• Published 22nd Sep 2018
  • 3,596 Views, 360 Comments

Ponies in Hogwarts [Edited] - KittyrinnAiko

A pony stranded in the past must go to another dimension and learn the ways of wizards before she can return to her own time.

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Chapter 35 Mission Inconceivable.

A strange-looking bird that looked more like a fox than a bird silently glided through the back yards of Privet Drive. You know, the mostly white one with black legs and a black-tipped foxtail. Sure the muggles saw it, but their minds could only compute - wings - must be a bird, and then they go about whatever it was they were doing. From its mouth hung a bag from a popular fast food outlet. She glided up to a house with bars on one window in the back and landed on the topmost of the bars.

“Harry. Harry.” Nova called quietly while pinning the bag with a paw.

Pop! “Give it here! Nasty fox. Mustn't help Harry.” Said a strange little man with not but a pillowcase for clothing. “Harry must not go to Hogwarts.”

“Bucking elf!” Nova growled, dropped the bag through the bars, and lunged at the house-elf. Nova had gambled that if she were to fly in looking like an owl delivery the House Elf might not realize the funny fox with wings was anything more. Nova snapped at the fingers of the right-hand good and hard drawing blood and eliciting an anguished cry. Again at the left hand, grabbed his body with her front paws and with a mighty stroke of her wings pushed it strait for the ground transforming into her pony form as she went so as to slam him down with her hooves.

It was all over in seconds, and barely that. The house-elf known as Dobby now lay unconscious at the bottom of a sizable crater. A moment later agents in black suits came streaming into the yard. They descended on the scene pulling Nova to the side, and then quickly wrapped Dobby’s fingers in thick heavy gauze. A moment later they had him in a specially enchanted cage with cuffs of meteoric iron set apart to keep the house-elf from pulling the bandages off its fingers. Or at the very least prevent the poor thing from punishing itself for failing in whatever mission it had been sent on.

“Hear now, what’s all this!” Mr Dursley demanded as he burst out the back door of number four Privet Drive. He stopped short at the sight of what could only be government agents caging an enormous hideously deformed rat. Or at least that’s what he thought he saw.

“Nothing to see here, Mr Dursley.” Nova offered and made a motion with her hoof that perhaps he’d best go in.

Now see here, I’ll not be ordered about by a pegasus no matter how cute.” Mr Dursley said sternly.

Pony!” Shouted Dudley.

“Shit no!” Nova exclaimed, reared up, and transformed into her human form. “You stop right there Mister!”

“Mummy!” Dudley exclaimed as he skids to a halt, spun… he was surprisingly agile for his girth and ran back into the house.


“Yes, and no, I’m not one of them. I just know how to play their game. And a damn sight better then they do.” Nova offered. “That thing that looks like a cross between a rat and a hobbit is a familiar of sorts, sent here to do heaven knows what.” Nova turned back to the agents to look at Dobby as the cage was then transferred into an animal crate. The house-elf was still breathing, but then again, Nova wasn’t feeling too charitable considering the trouble the creature had caused. “Now...” Nova said as a smile crossed her face. “I believe you were in a meeting with a Mr Hooker and Gondoriff. It’s quite alright they are my agents after all. I am a princess of another country, and your company does make excellent drills. Good quality drills are difficult to come by in Eques.”

“Well just let ourselves out through the gate. It’ll be like we were never here.” One of the agents offered as they carried the crate around to the side of the house.

“Good job gentlemen,” Nova said as they rounded the corner of the house, and then she let herself into the house and saw her way through to the parlor where they were meeting. Mr Flim and fl… I mean Mr Hooker and Gondoriff stood up and bowed. The two men were presently wearing pinstripe suits, their short cut red and white hair had been dyed to a sensible auburn bordering on a rather boring shade of dark brown. Nova’s own outfit, the latest from France, was in stark contrast.

“Your highness.” They both said at once.

“It’s the foreign princess.” Mrs Dursley said in a hushed voice. Dudley was presently hiding behind her.

“I’m sorry I gave you a fright,” Nova said to Dudley and made a polite bow to him. “And a big man like you doesn’t really want a pony anyway. What you need is a horse. A nice big one. I’d say a Shire horse is what a young man like you needs.” The Shire is also the largest of the Draft horse breeds.

