• Published 23rd Jun 2019
  • 11,160 Views, 365 Comments

Anon-A-Miss: Another Way - King_Again

"Why are you being so nice to me?" ... "Look, just because we're rivals doesn't mean I can't be nice to you."

  • ...

I~The Bridge

The Bridge


We trusted you!

Did our friendship mean nothing to you, bitch!?

How could you!?

Yer not welcome here!

The wind blew cold as words began echoing in her mind, almost taunting her. They always found their way back into her mind these days. Even if she tried her hardest to push them away, they always found their route back in. It didn't help with the way her former friends kept looking at her with anger, betrayal, and all things bad. They did nothing to help her because they thought she was the one behind the lastest school-taring act.


So deadly it would rip away friendships before they even got a chance to grow. Everyone knew someone had behind it, and who did they think about first? Her. Yes. Everyone thought Sunset Shimmer was back to her old tricks, even after she fought so hard to prove she wasn't that type of person anymore. But everyone thought she was because hello, Anon-A-Miss was pushing everyone apart.

Sunset had tried so many times to make them all see she wasn't. She didn't even know the account's password when her former friends tried to make her delete the account! She had even shown them she was blocked out of it because of the many times she failed to enter the password. But no. They still didn't believe her. They all thought she was back to no good and refused to listen to her.

What made matters worse was Rainbow Dash had Gilda and some of her friends ambush Sunset. Right after school, Rainbow texted Sunset to meet her behind the gym to talk, and foolishly, Sunset thought that maybe Rainbow saw the errors in her ways and wanted to amend things with her. No. It was anything but. Sunset didn't even have time to react before the first punch hit her stomach, then her face, and so on. By the time it was over, Sunset couldn't even stand, but she was alive. Somehow. Gilda and her lackeys left before anyone else could see them, leaving Sunset alone in the shivering cold.

From that moment on, Sunset didn't speak.

When she did speak, it was only to teachers, the Cakes in placing her order for something to drink or eat, but that was it. Nothing else. There was one last time when she spoke to the Rainbooms. That was in Sugarcube Corner. Sunset had just gotten a drink when Rainbow and the others walked in to see her and they got angry. She didn't know why. She was just getting something to drink.

The Cakes, of course, intervened. It was their business at stake and they wouldn't allow a fallout to happen right in the middle of service. They chewed the living hell out of the Rainbooms for attacking a customer, and then gave Sunset a new, free, drink to go before Sunset walked out of there, not coming back while the Rainbooms were there at all. Which would be some time considering they were always there.

Days passed, and it got worse each time.

It ended at the point where Sunset began cutting. Up her arms, thighs, and on her stomach. Anywhere people wouldn't see. On her arms, it was higher up, so if she wore short-sleeved shirts, they wouldn't see them, but that never happened. It was Winter for crying out loud. The thighs were self explanatory, no one would even dare to see her thighs. Her stomach... she didn't know why on her stomach. It just came to her and she began going at it because her mind wasn't straight, and neither were her actions at the time. She just felt... numb.

Sunset felt nothing.

Not a thing.

Now, after today's school, she was standing at the tallest bridge she could think about. It was a good height. Perfect for jumping off. Her mind was shut off. Despite how hard her heart was begging her to head away, because someone would either see her or just think she was looking out at the water blow, but mostly because her heart didn't want to stop flowing blood just yet.

It wanted her to keep on living but her mind was yelling at her otherwise. Her mind was throwing out the big stops. Words of anger from her former friends and classmates, flashing to all the horrible moments, and it was working. Her mind was doing this to get her to end it all.

One side was doing more than the other.

We trusted you!

Did our friendship mean nothing to you, bitch!?

How could you!?

Yer not welcome here!

Ah, yes. Applejack's words. They hurt the most. Sunset, at one point, really thought the Element of Honesty could see she wasn't lying. But no. Even the most honest element of harmony couldn't even see when the truth was being told and when a lie was throwing at them.

Perhaps she should've thrown backs at Applejack to hurt her more than she was being hurt, but she didn't. She couldn't. Why? Because it would prove they were right. People would love that though, wouldn't they?

To know Sunset was still her old self.

"Jumping is the stupidest way to go."

Sunset jumped at the sudden voice. It broke her deep thoughts as she whipped her head around to see a girl standing right there, behind her. A stachel swung over her shoulder, a Shadowbolt uniform with a deep blueish(maybe purple) jacket fit for a winter's day, white and very light blue hair thrown into two ponytails, and a fitting pair of orange glasses.

