• Published 29th Jun 2020
  • 9,141 Views, 135 Comments

Equestria's Divine God - ShirtMechanic

[Displaced] Michael is sent to Equestria as Goku Black after opening a mysterious door! It's been a thousand years since his arrival. After being sealed in stone, he breaks free. What will he do now? Find out on Equestria's Divince God... Now!

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Chapter 4: Ponyville Part 3

Chapter 4: Ponyville Part 3

We were walking for a little bit, figuring out what was next on the list, Spike had readout that decorations were next. Apparently, the celebration was being held at town hall, but we had no idea how to get there. We had asked a pony named Time Turner and gave he gave us the directions to the town hall. But something had seemed a bit off about that pony. He wore similar clothing to the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who. But I dismissed it to me not watching Doctor Who in a long time. But I swore I thought I saw a blue box when we flew into town.

I put the thoughts of the Doctor aside and focused on the building in front of us, Town Hall. On the outside, the decoration was neat. But when we walked inside, it was simply magnificent. There were banners that filled the ceiling and stipes of colors on the arches.

"Next on the list is Decorations." Spike looks up from the list and he sees something amazing. "Beautiful." He mutters.

"Yes, the decor is coming along nicely. This outa be quick, I'll be at the Library in no time." Twilight's hair is still poofy, but my hair was able to settle down before we arrived at town hall. "Beautiful indeed."

I looked to what Spike was looking at and I internally sighed. "Not the decorations, her," Spike said lovingly. Spike was staring at a snow-white mare with a curly purple mane and tail, and light blue eyes. She was wearing a black undershirt with a half-up white jacket, a purple skirt, black leggings, and white boots. I immediately started to think this mare might act up like the nobels up in Canterlot, but I put those thoughts aside and looked to Spike.

I couldn't believe my eyes, Spike's pupils changed into hearts that were beating. He then started to straighten his spikes and fins. "How are my spines, are they straight?" the young dragon was trying to compose himself but was failing. I just shook my head at this, the last time I saw something like this happen was when some mare had tried to hit on me a couple of times. Twilight just rolled her eyes at her assistant and we walk up to the mare.

"Good Afternoon." Twilight tries to say hello but is stopped when the mare puts a hand up.

"Just a moment, I'm in the zone." She says as she rummages through a container full of ribbons. It looked like she was trying to find the best one, but was having to trouble. I smile at this and walk up to the container when she wasn't looking and started to look through it. I had decided to make myself useful instead of just standing there while the mare was having trouble. I smile in satisfaction as I found the right ribbon.

"Ahem, is this the one you looking for?" I ask the mare. She turns around and grins.

"Ah, of course, a red ribbon will fit perfectly." She says as she takes the ribbon from me. "Thank you, Mr?"

"Black, the name is Goku Black. And what might yours be ms?" I ask as she goes to a post and ties the ribbon into a bow around the arch.

"Rarity belle. Now, what brings you here to town hall?" Rarity asks as she bashes her eyelashes. I had started to get the feeling she was trying to hit on me.

'starting to get those memories again.' I thought. "Well actually, I'm actually not staying too long, I'm keeping an eye on Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's orders," I say as I point a thumb over my shoulder to Twilight Sparkle. Rarity seems to gasp in fear, taking a few steps forwards.

"Oh, my stars, darling! What has happened to your mane!?" Rarity appears in front of the confused Twilight. She looks up to her hair and sighs.

"Well, it's kind of a long story. I'm just here to check on the decorations and then I'll be out of your hair." Twilight explains. Rarity shakes her head and looks to Twilight with determination.

"Oh forget the decorations! We need to fix your mane!" Rarity then grabs on of Twilight's hands and starts to drag her through one of the back doors to the town hall. All the while, Twilight protesting the entire time. Spike did the funniest thing I've ever seen. Spike was flying like Tails for Sonic the Hedgehog as he followed them. I shrug as I walk out the front door and back into the streets of ponyville.

