• Published 29th Jun 2020
  • 9,141 Views, 135 Comments

Equestria's Divine God - ShirtMechanic

[Displaced] Michael is sent to Equestria as Goku Black after opening a mysterious door! It's been a thousand years since his arrival. After being sealed in stone, he breaks free. What will he do now? Find out on Equestria's Divince God... Now!

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Chapter 12: The Gala!

Chapter 12: The Gala!

The Saiyan was walking through the castle hallways, bouquet in hand as he was beginning to get nervous. As he walked by some guards, said guards would salute to him, but the Saiyan would wave them off, saying it wasn’t necessary. But as he walked by some night guards, he overheard a conversation between them.

“Did you hear that Princess Luna has a date tonight!” Guard 1 exclaimed, the second guard smiled.

“Yea, I heard it was the stallion that defeated Nightmare Moon!” Black then couldn’t hear the rest of the conversation as they were out of reach. This however made Black more nervous than before.

Oh, dear Dende, what if I mess this up… Black thought as he walked past some more guards, some of them were thestrals, a race of ponies that were part bat. He hasn’t seen them since before stone, they were everywhere, but the ponies wouldn’t accept them. It had pissed off the Saiyan that the same events were still happening in the present, so he talked with Luna about getting the thestrals the same rights as normal ponies. They were slow on progress, but it was slowly working.

The Saiyan turned the corner and saw the double doors with a crescent moon on them, thestral guards posted at the door. Black nervously gulped as he walked towards the door, here goes nothing… Black thought.

“So how do you like your new form?” Edward questions Nightmare trying to make conversation.

“As much as I hate the look of it, it does give me more abilities than I’ve had before.” Nightmare said, “I just wish there was a way I could stay the way I was before permanently, not returning to my new one…” the parazyte complained. They were both walking through the entrance of the castle. They’ve already shown their tickets to the guards, they were coming up on the grand staircase, which Princess Celestia stood on.

“Good evening Princess Celestia,” Edward bowed. “Black went to retrieve Princess Luna and asked me to escort Nightmare Moon to the Gala. My name is Edward Elric and I am a visitor from a far off land that recently made friends with Black and Nightmare. It's a pleasure to meet you.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you too,” Princess Celestia said with a smile, “Any friend of Black is a friend of mine. So what brings you here tonight?” Celestia asked.

“I was on my way back home when Black pulled me out of nowhere,” Edward smiled, telling the truth. “I proceeded to help him with his last-minute preparations for his big night with your sister. I do hope he’s not too nervous, but knowing how things go in relationships as well as I do, you never stop being nervous,” He gave a hearty laugh. “I expect to see quite the crowd tonight, I heard all the Element Of Harmony Bearers are coming.”

“Oh I do hope they make the Gala interesting tonight,” Celestia whispered to the man, “It’s always so dull, so I do hope they bring some light to this party. But I do fully expect Black to make quite the commotion, we’ve already put our cooking staff on overdrive because of him.” Celestia explained while she let out a giggle.

“Mmm… perhaps an eating contest is in order,” Ed chuckled. “But we have held enough of your time your highness. I know dealing with nobles is tedious even more so when they're waiting. I do look forward to speaking with you later on tonight, but until then have a loving evening and good luck.” The duo walked into the hall. “Let’s stay out of the way until the Elements get here. I hate nobles.”

“Doesn’t everypony?” Nightmare said with a quirked eyebrow.

“Good point but unlike everypony else, we can easily rip their heads off,” Ed gave a dark smile.

Nightmare Moon smiled with him, “Let’s not though, I don’t want to be executed or be sent back to the moon…” Nightmare shuttered at the last thought.

Black walked up to the guards, the two not acknowledging him, which surprised the Saiyan but it didn’t bother him. What did bother him was all he needed to do to get Luna’s attention… by knocking on the door.

Dear Dende, here I faced some of Equestria’s strongest baddies and here I am struggling to knock on a damn door! Black mentally shouted. He shook his head, preparing himself. He slowly raised his fist and lightly…

Knock, knock, knock…

“Come on in!” A voice echoed through the door. Steeling himself, Black opened the door slowly, peeking his head through the open door.

