-tone cyan turquoise mane.

“Hi Terramar,” Scootaloo said. He was momentarily joined by Rumble and Pipsqueak, both of whom had grown up quite nicely. They were then joined by a light purple young mare with a grey-blue pink combination mane. Rumble was giving Scootaloo a worried look for some odd reason that only he seemed to know the reason why.

Spitfire pulled a clipboard out from under her wing. “Answer up when I say your name, Nova, Scootaloo, Terramar, Rumble, Wind Spirit, and Pipsqueak,” Spitfire called out, each individual acknowledging their names in turn. “I’m under the understanding that you are all proficient fliers. However, you are to do as I say. If I’m not available Lieutenant Nova Moon will be the group leader.”

“Lieutenant? You mean it’s not a put on?” Nova asked.

“Technically it’s a brevet rank,” Spitfire explained. “Or to be more precise, you are a second lieutenant because the rank of Ensign doesn’t exist anymore. Now if you want the full authority you need to go to Officer Training school.”

“Ah, now it makes sense.”

“No pony told you a thing, did they?” Spitfire asked with a grin.

“They stuck her in a lieutenant’s jacket for the meet and greet and never explained a thing,” Scootaloo explained with a smile. “We were all clueless.”

Spitfire let out a chuckle. “Alright, alright. Now, as I was saying, I’m to understand you are all proficient fliers. But that’s not good enough or you wouldn't be here. - Am I right?”

“Yes, Mam,” Nova said with enthusiasm.

“Well, at least one of you agrees. Are you here to learn?”

“Yes, Mam!” They all said enthusiastically.

“Better. Try again!”

Yes, Mam!

Nova and Scootaloo had gotten a little too enthusiastic, and slipped into the Canterlot voice.

“Well at least two of you know how to project. Come on, time waits for no pony.” Spitfire said with a big grin on her face. Her mane looked like she’d just flown through a hurricane as well. “Come with me,” she said and then lead them to one of the Wonderbolt obstacle courses. “Lieutenant, you be sure and do that to your training instructor at OTS,” She added a moment later.

“Any chance that’ll be Sargent Thruster?” Nova asked. “Does he do the hip thrust when he tells new recruits his name?” Spitfire gave her a puzzled look. “Let's just say I trained under an identical Sargent.”

“Ya, he does,” Spitfire admitted with a smile. “Alright, the first thing I’m going to do is some evaluation drills. And you will be going in pairs. Nova with Terramar, Scootaloo with Rumble, Wind Spirit with Pipsqueak. Line up.”

“Nova and I always fly together.” Scootaloo offered.

“Not for this exercise. I need to see how well you fly with a stranger.” Spitfire explained.

“Scootaloo and I aren’t actually strangers.” Rumble offered.

“You do a lot of flying together?” Spitfire asked.

“Sort of.” Rumble offered with a blush.

“Rose is not your filly,” Nova stated.

“Nova?!” Scootaloo protested while blushing. Rumble went red as a beet. “And all this time you knew?”

“I only knew that you two had been something of an item.” Nova offered. “And Rumble has been acting weird from the moment he laid eyes on you.”

“Alrighty then,” Spitfire drawled as she made a few marks on the clipboard she had with her. “Rumble with Pipsqueak, and Scootaloo with Wind Spirit.”

“As Celestia is my witness...” Rumble began.

“Yes?” Princess Celestia asked. Celestia knew how long she’d been standing there. Seriously, Not even Nova had seen her sneaking upon them. Terramar, Wind Spirit, and Pipsqueak all looked at Celestia with eyes like saucers and quickly bowed low to the ground. Rumble to his credit only made a quick polite bow. Nova, Scootaloo, and Spitfire also made polite bows.

“Do have a care what you say Mr Rumble.” Spitfire drolled, and then in a tone filled with cheer, “Princess Celestia, how may we help you?”

“Well, I was rather hoping I’d get a chance to see the fillies fly together,” Celestia said, and it was kind of obvious which two fillies she meant. “And do please get up.” She added in an aside to the ponies who were all but prostrating to her.