I had decided I didn't want to follow them, I didn't like going to clothing stores that much, especially if they tailor a fancy suit for me. I decided I wanted to go take a nap outside of town, so once I've got to an open part of town. I'd started to hover off the ground, surprising the ponies around me. I smile back at them as I increase my pace, I then started to fly towards the edge of town. I increased my speed, seeing the houses and market blur under me.

It didn't take long until I hit the open fields, I softly landed in the meadow. I look around and smile at the scenery, there's a small pond with fish in it, a forest of trees surrounding the said pond, and lovely animals inhabited it. I walk down towards the pond, looking into it to see many fish inhabit it. I smile as I began to hover again, over the pond. I stayed in the air, crossed my arms, and closed my eyes.

Instead of sleeping, I had decided to do some quick image training, preparing for what the nightmare might have in store for me. I concentrate, hard, thinking what the parasite may look like on Luna. I open my eyes and I see a dark void around me, underneath me was an endless sea, surrounded by flames. And in the middle of it, stood a shadowy alicorn with sky blue eyes, staring a hole into me. I pop my neck a few times and give the Nightmare a death glare. I could see her slightly flinch, but she stood her ground.

I waited for her to make a move, and after a while, she did that. The Nightmare rocketed off the ground, leaving a tsunami of water behind her. She pulls her right arm back, preparing for a powerful strike. Right before the fist is about to make contact, I swiftly grab Nightmare's forearm, stoping the fist a few inches from my face. I then quickly pull the fist down, making her lose balance. Quickly, I throw my right fist into the ponies gut and then pushing her back with a ki blast. She flys a good fifty feet away, clutching her stomach.

Nightmare looks up to glare at me but then freezes as I'm charging a large and red ki blast. I'm holding it in the fashion of a Kamehameha after I finish charging the blast, I launch it forwards, making swift progress. The nightmare had time to quickly move out of the way, she looks behind her to see the blast vaporize the water behind her. Using her distraction as an advantage, I quickly move to make it look like I teleported right above her, she however saw this. I grip my fists over my head and then bringing them down with ferocity. She was quick enough to block the attack though.

She then throws her left arm in a hook, trying to catch me off guard, but fails as I dodge the attack. I then try to move the arm out of the way, but she then delivered a high kick to my chin, and then a barrage of kicks to my gut, pushing me back. I was surprised at this and decided to up my game a little. With more power into my throws, I delivered a punch to her gut, which sends her to the water, making a big wave of water. She recovers from this and tries to deliver another kick, but I push it out of the way and then proceeded to punch her about ten feet away.

With an opening, I throw my arms to the side and start to charge two separate ki blasts. She sees this and charges forward with newfound speed, catching me off guard. I try to send the ki blasts at her, but she dodges them and delivered a massive blow to my chin, sending my higher into the dark sky. I recover to see the shadow pony smirking at me with her arms crossed over her chest.

I laugh at this and I start to charge a massive Kamehameha. I throw my arms forward, opening my hands, and started to chant the words.

"KA..." I yell out, pulling my arms to my right, slowly building up ki into the specific spot.

"ME..." A small black orb with a light purple shell around it started to slowly grow. Nightmare saw this and started to charge her own attack.

"HA..." The black orb grew in size until it almost engulfed my hands.

"ME..." The Nightmare grinned at me, and then threw her arms forward, letting her attack fly towards me with great velocity. The attack was almost upon me as I grinned wildly.


I threw my hands forward right before the blast hit me, I released my Kamehameha as it pushed against Nightmare's attack. It started to push through her attack, making it bend inward like a malleable ball. The nightmare became worried now as she felt her attack being pushed back. I grinned as she had started to panic, she was throwing more magic into her attack, but this made said attack unstable, giving me the advantage.

I thought of a fun idea and I decided to show her my true power. Skipping the formalities, I started to raise my power even higher. The wind had started to pick up, pushing the pony back. I let out a primal roar as I ascend to Super Saiyan, making my hair spike towards the sky. Then Super Saiyan 2, making my hair more rigged, giving me a scary look. I looked through the attack to see the terrified look of Nightmare. I let out one more yell and my hair grew much longer than before, all the way down my back. I had ascended to Super Saiyan 3, my eyebrows had seemingly disappeared from existence, making me look terrifying.

