• Published 22nd Sep 2018
  • 3,595 Views, 360 Comments

Ponies in Hogwarts [Edited] - KittyrinnAiko

A pony stranded in the past must go to another dimension and learn the ways of wizards before she can return to her own time.

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Chapter 40: Hedwig

Nova lay in the guest bed she was sharing with Scootaloo, and Alalme, thinking about what she wanted to do that day. The foals were huddled together in another bed and the light of Celestia's morning streamed through the window. Scootaloo nuzzled Nova.

“Nova let's go fly.” Scootaloo prompted, and nuzzled her again.

“What about me?” Alalme asked dreamily with eyes closed.

“I actually thought we might pop down to see Apple Bloom.” Scootaloo offered. “Maybe after breakfast, we’ll do the tour of Canterlot?”

“We need to go report in for flight camp after breakfast. They are having it at the Wonderbolt Academy.” Nova reminded them.

“Not like we don’t have time to swing down to Ponyville.” Scootaloo offered.

“Count me out of the Ponyville run,” Alalme informed them. “I’m guessing it’s a bit of a long haul for any pony who can’t use that force push you two can use.”

“True.” Nova offered and started getting up. “But then again, if you keep making progress with your wand-less magic I just might be able to teach you how to use it. - Come on let's see if we can scrounge up some radios. We can’t take off from the palace without getting clearance first.”

“What about our stuff?” Scootaloo asked as they trotted out of the room into the corridor.

“I suppose we could run on over to the other side and get our goggles and radios,” she said as she walked up to a guard. “Excuse me, can you pass the word that Princess Nova and Princess Louise will be arriving at the mountain hanger bay in a few moments.”

“A few moments?” Scootaloo asked.

“Soon as they know to expect us, I’m going to pop us up there.”

“You can do that?” The guard asked, his eyes going wide.

“I can teleport all the way to Ponyville if I’ve a mind, but it wipes me out.” Nova offered. “Running up the mountain is going to be easy.”

“It took us twenty minutes to get down yesterday, and now you tell me you could have popped us down?”

“Now where’s the fun in that? - Guard, Flash wasn’t it?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”


“What are you talking about? I never heard anything about any pony getting flight clearance?” said a pony in a gray uniform in the hanger up in the mountain.


“Never mind.” He said into the radio.

“Who said anything about flying?” Nova asked as the two alicorns walked past.

He waited till they’d left the big hanger, and then muttered, “Bucking Alicorns.”

-I heard that!” Nova shouted from somewhere in the back.

His ears dropped, but he could hear the tinkling laughter of the two young mares and had to smile.

Nova and Scootaloo stepped out of the fireplace just as Alice was about to step in. Scootaloo was now in human form, but Nova was still a pony.

“Hi, Alice.” Nova and Scootaloo said as they stepped past her.

“Were you about to come looking for us?” Nova asked.

“Dumbledore is in the foyer,” Alice stated, and then turned around. She had an unspoken question on her mind.

“Came up to get our flight goggles and radios.” Scootaloo offered.

“And flight suit.” Nova offered stood up while taking human form, stretched out her arms, lifted up into the air, her clothing stripped away and was replaced by her flight suit.

“You can’t do that from the other side of the portal?” Scootaloo asked.

“Out of range.” Nova offered as the alicorn of light approached with a white bathrobe that looked like it was made of white fox fur. “Tia, what’s that made out of?”

“Your own floof. I’ve been saving it up.”

Scootaloo and Alice broke into fits of laughter.

“Sigh… Give it here, and I’ll go see what Dumbledore wants.” Nova put on the robe to make it look like she’d just gotten up, and went downstairs where she found Professor Dumbledore. He’d wondered from the entry to the main hall with it’s lofted ceiling.

“Ah, Miss Nova. Princess,” he called.

“Mighty early in the morning to come calling, isn’t it?” Nova asked.

“I am terribly sorry about that, it’s just that a lot of things seem to be happening lately. What were you doing at the Dursleys yesterday I wonder?”

“Don’t beat around the bush, do you? But then I don’t see as that’s any of your business.”

“It is when it affects Harry Potter.”

“I’m buying Grunnings.”

“You’re what?”

“Grunnings Drills. I’m buying the company.”

“I fail to see what that has to do with the Dursleys.”

“You can’t be serious? He’s a high-level employee there. How exactly did you think he earned a living? Do you seriously know so little about them? Are you so removed from common ordinary people that the idea of someone having to earn a living is foreign to you?

“He dresses Harry in rags Mr Dumbledore. I bought the company so I could get a supply of drills for Eques and I thought I’d give Mr Dursley a raise so that he could afford better clothing for Harry. It’s a considerable expense raising children you know?”

