• Published 29th Jun 2020
  • 9,129 Views, 135 Comments

Equestria's Divine God - ShirtMechanic

[Displaced] Michael is sent to Equestria as Goku Black after opening a mysterious door! It's been a thousand years since his arrival. After being sealed in stone, he breaks free. What will he do now? Find out on Equestria's Divince God... Now!

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Chapter 21: A Racing Competition? First Day of Training Complete!

Chapter 21: A Racing Competition? First Day of Training Complete!

“We’re doing a race?!”

Standing in front of the students, Nappa gave a hearty nod. “Yup! We’re racing to finish the day off!” He declared. They had all gathered around in front of the Sweet Apple Acres sign, looking on towards Ponyville. He had Black at his side standing right next to him. The sun was fairly up in the sky, and it looked like a few more hours before the sunset would come forth. Nappa glanced over to his fellow teacher, leading him to begin his explanation.

“This is so then we can get a grasp of what you're capable of and where we can move forward with that.” Black walked forward, creating a mockup map of Ponyville and the surrounding area. “First off, you’ll start off from here, running towards Saddle Lake before making a right to Ponyville, doing a full lap before running back to Saddle Lake and back to the starting line,” Black explained, putting the map down in front of them.

“The rules are simple!” Following the Divine God, Nappa started to pace around the students. “There will be no bumpin’, no cheatin’, no spittin’, no bitin’, no road rage, no maimin’, no oil slickin’, no pushin’, no shovin’, no backstabbin’, no road-hoggin’, and no lollygaggin’.” Nappa finished, stopping his pace when he was in front of him. “Do you understand?”

Black looked at the brute with a questioning gaze. “Were all the extra things necessary? You could just say No backstabbing and No Cheating?”

Turning to Black with a grin and crossed arms, he boldly and loudly exclaimed, “It was more fun that way!” He laughed.

“Of course it is…” Black muttered under his breath. The Saiyan coughed into his hand before looking back to the racers. “Either way, I think you get the rules of this race?”

“Yup! This is all gonna be easy as pie!” Spike beamed before pausing as an image of pie appeared in his mind, “Mmm… Pie…”

Scotaloo grinned smugly, “Yeah, I’ve got it!” The young pegasus exclaimed. “I’ve got this race in the bag!”

“In the bag?” Sweetie Belle crossed her arms, “You’re forgetting about me!”

“Really? You haven’t even gotten your nails dirty, let alone run a race!” Applebloom scoffed, leading to a vein appearing on Sweetie Belle’s head.

“Now, now, young’uns, this is a friendly race, right Black?” Granny Smith chastised.

“Of course, just a friendly race to see what they're capable of. Nothing else whatsoever.”

Nappa went to Sweetie Belle and kneeled down to whisper in her ear, “You’re gonna smoke them.”

“Hey, what about me?!” Shallot barked with crossed arms, looking at Nappa. “Aren’t I your student too?”

“Yeah, but I like her more.” Nappa pointed a thumb at Sweetie Belle before stepping away to get in front of them.

“Plus, Shallot, you’ll be in weighted clothing like all the other training sessions today. Don’t expect to have this thing in the bag.” Black points to the Ancient Saiyan with a finger. “CLOTHES BEAM!” A beam of ki shot out, consuming Shallot. The Saiyan’s armor was replaced with a massive weighted suit a moment later.

“Oh, come on!” Exclaimed the Ancient Saiyan. At his expense, everyone laughed as Nappa approached the starting and finish lines. He glanced over at Black, who was safely beside the Apple Family, who gathered to watch the race.

“On your mark!” Shallot crouched down low into a sprinting position, “Get set!” Scootaloo did the same and flared her small wings, “Uno for the morning,” Applebloom took a deep breath, “New life for the show,” Sweetie Belle flinched and winced as her fingers touched the dirt below, “Tonight to get ready, and quattro to…” Spike narrowed his eyes as he dug his claws into the ground. “...Go!”