"TIME TO DROP OUT OF THE GAME, NIGHTMARE!" I shouted as I poured a big chunk of my power into my attack, overpowering hers in an instant. The attack overwhelmed her and eventually killed her. Her screams of pain made me flinch a little, knowing that's what I'll hear when I fight Luna. As soon as her screams ended, my short image training did as well.

I open to see I haven't moved at all from my last position. I was still floating over the pond, but it seemed I had gained two watchers. I looked to see it was Twilight with a fancy dress on, looking at me with confusion. While Spike just watched on in fascination. I smile as I slowly float over to them, Twilight and Spike backing up a little to make room. "What's with the dress?" I asked.

Twilight looks at me with confusion and looks at herself. It seemed she was wearing a white a blue dress with a few colorful gems embedded in the dress. She sighs heavily. "Rarity did more than brushing my mane, she went on for a whole our on picking which outfit would look good on me." I chuckle at the young unicorn. She just looks at me angrily and stomps her foot in annoyance.

"Oh come on," I say as I cross my arms. "Don't be like that, just think of all the books you'll read when you done with your preparation lists."

Twilight's ears flick a little at the mention of books. She just looks at me and shakes her head, and then proceeds to change her clothes in an instant with the help of magic. She was back in what she was wearing before. "There, much better." She says as she prepares to walk to the next destination on the list. Spike just shrugs his shoulders and follows the unicorn, and proceed to do the same.

It was a few minutes before Spike had asked about what I was doing at the pond. I smile at this, "Well Spike, I didnt want to go with you guys to the fashion place, don't really like them." I explained. "So I decided I wanted to do some image training." I then explained to the young drake was image training was and he seemed to get excited about it.

"Woah, that's so cool!" Spike exclaimed. I grin at him, and before I could tell him who I was fighting against, Twilight interrupted me.

"Well, we're here." She says I look ahead to see we arrived at the edge of the everfree forest. I quirk a brow at this, thinking why a pony would live all the way out here.

"Say, Spike, what was the last preparation on the list?"

Spike rummaged through his leather bag and pulled out the list."The last preparation on the list is Music." Spike said simply. Knowing Celestia, she would've wanted something nice and calm.

I was interrupted from my thoughts as I heard birds singing, I look around for the noise and found it. I look to Twilight and Spike and they shrugged their shoulders. I decided to check it out this time and followed the beautiful music. I had to go through some bushes though, kinda ruining my outfit, but I didn't care. I escape from the bushes to see a pegasus orchestrating a flock of birds on a tree. She was hovering a little in the air, using her wings. She wore a teal-colored sweater with a pink skirt down her waist, she also wore a pair of brown sandals. She had a buttermilk yell fur with a curly pink mane and tail. She also had a pair of teal colored eyes.

I could've been just me, but I heard one of the birds was out of rhythm. I'd thought of helping the pegasus out, but she seemed to notice the out rhythm as well. "Oh my, um... stop please, everyone." She said in a timid voice. She flew closer to the tree at a slow pace, making sure not to scare the birds. "Um, excuse me, sir, I mean no offense, but your rhythm is just a teeny tiny bit off." She said to the bird. At first, I thought the bird wouldn't understand, but I was surprised to see the said bird nod in confirmation. She flew back to her original position and started to move her hands in a motion that a drum major would.

I saw Twilight in the corner of my eye moving up to talk to the pegasus, I look to her and shake my head slowly. But she ignored it and continued on forward. "Now follow me, please. A one, a two, a one two three..."

"Hello!" Twilight said in a normal voice, scaring both the pegasus and the birds away. I slap my head at this and Spike did the same. "Oh my! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to frighten your birds." Twilight apologized, " I'm just here to check on the music and it sounds wonderful."