“Yes, yes, of course, I wasn’t thinking.” Dumbledore offered as though it had simply slipped his mind. “But there seems to have been some activity going on while you were there?”

“Pest control. There was some sort of magical creature in their back yard.”

“Creature, do you know what it was?” Now he sounded concerned.

“Now how am I, a mere first year going on… what year did you say I was going to be in next year?”

He opened his mouth and then shut it as a butler came out with a message on a silver tray. “Message, your highness.”

“Thank you Jeeves,” Nova replied and took the message. She opened it and read it. She looked at Dumbledore and smiled. “House Elf.”

“A house-elf? What would a house-elf be doing at the Dursleys?” Dumbledore protested.

“Making Harry’s life miserable,” Nova informed him. “I always suspected there was more going on there then just financial difficulties.” Granted that if everything went to plan the Dursleys would be on their way to the south of France in a few days. If they weren’t already out the door.

One of the spells on the Dursley family was a compulsion spell that caused them to spend any income above basic living wages on themselves. Not on Harry. They would live the life of Riley and Harry would be the poor orphan they so grudgingly took in.

“According to the message, the owner was identified, and the raid started at first light.”

“I should get to the Ministry,” Dumbledore announced.

“Not friends of yours I hope?” Nova asked with a smile. “And I imagine someone will be having a look at the sort of spells that have been put in place on the Dursleys.”

A look of horror crossed his face. “Th- thank you for your time, I really need to get to the Ministry.”

“This way, sir.” Jeeves offered as he gestured to the front door.

“Good day, Mr Dumbledore.”

He gave her an annoyed look and then left as requested. “Mister, indeed,” Dumbledore grumbled as he walked down the walk. He’d a considerable walk as the entire area had an anti apparition field on it which had proved iron tight. Not that the Equestrian's hadn't given themselves an opening mind you. But just ponies. No other creature with the exception of phoenixes could penetrate the field.

Nova went back upstairs, and then she and Scootaloo went back through the fireplace.

“Nave-One and Scooter requesting clearance from Mountain home base, destination Ponyville,” Nova said on the radio as the two ponies walked towards the edge.

{Negative Nave, Princess Celestia wants you at the Sunrise dining room,} replied the pony working tower operations.

“Thank you tower,” Nova replied. “We’re going to go on down to the palace landing zone then.”

“You don’t want to go straight to the hallway?” Scootaloo asked.

“It’s getting too late in the morning. Too big of a risk.” Nova offered. “Now, follow me, do as I do, pay attention, and I’ll show you how to get down from a high altitude. Also, if in doubt, use your magic to slow yourself down.”

“Not going to wear drag shoots?” The guard stationed in the hanger asked.

“They make you were drag shoots?” Nova asked.

“Just the beginners, Ma’am.”

“Ya, I can kind of see that.” Nova offered. “I’m no beginner, and I can always grab her with my magic if I think she’s going to fast.” Nova trotted for the edge, said, “Come on rookie,” spread her wings and slowly glided out into the void.

“Who you calling rookie?” Scootaloo protested and followed after her.


“Wow, that was intense!” Scootaloo yelled as they came into land.

“Ya, it’s kind of scary the first time. Especially when you’re aiming for a specific spot.” Nova offered as she trotted up to her following her landing. “I learned to do that in Cloudsdale. Let's just say it’s a little less lethal for fliers who misjudge their speeds.” Nova looked at a pegasus guard noticing a smirk on their face. She smiled when his head gestured towards the guard standing next to him.

“Piled into a cloud did he?” Nova asked, and then trotted off with a big smile. Scootaloo looked, laughed, and then trotted after Nova.

When they arrived they saw a big black pegasus sitting next to Princess Celestia. The two seemed to be sharing some private joke. Harry, Hermione, Sweetie, Rarity, Alalme, Loki, and the foals were there.

“Who’s he?” Nova asked as she sat down between Alalme and Loki.

“He’s Serious.” Alalme offered.

“Doesn't look like he’s very serious to me,” Scootaloo said as she sat down on Loki’s other side.

“I think she means Sirius, as in Sirius Black.” Nova offered. “Good morning Aunt Tia, Mr Black, Harry, Hermione, Sweetie, Aunt Rarity, Goldwine, Alya, Rose, and dear sweet Alalme.” Nova leaned over and gave Alalme a kiss on the cheek.

“Where’s mine?” Scootaloo teased, and Nova turned, reached across Loki’s back and gave her a kiss.”

“Don’t I get at least a good morning?” Loki asked plaintively.

“Mmmorning.” Nova and Scootaloo say, each giving him a kiss at the same time.

Fwomp! Out came the wings.

“Good morning, did you get a chance to get some flying in?” Celestia asked.

“Just a bit.” Scootaloo offered.