“Your Majesty.” Mrs Dursley offered while giving a rather awkward curtsy reminiscent of a giraffe. Nova returned with a correct curtsy rather than point out the woman’s gaff.

“Do please pardon my intrusion into your lovely home.” Nova offered.

“That’s perfectly alright.” Petunia replied. “Would you like some tea?”

“I’d love a cup,” Nova replied and moved to an open seat while Petunia silently ordered her son and husband to sit down.

“One lump or two?” Petunia asked as Dudley and Mr Dursley returned to their seats.

“Just the one, thank you please.”

“You’ll forgive me if it’s not as good as her Majesty's” Petunia offered while fiddling with the teapot.

“If you mean the tea at the garden party I suspect it’s a blend of Black tea from the Kandy region of Sri Lanka and Earl gray likely from the mainland of India. Robust, yet mild with hints of herbs de Provence. It’s loose leaf tea, and they serve quite a lot of it at the garden parties. Though I am to understand Her Majesty takes Twinings tea with her when traveling.” Nova reached over and accepted. She paused a moment as the not so gentle fragrance of the tea assaulted her nose. Church tea it was, with its distinctive aroma that hinted at melting Styrofoam.

“Oh do forgive me. Would you like some milk?” Petunia asked.

“Oh, yes, please,” Nova replied setting the cup down.

Petunia picked up a pitcher and poured in some milk, took a spoon, started to stir it in a circular motion, stopped, and gently moved the spoon back and forth.

“Thank you,” Nova replied with her best warm smile. She leaned in and whispered conspiratorially, “Her Majesty will give it a good twirl if she thinks no one is watching. - Mum’s the word though.” Nova gave a wink picked up the teacup and leaned back again. “And now I fear I’ve interrupted an important meeting. - Oh, but you are probably wondering about what was going outback.

“What I’m going to tell you is strictly confidential.” Nova offered. “M. I. Six stuff. And yes, it has everything to do with the M-word. I and a specially recruited task-force are working for Her Majesty’s government in an effort to reign in the excesses of a certain criminal element of a certain underground society. I can tell you this much because you and yours have been, rather, unfortunately, have been, and still are being victimized by them. Our agents just rounded up a creature that had been helping themselves to your mail.”

“Our Mail?” Mr Dursley asked.

“Indeed they have, and Her Majesty's government frowns on such activities.” Mr Hooker offered.

“We were indeed aware that this had been happening.” Mr Gondoriff offered.

“Which, I’m sad to say is why we brought up the request that you sell us your home as well as the drill order.” Mr Hooker explained.

“Mrs Figg is one of them. She spies for Dumbledore.” Nova informed them.

“Sweet Mrs Figg?” Petunia asked. “I’m shocked.”

“Always the person you least expect.” Mr Gondoriff offered with a hint of disappointment in his tone as though he himself had known the woman.

“Mr and Mrs Dursley, I authorized these fine gentlemen to not only make an order for your company’s fine drills but to give you the means to quietly slip away. Go on vacation, buy a house on the Mediterranean, get a new house in a respectable neighborhood, and get away from the wizards. We are also offering to take one Mr Potter off your hands. He is the sole reason you are being targeted, and it’s only a matter of time. Mail theft today, unexplained accidents tomorrow.”

Nova could see the Dursleys were struggling. They wanted to sign, greed and fear are powerful motivators, but then Professor Dumbledore's spells started to kick in. Not that Nova hadn’t been prepared.

“I know you want to say yes. I know that deep down you do care about Harry even if it doesn’t always show.” Nova offered as she silently began pulling at the frayed strings of Dumbledore's spells. “And trust me when I say my family can keep him safe. Her Majesty trusts me, and so can you.”

That did it.

“We’ll sign.” Mr Dursley said sounding quite determined. Nova smiled as the compulsion spells crackled and dissipated like so much dust in the wind.

“What about my stuff?” Dudley asked.

“Buy new stuff.” Nova offered. “Take only the things that matter the most and leave everything else. As far as the neighbors are concerned, you are going on vacation. It’ll be a brand new start. Think of the places you’ll see, and all the new things you’ll get.”

Outside a pair of Aurors can be seen coming down the street. They stop and watch as the men in suits load a crate into a van that has only just arrived. A couple of men get in, close the doors, and drive off. The other’s wait outside by a couple of large black sedans.

