• Published 23rd Jun 2019
  • 11,160 Views, 365 Comments

Anon-A-Miss: Another Way - King_Again

"Why are you being so nice to me?" ... "Look, just because we're rivals doesn't mean I can't be nice to you."

  • ...

XVIII~Crystal Prep(End)

Crystal Prep(End)

When Winter Break ended, Sunset was nervous.

She had everything ready, with the help of the Shadowbolts, and now she was standing outside the doors to Crystal Prep. Many students didn't seem to notice her, only glancing back to give a look before hurrying along to their lockers before class started once more.

The Shadowbolts had told her to wait outside for them. When they arrived, they all gave her waves and hugs, with a kiss from Sugarcoat on the cheek. It didn't take long for Lemon to go off about how awesome the rest of their time here would be with her around, and Indigo agreed without doubt. Sunny and Sour rolled their eyes while walking into the building, and Sugarcoat merely grabbed her hand, pulling her along.

Inside the school, Sunset saw how big it really looked. Lines of lockers on each side, classroom doors smack down in the middle of the rows, and there had to be at least three staircases. Two for classrooms, along with the school's counselor unless they had a center for the counselor or counsellors. And finally, the office where Principal Cinch stayed. If it didn't have three staircases, then surely the office was on the second floor.

This was nothing like Canterlot High, and yeah, it had a second floor, but it was mainly classrooms.

Canterlot High or not, she couldn't expect this to be anything like that school. She would have to step up her game, work really hard to get a good reputation, workout a lot more for her gym class, and to make sure she study a lot more for her tests.

This place had saved her school life and she owed it to them to do her best.

After all, it was what Principal Cinch expected from her anyways, and she couldn't let her Principal down.

Dean Cadance had approached the group, giving her hello's to Sugarcoat and her friends before turning to face Sunset and greeted her. She promised she would be away from her friends for only a few minutes, to get her locker and schedule, as well as the brief tour of explaining where things were in the school.

When that was all done, Sunset moved to her locker and opened it, empty. She smiled happily before placing her bag in and grabbed her binder and books, which Dean Cadance had happily gotten for her as the school's counselor. Her friends were right at her side in mere minutes of placing their stuff away.

Sunset's schedule was the same as Sugarcoat's, much like how Principal Cinch had promised. It made Sunset happy to know she wouldn't be dealing with this alone, besides, she wanted to know at someone in her classes anyways. What a better way than to have Sugarcoat.

"You ready?" Indigo asked, smiling away. "Class is gonna start."

"Yeah. I think I can handle this first day bullcrap again." She replied as she closed her locker.

The bell rang loudly in the student's ears and they all began moving towards their first classes. Sugarcoat grabbed Sunset's hand and pulled her along to their first class, which was Socials. Thank god it wasn't gym. They didn't have that until tomorrow, which gave Sunset enough time to get a gym outfit which Dean Cadance was currently working on.

Sugarcoat pulled her to a desk and sat her down right next to her before speaking, "The teacher is nice. Though, he's really boring."

"It's alright..." Sunset responded, "There was a lot of boring teachers at CHS too."

"How did you survive?" Sugarcoat joked before going serious, "I always hated boring teachers. They try their hardest to make something fun, but they always ending up failing. They're really bad at it."

"Oh," Sunset mumbled.

Yeah that was sometimes true. Boring teachers could try to make something fun, but failed. Yet other times, they could try and have the whole class having fun. She just hoped the teacher's idea of having fun wasn't pop quizzes. She had enough of that during her Canterlot High career as a student.

"There he is," Sugarcoat whispered pointing to the open door where a thirty year old man stepped in. "That's Mr. Under."

"Under?" Sunset whispered, confused. It was an odd name, but she couldn't really judge someone's last name. All it said about them was what Clan they were form. "He looks nice." Sugarcoat agreed on that, but the real problem was how boring he could be sometimes, giving how the rest of the class looked so tired to be in here.