“Uh… Luna? It’s me, Black!” The Saiyan said nervously as he fully set himself in Luna’s room. Black saw that everything he saw from the old castle was here, but they were brand new, cleaned of all the dirt and rust from the years. He walked over to a dresser and noticed it had a picture of him and Luna at the fair, the same photo he had with him for years. I made him smile, but he was broken from his thought as he heard hoofsteps behind him.

“Oh, hello Black,” The Saiyan turned around and he couldn’t believe his eyes. Luna’s light blue hair was now a darker blue, flowing in a non-existent wind like Celestia’s. She wore a dark blue dress with white sleeves going down her forearms to her hands. She wore crescent moon shaped earrings with her black crown set upon her head. The dress went down to her knees and she wore black shoes. “How do I look?” Luna asked nervously.

The Saiyan was speechless, “You… You look beautiful…” Black said. The Saiyan was heavily blushing now, making the Princess of the night giggle.

“You also look very handsome tonight too, Black,” Luna said, toying with the Saiyan, making his face go beet red.

“Oh um… I got you these,” Black said as he pulled up the bouquet he was holding, getting a gasp from the Princess. “It was hard finding these, got help from a friend.”

“Thank you, Black,” Luna said, breathless as she saw the assortment of flowers in the bouquet. She saw a specific flower that made her smile, taking the bouquet from Black, she smelled the flowers and sigh. The smell of daisies hitting her nostrils my her sigh in relief. “Thank you so much, Black!” She exclaimed as she hugged the Saiyan, catching him off guard.

“Y-your welcome Lulu,” Black said in surprise. They stayed like that for a moment before breaking from the hug, “Should we head to the party, Lulu?”

“Indeed,” Luna said, locking an arm around the Saiyan as they walked out of the room. After leaving the room and heading down the hallway, the guards looked at each other. One guard had a cheeky grin while the other one was annoyed. The grinning guard held out a hand and the annoyed guard gave him a bag of bits.

“This punch is awful,” Edward remarked as he drank. “Music is nice as usual, at least until Pinkie gets up there. Speaking of the bearer,” he looked to see everyone arriving. “Right on queue. Shall we go say hello?” He turned to the parazyte-fairy.

“Let’s hope they’re friendly to me this time, the Rainbow haired one is always trying to pick fights…” Nightmare commented as she got up from her chair. The duo walked past the groups of nobles, a few of them giving glares at Nightmare, who ignored them.

“Hmmm…” Edward looked over his shoulder and did a quick snap sending a light charge of blue electricity to the Nobles, Suddenly the chairs pulled out from under them causing the pompous assed to hit the floor spilling their drinks all over them. “That’s a much better sound for them to be making don’t you agree?” He smirked at Nightmare as the two joined the Elements.

“Oh, I couldn’t agree more!” Nightmare said as she let out a laugh at the noble’s cries. She turned ahead to see the Elements looking at her, a little weary of the parazyte-fairy. Rainbow was giving her a dirty glare but was quickly smacked on the head by Applejack.

“Ow!” Rainbow yelped in surprise, “What was that for?!”

“You were being quite rude Rainbow Dash,” Rarity pointed out to the flyer. “She is trying to be a good pony, despite what she’s done. Black has spoken up for her and we should try to get along.”

“True words,” Edward snickered. “Hello everypony. I believe introductions are in order. I am Edward Elric, a recent friend of Black and Nightmare. How do you do?”

“I’m doing just fine partner, I’m Applejack,” The farm mare held out a hand, Edward grabbing it and shaking. “You’ve got a strong grip there, are you perhaps a fellow farm pony too?”

“Not at all, Ms. Apple. I’m more of a scholar than a worker, but I do my fair share of combat drills to stay in shape,” Edward remarked. “Not many can hold up to my training though.”

“Rarity,” Rarity said, stepping forward. Ed took her hand and laid a kiss on it. “Oh my charmer,” She giggled.

“Not at all my lady,” Ed remarked. “Just the proper greeting for a proper lady. As I said before I am a scholar and have studied many art forms, the art of greeting is one of them Though my wives would beg to differ on a few other occasions” Nightmare nodded slightly at that comment.

“Oh um… I’m Fluttershy,” Fluttershy said nervously.

