• Published 23rd Jun 2019
  • 11,160 Views, 365 Comments

Anon-A-Miss: Another Way - King_Again

"Why are you being so nice to me?" ... "Look, just because we're rivals doesn't mean I can't be nice to you."

  • ...

IX~Goodbye Canterlot High

Goodbye Canterlot High

Sunset had never thought she would enjoy being in Canterlot High for the last time. She had always thought she would hate the last moment, but as of now, she could safely say she was more than ready to welcome the last day of her entire school career here in the school. All of the excitement was leaning towards heading into Crystal Prep Academy to be with her new friends, get her uniform, and meet new people.

She stayed away from all the students for the entire day.

If some were coming up to her, she would dash into a classroom to help out a teacher with marking or helped them clean up the classroom if they had prep.

She stopped trying to look back at her past and wonder where it all went wrong, stopped looking for a way to make them all see they were wrong; just plainly stopped trying to be a Wondercolt.

Crystal Prep would offer a higher education, finally giving her an outlet to escape this hell.

In the form of friendship the Shadowbolts finally let her have for real.

It started out so hard to fit in Canterlot High after the Fall Formal. She thought the Rainbooms would show her the way into the light but even if they did, they still made fun of her past and always added the same old line of "no offense" to cover up how they really couldn't forget her mistakes. The Battle of the Bands had been a learning curve. She stayed silent as they welcomed Princess Twilight into the band when she could've been a good bandmate, watched as Rainbow nearly revealed herself on stage and stopped her, only to get into a fight with her friends. Only at the very end did they allow her into the band after Twilight had left for home.

Then came the current situation.

At first, she thought it was a joke. How they accused her simply because of some online account posting secrets, and yes, she could see how they thought it was her. But would she really want to go back to those times? No. They should've been able to see how she wouldn't. Yet, they couldn't.

She was dropped like deadweight.

Yer not welcome here!

Then when it all went dark, at the lowest point into her life, she was saved. Not like how the Rainbooms supposedly saved her, no. It was a different kind of save. At the bridge, Sugarcoat stopped her with her bluntness and helped her see how she didn't need the Rainbooms, because her actual friends weren't in her life yet. Then they were. The real friends whom she spent so long looking and longing for finally came into the light when she transferred; well, signed the paperwork for the transfer.

She finally felt happy when she met the Shadowbolts, but even then, she felt like they were hiding something. Like who the apparent nerd of Crystal Prep was. Of course, she found it odd Sour said she wouldn't know because she would have them, but she didn't question it because she finally felt happy for once.

How could she give up the feeling of being happy again?

Easy; she wouldn't.

"Thank you for your help, Miss Shimmer," said Mr. Kelp as he placed the last box filled with the old term's works and assignments. It was only a few more moments until Sunset tapped up the final box she was working on and placed it with the others. She nodded happily at the teacher and gave him a smile, "I'll miss seeing you around here," he sighed heavily as he handed her a card to wish her luck at her new school, "You always brought a smile to my face when you were the first and only one to do the homework. Not to mention all the other joyus weeks we've spent together."

"Thanks," Sunset said, taking the card, "I'll miss you too." She looked down and smiled brightly when she saw he remembered her favorite unit of the course. The card was filled with some staff's signatures and a couple of pictures of the unit they did before december rolled around.

She could easily make out the staff's signatures.

Mr. Cranky.

Mrs. Harshwhinny.

Miss Feathers.

Miss Hibiscus.

Ms. Pansy.

And of course, Mr. Kelp.

Those were only some of the signatures, but they were enough to point out because Sunset felt her heart twist. She didn't cry at all but she smiled sadly at him before giving him a hug and placed the card into her pocket. She offered to help him all throughout his prep block. "Do you need help getting these boxes to your car or to the dumpster?" she asked.

"Well, given about how many boxes there are, I'd like some help. We're taking these to my car," Mr. Kelp explained, "Just follow me and we should be done before lunch starts. Then, you can go and say goodbye to the rest of the fellow teachers who taught you."

"Geez, I'll have my hands full then," Sunset sighed as she picked up a box. "Also gotta help Vice Principal Luna out."