“We popped up to the portal to get our flying gear, and found Professor Dumbledore waiting for us downstairs.” Nova offered.

“And what did that old curmudgeon want?” Mr Black asked.

“He didn’t seem too happy about my meddling with the Dursleys.”

“Do you think he knows?” Harry asked.

“I don’t think so,” Nova replied. “Anyway, he’s got something else to think about. I told him about the house-elf. But only after getting word that they’d identified him, and went to raid the master’s house at first light.” Nova began to help herself to a stack of pancakes. “He seemed most distressed by the news.”

“Well, we can add a little bit to that news.” Mr Black offered. “It seems Ron Weasley and the twins orchestrated a daring early morning raid on the Dursley home using a flying car of all things.”

“I’ve been rescued,” Harry announced. “And they got my school trunk.”

“Congratulations Harry.” Scootaloo offered.

“I imagine the twins are going to think it the world’s best prank when they find out they’ve rescued a changeling.” Hermione offered She’d been confused when she first heard the news and had to have it explained to her.

“Speaking of changing, did I mention Hedwig.” Harry offered.

“You said she was in the infirmary. Hang on, owls don’t typically go to the infirmary, we have Vets for owls. Did Hedwig change into something other than an owl?” Scootaloo asked.

“She turned into an adolescent Griffin,” Rarity offered. “And downright cute too.”

“Fortunately the cage sprung.” Harry offered in response to Nova and Scootaloo’s look of horror. “She’s going to be alright. It’s mostly malnourishment.”

“She will be alright. The cage did little harm.” Celestia offered. “I’m afraid she suffered far worse at the hands of the Dursleys. - And let me tell you, explaining it to the Griffin ambassador was not easy. He and his family, being owl types themselves, they weren’t very happy. Fortunately, Harry also being skin and bones was enough to convince him it wasn’t Harry's fault.”

“Are they going to press the matter?” Nova asked.

“We were able to impress upon the Ambassador that everything was well in hand, hoof, or talon as the case may be.” Sirius offered.


When they’d finished breakfasting, Nova, Scootaloo, Harry, Sweetie, and Hermione went down to the infirmary to check in on Hedwig.

“Harry!” Called a voice that could easily be either a filly or girl as they entered the room.

“Oh God, she’s so cute,” Hermione said softly. The ultra fluffy combo of owl and Snow Leopard kitten was almost too much.

“Princess Nova, and Louise. You came to visit me too?”

“How could we not?” Scootaloo replied cheerfully.

“We’d have come down yesterday if we hadn’t been so busy.” Nova offered. It had been a long day, but if any of what Harry had said had registered she’d have been down to the Infirmary to say hello.

“This is so cool. I just knew you were more then just an ordinary owl.” Scootaloo offered.

Harry pulled up a chair and sat down.

“It’s alright, Harry.” Hedwig offered. Though to be honest, Hermione looked far more concerned then Harry. “It’s not like either of us were given much of a choice.”

“Still, I just can’t help but feel bad.” Harry offered.

“It’s wrong, it’s just wrong,” Hermione said softly. “No creature should be made a slave to another. No creature should have to live in captivity forced to work for another.”

“Hermione, for what it’s worth, I didn’t know any better and I was happy with Harry.” Hedwig offered. “I was born an owl in captivity. But then, when it comes right down to it, the only time I wasn’t free to come and go whenever I wanted was when we were with the Dursleys. Coming here opened my eyes to possibilities I’d never dreamed of, and yet, I’d go back if it was to be with Harry.”

Oh.” Hermione found she was at a loss.

“The Dursleys made me cook and clean for them.” Harry reminded Hermione. “And I spent the first eleven years of my life in a cupboard under the stairs. - I’ve a world of reasons to never go back. Can you blame me? Even for one minute?”

If Hermione had been upset about the owls being little better then slaves, the not so subtle reminder that Harry had been little more then a slave himself in a home that was supposed to be his refuge had brought her to tears. Hermione went to Harry and did the best she could to hug him without falling down in the process.

“Well, I think it’s time for Scootaloo and me to get going to flight camp.” Nova offered. “Harry, will you be at flight camp?”

“No, they want me to build up more muscle. I’m doing physical therapy.” Harry offered. “They said I was too thin.”

“You are, Harry, you are way too thin,” Hermione said softly. “The difference was painfully evident when you were next to your double.” Hermione couldn't help but feel guilty too. All she’d worried about was the possibility that Harry might not come back to Hogwarts.

“Is Alalme and the foals here to?” Hedwig asked possibly hoping to get past what was turning into a very awkward moment. She was likely thinner then Harry was but there’d been no benchmark.

“They’ll be by later. No pony wanted to overwhelm you.” Nova offered with a smile. “And we’ll try to swing by just as often as we can.”