“Something I can do for you gentlemen?” asked a man now standing right behind them. They were sure he hadn’t been there a moment before. They wore gray suits so as to not stand out, but these men were in black.

“Uh, we were just passing through.” One of the Aurors offered as they slowly turned to face the man. “We live just up the road.”

“Do you now? I could have sworn you were Aurors. - Her Majesty's Postal Service, investigations division. We were having issues with someone pilfering the mail. You wouldn't happen to know anything about it would you?”

“You’re not with the postal service.”

“How about Postal Intelligence Special Investigations Bureau.” Offered another agent. The two were now surrounded by agents. “Or PIB if you like. We take mail theft very serious.”

“I’d say you two gentlemen need to come with us and answer some questions.” Other agents said. They clearly weren’t giving them a choice in the matter.

“It’s alright, I know those two men.” Offered a small woman in a yellow faded paisley dress, and oversize fluffy novelty slippers that looked like a cat may have vomited on them. She also smelled. Not so much an old person smell, but the sort of musty urine stench of someone with way too many animals.

“And do they live in the neighborhood?”

Well no.

The next thing Mrs Figg new she and the two gentlemen callers were being loaded into a police van and carted off. Minus their wands which had mysteriously gone missing.

Inside the Dursley residence, the activity outside had gone completely unnoticed.

“She can be a bit of a pest.” Nova was saying. Petunia wanted to know all about Nova’s bird. “She’s a Caribbean Phoenix. They are part of the parrot family. There are quite a few on our home island as we never had people coming in and shooting them all like elsewhere. And it’s impossible to trap them because they are the world’s best escape artists.”

“Well, how’d you get yours then?” Dudley demanded.

“I impressed on her when she was a tiny baby. Now she follows me just about everywhere I go whether I want her to or not.”

And upstairs Harry had been alerted by the activity going on outside his window. Seeing the bag he thrust open the window, snatched it into his room for fear Dudley would see it, and take it from him. Inside he found not only a burger fries and shake, but there was also pelleted food for Hedwig.

“Hedwig, food,” Harry said as he got out the owl food. Hedwig squawked excitedly. “Shhhh shhh, we wouldn't want Dudley to know we have food up here.”

Hedwig greedily gobbled up the food.

“Not too much at once.” Harry cautioned, and then retrieved the burger. He unwrapped it, his mouth-watering as the aroma tantalized, and took a big bite heedless of the juices dripping down his chin. It wasn’t until he’d licked every last morsel of food clean from the packaging that he finally noticed the note.

Pack your things and be ready.

Harry’s heart leapt for joy and gathered up what little he had. Having no suitcase he chose to wrap the few belongings that were his in an old warn shirt. At least Dudley’s clothing was good for something. As for his trunk, and everything from the wizarding world, that was all downstairs in the cupboard under the stairs.

Worse come to worse he’d leave it all behind. The Dursleys didn’t have his vault key after all as he’d thought to fasten it to his neck on a string. He could buy everything from scratch.

“Ah!” Harry said in alarm as his room filled with light.

Hedwig had been alarmed as well, but then stopped. Harry looked in the direction of the cage only to see Phenik sitting on top of where Hedwig’s cage had been a moment later. Portions of the old dresser the cage was on had vanished as well. Harry’s smile erupted just about as big as it could go with the realization that Nova must have exhausted all avenues, and was now making it possible for him to run away. Phenik let out a chirp and vanished. Harry pulled the cloak down wondering why the Phoenix couldn't just spirit him away. He pulled Hedwig’s cage down, took it, his meager possessions, and the cloak over to a corner of the room near the door. He wasn’t about to leave Hedwig behind. Once there, he sat down and covered himself and Hedwig up with the invisibility cloak.

And there he sat.

He’d been sitting there the better part of an hour when he heard someone coming up the steps. From the sounds of it, it was Uncle Dursley by the sound of the heavy footfalls. Harry could hear the sound of locks being unlocked, and the door started to creak open.

Something, some insect – small bird, something zipped into the room, and suddenly Harry saw himself sitting on his bed. Harry was gobsmacked.

“Look alive Harry, sneak out while I cover for you,” the Harry on the bed whispered.