The shy pegasus slowly flew down to Twilight but was looking towards the ground. She was rubbing her right arm with her left hand, still looking away from Twilight. At this point everything became awkward. Twilight was trying to smile, but it just came out weirdly, and I don't blame her, I hate awkward situations.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle... What's your name?"

"Um... I-I'm Fluttershy" The shy pegasus's voice was getting quieter. But I did manage to catch her name. Her name is Fluttershy and it fits her.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Twilight pushed. I frown at this, knowing this pegasus didn't like talking to other ponies often.

"Um... I said my name is Fluttershy"

"Didn't quite catch that."

At this point, the shy pegasus's voice just became a squeak. I felt bad for the pegasus, I use to be like this when I was in school, it fucking sucked. Twilight seemed to catch the message and slowly started to back up. "Well, um, It looks like your birds are back. So I guess everything is in order, keep up the good work?" Twilight complemented. But the only reply she got from the pegasus was yet another squeak. I sighed as I and Spike walked up to Twilight. She came our way and told Spike that was easy. I'd thought we were done as well, so I started to walk back to town, but a light gasp caught my attention.

"A Baby Dragon!"

That's all I heard before Twilight slammed into me, catching me off guard. I quickly look around to see who did that, but I locked my eyes onto the shy pegasus talking to Spike. My eyes widen at this. All it took for the pegasus to talk louder was Spike, it seemed this pegasus loved animals. I hear Twilight grumble in annoyance as she gets off the ground and looks to the pegasus. I lightly chuckle at this and I look to Twilight. "Hey, Twilight."


"Can you tell me where the Library is?" I ask her. I decided I wanted a quick nap before I go fight Nightmare Moon tonight. Twilight just looks at me confused.

"Just look for a big tree in Ponyville." She says simply. I smile and give her a thumbs up and I start to fly from the ground.

"See you there Twilight!" I shout as I start flying towards Ponyville.

The flight was short, but It felt nice to fly through the evening air. I was a mix between a warm and chilling breeze. I smile at this, remembering how I would sometimes sit atop the castle and just look at the setting sun and the rising moon. Shaking the good memories aside, I look ahead to see I'm arriving into town. I put most of my focus into looking for the tree and making sure I don't hit any flying pegasus. It was quickly I found the treehouse, and I thought the house would be on the tree, not in it. I shake my head at this and I softly land back onto the ground. Most of the ponies looked at me with confused looks but I shake it off. But I noticed.

It could've been me, but I only saw like two ponies out. I thought this was weird, but I felt multiple ki signatures inside the library. Thinking nothing of it, I open the door and walk into the library. I was extremely dark inside and hard to see, I squinted my eyes but I still couldn't find anything. I then heard the door open and both walk-in Twilight and Spike. Twilight seemed really skittish while Spike was really annoyed. "Huh, a little rude much?" Spike asked Twilight.

"What do you mean?" I ask Spike. He jumped a little when he heard me.

"Twilight here just left Fluttershy at the door," Spike said a little angry. I frown at this, but Spike and Twilight couldn't see it.

I heard Twilight sigh, "I'm sorry Spike, but I have to convince Princess Celestia that Nightmare Moon is returning and I'm running out of time. I need to be alone to study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time!" Twilight explains and I frown at this.

'Celestia wasn't kidding when she said Twilight didn't like making friends. Jeeze' I thought, I did hear her say where the light was, but I was at that time the lights came on. Then a large air horn-like noise sounded out through the library, catching me, Spike, and Twilight off guard. I look around to see almost the entirety of Ponyville's residents surrounding us.


I covered my ears from the loud noise. I look to see party balloons and kazoos go off. I hear Twilight sigh and look annoyed at the commotion. I didn't get a chance to move because a really pink pony appeared in front of me with speeds unseen by the human eye.

"Surprise! Hello, I'm Pinkie Pie and I just threw this party just for you! Wereyousurprised, wereyouwereyou!" She says to quickly. My right eye started to twitch a little, I didn't think that there would be anyone or anypony just as annoying and hyper as Deadpool, I was horribly wrong.