“Alright, we’ll see you later,” Scootaloo said and a moment later she and Nova were out the door.

“They are so cool,” Hedwig said moments later. “All of you are.”

“Wait, how’s that?” Hermione asked.

“Well, just think about it. Imagin we were back on earth and I’d suddenly turned into a human?”

“They… would likely assume you’d been an animagus.” Hermione offered as she mulled it over.

“They are ponies that can turn themselves into humans. Do you honestly think wizards would be able to accept it if they knew the truth?” Harry asked.

“I… Probably not,” Hermione admitted.

“Princess Nova and Princess Louise are way up at the top of the pecking order, and they’re willing to accept me on equal terms. Me. Who used to be just another owl prior to coming through that portal. - That’s what makes them cool.”

“Say, wouldn't that be cool if you could learn our transformation spell?” Sweetie prompted.

“Ooo, that would be super awesome. Then if we were to go back we could all hang out together and I wouldn't have to travel in a cage either.” Hedwig replied delightedly.

“Good morning Harry.” said a Nurse as she wheeled in a wheelchair.

“Good morning Nurse Blossom. What’s with the wheelchair?” Harry asked.

“Today Miss Hedwig gets to go with you.”

“Hurrah,” Hedwig said delightedly.


“Where have you been!” Mrs Weasley shouted at the four boys. Fred, George, Ron, and Outcast Number Eighty-six. Agent Eighty-six as they preferred, and they were presently playing the role of a very emaciated Harry Potter. *“Beds empty! No note! Car gone – could have crashed – out of my mind with worry – did you care? Never – as long as I’ve lived – you wait until your father gets home, we never had trouble like this from Bill or Percy.”

*“Perfect Percy,” Muttered Fred, and then Mrs Weasly started in all over again starting with *“You could do with taking a leaf out of Percy’s book!”

Agent 86 just stood there and tried to look like they were overwhelmed by the onslaught, but then again, being a love bug had it’s advantages. The amount of love pouring out was staggering, and it was all they could do to not overindulge and get drunk off of it.

Mrs Weasley kept going for what seemed hours and then rounded on Agent 86, AKA Harry Potter.

*“I’m very pleased to see you, Harry, dear...” Her mind seemed to come to a screeching halt at the sight of the malnourished boy in front of her. A moment later Harry found themselves at the breakfast table as Molly began dishing up a heaping pile of food. She then plopped it down in front of him and ordered him to eat.

“That’s alright, I’ve had plenty to eat.” Harry offered as Ron and the twins sat down at the table to have breakfast.

“Not by the looks of you, now eat.” Mr’s Weasley’s tone gave Harry to understand they’d no choice in the matter.

‘Mother never said there would be days like this.’ Agent 86 said to themselves as they picked up a fork. The kitchen was small and quite cramped, more so do to the clutter than the size of the space. A wooden table and chairs took up a sizable portion and cupboards lined most of the wall. There were cutting boards, a sizable sink, and an old wood stove. And the most curious thing present was an old grandfather clock with a multitude of arms on it, each with a small picture of a member of the family. The arms for Ron, Fred, George, and Mrs Weasley all pointed at home. Percy Weasley’s pointed to work, an individual named Charlie had theirs pointed to work, it moved to mortal peril for a moment, then back to work, and Mr Weasley’s seemed to be stuck at Mortal peril.

‘Well, that can’t be good.’ Agent 86 wondered as they made a valiant effort to shove food into an already compacted body. It was beginning to look like if they were going to consume all that food they were just going to have to let the belt out.

Every now and then Mrs Weasly would look at the clock, fret a bit, and then go back to fussing over the boy she thought was Harry. Upon one of the shelves, an old radio in a wooden box played soothing music. It didn’t seem to be helping. She relaxed when the pointer for Mr Weasley switched to work. She pulled up a chair and sat down and let out a heavy sigh.

“Mom?” Ron asked. “Are you alright?”

“You take off to who knows where, your father has been in mortal peril all morning, and you want to know if I’m alright?”

Author's Note:

Yes, I got into some really controversial stuff in this one. Hermione fears losing Harry to Equestria, suddenly she is face to face with a version of Hedwig that can talk and reason. She knows what it'll mean for Hedwig to return to Earth. Now Hermione can see the wizards' owls as slaves and not just really clever pets, and unlike the house-elves, the owls never had a choice. But then the conversation takes a twist and we are reminded that Harry was little better than a slave in his own home and the owls aren't really that bad off. After all, an owl can just leave if it wants to. Except Hedwig while at the Dursleys. The Dursleys are horrible people, and we've no way of knowing if maybe Professor Dumbledore might have had a hand in that. After all, what Dumbledore wants is a nice malleable Harry who will do whatever he wants.

*Denotes lines out of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

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