The door opened, and Mr Dursley walked in. “Harry...” He took a few steps in and then stopped. “I, um...” Mr Dursley seemed to be struggling about something? “I, um...”

Harry wasn’t sure why but it occurred to him, that Princess Nova might be downstairs at that very moment trying to procure his release, but for whatever reason, Mr Dursley had inexplicably found himself at an impasse. The fact that he wasn’t registering the lack of an owl suggested heavily that Mr Dursley was under the influence of some kind of spell. It would also explain why Phenik didn’t simply take Harry out the same way he’d come in. Harry had to get himself out.

Harry stood up, picking up his things, Hedwig’s cage, and slipped out the door behind Mr Dursley.

“Harry, where’s your owl?”

Harry cringed on hearing that, but on hearing his own voice answer that Hedwig was at Mrs Figgs he decided he’d better hurry along. Down the stairs, he went as quickly and quietly as he could.

And there she was, sitting in the parlor having tea with the Dursleys. Though who the two men were was a mystery to him. There she was smiling, and chatting away, she looked right at him, held up her teacup to shield her mouth from Aunt Petunia and Dudley and mouthed the words, don’t just stand there.

Mr Dursley was coming down the stairs.

Back door, mouthed Nova.

Harry quickly flew into action, and made for the back door, which he found was wide open.

Mr Dursley was now back in the parlor giving some mouthy excuse as to why he, Harry, wasn’t coming down.

“Oh, that’s a shame. I was so hoping he could come with us now. We’ve a car waiting out in front.” Nova said plenty loud enough for Harry to hear.

Out the back door, Harry went, and around the side to the gate, which was also open. Harry shuffled out the gate into the front and had a quick look around. There were a couple of large sedans out front, and a few houses up, one of the neighbors was letting the water run down the street while they pretended not to be looking at the goings-on at number four. Harry made his way to the car, and then wondered what he was supposed to do next.

“You’re Highness, the water is running down the street, and the grass has bent.” A man said from one of the cars. Harry looked at him thinking to himself, what a strange thing to say. Harry looked about wondering what would happen next. He realized that he couldn't very well open the door of the car with the woman down the street watching, and then the front door of the house opened. Nova was standing in the doorway, a man got out of the car, and opened the back door of the lead car.

The way into the car was open.

Harry bent down, and maneuvered himself into the back, pulling Hedwig's cage along with him, and shuffled over to the other side with Hedwig in the middle.

Nova exited the house followed by the two men she’d been with, went to the car with the open door, and got in. The two men went to the car that was behind them and got in.

“We can go, there’s nothing more for us here,” Nova said. The door was closed, the man who’d opened the door for her, presumably for her, got in the front, and they drove off.

“Don’t uncover just yet.” Nova offered.

“There’s a spell of some kind designed to keep me there, isn’t there?” Harry asked.

“Indeed there is, but it doesn’t stop you from leaving of your own accord,” Nova offered. “Funny thing about running water. It’s known to disrupt area effect spells. Soon as you crossed that little trickle of water running down the street you crossed outside of the effective range. - At this point, I just don’t want anyone to see you in our car.”

“So, um, who was that in my room?”

“Would you believe an associate of Mrs Norris?” Nova replied with a lilt to her voice.

“Mrs Norris?”

“Oh, what would Dumbledore think if he knew?” The driver offered while the man who’d opened the door chuckled.

“Dumbledore?” Harry asked.

“Let's not forget that it was Dumbledore who put you with the Dursleys. That much you know.” Nova reminded him. “The thing is, he didn’t put you there to keep you safe as we first believed, he put you there so you’d be grateful to him for taking you into his school. And no, Hogwarts is not the only school of wizarding. Harry your life is still in danger. The reason why you haven't heard from anyone is because a house-elf was making sure you stayed isolated. Why I can’t even begin to guess other than to try to convince you that no one cared. He wanted to break you, Harry. That’s all I can think of. He wanted to break you.”

“Does that have something to do with the scuffle I heard outside?” Harry asked. If what Nova had just told him had made him angry, sad, or upset in any way, his tone wasn’t showing it.

“You didn’t have a look?” Nova asked sounding concerned.

“Afraid the only thing I cared about was eating that burger before Dudley smelled it, and demanded I give it to him.”

“Was it that bad?” Nova asked softly.

“Yes. And the worst part is my wand is still there.”