"Hmm? Luna too? Why, Sunset, how much did you offer our help? You should be spending the last day here without a single trace of worry."

"Yeah, well," Sunset mumbled, "Kinda hard too when you're the main suspect of Anon-A-Miss but no more! Not after today."

"Well, I hope you know you're always welcome to come and visit my class any time!" Mr. Kelp beamed happily as they walked into the parking lot with boxes in their arms. "I'm sure next year's round of kids will need someone to help 'em out. And it'd be best for a student who pays attention to come in."

"I'm sure you'll get wonderful students."

"But will they pay attention?"

"You'd have to find out," Sunset laughed as he opened the trunk and she placed a box in.

"Ah, I'm really gonna miss you around here, kids nowadays don't know how important it is to pay attention and study more often," He said, leaning on his car for a moment. He ran a hand through his hair and smiled at the sky before gazing back down at his student. "Now, let me ask you something. How did you figure out Crystal Prep Academy would be the best choice for you? Miss Cinch is a real toughie, I'm surprised she signed those papers as fast as she did." Sunset rubbed her arm, biting her lip and Mr. Kelp rose an eyebrow. "Something wrong?" he asked and Sunset shook her head before explaining why Cinch signed it quickly.

"--and that's how," Sunset finished, "That's the reason why." She watched as the teacher nodded and hummed. The way Sugarcoat managed to get Cinch to sign the papers reminded him of a similar event.

"I remember before Cinch was the principal of CPA, and how she and Luna used to be good friends. She did something similar when Luna was... well, a bit like you at her teenage years, of course knock off the magical part." Mr. Kelp explained, chuckling, "Cinch heard about it and offered Luna a chance to come to Crystal Prep, even got the even stricter principal to sign it but Canterlot High's principal, back then, wouldn't do it. Saw Luna like his own daughter."

"Well, what happened?" Sunset asked. "How did Cinch react?"

Mr. Kelp sighed and went onto explaining how Cinch was mad at the news, and Luna tried to calm her down, but it wouldn't work. So, the friendship ended but they could still act like good friends. "Nowadays, Cinch will take great pride in stealing Wondercolts and changing them into Shadowbolts. If it happens, she'll smirk at Luna at the Friendship Games and her eyes will say it all about how another one came to her school and didn't stay in Canterlot." He finished, and Sunset nodded wordlessly.

It really sounded like Cinch missed Luna's friendship but just felt proud she managed to score a new Shadowbolt.

As soon as Sunset walked into the cafeteria, Granny Smith came out and smiled. The kind old lady had heard Sunset was delivering more indgreditions for her, she had been worried it might've been too heavy for the girl but it seemed like the teenager was handling things just fine. It made Granny relax more.

"Now listen here," Granny said, pulling her ear a bit. She gave a softer smile as she explained she wanted to know how she was doing at Crystal Prep the first week back to school, give or take a few days just to be sure. Sunset nodded.

"Of course," replied Sunset. She knew how Granny thought every kid here was like her family and she could be protective to the ones she really thought to be her family. "I'll let you know when I'm settled down there. It might be the second week though, just to have a few more things to talk about."

"Well, ah want to know how yer doin'! So don't go not callin' me!" Granny said, pulling her cheek a bit before moving her back behind the counter into the kitchen and Sunset followed the box filled with indgreditions. Sunset placed the box down where Granny wanted it before waving goodbye and heading out.

"Sunset," A voice called out and Sunset frowned as she saw Rarity. But she was alone. "Please, I know you don't want to talk with me, but I do have something to say."

"Alright, fine, I'll bite. What do you want to to tell me?" Sunset asked, crossing her arms. "But, you only have a few minutes."

"Darling," Rarity gulped, nervously playing with her hands. She knew Sunset wouldn't want to talk to her and she wouldn't ever forgive her either. It was how the world worked, "I know for the past week or so, you've been suspected as the online account I will not mention by name, and I know we didn't listen to you at all. But, darling, when you were with the Shadowbolts, and posted the picture of you hanging out with them, the account posted at the same time as you. I know for a fact you can't be on two accounts at the same time."