“A pleasure my quiet little pony,” Ed said softly with a bow. He then turned to Rainbow. “And who hasn’t heard of the Rainbow Dash, the fastest pony in Equestria.”

At this, Rainbow Dash struck a pose, “Oh yeah, I’m the fastest pony in Equestria!” Rainbow exclaimed, soaking in all of her ego. To her response, everypony rolled their eyes.

“She won’t be the fastest for long anyway, so soak in that pride as long as you can!” A voice echoed behind them. The group turns around to see Black walking with Princess Luna down the staircase. The mane 6 jaws practically dropped from the sight while Edward and Nightmare looked on with a smile.

“Very true my friend,” Edward whole-heartedly agreed.”If you drop that excess baggage you could easily break the sound barrier and do the Rainboom in less than ten seconds, maybe even match Black someday.” He looked to Luna, “Good evening Princess Luna, a pleasure to meet you. I am Edward Elric and a new friend of your… boyfriend perhaps?” Edward teased.

“A pleasure to meet you, Edward, he would be my boyfriend if he didn’t wait for over a thousand years.” Luna teased Black, making him blush.

“Oh come on, kinda hard to do that if there’s a villain that pops up every month…” Black complained, making Luna laugh.

“That is true as well,” Edward shrugged. “Oh… and that’s not a denial I heard from you either Black,” He smirked, causing the Saiyan to blush. “Can I speak with him on the side for a moment Princess? A private matter if you will.”

“Go on ahead, just don’t take too long.” Princess Luna said with a wave of a hand.

“Be right back, Lulu,” Black said as walked to the side with Edward. “What is it, Edward, need help defeating a baddie?” The Saiyan jokes.

“Not in the slightest my friend, more along the lines of you need my help to keep things from going down the shitter,” Edward deadpanned. “I’m all too familiar with what’s going to happen tonight and I really don’t want to see this ruined for you and Luna. Those five,” He pointed at Twilight’s friends. “Will cause the biggest scene that has been well… seen in awhile. It would be a shame if you didn't get to have a romantic evening with your love, I can see to it that most of it goes well but it’s your call?”

“Dear Kami, if it’s that bad, then sure but wouldn’t that mess with you know, the timeline. Last time that happened,” Black pointed to himself, “that timeline went to shit…” Black began to think, but after a few moments, he sighs. “Alright, just don’t do anything that can result in a timeline disaster, ok?”

“There are ways to route things so not too much will be affected,” Edward pointed out. “The first thing to take care of is a certain blonde headed douche of a pony. If he is a douche in this reality. So where is dear Blueblood?”

“I bet right now he’s trying to screw over some other poor mare,” Black hissed, he started to sense for Blueblood’s magic signature. “He’s in the main dining area,” The Saiyan said.

“Hmmm, slip and fall with a ton of food on the asshole okay with you?” Ed suggested. ‘Or should I make him wet his pants?”

“Make him shit himself, he’s been a jackass with me ever since I took his, quote on quote ‘Spare Bedroom’” Black emphasized by doing air quotes. “Is there anything else I should be aware of?”

“That’ll work,” Ed smiled, “ and Pinkie Pie,” he deadpanned. “She will try to get the band to play the Pony Pokey. Aj pretty much just sells her products so leave her be. Twilight Stays with Celestia no need there, Rarity is mainly focused on Blue Balls. Fluttershy will cause a stampede from the gardens. Rainbow will be… Rainbow in front of the Wonderbolts. Everything pretty much happens at the same time with the end result of the cake and Aj apple cart.” Ed explained. “Blue is our main focus. He needs to be taken down a notch, I say we have him scream like a girl running through the halls at the end being hit in the face with the cake and knocked into a cart rolling through Canterlot ending up in the manure pile at the train station. As for the others, I can use my clones to keep them settled for a while but things will have to happen.”

“Let's get to work then, I’ve got a way to make him... scream,” Black said with a malicious smile.

“One of my clones will keep him in the back away from everypony while you enjoy some time with your lady,” Ed said as a piece of his shadow split off and headed for the would-be prince. “You dance with Luna, leave the others to me,” He smirked as they fist-bumped and separated to join everypony else.

“What were you two talking about?” Luna asked as the duo walked into the dining hall.

