• Published 29th Jun 2020
  • 9,129 Views, 135 Comments

Equestria's Divine God - ShirtMechanic

[Displaced] Michael is sent to Equestria as Goku Black after opening a mysterious door! It's been a thousand years since his arrival. After being sealed in stone, he breaks free. What will he do now? Find out on Equestria's Divince God... Now!

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Chapter 18: A Unexpected Arrival! The Time For Students Is Now!?

As Celestia's sun began to set along the horizon, a yell broke the silence of the evening. "AAAAHHHHHH!" Black, in his Super Saiyan Rose form, roared as he clenched his fists, the pink energy surrounding him was calm before becoming erratic. Black struggled as he began to push his power further. Sweat rolled down his head as he began to think of the moment in The Tower during the Displaced Tournament. He remembered his energy skyrocketing with his muscles bulking up slightly. It was achieved after looking back to what he lost, left, and the need to protect everyone he loves. Even at the cost of his life...

For a split second, his muscles bulked up with his power skyrocketing, lighting began to pulsate around him. Black gasp in awe at the rise in power. But after that split second, it disappeared with Black falling onto his knees before puking onto the ground. 'Augh, that's fucking disgusting!' Nightmare shouted in disgust. The Saiyan groaned as he tried to stand up, but he dropped out of Rose and into his base form before falling onto his ass. He gasped for air as he wiped his mouth with his arm before spitting on the ground.

"Oh shut it, go back to playing pool with Zamasu..." Black growled. He heard Nightmare growl, the sound of footsteps walking away. It was silent for a moment before he heard the sound of pool balls colliding with each other. Black rolled his eyes before he slowly got up.

'Why did you even give us a pool table?' Nightmare asked skeptically.

"Since you'll be stuck in my head indefinitely, you might as well get along with Zamasu," Black answered before walking to a nearby river, scooping up water and cleaning his mouth. He spits it out, removing the taste of vomit from his tastebuds. "And I thought it would be funny."

'You mortals have a poor taste in humor' Zamasu sneered, Black rolled his eyes at this washed out his mouth a few more times. After this, the Saiyan stood up and did a few stretches, 'Do you intend to keep on trying to access that form?' Zamasu inquired.

"Yeah, I can't get stronger by myself, and Luna is far behind. Thanos and Edward are the only ones that can push my limits." Black explained as he returned to the spot he stood before. He got into a stance and began to power up through his transformations. Pushing himself back into Rose before holding the transformation, breathing heavily. "Third times the charm..." Black muttered as he clenched his fists. But as he began to power up, he got a weird sensation.

Distracted by this, he stopped powering up, going back to his base form, and began to look around his surroundings. He saw his cabin in the distance while being surrounded by the Everfree. He got the feeling again, this time coming from his right index finger. Looking down at his hand, his eyes widened as his time ring was active. "The hell?" Black muttered. "Zamasu, do you know what this is, you have more knowledge on the time ring than me." Black begrudgingly asked the Kai.

'The Time Ring is reacting the same way my counterparts did when in use to chase Trunks through time, but this is doing the opposite.' Zamasu answered. This shocked Black, not knowing the Time Ring could sense something coming to his time. As right on queue, Black heard lightning in the distance., looking up to the sky he saw large storm clouds appearing from thin air in the distance. Right over ponyville.

"Well, we'll get to see who's coming through," Black said as he powered up his aura, taking flight towards Ponyville with speed.

While in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash had been sleeping on a cloud she'd picked up. The sounds of the quiet town of Ponyville were the perfect place to have a nap, according to her. But that was interrupted when a bolt of lightning struck her cloud, waking her up and sending her falling to the ground. She screamed until she uprighted herself and began to hover above the ground. "What the hell was that?" Rainbow asked herself. "We weren't supposed to get a thunderstorm today..." She then flew up to the clouds and placed her hands on them.

She expected for her hands to rest on the cloud, but it did the opposite, they went straight through. She stumbled mid-air but corrected herself as she tried again. "Come on! You're a normal storm cloud, I should be able to move you dammit!" Rainbow cursed as she failed multiple times. She stopped her futile attempts, the pegasus growled to herself before she got an idea. Slamming her hand into an open palm, 'That's it, Twilight should know something about these clouds easily!' She thought as she turned away from the clouds and headed for the Golden Oaks Library. But was almost sent flying to the ground by a streak of black flying by.