"Look, darling, what I'm trying to say is... I know for you're not Anon-A-Miss, and I'm sorry for saying the name, but I'm trying so hard to make them believe you're not as well but... they're so terribly into the idea that you are," Rarity sighed, she took a step forward, "If it's not too late, and I know it probably is, please forgive me?"

So... now she believes me? After all this time, she believes me now? What a joke... Sunset thought to herself as Rarity waited for her reply. The way her old friend was gazing at her with hope almost, almost, made Sunset guilty and forgive her but she held back. After so many attempts at trying, she was honestly drained of trying and she was sick of the Rainbooms. Even it was just Rarity.

No way was she forgiving her.

Not this easy.

"Well, it's good to see you finally believe, after all this time," Sunset growled lowly as she held her head high. If she wasn't so upset and was actually sad about leaving Canterlot High than maybe, just maybe, she would have forgiven the first Rainboom to apologize to her. But as of now, there was no room left for them in her heart or her life. She didn't bother to give Rarity any hope, "But," she kept saying, "It's way too late. There's no way I could possibly forgive you after everything, and maybe one day I'll find it in me to do so." She turned away and took a step forward, "Rarity, do me a favor and stay away from me. Maybe if you're really sorry, you'll respect my wishes. You won't try to contact me, won't try to find me in public, and... you'll just frankly stay away from me all together."

"Of course, darl... Sunset," Rarity replied, stopping herself from saying her usual nickname for everyone.

"Thank you, and have a good Winter Break," Sunset smiled weakly before leaving the cafeteria. Her mind still in a bit of a shocked state to know it was Rarity of all Rainbooms, of everyone, to apologize to her first handedly before anyone else. But at least someone believed her other than Sugarcoat.

The package was left in Principal Celestia's office, and Sunset was thrilled to know her uniform at arrived at least. Principal Cinch was there herself to greet her new student, and the two talked about Sunset's strengths and weaknesses, and of course all throughout the talk, Cinch would just ask simple question before saying she wanted a detailed answer and Sunset tried her hardest to answer with detail. The principal had only nodded her head while Celestia and Luna watched before seeing a slight smile on Cinch's face and both managed weak smiles.

"It seems you'll fit in just nicely," Principal Cinch beamed. "Do, try on the uniform and let me know if you need a different size. You'll have the uniform before the start of your schooling career at Crystal Prep either way."

Sunset just nodded wordlessly and took the package, moving to try on the uniform. She was happy to know Cinch liked her, and was welcoming her to her school. She sighed heavily as she took one last look in the mirror in the bathroom of her old clothes. Her eyes moved to the unopened package holding her brand new uniform, and gulped slightly. This was it. No more Canterlot High after this moment.

She would be a Shadowbolt.

No longer a Wondercolt.

She would be on the winning side where the sun was bright and she could be happy.

She wouldn't be sad and on the losing side, she would be free and happy. She would be with her friends and Sugarcoat. She would be with Sugarcoat.

There was no doubt as she opened the package and slipped out of her old clothes, putting on her Crystal Prep uniform, rolling up the selves a bit. She hoped Cinch wouldn't mind, but she liked it the idea of having her selves up a bit and she smiled before slipping on the shoes and moved back to the office, her old clothes in her bag, which was around her shoulder as she carried the box with her.

"What do you think?" She asked shyly as she came into the office, putting the box down along with her bag.

Cinch looked her up and down before smiling brightly at her, clapping her hands together. "You look stunning, like a true Crystal Prep student," She shook Sunset's hand. "Tell me, is the uniform the perfect size?" Sunset nodded. "Good, well, I'll take my leave. It was good to meet the newest student, and I'll enjoy seeing you at the school, Miss Shimmer. I hope Miss Sugarcoat will help you out until you're ready to be on your own."

"Goodbye, Principal Cinch," Sunset replied as her new principal left and she turned to face her old ones as the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. The end of Sunset's time at Canterlot High and she sighed heavily before making her way out of the office, gazing over her shoulder at the two sisters. "Goodbye Principal Celestia, and Vice-Principal Luna."

"Goodbye Sunset," responded the two sisters.

When she was outside, she barely looked back as she walked away from her former school.

"Goodbye Canterlot High. I will never miss you."