“Oh, just some things he’s been doing before he met me and Nightmare, but let's enjoy ourselves,” Black said he put a thumbs up behind him towards Edward.

Edward returned the thumbs up and looked to every pony else. “So, what shall we do everypony?”

The Saiyan and Princess both walked into the ballroom, filled to the brim with nobles. This made Black cringe as the last time he was at one of these, he was insulted beyond belief. They would usually shout...

“Get out of here monkey!”

“What, did you lose your bananas?”

“What’s a peasant doing here?”

Luna, seeing the dilemma Black was facing put a reassuring hand on the Saiyan’s shoulder. “You know things have changed now Black. I’m sure some of the nobles aren't that bad…”

“How about you get out of here Nightmare Moon!” A pony shouted as he then began to laugh with his group. This had gotten Black and Luna to glare at the pony, who then freaked out and started to chat with some other nobles. The pair had waded through the nobles, getting some to glare at the pair or even get some smiles and conversations from them. Black then saw the large array of food all situated onto one long table. The Saiyan looked like he was about to drool, this getting a laugh out of Luna.

“Keep a hold of yourself Black,” Luna giggled. Black, realizing what he was doing, immediately stopped, but couldn’t keep a blush from appearing.

“Yes you wouldn’t want to ruin the fun before it starts,” Edward appeared next to the couple with Nightmare. “How are we this lovely evening? Is the young couple enjoying themselves other than the pompous assholes that comment as you pass? Or should I give them a lesson like the ones that insulted Nightmare earlier?” He smirked.

“I know I should say yes, but...:” Black glanced at Luna, who smiled and rolled her eyes. “I think I’ll let it slide, I already showed him a hint of what would happen anyway if he continued.” The Saiyan smirked. “Other than that little incident, I’d say we're enjoying ourselves.”

“Very much, it seems the Gala changed ever so little over the centuries,” Luna commented. The alicorn took a glance at the array of food and put on a smirk. “It seems Tia put the cooks on overdrive this time.”

“Also,” Edward leaned over, “Blue Balls is waiting for ya when you’re ready. I say we still have some time though so enjoy your time with the food, just don’t go overboard. Still need some for our princey's little trip downtown. My clone is waiting for you outside the room and he’ll let you… get a little more hands-on so to say,” Edward evilly chuckled as Black smirked. “I bid you adieu.” be bowed. “ For the time being Princess. Come Nightmare, There are things we must do.”

Nightmare rolled her eyes. “Whatever showoff.”

As the pair walked away, Black couldn’t help but chuckle. “What are you planning to do with Prince Blueblood Black?” Luna asked with curiosity.

“Oh nothing, totally not something that would make him shit himself,” Black said nonchalantly.

Luna sighed at this, but shook her head and smiled. “Oh alright, just don’t scare him too much. But before that,” The princess grabs the Saiyans hand, dragging him through the crowd. “I want a dance.” This made Black freeze up a bit.

Crap Crap Crap! Black shouted in his head. He wasn’t expecting to dance with her so soon. As he was dragged through the crowd of nobles, he was trying to think of a way to get out of this one but couldn't come up with one. They made their way to the dance floor, which had a small group of nobles, dancing to the slow music. Luna looked happy while Black was now sweating bullets. The princess noticed this and let out a small giggle, “Oh don’t be like that, it’s just a dance after all.” Luna then grabbed the Saiyan’s hands and lifted them up.

They then went into a slow dance, Black now nervous of messing up said dance. Some of the nobles took notice of this, either watching with disgust or curiosity. Black was now heavily blushing now, his face turning beet red. The orchestra noticed the two dancing and switched their music from a calming song to slow dancing music. This got the attention of some nobles, who now danced with their dates.

As soon as the song ended there was a brief pause and a lot of muttering. Black and Luna looked to see what was going on. They saw Edward up on stage in front of the microphone.

Edward bopped the microphone with his finger, “Testing… Hello and good evening everypony. I do hope you fully enjoying tonight’s events thus far.” He smiled as he looked at the couple.”I have a special song dedicated to a very special couple tonight.” He snapped and a jet black violin appeared next to him in mid-air. Edward took it and plucked one string and looked over his shoulder to the orchestra. “Simply listen and follow my lead,” he turned back to the crowd. “If you can’t keep up with the song and your partner then best leave the floor, Pinkie,” The party pony looked up and was red grabbing a random guard pony. “Let’s get things rolling,” He smirked as he drew the bow across the strings and then started to play a very hot winded song.