"S...Sugarcoat?" Sunset whispered out her name, having to met the girl at the last set of Friendship games. The girl didn't look impressed at all. "What... what are you doing out here?"

"Walking home." Sugarcoat replied in her usual tone. "Like I said, jumping is the stupidest way to go."

"How do you even know I was jumping?"

Sugarcoat walked towards her more and looked out at the water. "You had that look," She replied. "The whole 'kill me now' look."

Sunset shifted awkwardly as she thought about Sugarcoat's words. "I didn't," She stuttered out, crossing her arms to keep herself from shivering from the cold. "I was... just looking at the water. That's all."

"Without a jacket?" Sugarcoat questioned, noting the way Sunset didn't have a jacket on.

"I'm not cold."

Sugarcoat didn't buy it.

"You're shivering, and you're 'not' cold?" She clicked her tongue. "Lier. Here." Sunset watched as Sugarcoat pulled out another jacket from her stachel. "I always keep a spare jacket in my bag."

"You have two jackets, Rarity?"

"Of course, darling! I'm not an animal! Who knows when you need a spare jacket?"

Sunset pushed the thought back and took the jacket from Sugarcoat. It was soft and fuzzy. Perfect for keeping out the cold, and she gave the Shadowbolt a grateful smile. "Thanks."

"What were you jumping for?"

"Wow, you are not subtle are you?" Sunset joked, and Sugarcoat shook her head. Sunset cleared her throat and shifted nervously once more. She didn't know if she should share this or not. "Just... it's life, y'know? It's hard to explain and it'll take a really long time."

"We have plenty of time."

Sunset gave a sigh, seeing her own breath in the cold winter's air. "You're not letting this go, are you?" She asked quietly.

"No, I'm not," Sugarcoat replied.

"I rather not talk about this, Sugarcoat."

Sugarcoat crossed her arms, and gave Sunset a hard glare, and Sunset swore it could match and rival AJ's own glare. "Well, how do I know you're not going to try this again if I leave?" Sunset blinked, and Sugarcoat went on speaking. "Last time I left, the one I saw jumped the second I turned around and took a foot off the roof."

"Wait... you've seen someone die before?" Sunset asked, voice barely above whisper.

"I have. They were pretty bad at hiding their feelings, but no one seemed to notice but me. Now, tell me."

It took Sunset two minutes of silence before everything began pouring out. How it all started, what happened the day Gilda ambushed her, and how the fallout in Sugarcube Corner went down despite getting another free drink, and the best part of this rant? Sugarcoat stayed silent. She didn't once interrupt the Wondercolt's rant of anger about how she was wrongfully accused.

When it all ended, Sunset had to take a few deep breaths. One look at Sugarcoat's unmoved expressionless face told her that maybe her words went in one ear and out the other until she heard Sugarcoat give off a deep sigh and look towards the Canterlot High School. What idiots.

Who said Crystal Prep Academy was bad at friendship when Canterlot High was so quick to accuse someone who didn't get a right to explain their side of the story?

"They're idiots," Sugarcoat finally said. "A bunch of idiots."

"Sugarcoat...?" Sunset whispered out as Sugarcoat went on a rant. Each word becoming more and more known with anger and Sunset didn't think she saw this side of the usually calm girl. "Sugarcoat!" She finally shouted, mid-rant. "Enough! I know you're mad from the way you're yelling but-"

"But what?" Sugarcoat growled. "They're morons for not allowing you to speak, who judge too quickly, and I know at my school we're like that but we give a chance to explain! Who says CPA is bad when it's clearly CHS who's even more worse at friendship than us!?"

Sunset gulped, "I know... but Crystal Prep does have a reputation for beating Canterlot High's ass in the Friendship games, surely you can get your anger off by practicing?"

"No." Sugarcoat shook her head. "Practice doesn't start until Spring."

"That explains the whole level up..." Sunset whispered under her breath before shaking her head, offering her hand to the Shadowbolt but lowering her hand when Sugarcoat gave her a look. "Let's go get something to drink at Sugarcube Corner. My treat for saving me."

Sugarcoat rose an eyebrow, "Isn't it suppose to be my treat? I literally saved your ass."

Sunset laughed, "Fine, fine. It's both of our treats. Just different reasons."

"Fine. But I'm paying for yours."

"And I'm paying for yours."

It didn't make much sense, but it was a start. Perhaps by talking with Sugarcoat, she could finally make it out of there alive until Winter Break was over and this whole thing could be finished. After all, there was no way it would go on over Winter Break!

Anon-A-Miss surely mustn't have that much free time on their hands.