Rainbow looked back to the black streak heading towards the clouds in shock. "What was that?" the pegasus asked herself. But shook dismissed the thought and continued her flight to Twilight. That black streak however was Goku Black, racing towards the thunderstorm clouds. He had an uneased look as he ran through many scenarios in his head.

'Maybe it was the Real Goku Black coming to this timeline, Maybe it was another Zamasu, maybe it was one of the other Supreme Kais, maybe...'

'Get ahold of yourself Saiyan!' Zamasu shouted, mentally slapping the Saiyan. This broke Black from his thoughts as he arrived at the clouds and landed on the ground. The ponies looked in shock and fear to not just the sudden arrival of the storm clouds, but the Saiyan as well. Black noticed and inwardly sighed at this, he shook his head as he focused on the objective at hand.

"Zamazu and Nightmare, any idea's of who could be coming through?" Black asked, waiting for a response.

'Im in the blind here, I barely know of anypony with the ability to time travel' Nightmare responded.

'Like you thought mortal, It could be the Real Goku Black or myself. We'll just have to wait and see' Zamasu answered, Black could feel just the hint of joy. The fact that Zamasu himself could come through, causing chaos and possibly helping himself gain control of Black's body. This was however interrupted by the arrival of two ponies and a dragon behind the Saiyan.

Black turned around to see Twilight, Rainbow, and Spike behind them. "What are you two doing here?" Black asked, raising his eyebrow.

"I went to grab Twilight because of these storm clouds," Rainbow answered, pointing to them as they grew stronger by the second. "They just appeared out of nowhere when I was having a relaxing nap!" Black nodded as he turned his attention to the clouds as cracks started to form.

"They look like normal storm clouds to me, but what interests me most is why your here Black?" Twilight questioned. "Why would these storm clouds interest you?"

"Because these aren't storm clouds, there the product of something passing through time," Black answered, having the ponies and dragon gasp in awe at the fact that Time Travel was possible.

"You mean Time Travel is real?! Not fictional like in the comics?" Spike answered excitedly, Twilight and Rainbow having the same reaction, although differently.

Black turned his head, nodding with a smile. "Yeah, I can actually do it as well, but never done with the consequences," Black answered, revealing his time ring to the three.

Moments later, the cracks grew in intensity before giving way and exploding open. A strike of lightning hitting the clouds as a figure came through. However, instead of floating down, the figure came plummeting down to the ground with a large crater forming in the dirt road. Black rushed over to the crater with haste, preparing a ki blast in hand, just in case. He peered down the dirt walls to see the figure and his eyes widened. Black dispersed his ki blast and ran down to the figure.

He had spiky black hair with a single bang hanging from his head. He wore a black shirt and shorts with blue armor covering vital areas. He also had black and blue gauntlets and boots with a brown tail wrapped around the waist of the figure. But what caught Black's attention was the bag that hung by his side.

"Black! Did you find who it is?" Rainbow asked, Black, nodded in response as the Saiyan was speechless. He heard hoofsteps behind him, turning around he saw the three making their way down the crater. Rainbow was the first to see the new being. "Woah, he kinda looks like you Black, especially with the tail." She asked, pointing towards the appendage.

"Doesn't that mean he's a Saiyan like you?" Twilight asked, Black, said nothing as he kneeled next to the unconscious Saiyan and placed a hand on his chest. A moment later a green glow emanated from Black's hand.

"How did he even get here... he's not a supreme kai at all, yet he traveled through the multiverse..." Black mumbled as he began to heal the beaten-up Saiyan. Shortly after, the Saiyans eyes began to flicker open, with a moan of pain escaping his mouth. "Wake up Shallot, I need some answers."

"Ugh... Bulma... Jaco, is that you?" Shallot grunted. As he opened his eyes, he saw what looked like Goku's face with one minor exception, the green potara earring. His eyes widened in shock, before changing into anger.

This took Black by surprise. "Um... you good there Shallo-" Black didn't get to finish as he received a powerful punch to the cheek. Sending him past Twilight, Rainbow, and Spike. The three moved out of the way as the Saiyan was sent into the dirt. The dark Saiyan grunted as he put a hand to his cheek, "Kami's sake..." Black grunted as he stood up and stepped back into the light. Shallot growled as he let out a roar, a shining red light overtaking the crater.