The song kicked off, leading up to something upbeat. This got everypony in the room smiling, dancing to the beat. Luna and Black looked to each other with a smile and started dancing as well. Pinkie was wildly dancing with the guard pony she grabbed, he tried to keep a cool head but was failing. But all the attention was on the couple. They were swaying side to side, keeping up with the beat of the song. The couple weaved and spun throughout the dance floor, getting more attention from the nobles.

Celestia had come over to see what the commotion was all about. When she saw Black and Luna dancing, smiles plastered across their faces, the alicorn couldn't help but smile. Good for you two, Celestia thought with a grin on her face.

It wasn’t and the song ended leaving everypony out of breath as Edward finished playing, “Thank you and enjoy the rest of your night,” he bowed allowing everypony to clap and he then left the stage and appeared next to the couple once more. “Hope you two enjoyed that.”

“I did,” Pinkie giggled, popping up behind Black and Luna and then disappearing again.

“Anyways,” Edward shook his head. “How are you two fairing?”

“That went better than I expected.” Black sighed, getting a chuckle out of Luna. “That did leave me a bit famished, food anyone?” The Saiyan suggested, getting a nod out of Luna. “How about you Edward?”

“I don’t really need to eat but if you’re challenging me then know you won’t stand a chance against me,” Edward smirked.

“Oh, now that idea is out of the window,” Black sighed. “How the hell would I win if you don't even need to eat, and here I thought Saiyans are unrivaled in eating,” Black said as he and Luna started walking towards the dining hall.

“I never said I didn’t enjoy eating,” Edward chuckled. “Eating is one of the purest forms of sharing time with friends,” He quickly turned around. “I’ll be waiting in the hallway when you’ve enjoyed your snack,” Edward walked away humming the earlier song.

Luna looked on with amusement as the Saiyan had gone through many dishes at this point. He took his time eating, not making a mess. He still got some looks but was quickly dismissed as he continued to eat. “That hit the spot,” Black chuckled as he patted his stomach. “I’ll be back in a bit, gonna pay a certain prince a visit.”

“Alright, just don't scare him too much,” Luna asked, getting a nod from the Saiyan.

Black waded his way through the crowd of nobles and into a hallway. Nopony was in it since all the attention was the Gala, perfect for a little ‘incident’. The Saiyan walked through the hall until he found Edward's clone. “Good evening Edward the second.” Black jokes.

“Hello, but the original should be here now,” Edward two pointed over Black’s shoulder.

“That I am,” Edward appeared from a nearby shadow while the clone went poof. “All things are going according to the flow of time at this moment. All we need is that of the Blue imbecile. Shall I cast my spell? It's only a simple illusion but still lets you make this much more up close and personal.” Black gave and evil smile and nodded and Edward did the same. “Very well,” he clapped. Holding up his then and pointer and pulled to the right and a white line appeared to trail after. “There we go. You’re still you but to anyone other than you and eye you will appear as their worst fear manifested. Now go forth and scare the fuck out of Blue Balls!” Edward smiled as he threw his arms out in a dramatic fashion. “I will be in the main hall to witness it unfold,” he walked away leaving Black alone but stopped. “The spell will cease once you enter the main hall or ten minutes from now, later.” he continued to walk away.

Black smirked and started his search for Blueblood, not taking long as the unicorn walked around the corner and saw him. He then paled as he didn’t see the Saiyan, he instead saw something he feared the most.

“Hello, me.” The Saiyan looked like Blueblood, but without the title, he was covered in dirt, his mane all messy. He wore rags and his eyes full of dread. “What are you looking at?”

“This… th- this cannot be!” Blueblood cried out, slowly stepping away from himself.

“Oh it is, this is what you’ll become.” Peasant Blueblood said as he slowly stepped towards the unicorn. “One of us, one of us.” He then began to chant as smoke appeared around him, more ponies that were the same as him, covered in dirt and with rags as clothing. They began to chant with him as they stepped towards the prince.