“Oh… Well if you can wait for a bit, I just needed to see how well they do with someone they aren’t familiar with.”

“Yes, of course, don’t let me interfere.” Princess Celestia offered. She sat down looking expectantly and was joined momentarily by Alalme, Loki, Moonie who had grown or rather shrunk quite a bit since her assplosion, and the foals who each sat down to watch. Nova was a little concerned regarding Moonie's apparent shrinkage as well but had put it out of her mind for the time being.

“Alright. Nova, Scootaloo, let’s have the two of you fly the obstacle coarse. Don’t get crazy, it’s not a race.” Aside from Rumble, the others were still looking rather gobsmacked by Princess Celestia’s presence and weren’t likely to be able to concentrate on flying

Nova and Scootaloo looked at each other, grinned, trotted towards the starting line, spread their wings and were in the air. Their take-off seemed effortless. At first, they were wingtip to wingtip, and then Scootaloo dropped back so one wing was right behind Nova, and then they raced through the course. Every so often they’d shift positions on sharp turns where the trailing pony would cut under and take the lead position. Each time they did this they’d resume their alignment of one behind the other in close synchronization. On a few wide turns, they’d go wingtip to wingtip again followed by whoever was on the inside track taking the lead.

When they landed they weren’t even winded.

“O-K, O-K, not bad.” Spitfire said slow like. “Why do you keep switching leader?”

“Efficiency of motion, Mam.” Nova offered. “The wing pony on the outside of a turn ordinarily needs to increase their speed. It’s also a good way to throw off a pursuer as they’ll never be sure who’s actually calling the shots.”

“I see,” Spitfire replied.

“It’s an old Shadowbolt manoeuvre. Hard rights and lefts.” Princess Celestia said while absolutely beaming. “I’m to understand that it’s a very difficult technique to master and requires considerable situational awareness.”

“I would imagine. One pony gets it wrong and they’d be separated in an instant.” Spitfire commented.

“Easy enough on a course where we know where our turns are going to be ahead of time.” Nova offered. “It’s a different story under actual field conditions. Normally only used to switch positions on long runs or while using a scissors manoeuvre. Each taking turns at slipstreaming behind the other.”

“I’d say we got pretty good tracking that wraith.” Scootaloo offered.

“Oh, right. I forgot about that. I swear, that creature could turn faster then a golf ball hitting a tree.” Spitfire commented. “Now, being as you two haven't even broken a sweat, I want you to go again, but no switching leads this time.”

“Aren’t they going to clip the gates if they stay side by side like that?” Wind Spirit asked as Nova and Scootaloo proceeded to fly the course wingtip to wingtip.

“Apparently not.” Spitfire drolled as the pair swept back their wings prior to diving through a tight gate. They’d close the distance, Nova overlapping Scootaloo, and then go right back to wingtips. “You see this is why I like to break up fliers that know each other. It’s impossible for me to do a proper analysis of their strengths and weaknesses. There also seems to be a rather unnerving lack of wing flapping. Yes, they are good, but they are making that obstacle coarse look deceptively easy.”

“Nova was telling me if I keep working on my wand-less magic she’ll be able to teach me that.” Alalme offered.

“Run that by me again?” Spitfire asked.

“I’m to understand they are combining unicorn magic with their pegasus magic.” Princess Celestia offered. “It’s a flight spell.”

“They are calling it a force push now.” Alalme offered.

“Alright, but you're a pegasus.” Spitfire offered.

“Who, thanks to some exercises practiced by fox ponies, can now do limited unicorn magic.” Celestia offered. “I find it rather exciting.”

“Pegasi doing Unicorn magic?” Spitfire asked.

“I’ve already commissioned a study,” Celestia stated. “There are pegasi that have lived their entire life in Equestria, plus some of the English pegasi participating. So far our home pegasi can’t do anything beyond simple pegasi magic, but the English pegasi have shown an aptitude for Earth pony magic as well as Pegasus and Unicorn magic. All three tribes amalgamated into a new tribe that takes the best of all three.”