The ponies and dragon covered their eyes at the sudden flash of light, "Just who is this guy?" Rainbow said as the light died down. They looked in shock, except for Black, as Shallot's hair and tail turned blood red. The ponies and dragons jaws dropped as Black prepared himself for a fight.

"Black! What'd you do with Bulma and Jaco?!" Shallot shouted as he charged up his aura, the pressure in the air increasing by the second.

"This pressure! It's unreal!" Twilight said in awe, she struggled to stand still as Spike held onto her.

"But look, his hair, eyes, and tail, they're red!" Spike pointed towards the enraged Saiyan in awe. "That can only mean..."

"Super Saiyan God, impressive." Black praised as he began to clap. This pissed off Shallot as the Saiyan charged forward, the pressure of his aura pushing the ponies and dragon back. Black prepared himself as he attempted to block the blow, but Shallot outsmarted him and ducked under the dark Saiyan. Only to uppercut into Black's gut, sending the dark Saiyan into the sky. Black grunted in pain as he was sent past a cloud, "Even more impressive." Black laughed as he ignited his aura. Shallot shot into the sky after him, Black doing the same as two streaks of light chased towards each other. The two roared as the two streaks of light clashed, a powerful shockwave being sent out as far as Canterlot with a blinding flash of light. The ponies and dragon covered their eyes as it was too bright for them.

Once the light died down, the ponies and dragon look up in awe, the two Saiyans interlocked into the clash. "So this is what it's like for two Saiyans to fight each other," Twilight murmured. Spike looked up with stars in his eyes as the fighters clashed their fists. While Rainbow cheered on for Black.

"Come on Black! Kick his flank!!" Rainbow exclaimed. The dark Saiyan heard this and smirked as he began to push Shallot back. The Saiyan in blue, backed off as he sent a barrage of ki blasts towards Black.

The Dark Saiyan furrowed his eyebrows as he begins to dodge or deflect all the attacks. The Saiyan glanced back to Ponyville, 'Gotta take this fight elsewhere, ponies will get injured.' Black planned as began to fly off, Shallot growling as he stopped his ki barrage and chased after him. As the two left the scene, Rainbow then takes off after them, taking Twilight and Spike by surprise.

"RAINBOW DASH!" Twilight shouted, "Get back here!!" Twilight then began to chase after her, leaving Spike in shock as he's now alone.

The drake looked left and right and began to chase after the two ponies, "Hey! Wait up for me!"

Princess Celestia sat with a bored expression in day court, a hand on her chin as she tried to listen to the request of the noble. She tiredly blinked as the noble went on and on about wanted to take a ponies land he thought was his. "And this, Princess Celestia, is why I believe the orphanage should be taken down, for it is on the land my mum and pa-" But the noble was cut off as a powerful shockwave was felt in the courtroom. This caught the Sun Princess's attention as she stood up from her throne and walked over to the window, with the guards and nobles doing the same.

Celestia squinted her eyes, seeing two colors in the sky clashing against each other, large storm-like clouds in the sky generating a lot of energy. The nobles and guards looked in awe and began to conversate at the display of power as the two colors clashed against each other.

"What's happening over there?"

"There wasn't any scheduled weather for Ponyville, right?"

"So much power."

Celestia sensed it was Black and one unknown energy that felt on par with him. It was at this moment, Celestia furrowed her eyes as she begins to walk to the courtroom doors. "I'm officially canceling Day Court for the time being!" The Princess announced. The guards near the doors saluted as they looked at her.

"What do you need us to do my Princess?" One guard asked.

"Officer Starwind, I require you two to escort every noble out of the room and send a small squad of royal guards to Ponyville to assess any damage." The Princess ordered, the guards saluted as Celestia's horn glowed with magic, moments later she teleported to the battle.

"ATATATATATATATA" Black continued his fight with Shallot as the Past Saiyan began to launch a fury of attacks. Black blocking them as he waited for an opening. Shallot kept pushing as he landed a kick into the Saiyan's ribs, Black gasping from the sudden attack. "Tell me where Zahha is, Now!" Shallot roared as he then landed a blow to Black's face, sending the Dark Saiyan to the ground.

Black recovered and planted his feet in the ground, skidding to a halt as Shallot landed a few meters away from him. Black felt something trickle down his lip, wiping it off he realized it was blood. Black let out a short laugh as he starred towards Shallot. "You aren't that bad of a fighter, sure I left myself be a punching bag for a minute or two, but the real fight starts now," Black said as he transformed into a Super Saiyan, shocking Shallot.