"Very surprised, libraries are supposed to be quiet." Twilight grumbles. But that didn't go unnoticed by the pink pony, she now started to bounce around like she was on the moon.

"Well, that's just silly. What kind of welcome party would it be if it were quiet, I mean Duh! Boring!" Twilight had spotted a table with a line of drinks and she headed towards it. While she was doing that, Pinkie Pie just kept rambling on how she met us and how she managed to convince the entirety of Ponyville to come to this party. I sighed as I followed them to the drinks, I was thirsty. I saw Twilight got there first and started to pour a bottle with a brown liquid in it. It looked like root beer almost, but I took a closer look at the label. It showed a cartoon flame on it, I smile a little.

Twilight didn't notice the label and she kept pouring the hot sauce. She finished pouring the sauce and grabbed one of the bendy straws and put in the drink and started to drink the hot sauce. I start to laugh quietly to myself, knowing what's about to happen in the next few seconds.

"See, now you have lots and lots of friends!" Pinkie pie finishes, and four familiar ponies from today show up behind her. It was Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. It confused me on how she got inside the library after being shut out, but I put it aside as I grin at Twilights expression. The hot sauce finally set in and now Twilight was feeling the reaction. She starts to slowly turn read and was sweating profusely. She turns around to look at the five ponies and was trying not to spit out the hot sauce.

"Uh, are you alright there sugarcube?" Applejack asks, but Twilight didn't respond. Immediately she jumps in the air with her mane and tail catching on fire for a second. She then rushes up the library stairs into another room, my guess the bathroom. I couldn't take it anymore and I started to laugh out loud, catching the five ponies' attention.

"HA HA HA, That's the funniest thing I've seen all day!" I exclaim as I'm clutching my stomach. Pinkie Pie laughed with me while the other four just look on with confusion. While this was happening, Spike reached for the bottle of hot sauce and looks at the label.

"Hot Sauce?" Spike questions with realization. Pinkie Pie stopped laughing with me and went over to Spike. She took the bottle from him and started to pour some of it on a cupcake. I immediately stop laughing as I cringe from disgust. She then proceeds to eat the entire cupcake.

She looks behind her to seem me cringing, "What?" she asks as she's chewing and swallowing the cupcake, "It's good!" I almost gagged at this, but I held it in. I shake my head and walk past the ponies and head up the steps. "You not staying for the party?"

I turn around to see her frowning a little, I just sigh. "Look, I'd love to stay and party, but I need to rest for the Summer Sun Celebration, I had no sleep for the last couple days." I apologize. I lied a little, and it looked like the ponies bought it, except for Applejack. "Look, if it makes you feel better, you can do another party for me tomorrow," I assure her.

"Pinkie promise?" She asks me, and I nod. I put out my left hand and put out my pinkie. But she seemed to be confused, "What are you doing?"

"A Pinkie Promise?" I ask in confusion.

"Silly, that's not how you do the pinkie promise." She says and I quirk an eye at this. "This is how you do it." She then proceeded to do all of these motions, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." I just blink in confusion, but I nod in confirmation.

I then proceed to do the motion and chant with Pinkie Pie. She just smiles after I did the oath, and I slightly smile back. "Well, I'm off to my nap, see everypony later," I say as I walk up the steps. I hear the 5 ponies and dragon say night, but I didn't reply. I then began to think about the fight with Nightmare Moon, and I frown at this. I look for the spare room and I found it pretty quickly. I enter my temporary room and close the door behind me.

I walk over to the window and look out to see the rising moon. I sigh deeply as I see the embedded alicorn on the lunar object.

"Don't worry Luna, I'll set you free soon, just hold on a little longer," I whisper. I walk over to the bed and I lay down over the covers. I just stared at the roof and began to think to myself, not much longer after, I fell into sleep.

'Prepare yourself, Nightmare Moon.'

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, sorry this one took a while, but I was working on two chapters at a time. But with my sleep issues aside, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and you want more. That's all.

I'll Catch You All Later!