"Welcome back students!" Mr. Under said as he placed down his notes, ignoring the entire class' groan of annoyance to be back here, he knew they didn't do this in any other classes because he said they could be themselves in here as he didn't like to be strict, only ever being strict if Principal Cinch came in here.

After a few minutes, the teacher had Sunset do what all new students did, tell the rest of the class about themselves. She really didn't mind it, but she sighed as she still had the rest of the day to tell about herself. Sunset really didn't want to, but she knew she would have to. Then, the lesson started and not even four minutes in, and it was already boring, and Sunset sighed heavily.

Now she knew what Sugarcoat meant.

"Is he always like this?" Sunset asked, her voice in a whispering tone.

"Unfortunately he is," Sugarcoat replied, "Just wait until last block if you think he's boring."

Sunset's jaw dropped. "You're kidding. There's another boring teacher?"

"Yes," Sugarcoat nodded. "There is."

"Goddamnit," Sunset muttered under her breath. "Can't wait."

Sugarcoat laughed under her breath, and patted her girlfriend's shoulder, "Don't worry. It'll be fine. Unlike Mr. Under, she actually tries to make her classes fun."

"Goodie," Sunset sighed.

Throughout the entire day, it was the same thing in all start of the classes. Sunset had to tell a bit about herself, and went on learning like normal. It wasn't like she hadn't learned anything from the classes as most of the units of day one had been covered by Canterlot High more early in the year, having to tackle more harder units beforehand. It was nice to know she could have the harder units again.

By the day's end, she had gone through her first day at Crystal Prep, gotten her gym uniform from Dean Cadance at lunch, and had a good time with her friends had lunch. She and Sugarcoat even planned a date for tomorrow after school. Everything was perfect.

Until she noticed a very familiar yell coming from a hallway down from her locker and she frowned.

"Sunset? You coming?" Indigo asked as they walked down towards the doors.

Sunset nodded. "Yeah, I'll be there in a minute, go on ahead." She gave Sugarcoat a quick kiss before watching them head off.

The voice came back and she huffed. It was way too familiar to ignore and she began walking down the hallway and stopped when she saw a familiar dog. She tried keeping herself hidden, and while she watched the dog, her jaw dropped when she noticed a very familiar person running towards the dog.

"Spike! There you are!"

"Spike?" Sunset whispered quietly. "Twilight's assistant?"

The scene went on until Sunset couldn't take much more and moved out so the girl could see her.

"I thought pets weren't allowed," Sunset said loudly and the girl froze. "Don't worry, I won't tell. I knew someone who brought pets on school grounds before. I don't think she ever stopped. So, it's cool, I'll keep your dog a secret."

The girl hugged her dog, a bit tight but didn't speak.

"I'm Sunset," She held out her hand. "Sunset Shimmer."

"Twilight," The girl said, using on her hand to push her glasses up so they wouldn't fall. "Twilight Sparkle."

"Nice to meet you," Sunset smiled happily. "Look, be careful with your dog, Twilight. You don't want him being found, do you?" Twilight shook her head. "Well, see you later."

As she walked away, giving this world's Twilight one last smile, she didn't even notice the girl's faintest, but red, blush on her cheeks.

Comments ( 43 )

so will there be a sequel cause i'm perfectly fine with that ending no unneeded drama or idiotic forgiveness just perfection.:pinkiehappy:

(Sniff, sniff) What's that? Smells like a sequel.

Sequel, sequel, sequel! :pinkiehappy:

That was a short story. sequel?????????????????

The Power of Sequels compels you.:pinkiehappy:

Prelude to failure or polyamory?






I'm getting a strong wave of want for a sequel

I followed this to the very end, and boy, was it a good one. Glad Sunny got a happy ending.

Also, careful Twi, Sugar won't like it if you try and steal her girl :rainbowlaugh:

Question: Sequel???