"You can transform as well?!" Shallot exclaimed as he put on a defensive stance. Black smirked as he went on the offensive, shooting forward. Shallot grunted as he began to block most of the attacks, getting hit now and then, inflicting more damage. Black smirked as he began to push Shallot, not leaving any chance for him to attack.

"I'm as much of a Saiyan as you Shallot. Can't you tell?" Black chuckled as he threw a kick, Shallot deflecting the attack and throwing his fist. Black blocks it as the punch forced him back. The Dark Displaced furrowed his eyebrows as he noticed an increase in strength. "As much as I want to keep on fighting you, I don't want to prolong this unnecessary fight," Black says as he powers down, confusing the Saiyan in blue. "Take a long good look at me, do I really look like Goku Black?" Black asks.

Shallot stopped for a moment, considering the idea as he looked he Black, noticing the differences. The scar on his cheek that made him look like Bardock, the metallic left arm, and the scars on the Saiyans right arm. If not that, if he was truly Goku Black, Shallot would be long dead by now. Shallot growled and powered back down to his base form, "Just so you know, I still don't trust you." Shallot grumbled.

Black didn't seem deterred by this, "I figured, I do look a lot like him. But this is also great, like really great now." Black laughed, confusing Shallot. Black noticed this and smiled, "What I mean is there's another Saiyan here beside me now!" At that moment, Celestia teleported in with a confident look. But it was then replaced with confusion when she laid her eyes on Shallot, the Saiyan in blue looking in confusion at the strange being.

Celestia was about to ask who Shallot was, but was interrupted by the arrival of Rainbow Dash, slowly followed by Twilight and Spike. The drake let out heavy breaths, sitting down as he caught his breath. "Couldn't you have just picked me up?" Spike huffed with an annoyed look. Twilight looked at Spike with a nervous laugh.

"Sorry Spike, didn't mean to leave you like that." Twilight apologized. She looked back to the Saiyans and Celestia, gasping at the Princesses presence. Without hesitation, she bowed with Spike and Rainbow doing the same thing. "Princess Celestia! What are you doing here?"

"What's a Princess?" Shallot asked dumbly, this shocking the ponies and drake, except for Black. "Is that some sort of food?"

Even Zamasu and Nightmare were surprised at the stupidity of the young Saiyan. 'He's gotta be kidding right? There's no way he doesn't know what a Princess is.' Nightmare asked dumbfounded, not believing the Saiyan in blue.

'And here I thought there wasn't a mortal more stupid than Son Goku…' Zamasu sighed, Black could practically feel the supreme kai slapped his hand to his head.

"Wha- how... how dont you know what a Princess is?!" Rainbow shouted. "They're like one of the most powerful brings on Equis!" Twilight was left speechless while Spike and Celestia lifted an eyebrow in almost synchronized action.

Black pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing as he shook his head. "And it's not food, not even close. Do you at least know what a Prince is?"

“Is that related to a Princess?” Shallot asked, tilting his head slightly like a dog. Black’s eye twitched slightly before he let out a grunt.

“So Black, you said that he is a Saiyan, correct?” Celestia turned to the Saiyan with a raised eyebrow. “That would mean he’s of your race, where did he come from?”

Black put a hand to his chin, “All I know so far is that he somehow managed to travel through time without a time ring or time spell.” Black answered. The Saiyan sighed as he placed his hands on his hips. “He arrived here covered in injuries, and that’s all I know.”

“From what I’ve gathered is that he must have been fighting someone, and whoever he was fighting transported him across time and to this era. I’ll have to look into that but I’ve noticed a pattern, first it was Thanos who came here with injuries, now with this Saiyan, who or what is next?” Celestia inquired, she placed a thumb behind her chin and thought about it. “No matter, if he’s a visitor we must welcome him with open arms.”

“That sounds like a great idea Princess Celestia!” Twilight agrees.

“I’ll go grab Pinkie! Be back in ten seconds!” Rainbow exclaimed, taking off back to ponyville.

“Does that mean there’ll be food?” Shallot asked with enthusiasm.

Celestia shook with mirth, she looked at Shallot with amusement. “Indeed, there will be a feast. I believe we have not properly introduced ourselves to each other. My name is Celestia Solaris, Diarch of Equestria and the one who raises the Sun.” Celestia introduced herself to the Saiyan.

