• Published 23rd Jun 2019
  • 11,161 Views, 365 Comments

Anon-A-Miss: Another Way - King_Again

"Why are you being so nice to me?" ... "Look, just because we're rivals doesn't mean I can't be nice to you."

  • ...



Sunset walked towards the office, her heart felt heavy in her chest as she thought this over once more. She filled out the necessary information, and now all she needed was the principals' signatures. Her mind was racing, trying to calm her down while her heart was begging her to turn back now and just head to class instead of skipping. No. She had to do this. How else would she escape this hell if she didn't? Besides, Sugarcoat did tell her she was going to help her out in any way she could.

All of her classes were going to be with Sugarcoat and she had Principal Cinch's signature. Not many people could say they managed to allow Cinch to have them join Crystal Prep Academy. But Sugarcoat managed to do so for her.

With a deep breath, Sunset rose her hand and knocked on the door. After a few moments, she heard Principal Celestia call her in and she was thankful to see Vice-Principal Luna there as well. That made it easier than facing them one on one, and she gulped down her fears before sitting down.

"Ah, Sunset, what can we do for you?" asked Principal Celestia.

Sunset reached for the papers in her bag, and gave them a firm expression and she placed the papers down in front of them, allowing them to look over it for a moment. "I want to switch schools," She said, "You can probably guess which one by the signatures at the bottom."

"Crystal Prep?" Vice-Principal Luna whispered out, her hand not even shaking as she held the papers. "Are you sure? That school is very strict..."

"I know," Sunset nodded. "But it's the second best place for me. Actually, no. It's the best place for me."

"The best place?" Celestia asked, holding back a gulp. She didn't want to lose one of her best students, but now it seemed like there would be no choice in this matter. "You'll crack under stress there."

Sunset held back a nod. She understood this. Sugarcoat already told her what could happen, all she needed to do to keep her cool was breath and everything would be okay. "I know, but I think I can handle it. Please, this is what's best for me! All I need is your signatures."

The two sisters shared a look before Luna moved to grab a pen so she could sign. Sunset smiled at her and then looked at Celestia, who was giving an unsure look. Her heart sank. She managed to get Luna's signature, but not Celestia's? Did the principal not want her to have a better life at Crystal Prep where she actually had a friend willing to help her out?

A minute passed and Luna still held the pen, even after she moved to hand it over.

Two minutes...

Three minutes...

Four minutes...

Still nothing when it struck six minutes, and Sunset shifted. Why wasn't Celestia taking the pen? Her heart was twisting and turning, her stomach throwing up butterflies in nervousness, and Luna stared at her sister.

"Sister, take the pen," Luna said calmly. "I see no reason as to say no, and CPA has given the go ahead."

"I can't." Celestia sighed heavily. "Sunset, I just don't think you'll be happy there. Is there any other school you wish to attend? Please, you won't survive Crystal Prep."

Luna shook her head. "You have to sign. That's not a good enough reason to not sign it."

"Principal Celestia, please, sign it," Sunset pleaded, standing up. "I'll be okay! I already know someone who goes to Crystal Prep, I'll be better off there! Anon-A-Miss takes too much out of me to be here anymore. Principal Cinch has said I have until Winter Break to get this signed. I want to go to Crystal Prep Academy."

"But..." Celestia tried once more but was cut off by Luna's glare and she finally sighed. "Fine. Luna, give me the pen. I'll sign it, but I don't like this."

"I don't either, but I see no reason not to sign it," Luna admitted, "It'll be fine, sister."

"I wish you luck at Crystal Prep," Celestia mumbled as she signed the papers. "Luna, mail this to Crystal Prep so they know they'll be receiving a new student after Winter Break."

Sunset stood up and thanked the principals before leaving the office, she quickly pulled out her phone and texted Sugarcoat saying the papers were signed, all the info filled out, and they would be classmates after the break. A few minutes later and Sugarcoat replied with one word saying great.

It wasn't what Pinkie would reply with, but it was better than nothing.

She gripped her bags tightly as she got to her locker and unlocked it. There wasn't much in her locker, but it was better to start now than wait until the last possible moment. She placed her binder in her bag, anything she didn't need in the garbage, and she took up the book with her cutie mark lastly and flipped it opened to check if there was a reply.

There it was. The reply to her last message.

Dear Sunset,

That's great! But, are you sure you won't try talking things through with the Rainbooms? I know they didn't listen to you the last few times, but you should keep trying before you do something you'll regret. Please, Sunset, I'll try to get there as soon as I can.

Just hold out a little longer before I'm able to come to help!


She frowned. A little too late for that. Sunset grabbed her pen and placed it on the page, and began writing away.

Dear Twilight,

A little too late. I'm switching schools. No use coming here if I'm done with Canterlot High, now is there? I'll let you know how I am once I'm settled in Crystal Prep, okay?

-Sunset Shimmer.

She closed the book tightly, never to open until she was settled down in Crystal Prep for good. She would get used to the uniforms, the strict teachers, and the high expectations. But she knew she could do it with Sugarcoat helping her out until she was fairly confident to be on her own.

The locker clean out went on until the bell for break rang and in a few minutes, students began filling in the hallway which was once empty, a few students stopping to gaze at her with hate and a tad bit of confusion.

"Watcha doing, Anon-A-Miss?" A student growled.

"Cleaning out my locker," Sunset replied expressionless.


Sunset sighed and gazed at the student with annoyance. "Why the fuck do you care? I thought you would want to punch in my guts at this moment?" The student open his jaw before closing it, stomping away.

The familiar sound of jumping each her ears and she knew who it was. Pinkie Pie. Which meant the Rainbooms were coming closer. Well, it made sense. AJ's locker was right next to her own. But it also meant another fallout with the Rainbooms, and Sunset really didn't want to that at the moment. Not when her day brightened by getting the needed signatures.

The jumping stop and the footsteps did too.

"Great, it's the bitch," Rainbow whispered.

"Rainbow Dash, calm down," Rarity sighed, "She's at her locker."

Rainbow narrowed her eyes. "Doing what?"

Sunset sighed heavily and slammed her locker door shut, and gave them all a glare, "Cleaning out my locker for fuck's sake. Calm your fucking tits, Rainbow Fuck."

"What did you say!?" Rainbow growled, slamming Sunset onto her locker. She rose her fist. "Watch your fucking tongue!"

"Vice-Principal Luna is behind you." Sunset said, deadpan.

"Good joke but it won't-"

"What won't work, Miss Dash?" Luna's voice broke in and Rainbow froze up as well as the rest of the Rainbooms, and the rainbow haired girl gazed over her shoulder. "Do not try to lie to me, from what I saw, you attacked an innocent student who was just cleaning out her locker for Winter Break."

Sunset and the rest of the Rainbooms watched as Rainbow followed weakly behind Luna towards the Vice-Principal's office, and the victim gazed at the group before gripped her bag and walking towards the doors. She didn't plan on staying for the rest of the day.

What would have it offer her anyways?

A possible black eye from Rainbow Dash when she got of the office of Luna, that's what it had to offer her. Plus, if she left now, she could snag Sugarcube Corner for her and Sugarcoat.