“I was afraid that might be the case.” Nova offered. “It’s in your trunk I gather. No matter, you won’t need it until school starts.”

“And right now I’m glad you kept the invisibility cloak. - How are you able to see me anyway?”

“It’s not like I can see you per se, I can see magical auras. Afraid that right now you just sort of look like a blob to me.”

“How’d you know it was me then?”

“Process of elimination. That and I can kind of feel your presence. You know, the whole you got a little of me, and I got a little of you?” Nova offered. “Bottom line is I kind of know when you aren’t happy, and it gets under my skin making me antsy.”

“I guess I can kind of feel that connection too. Kind of helped keep me going because I knew that wherever you were you were happy.”

For a while, there was just the sound of the road and the traffic, the conversation having hit an awkward pause.

“I didn’t understand how bad it was.” Harry continued. “I was happy at Hogwarts. And miserable with the Dursleys. No friends. I’ve never been so alone. And you’re saying Dumbledore wanted me to be miserable?”

“It was to keep you safe, Harry.” Nova offered. “At least that’s what he tells everyone. Possibly even himself.” Nova had to take a moment before continuing. “If he truly wanted to keep you safe he would have gotten you out of the country. Given you a new name. You would never have known. He could have sent you to America to live with the Mackintosh family. He would have known them, they used to be the caretakers and gamekeepers at Hogwarts. They are good people, Harry. They left during the first Wizard War. They moved to a little town in America called Canterlot. You would have been safe and happy with them. Dumbledore could have sent you anywhere. Get you as far away from England as possible. Not like there weren’t plenty of orphans being sent off to relatives. You’d have been just one of many, and quickly lost in the shuffle. Why even tell anyone that you lived? Dumbledore could have taken the credit to keep you safe, but no, he gives you credit for something you didn’t even do.”

“You were bait, Harry. You’re his insurance against Mr Riddle.”

“You mean Volde...”

“Call a scoundrel by his true name, Harry. Always call them by their true name. That’s the thing about bullies with delusions of grandeur, they always like to give themselves grandiose names. Call them by their true name because they hate it.”

“You’re a princess.” Harry offered.

“A princess who’s perfectly happy being called by name without titles tacked on.” The driver offered.

“Princess by birth.” Nova offered. “All it means is I’ve an old family who is well placed in their country. Accident of birth. Goddess of thunder. It’s a nickname, not an actual title. I can break the sound barrier and manipulate lightning.”

“Neither of which I can do.” Harry offered. “I can’t seem to do much of anything.”

“That’s what friends are for. Getting past Dumbledore's trap was a team effort. Why even one of your neighbors helped. Not that they were aware that they helped.”

“Did you put a spell on her?” Harry asked.

“Didn’t have to. It was her own curiosity working in our favor.” The agent in the front passenger seat offered. “Although, I will have to say that the tendency of the people wizards call muggles to water pavement seems a bit odd to me.”

“I never really thought of that.” Harry offered, and then let out a short burst of laughter. It was a quiet sort of laughter that spoke more of relief then mirth. The sort that hinted the individual might also be on the verge of breaking down to have a good cry.

“The irony is that if she had been a spy for Dumbledore, witting or not, she actually helped us by running that water.” Nova offered with a cheeky smile. Harry just quietly chuckled.

“So where to now?” Harry managed to ask.

“You’ll see. Just stay undercover until I tell you it’s safe.”

“Alright. Have you heard from anyone else?”

“Of course I have. We’ve all been writing to you. It’s when you didn’t write back that we started to get really worried about you. We saw Hermione and Ron at a derby. I tried to pick you up, but you’d gone somewhere. No one there but that house-elf.”

“The Dursleys had suddenly gotten it into their heads to go to a museum of all places the other day.” Harry offered. “Would that be when you came by?”

“That would be it,” Nova replied.

“Miss Nova won the junior race at the derby.” the driver offered.

“You rode a pony?” Harry asked.

“Don’t be silly, I am the pony,” Nova informed him with a big smile. “Ron’s little sister was my jockey.”

“Ron has a little sister?”