“You can move the sun?! That must mean you're really strong!” Shallot exclaimed, but the Saiyan in blue received a hit to the head by Black. The dark Saiyan shook his head while Shallot looked to Black, “What was that for?!” Black whispered in his ear, the young Saiyan's eyes widening as he then stuck a stiff posture before bowing. “I’m sorry! My name is Shallot!” Shallot exclaims with sweat rolling down his head.

Black snickered as he crossed his arms.

“There’s no need for such formality, if Black can talk to me that way, so can his fellow Saiyan. And do not fret, I’ve been asked that I was strong many times so there’s no need for chastising Shallot, right Black?” Celestia turned to Black with a smile on her face.

“Yup, no idea why you're so uptight, Shallot.” Black snickered as he placed his hands behind his head. The dark Saiyan walked to Celestia’s side, “But I expect the pink menace to be here any second now.”

“Who? Do you mean Majin Buu?” Shallot asked quizzically, only to be silenced as a pink blur impacted with Shallot, sending him falling on his ass. Pinkie Pike grabbed Shallot by his chest and sped off back to ponyville. Black and Celestia both looked to the trail of dust disappearing over the horizon.

“And just like that, they’re gone,” Celestia said with a soft chuckle. “How is your cabin holding up? Do you need any assistance, I have time given that I canceled Day Court for today.”

Black waved it off, “It’s alright Celestia, I’ve already taken enough from both you and Lulu, any noble would be wishing for the things you two given me.” Black said as he stretched.

“Hm, if that is all, I’m going to take a rest. Since I’ve been having to deal with a certain noble who has been trying to convince me to get rid of an orphanage, I need to replenish my brain cells. Or at least conserve the few amounts that I have left after that statement.” Celestia said with a tired yawn.

“Just make sure that you don’t take any cake with you to bed.” Black snickered as he ignited his aura and took off back towards Ponyville

“Oh ha ha!” Black heard the sarcastic laughter of Celestia as the Saiyan distanced himself from Canterlot.

As the Saiyan continued his flight back to ponyville, he thought about what Celestia said. ‘Who could be strong enough to send someone through time.’ Black thought to himself as he began to list the possibilities.

It’s possible that Ryker could’ve done it,’ Nightmare suggested, the Saiyan however shook his head.

“Though it didn’t, if he could have done it, he could’ve gotten rid of us easily.” Black countered. Nightmare hummed in response, trying to think of a good answer, but she came up with nothing.

Though the event had passed, he could still hear Ryker’s chilling laughter. “Eghehehehe…” The laughter of the Irish God echoed in Black’s head. The Saiyan growled as pushed the memory out of his mind. Even with Nightmare’s help, he couldn’t get Ryker’s laugh out of his mind.

Then something entered the Saiyan’s mind, something all too familiar… “Heyyyy! Hi I’m Ghost Nappa, and I’ve been wondering about it in your head and it’s a mess in here. So much trauma, what are you, a DC character?” The voice of a certain Saiyan said, echoing across the Saiyan’s mind.

"Dear Kami, I forgot he was here…" Black said to himself as he spotted the small village in the distance.

“You can thank Thanos for that, oh and I have been tormenting Discord for a while now, as per Thanos’ request. Also, does anyone want to play Yu-Gi-Oh? I literally have one of every single card.” Ghost Nappa asked the two deities living in Black’s mind.

'What is this "Yu-Gi-Oh '' you speak of?' Nightmare asked curiously. Zamasu scoffed at the idea of playing a card game, going back to playing pool.

“Basically, you put a bunch of monsters and they fight. But there are also cool spell cards too, trap cards, spell cards, terrain cards, FUSION cards! Tribute summons, synchro summon, normal summon. If you’re interested I can teach you how to play. Alucard and I have been playing for a while now.” Ghost Nappa’s voice echoed in Black’s mind.

"Who the hell is Alucard?" Black asked as landed in Ponyville, most of the ponies backing off with Black letting out an annoyed sigh.

“I’m a fuck mothering vampire!” As Black took a step forward, he saw an illusion of Alucard’s 7’4 frame towering over Black’s 5’9. “And Tyky Ryky is here with me! Oh wait, he’s trying to escape the basement, tata!” Alucard then faded away.