“Wait, wouldn't that make them...” Spitfire wanted to say it, but just couldn't bring herself to say it.

Princess Celestia bobbed her head as a funny grin formed on her face. “Maybe not in the classical sense, but pretty darn close. Near Alicorn. If they start producing foals like little Rose now that they are in a relatively safe magic-filled environment, there’s no telling.”

“But that would make Alicorns the fourth tribe, would it not?” Spitfire asked.

“This may come as a shock to you...” Princess Celestia began in a slow deliberate tone, “..when I was but a filly, Alicorns were a fourth tribe.”

“But then what happened to them?” Spitfire asked. This news was quite a shock to her. “And were they all as powerful as you?”

“As powerful as myself? I don’t think so. Far as I can recall the average individual wasn’t really all that powerful. It was the ability to use all three magic types that made them formidable. Not raw power. As to what happened to them… I can only faintly recall mentions of a war, and I remember being spirited away in the night. Luna hadn’t even been born yet.”

“Princess?” Spitfire asked. It’s the first she’d ever heard of it.

“It’s in my published memoirs, but the only remaining copies are stuffed away in the vaults of the Canterlot library. The only ponies that even know about them are a hoof full of mouldering old academics.” Celestia explained as Nova and Scootaloo came in for a landing.

“So how are we doing?” Scootaloo asked. She gave a glance at Alalme, the foals nowhere to be seen. Alalme nodded her head at Celestia. Scootaloo smiled on realizing where the three had gone.

“You want the truth?” Spitfire asked as she turned back to the two. “The truth is I’ve no idea how to judge your flying.”

“She said that you make the obstacle course look deceptively easy.” Princess Celestia offered.

“Yes, it is kind of easy. I mean after all that flying through the Forbidden Forest.” Nova offered. “I mean, we could do it faster, a lot faster, but you did say it’s not a race, and we probably don’t want any pony else trying to mimic us if they can’t do the trick.” Moonie and Princess Luna being the only ponies she knew besides themselves who could do it. Whether or not Princess Celestia could do it was a bit of a mystery.

“You got that right,” Spitfire stated knowing full well there wasn’t likely to be any pegasi who could do it. “I’ll be honest with you, I don’t know as there really is anything I can teach you, short of helping you learn and practise routines for a Wonderbolt show. Afraid the scope of this class doesn’t quite cover your skill level. I could have you stand by as a student teacher, and maybe do some drills, but that’s about it.”

“We’ve kind of already worked out a routine.” Scootaloo offered.

“I’d love to see it, but not right now.” Spitfire offered. “And now, Princess Celestia, with your leave, I think it’s time for another pair to go. Terramar, Rumble, let’s see what you’ve got. Come on, snap out of it Terramar. That goes for you too, Wind Spirit, Pipsqueak, you are just going to have to get used to Princess Celestia dropping in on us. Yes I know I just switched partners, but you’ll just have to be flexible.”

“Perhaps I should let you see to your students,” Princess Celestia offered as she stood up. “Nova, Scootaloo, as there doesn’t seem to be much for you here, will you be coming.”

“I was hoping to fly on down to Ponyville to see Apple Bloom.” Nova offered.

“Yes, we can catch up later,” Scootaloo added just as Rainbow Dash walked over to the group like she was looking for some pony. She’d a single foal in tow. “Let us know how many foals you managed to foal nap when we get back.”

“Princess Celestia...” Dash began with a cautious tone. “You wouldn't happen to have some foals tucked in under your wings would you?”

Dash was answered by a chorus of fairy giggles, while the foal at Dash’s side turned their head sideways.

“Why Captain, whatever might you be suggesting?” Princess Celestia asked while feigning innocence as she scooped up the foal that had been with Dash.

“Nova, Scootaloo, any chance you’ll be back in time for lunch?” Alalme asked as Princess Celestia began to walk away.

“We should. That is, short of the Apples insisting on feeding us.” Scootaloo offered.

“If ever there was a pony who understood an alicorn’s apatite, it’s Granny Smith,” Nova added. “If you don’t see us, assume we’ve taken the train because we are too stuffed to fly.”