“It’s not like they never mentioned having a sister. And I’m gathering you’ve figured out that I’m also a pony.” Nova teased. Harry laughed. After that Nova told him all about the derby and how Trixie had put Louise and herself on the spot. Nova hadn’t been too happy about it as it wasn’t widely known that she and Louise could transform. Though she did have to admit that with the rumor mills working, it was bound to get out sooner or later. She was even less happy about Rose being outed, but the people at the derby had all shown themselves to be quite friendly to the Equestrians. At least they only knew for sure about Nova and Scootaloo. Secrets that weren’t likely to remain secret too long because far too many people knew.

“Now, there’s something I need to warn you about so that you don’t go into a panic.” Nova offered as they drove down the streets of central London. “We are going to pull into an alley that’s about a block up from Diagon Alley. There is a portal there that leads to Eques. There will be a car waiting. I’m going to get out and make it look like I’m stretching my legs. The portal is in the wall, and I’ll walk over to it, and stretch. I want you to go through the portal.

“Harry, this is important,” Nova stressed. “It’s going to be a bit topsy turvy, and when you emerge from the other side you will have probably been turned into a horse. Or to be more precise a pony. There will be someone waiting, and they will all be ponies. Do you think you can manage without having some kind of freak out?”

“I’ll be turned into a pony?”

“More than likely yes. The thing is we kind of misled people. We aren’t people who can turn into ponies, it’s the other way around. And we aren’t from an island in the Caribbean. “That’s just a portal location, and we’ve set up a front for the sake of appearances. Equestria is in an area some might call wizard space. But to be perfectly honest, it’s a whole different dimension. At least so far as we can tell.”

“And what about school?”

“That will be entirely up to you. Not like we can’t go back and forth at any time we want.” Nova offered. “We’ve already invited Hermione to come to visit.”

“Not Ron?”

“Not just yet. Though I may or may not abduct Coco as well. We saw her at the derby with her mother. There was no sign of her father so we’ve no idea how he feels about her, or if he even knows.”

“Does seem kind of strange that Draco might be happier as a girl.” Harry offered.

“Harry, for what it’s worth, from what Draco has said to me, he may have had it worse than you have. On top of that, he’s been trying to live up to some very unreasonable expectations. Wanting to be a girl with all that piled on top and the potential outcome of how Wizards might react to him... Draco should have been in Gryffindor because I’ve never met a braver girl in my life. As for the whole switching genders, we have potions for that. It’s not some big taboo like it seems to be with humans.”

“So what’s it like being a pony?”

“Ponies don’t really have the same kind of hang-ups humans have. They are much more loving and accepting.” Nova offered. “It’s not like we don’t have hang-ups, it’s just that I doubt any pony would care if a pony wanted to switch genders permanently.” Nova had to admit to herself that Ponies did have some interesting hang-ups, but at least they weren’t as bad as humans. “We’re not perfect mind you, but it’s nothing compared to what I’ve seen of Wizard society.”

“Do you really have, like, group marriages?”

“We are ponies. We herd. It’s a perfectly natural thing. It makes taking care of the little ones easier, and we all share in the cost of keeping a roof over our heads. In many ways, it’s just practical.”

“I guess I never really thought about it. I mean the whole being a practical thing. - Oh, hey, that was the Leaky Cauldron.”

“We are almost there,” Nova replied. “When you go through, that’s when it’ll be alright to take off the invisibility cloak.”

The next few minutes were silent. The car slowed, turned down an alley, slowed, and stopped. The agent in the passenger seat got out, closed his door, opened Nova’s door, and then went to open the door on the car that was ahead of them. Nova got out and started milling about the way some people do after a long drive. She waited as Harry slowly got out of the car, and walked forward of the cars and stopped. Harry followed along feeling the wall, and then stopped when the wall just wasn’t there anymore. Sure he could see that there was a wall, but his hand was telling him it wasn’t there. Harry looked at Nova who seemed to be watching the people go by out on the street. She had a smile on her face and gave him a wink. Harry faced the wall, held Hedwig’s cage tight, and stepped into the wall. Nova walked forward and got into the lead car. The doors were shut, the car drove down to the other end of the alley, and turned back out onto the streets of London. Even if they had been tracked, the portal was going to be closed as soon as Harry emerged on the other side leaving nothing but a trace of magic that would blend in with the trace magic of wizards who routinely teleported in and out of that very same alley.

Author's Note:

What will Harry become? A unicorn maybe? Perhaps a pegasus? Or will he be something else, something more?

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