Black pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a groan. "At the moment I let Nightmare stay in my mind, everyone else decides it's a good place to stay." Black hissed as he walked towards Shallots ki. It leading the dark Saiyan to Twilight's treehouse. Black opened the door to see Shallot surrounded by the mane 6, Spike, and three fillies the Saiyan knows nothing of.

Black looked around to see party decorations filling the room with a banner overhead saying, 'Welcome Shallot And Late Welcome Back Goku Black Surprise Party!!'. Black raised an eyebrow at the name, but was interrupted by a pink blur. "SURPRISE!!!" Pinkie shouted, taking Black by surprise as the Saiyan fell onto his back.

“OH SHIT!” Ghost Nappa popped out of Black’s body, Oh wait, she’s so… So…. SO…. CUTE!” Ghost Nappa turned into his Saiyan form and hugged Pinkie with an iron embrace. “Can I keep it Black? Can I keep it?!”

'Dear the Omni-Kings, I'm just Vegeta now…' Black thought as the Saiyan frowned. "Nappa, you can't keep her, she's an…" the Saiyan paused for a second, finding the right word. "Anomaly…"

"Well, Black isn't wrong… but that's also kinda rude," Twilight said with a conflicted look on her face.

“Nobody cares Twinkle,” Nappa replied, giving Twilight a deadpan expression.

"Wait, isn't that the other Saiyan that was with Thanos a while back," Spike asked while rubbing his head with a finger.

“Yup! And I’m here to help Black with anything he needs, or at least that’s what Thanos told me to do. Other than annoying Discord, and don’t worry, I’m not the actual me, the actual me is WAAAAAY more annoying than I. Actual me is currently with Thanos fighting in… Oh god is that Mount Aris?” Nappa said, clicking his Scouter and seeing what his other self is doing.

"What about Cottontail and that Wazu fella? Where are they at?" Applejack asked, taking a bite of an apple she grabbed on the way to Twilights place.

"Well…" Black says nervously while rubbing the back of his head with his robotic hand.

Meanwhile at the hyperbolic time chamber…

"I'm just saying, I believe I have a very important job, after all, I do have to maintain this place," Cottontail argued with the Angel, Wazu, who held an annoyed look.

"But I'm his attendant, I look after him so I have the more important job than maintaining this place," Wazu said calmly, but this did little to the AI.

"If that's so, why hasn't he called for your assistance yet?" Cottontail shot back with a smirk. This annoyed Wazu, but after a sigh, the angel collected himself. The two continued to argue with each other.

Back with the others.

"To be honest I don't know what they're up to," Black answered.

“Can they teach Black to do this?” Nappa asked, kicking the air so fast it made an air slash that cut an apple in two. “Or this?” Nappa then began to double jump in the air, he was now jumping in the air, “Or this?!” Nappa began to become slim and zip across the place before going back to normal. “OR THIS?!” Nappa then zipped around the Library, “OR FUCKIN’ THIS?!?!” Nappa then punched Black’s shoulder, enhancing the blow with Tekkai/Iron body. “The answer is no, they can’t.”

Black rubbed his shoulder and gave a stern glare to Nappa. "First off, ow… Second, sure they can't do what you do but they sure are less annoying." Black said with a Spike and the fillies giggling.

Shallot looked up from the food, his mouth full of food with his eyes widening at the sight of Nappa. The Saiyan quickly swallowed his food and shot forward before stopping in front of the big Saiyan. "Master Nappa!!! You're here!" The young Saiyan exclaimed.

“I have no idea who you are!” Nappa said with a grin as he embraced Shallot in a bear hug, Nappa then swung Shallot around as a big brother would do to a cousin. “But nice to see ya!”

"What do you mean you don't know me, you taught me how to fight better a whole back." Shallot asked, confused. He was interrupted by Black coughing into his hand.

"This is a different Nappa from the one you know. Different timelines and universes remember, that was practically your world." Black informed the young Saiyan as Nappa let go of him.

“Nonetheless, seeing another Saiyan alive and well always brings a smile to my face.” Nappa put his hands on his hips and grinned. “Also, did any of you see the Tobey Maguire series? Because tomorrow, I’ll make a reference.”

"Who's Tobey Maguire?" The others, except Black and Nappa, said in perfect synchronization.

“You guys scare me with that shit… Anyway, stay right there.” Nappa then walks out the door, he then comes back in with pizza boxes, he then places them on the table. “Pizza time.”