“I hear that.” Spitfire offered as Terramar and Rumble take off.

“Alright, we’ll see you when you get back.” Alalme offered with a big smile. “I’d better get after Princess Celestia, she’s got our foals again.”

“I’ve got the strange feeling she’s got more than just our foals. I can see moonie's tail sticking out.” Nova offered with a grin. Alalme laughed and trotted after Celestia. Loki gave Nova and Scootaloo a kiss and followed after the others with a grin on his face.

“Colonel Spitfire, you wouldn't mind if we keep coming out here to do some warm-up on the obstacle course?” Nova asked.

“So long as no pony else is using it, be our guest.” Spitfire offered. She let out a sigh as she watched the two racers. Granted that they were supposed to be flying as a team.

“Come on Scootaloo, we should probably use the flight line like every pony else.” Nova offered.

“I’m wondering if I’m going to get Rose back at this point,” Scootaloo asked as she watched the others tailing after Princess Celestia.

“You’ll get her back fast enough when she gets hungry.” Nova offered and then laughed.

“She’ll be hungry around lunchtime so we’ll need to make this quick.” Scootaloo offered as she followed after Nova.

“And we’ll need to be out of Ponyville before eleven anyway.” Scootaloo reminded Nova as they turned to make their way to the cue to take off.

A short time later the two were standing in line waiting their turn.

“You two have call signs yet?” A pony at the gate asked.

“Knave One and Scooter.” Nova offered. “Colonel Spitfire doesn’t know what to do with us so we are making a run down to Ponyville.”

“Now you can’t just go and use some pony’s call sign because you – think--- ep!” He’d started out intending to admonish the two, but then they dropped the illusion that was hiding their horns.

“I’m Princess Louise, and she’s Princess Nova.” Scootaloo offered.

“I also seem to be a second lieutenant,” Nova informed. “That raw speed we are capable of is an alicorn trait as well.”

“Shouldn't you have a security detail?” The guard at the gate asked.

“They’d never keep up. Besides, it’s only Ponyville.” Scootaloo offered. “Only time I’ve had any trouble down there was because of overzealous guards.”

“I see.” They replied. “Wait, was that, I mean, were you the royal who got jumped?”

“She was, and those idiots are lucky I wasn’t there.” Nova supplied.

“She can be very protective, and used to be a member of Princess Luna’s elite guard,” Scootaloo informed them.

“And all you did was rub their faces in the ceiling, and then drop em from what I heard.” Nova quipped in a teasing tone.

“After they rubbed my face on the floor.” Scootaloo pointed out.

“Well, all that’s behind us now. Come on, we’re up.” Nova said, now a bit more serious.

The guard watched the pair walk out towards the flight line while he and the others gathered around listened to the radio.
{'Nave one and Scooter requesting permission for take-off,} Nova’s voice said over the radio.
{'Nave one, thought you were at Flight Camp?'} asked the tower.
{‘Colonel Spitfire doesn’t know what do do with us.’} Nova replied. {‘We’d like clearance for a zero-altitude-limit takeoff as well.’}

{‘Zero?’} the tower operator replied a moment later.

{‘We are going to jump off the deck and shove it into overdrive,’} Scootaloo said over the radio.

{‘Next stop ten thousand horns,’} Nova’s voice said.

“Ten thousand?” The guard asked of no one in response to what he’d just heard.

“They’re kidding, right?” asked a flight trainer waiting in line with their class. Suddenly every pony was at the fence watching the two fliers.

{‘Nave One and Scooter, you are clear to proceed onto the runway,’} the tower operator announced. {‘Happy flying.’}

The class all watched as the two trotted out onto the runway, took up positions Nova in front, and Scootaloo behind and slightly to the right. They spread their wings took a few steps, and with a downstroke were in the air. They pumped their wings gaining speed, angled up out near the end of the strip, and shot heavenward until they were lost from sight.

Author's Note:

Thought I'd drop this one early, and in time for Christmas. After that, I'm going to take a short break until after the new year.

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