“Stay away!” Prince Blueblood shouted as he fell onto his ass. He quickly backed away, starting to run away. “Guards, GUARDS!” The prince shouted as he ran down the halls. The peasant Blueblood laughed as the extra ponies poofed out of existence. He walked his way towards the great hall, seeing Edward looking at him with a smirk.

“That was fun but not the good part,” Edward smirked as he snapped and he and Black teleported into the main hall as Blue Balls came out screaming.

He then slipped on a puddle and went careening into an oncoming stampede of animals being chased by an angry butter-yellow mare. He was then sent flying through the air onto the air landing on the food table. Pinkie was trying to get the orchestra to play the pony pokey and was fighting with a mare over to her cello that went sent flipping through the air only to land straight up where the sun didn't shine in Blue Balls. The prince then jumped up screaming in pain and proceeded to run down the table kicking food all over the pompous nobles and slammed straight into the cake and tumbled right into Applejack’s apple cart that went sailing out the front door all the way down to the train station into a very large pile of compost.

Edward and Black hit the floor laughing so hard they were crying tears of pure joy. “Now that was even better than I thought… HAHAHAHAHA!!!” Edward belt as he stood up and then helped Black to his feet. “Okay, that was good stuff there.”

“Oh definitely, that was the funniest shit I’ve seen all week!” Black said, “Kinda feel bad for the cake, knowing Celestia, she’ll be sad for not getting a slice.”

“Not really,” Edward shrugged. “As long as they go to Donut Joe’s she’ll be happy,” Edward looked over to see a thorough cackling princess. “Yea I think you’re good. oH AND BEFORE i forget again. Gar has achieved Super Saiyan Two but he broke his body during his first transformation. I have a favor to ask.”

Black’s happy demeanor had seemed to disappear, catching Edward off guard. The Saiyan closed his eyes and inhaled through his nose. “That idiot,” Black murmured, “I didn’t think he would go to Super Saiyan 2 already, thank the fucking Omni-king he didn’t detonate himself already.” Black looked to Edward with a determined look. “I already know what you're going to ask anyway, I even offered it to him before I left,” Black commented.

“Idiot is right, he snapped every muscle fiber in his entire body due to the strain it put in him. He was fighting a high-level demon and used his magic ‘Promotion' on himself to reach SSJ2 before he went through the proper training to ready his body. Yea so thanks,” Edward smiled. “And as payment, I will set you up with a form of pseudo-Time Chamber. It won’t be as good as a real Time Chamber and it will take about a month and five days to do a whole year in it. But it’ll be a bit better in a way you can control more factors like the gravity and terrain instead of just white or ice fields.”

“Good,” Black said, a hint of anger trailing his voice. “Because when he decides to summon me for training, he’s got one day to say his farewells for a year.” Black then gave Ed a serious grin. “Once he’s done training, I’m sure he’ll be able to reach Super Saiyan 3 by the end of it. Maybe even farther than that.” Black brought a hand in front of him and clenched it. “Just one thing to be clear, I will be able to keep the time chamber, correct?”

“I had fully intended for you to keep it,” Edward crossed his arms. “Though in layout it will be a more heavily modified Gravity Chamber closer to the first Ship Dr. Briefs built. It will still have the open space you need for practice and training like the real Time Chamber just better control settings and more modern amenities. I can even put in a full hot spring bath area if ya want.”

“I’d like that, I’m glad that I get to keep it cause I had thought of bringing Nightmare in with me at one point to train her. Right now she’s weaker than Krillin from Super.” Black said, getting a glare from across the room from Nightmare. “Anyways, if we put the topic of training Gar aside, I can’t thank you enough for your help tonight,” The Saiyan thanked.

“No problem,” Edward waved it off. “Seeing an evil version of my bastard of nephew not to long ago really puts in perspective how they can turn out. Getting off with being raped with a cello bow the high road of punishments. Back home I put Blue through a hellscape of training routine and get him up to Shiny’s level. I tell him he can have his posh back and stop training as soon as he lands me on my back and stay there from more than a thirty count.” He cracked his knuckles. “You up for donuts?”

“Sure! Haven’t had one in centuries! Hey Luna!” Black shouted, seeing Luna pop her head out of a corner, giggling. “You want to go grab a Donut?”