Black smirked while the others were confused. Except for Spike, who had a big grin. "Did you just reference Spider-Mane 2?" Spike asked all giddy.

“I will strangle him.” Nappa said to Black telepathically, “Yup!” Nappa said with a pained expression, he hates the puns and the ripoffs.

'You do that I'll kill you the same way Vegega did,' Black shot back telepathically. "Didn't know they had a pony version of Spiderman, that's neat," Black said as he walked over to the table and sat down.

“I won’t, but I can't promise that I won't dream of it.” Nappa then walked over to a chair and sat on it… Only for it to break. Nappa hit the ground with a thud, being the 6’8 goliath that he is, he just laid there for a while. “I hate chairs.”

Soon the party began, first up was a board game of a ripped-off version of Monopoly with Spike winning the game. The second was pin the ponytail, when Nappa went he went straight through a wall. This pissed Twilight off and she shot Nappa with a magical blast, sending the Saiyan tumbling out the library. The third was an eating contest with Black, Nappa, Shallot, and Pinkie Pie participating. This went as well as expected.

Black, Nappa, and Shallot layer on their backs with full stomachs, Pinkie Pie cheering for herself as she jumped around without a care in the world.

"I… thought Saiyans… couldn't be outmatched… in eating…" Black groaned.

“I… Call…. Hacks…” Nappa wheezed.

Shallot said nothing as he never ate that much due to how much Bulma would pay for food, and he was unconscious. Not that long after, the three fillies from earlier walked up to Black with a nervous look. The Saiyan glanced back as he struggled to sit up, "What… can I do… for you three?"

"I'm Scootalo, this is Sweetie Belle and Applebloom, we were wondering…” Scootalo was then interrupted when she was slightly pushed out of the way by Applebloom.

“We were wondering if you could train us!" The caramel filly asked excitedly. This took Black aback as he immediately forgot about his stomach pains and shot straight up.

“You want me to train you?!” Black asked, making the fillies nodding excitedly, their heads moving in a blur. “But why though, what I do is dangerous!”

“When we saw you talking smack to Nightmare Moon a few months back.” Sweetie Belle said while rubbing her arm. “We saw how you made that cool light sword and well…”

“We wanna be as strong as you!” Scootalo finished with a grin, the three fillies waiting for Black to respond. However, the Saiyan was still rebooting after they asked him to train them.

“Come on, they’re about the age, I mean the youngest Piccolo trained was four. They look… About six through eight, and you too are hitting the point in power where you need students. You aren’t going to be around forever you know.” Nappa said, crossing his arms, assisting the fillies as he stepped behind the trio.

The Saiyan shook his head and sighed. “You do make a good point Nappa, but that is left for…”

“Us to decide” Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity said synchronized. Spike rubbed his arm nervously with Twilight glancing at the young drake.

“I won’t allow you to train with him, no offense Black but it's just so brutal. What if you get hurt?” Rarity said with Sweetie Belle pouting.

“Ah’ in the same tree with Rarity, what if you get injured in a training session or even a fight?” Applejack joined in, Applebloom tried to respond but shut her mouth.

“I would like to say one thing… I’m-taking-the-marshmallow-one-bye!” Nappa grabbed Sweetiebelle and shot through the roof.

“Na.. NAPPA, GET BACK HERE WITH SWEETIE BELLE RIGHT NOW!” Rarity screamed as she ran out the door and chased down the Saiyan brute. Black and Shallot watched on with the others being too shocked to respond. Black sighed as he glanced back to Scootalo and Applebloom.

“Fine… I’ll let you train with me under one condition…” The fillies leaned in, waiting for the Saiyan to respond. “You will not… and I repeat… Will not use what I teach you to get one up on somepony. Am I clear?” Black asked sternly. The fillies nodding their heads enthusiastically, in the back with Spike watching on. The Saiyan noticed this and walked to the drake, Spike waking up from whatever he was thinking of. “Let me guess, you want to train with me as well?”


“Absolutely not!” Twilight shouted, interrupting Spike as the young drake and Black covered their ears. “I will not let you go off and get injured!”

“But Twilight…” Spike tried to counter, but was once again interrupted by the purple unicorn.

“What if you get injured while I'm not there, or what if you get lost and can’t find your way back or…” Twilight went on, but was interrupted when a hand was placed over her muzzle. She blinked a few times before looking to Black. The Saiyan said nothing as he motioned to the drake as he took his hand off Twilight, the unicorn did this and saw Spike with a look of doubt.