Man! The power of Sequel is gettin' really strong!

we need a sequel your bacon-horse god demands it, all hail the bacon-horse


Geez, I'm sensing everyone wants a sequel :rainbowlaugh:

This is it, then?

Well. That's too bad. It ended with a shrink telling Sunset to cut off her former friends forever, who are dropped from the story altogether. Any conflict regarding all of Crystal Prep bullying human!Twilight is brushed under the rug in turn to make way for more yuri shipping and Shadowbolts shilling.

I don't think I'm interested in a sequel. I'm truly sorry, but I just can't enjoy this. Good luck anyways.


That's fine, I don't mind

*leans up in dinner counter* SEEEE QUALL , SEE QUALL, SEEE QUALL, *fist banging on countertop*

Thank you for being understanding. It's not easy with someone nagging all the time (me). For what's it worth, I probably read with the wrong expectations, or rather forcing my hopes on the narrative than seeing what story itself set out to tell.


Your welcome. I basically grew up with people nagging all the time, and I'm used to it. I do respect other people's opinions and whatnots, I take no offense if someone doesn't like my stories or whatever.


Sequel was granted! :pinkiehappy:

I love the end of the story & what a great setup to the sequel! Can't wait to see what Sci-Twi is gonna being the series! :pinkiehappy:

I get that, but it would have been simpler to just write a brief one chapter summary of what happened during that time period.

Then in the next chapter start the main story. (Ie Sunset begging Principal Celestia to transfer schools and Sunset found new friends).

Remember, you can be faithful to the comic without actually retelling repetitive canon events.

I'm considering reviewing this story on my page.

At the same time, though, not everyone enjoys/has read the comic. I'm willing to bet most people reading Anon-A-Miss fics on here are looking for how it could've gone differently and written better. A personal favorite of mine is Why? A Tale of Anon-A-Miss. It's rated M so I won't link it here, but it's by wiccanminnesota. It takes the suicide angle and adds resurrection, cloning, the Sirens, and I found it to be along the same lines as a juicy soap opera.

Repeating what's already been established is good for readers who are new to the franchise. For example, I've never seen Game of Thrones and everything I know about it comes from memes and tumblr. If someone began a fic during the Red Wedding, I may not have the proper context before that event to fully understand why what's happening is happening. It's also a good way to set the proper tone. Summarizing everything in a few paragraphs pretty much prevents any emotional investment in the story.

I wish more stories did that. Or that more stories actually showed what happens in the comic. Seriously, how many even mention that no, the Rainbooms did not turn in Sunset as soon as the first rumours popped up? It took about a week. And it's not just Sunset who gets treated like crap, it's all of them getting bullied by the entire school. Or how they were questioning themselves all throughout. Or how it took just a "No, wait!" apparently the second time Sunset tried(!) to get the Rainbooms to listen to her.

So many Anon-A-Miss fics have no idea what they're raging against.

As she walked away, giving this world's Twilight one last smile, she didn't even notice the girl's faintest, but red, blush on her cheeks.

Uh oh.

...oh... that. That’s... mrph.

The Gilda stuff is from Dainn's story, and I don't know where the Sugarcube Corner scene comes from.

I have no idea. I always went on my mom's insurance which only covered four sessions at no cost (which is dumb), so we never ended up scheduling past that.

There was one I read where AJ was the first (because honesty), but I can't remember the title.

Comment posted by banjigo deleted Dec 18th, 2020

This story is so awesome I just love it:raritystarry:

Solid 8/10 story. Good job.

Thank you for sharing that and helping me see the reason why.

I know. Remember that Indigo threatened Rainbow first?

Why did you reply to a comment from almost two years ago? Everyone, including myself have moved on from this

Sadly, it never does. The sequel sweeps all of that under the rug and paints Sci-Twi as the villain.

Which is exactly why I'm not going to read it.

of you think the twilight saga is a good movie serie, then this might be a good fic for you.

and maybe go get your IQ test too.

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