Luna looked confused at the Saiyan, “What’s a donut?” This got the Saiyan to freeze. He looked at Luna with wide eyes as he teleported to her. Before she could say anything, Black puts a hand on her shoulder and teleports to the mane 6, leaving Edward behind.

“Young love and naivete,” Edward smirked as he walked over and joined Celestia. “Sorry about your cake, your highness, though Ido hope you enjoyed the show at its sacrifice.”

“No harm done,” Celestia chuckled. “Except to Blue backside that is but I think the cake was the right price to pay to bring that Pompous Wind Bag I call a nephew done a peg or two.”

“I don’t think it will stick for very long,” Edward sighed as he looked to see the Black and Luna teleport out. “Looks like they went for donuts, shall we,” he motioned to the door.

“Yes we shall,” Celestia smirked, lighting her horn and the two blinked out as well.

The mane 6 had gone to Joe’s Donuts to see Spike all alone. As they sat down and went on to explain how terrible their night was, Goku Black and Princess Luna appeared into thin air at the end of their table. Luna looked surprised at how Black had reacted while the Saiyan was looking for a donut.

The mane 6 on the other hand had gotten used to Black teleporting out of thin air, but they were surprised to see Luna with him. “What are you two doing here?” Twilight questioned.

“Well, I brought Luna here since she never had a donut, just figured she might want one.” Black explained as he picked up a glazed donut from a box of dozens. “Here try one, this is the most basic and original donut,” Black said as he handed the donut to Luna, who looked puzzled.

When she grabbed it, she realized how sticky it was, almost like the glaze was melting. Shrugging she took a bit and her eyes went wide. “This tastes amazing…” Luna muttered.

“No offense to you Pinkie Pie,” Edward remarked as he and Celestia appeared in a booth not that far away. Edward holding a cinnamon sugar donut in his left hand. “But Joe always has the best Donuts.” He took a bite and looked at everypony. “Looks like you six had a rough time of it.”

“I guess that’s one way of putting it,” Rainbow mutters. Her taking a bit out of a chocolate glazed donut with sprinkles on it. “I tried to get the Wonderbolts’ attention, but they were too busy…”

“Never go at your goals alone,” Edward remarked. “You all had problems because you weren’t there for your friends. The night could’ve ended a lot worse I suppose,” He took another bite from his treat. “Can any pony what your first mistake was?” They all looked at each other and looked down not having the answer. “You all left Spike at the door. He’s one of the most supportive creatures for you girls and you simply forgot him for your own goals. I understand wanting to do things but not at the cost of leaving a friend to himself.”

“I’m afraid I must agree with Mr.Elric on this,” Celestia gave a stern tone.

“Speaking of abandon,” Edward looked around and snapped. Nightmare soon appeared shocking everypony. “Don’t think I forgot about you, little miss. Have a donut.” He pointed to the box of fresh pastries.

Nightmare rolled her eyes and picked one of the pastries and took a bite. She went wide-eyed and took another bite. Black looked at the parazyte and chuckled, “The first dessert you’ve ever had huh.” Black commented as he watched Nightmare consume the donut.

“Oh shut it will you…” Nightmare said as she took another donut.

“Something is puzzling me,” Celestia looked at Edward. “The manners in which you speak lead me to believe you knew how tonight would Playout and the fact that you can use magic without a horn is very troublesome. Who exactly are you?”

“Oops…” Edward stopped chewing. “Guess the cat’s out of the bag at this point. Can I tell them who I am?” He looked at Black.

Black leaned in and whispered into his ear. “You can tell them you’re a displaced, but nothing about their future. They’re still baffled at the idea of me being a displaced amongst trillions of other Equestria’s.” Black said and stood next to Luna. “But other than that yeah.”

“Alright then,” Edward dusted his hands of the cinnamon sugar and got to his feet and walked out, and turned around to face everypony. Red electricity crackled from his body as he transformed back into his human form astonishing everypony but Black and Nightmare. Giving bow, “Allow me to formally introduce myself to you all. My name is Edward Elric the FullMetal Alchemist, But these days the Displaced know me better as the Crimson Sage. It is a pleasure to meet all of you. “ He stood back up and looked at the mouths on the floor. “That’s a good way to drown in a rainstorm ya know.” He chuckled.