“You and your friends always go on adventures, accomplishing things I can’t do without getting in the way,” Spike said, Twilight was about to say something but Spike beat it to her. “I want to get stronger so then I can prove to you all I’m not just some useless dragon. I don’t want to keep organizing books all my life.” The drake argued, leaving Twilight speechless.

Black stood there, not comfortable with the idea of training students just yet. But seeing Spike did something to change the Saiyans mind, he saw a bit of himself in the drake. “Ya know, that’s a pretty good argument don’t you think Twilight?” Black asked with Twilight looking away. The Saiyan looked back to Applejack and Rainbow. “I know you two aren’t comfortable…”

“I’m cool with this.” Rainbow interrupted Black, shocking him and Applejack. “Just as long as she can fly at the end of this, I’m cool with it.”

“Awesome! Thank you so much Rainbow Dash!” Scootalo cheered. This got the apple pony to give skittles a stern glare.

“You're not being a good mentor figure right now!” Applejack snapped back, Rainbow backing off with a nervous smile. Applejack looked back to Applebloom, only to be met with the cream filly giving her a puppy-eyed look. The apple pony struggled to resist the look her sister was giving, sweat rolling down her head before she gave in. “Fine… as long as you don’t get hurt, ah’ fine with this…” Applejack said reluctantly.

“Yah! That ya so much sis!” Applebloom exclaimed, giving her sister a hug, Applejack returning the gesture. This put a smile on Black as he felt a touch on his shoulder, he turned to see Twilight with a stern glare.

“I’ll let Spike train with you, but if he gets hurt, or even dies.” She got up in Black’s face with the Saiyan sweating. “There is nothing in this universe that won’t stop me from hurting you. Are we clear?” Twilight asked, The Saiyan nodding quickly. Twilight smirked as she returned with a smile and backed up from Black, “Good.”

Nappa walked back in with Sweetie Belle who was laughing with joy. “That was fun, can we go again?” Sweetie Belle said with a grin, Nappa crossed his arms before giving her a thumbs up.

“Any time if you train with me!” Nappa then gives Sweetie Belle a fist bump. “She is now my student and none of you can stop me,” Nappa said with a grin, he put his hands on his hips.

Rarity ran in out of breath and covered in sweat, “Not on… my watch you… ruffian!” Rarity heaved out, Black pointed a hand to her and healed her, restoring any stamina she lost. “Oh, thank you, Black.”

“Can she be my student? Please? Please? Please? Please? I promise I won’t hurt her! Please? Please? Please? Please? I won’t kill her too! Please? Please? Please?” Nappa begged, Sweetie Belle then started to say ‘please’ as well.

Rarity tried to keep it together as she was bombarded with ‘please’ before she gave in. “Fine! I’ll let you train with this brute if you stop saying please!” Rarity exclaimed as she began to collect herself.

Sweetie Belle and Nappa held out a fist to each other, standing side by side, not even looking at each other. They then do a fistbump and it ‘explodes’ “Boom.” The Duo said at the same time with a smirk on their faces.

“If they're all in agreement, Me and Nappa will train you four,” Black said while placing his hands on his hips. “Plus Shallot as well, he’s weaker than Tia at the moment.” Black then walked up to the fillies and crouched down, meeting their eye level. “Do you have school tomorrow?”

“Nope! Tomorrow is Saturday.” Scootalo answered. This made Black smile as he stood up and walked over to Shallot. “Is that when you're gonna begin training us?”

“Sure is, with Shallot, of course, meet me outside of Applejacks farm,” Black said as he picked up Shallot, who was still out cold by the amount of food, and began to walk towards the door, Nappa following. “See ya later!” Black then blasts off back towards his cabin.

“I have no idea what I’m doing!” Nappa said with a laugh, when the Saiyans had exited the Golden Oaks Library all was silent until…

A certain Crimson Fucker phased halfway through a wall. “Hey, kids wanna see a dead body?!”


Author's Note:

Hello everyone!

I'm sorry for the long wait, either the addition of School and Work, I've either been too tired or too busy to work on the story. I want to thank The_Chill_Author for assisting me in this chapter! I highly recommend you go and read his stuff, it's good.

With that out of the way, I will like to say Chapters will take a while to write with school and work interfering, so please be patient.

That's all for now! I'll catch all of you later!