“You know, It’s kinda weird seeing another displaced,” Rainbow commented, getting multiple nods in agreement.

“One of the better reactions I’ve had from ponies in my many years of life,” Edward snarked. “But yes I am a Displaced like Black and I was on my way home from helping my brothers in their worlds when he summoned me. I was taking a nap on my train so there was no way to deny the summons. Questions?” He pointed at them.

Applejack raised a hand, Edward pointed to her, “Ah’ got a question, and I’d sound like Rainbow Dash, but which of you two are stronger?” the farm pony asked. Black and Edward looked at each other.

“You know, I’ve been wondering that ever since Edward got here. But I think it would be fun to find out, don’t you think?” Black said as he gave a smirk to the alchemist.

“I’ve never tested my strength against an actual Saiyan before,” Edward tapped his fingers together. “My last decent fight was against the Dragon of the Apocalypse and we put some pretty steep ground rules barring several of our powers so… No idea whose stronger. God Ki would be a pleasant test if I do say so.” He smirked. “Got to warn you though it can be pretty nasty when I shed my human form. If you’re all willing to be patient till tomorrow I’ll have Black’s new training area built and we can do that as a way to both fight and test the Chamber. What ya say, Black? Want to have a hell of a time with someone who can match you? I do have to warn I use magic, weapons, ki, bending and many other skills I’ve acquired over the years. You could very much end up dead. Are you willing to take that chance?”

“A death-like scenario, haven’t been in one since the fight with Sombra all those years ago.” Black commented as he stood in front of Edward with a smirk. “Oh what the hell, a fight to the death is always the most dramatic anyways.”

“A few more details to iron out first,” Edward looked at Luna and Celestia. “For your other question, I know the events of tonight because I lived them some time ago already and I will say no more. Now, are you alright with me adding on to your castle for him?” He turned to Luna. “And are you okay with me fighting him?”

“Just don't go too far, I don’t want my coltfriend to be killed in something he agreed to,” Luna commented, Black looked away whistling a tune as he blushed a little.

“We agree to you building the fighting area, there should be a spot next to the guards training grounds,” Celestia commented.

“Very well,” Edward nodded. “Here you are,” He held up his hand and a small tan bag came out of a ripple in the air. He shook it slightly and it sounded like a maraca slightly. “Use these to start your own crop sometime. I figure you need some way to heal yourself quickly,” Edward tossed Black the bag. “And let’s drop all formalities. You can all call me Ed.”

As the mane 6 started some small talk with the alchemist, Black open the tan bag and was shocked. “it couldn't…” Black muttered, getting Luna’s attention.

“What is it, Black,? Luna asked. Black leaned the bag over and tossed what looked like beans into his hand. “What are those?”

“These are Senzu Beans!” Black exclaimed, looking at the magical items. “There only seems to be a couple of them, so we need to make sure we grow them as Ed said.” Black put the beans back into the bag and put it on his belt.

“They were incredibly difficult to engineer and each plant only yields up to five or six beans,” Ed explained. “These are from my first successful crop and a gen 1 bean plant. They grow best in high altitudes with cool conditions and don’t put within three feet of each other or they won’t sprout at all. Other than water every other day they just need sunlight like any plant. They should bear beans within a month or so. Closest I could get to actually Senzu. The ones I make with my magic are nowhere near as potent.”

“Thanks for letting me know, no wonder only Korin could make them.” Black chuckled. “Anyway, I think it’s kinda getting late, don’t you think?”

“Yes… Yes, it is… “Edward agreed with a nod. “I believe a sleepover is in order for everypony here, excluding yours truly,” He placed a hand on his chest. “I’m not a perv and I believe my wives would kill me at least three times before actually yelling at me if I included myself,” They all chuckled but Applejack. “That wasn’t a joke. Well…” he clapped his hands and they were all in the main hall of the castle again. “I have work to do. Have a goodnight’s sleep every pony,” Ed bowed and then vanished.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, I would like to thank Alvasa again for being apart of this chapter and helping with Editing. Edward is from this story "The Golden Eyed Sage". I highly recommend you go check out his story if you haven't yet. He's a fantastic writer and I've enjoyed his stories. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and want more.

Anyway, that'll be all for now, I'll Catch You All Later!