And like that, they set off, picking up dirt as they started their run. Clearly, the weight affected Shallot, but he was still comfortably hanging with the others. Scootaloo clearly had the speed and acceleration advantage, taking the lead in an instant. Still, Spike and Applebloom made the young pegasi push even harder to make the gap between them wider.

‘Should you… oh, I don’t know, make it more difficult for Shallot?’ Nightmare pointed out to the Saiyan God. “Now, why would I go and do that? Everything seems to be going well so far.”

“Well…” Nappa sighed as he slowly held his face in his palm, hiding his face from what he’s looking at. When Black followed where his gaze was, he saw Sweetie Belle huffing and puffing, struggling way behind the rest of the pack. “...She… She has this… Yup… She can do it.”

Black kept his gaze on the young unicorn, seeing her struggle to keep up. ‘She’s been struggling all day. Do you really think she could do this training?’ Nightmare asked. The Saiyan nodded, ‘She really wants this; she’s got the drive. She’s just gotta dig in deep and push forward.’

Back to the race, Scootaloo might have had a good start, but as she looks behind her, she notices that, slowly but steadily, Applebloom was catching up. And even more slowly, Shallot and Spike were as well. With narrowed eyes, she flapped her wings to gain as much momentum and speed as possible to widen the gap.

“Hehe, you might’ve had the speed advantage. But ah’ve got the endurance!” Applebloom laughed as she was catching up.

“Eat dirt, Applebloom!” Scootaloo growled as she ran towards the path around Saddle Lake to Ponyville. Following, Spike quickly used his tail and foot to plant on the ground to make a sharp turn towards the same path, and suddenly, he barely managed to pass Applebloom and took second place.

Seeing all of this, Shallot gritted his teeth and moved his muscles faster and harder than ever. Determined not to lose to kids like them. At his pace, he managed to take Applebloom’s side and compete for third as they all raced along the path towards Ponyville.

In the back, Sweetie Belle was booking it as hard as she could; seeing them all in the distance ahead, she furrowed her brow and chased after them. However, due to her gaze lying ahead, she didn’t see a rock right in line with her foot, so with a yelp, she was launched from the ground, sent flying, and started to roll down the hill towards the lake. With a few pained grunts and a splash, she was submerged in the lake…

…But then she burst from the water and swam with all her might to cross the lake with gritted teeth, her make-up completely ruined as she was covered in water, dirt, and grass.

“Nappa, you’ve got yourself a determined pupil,” Black commented. Watching on as Sweetie picked herself up and slowly caught back up.

“That’s the one defining trait she has,” Nappa shook his head, his face still in his palm. “Oh, Kami…”

“Kinda reminds you of Videl, doesn’t it?”

“Hopefully, that doesn’t foreshadow anything…” Nappa muttered as his hand slid off his face so he could see.

Back to the race once again, Scootaloo was still in the lead even now. She zoomed past all of the ponies going about their day; the ponies slowly realized that it was a race. She offered them a glance as she passed them by and saw Rainbow Dash amongst the passing ponies and cheered her on. She nodded with wide eyes and a gleaming smile, determined not to let her idol down.

Following her, Spike was starting to get exhausted, slowing down so that Applebloom was at his side. However, the mere sight of his rival and fellow student beside him made him push harder and run faster. Shallot was hanging behind the two by just a millimeter and held back using Ki not to boost his speed to make it somewhat competitive. The group of four raced around the Town Hall, making a U-turn to go back where they were running before, all running past poor Sweetie Belle, who was just starting to make it to the Town Hall.

Scootaloo’s wings were tired of flapping, so the extra speed boost was lost as the corner to turn to the path across the lake was revealed to her eyes. Next to her, Spike was huffing, with occasional sparks coming from his mouth. She didn’t pay him any mind until he used his tail to grab a pole and used the momentum to swing and turn sharply toward the path. Not only did he do that, but he threw himself forward and stole the lead from Scootaloo.

Scootaloo’s eyes widened in pure shock at the maneuver and widened even more as Shallot and Applebloom took the second and third place spots from her, now in fourth. But she didn’t allow herself to hang back too far and kept running as fast as she could, and started using her wings again even though they were tired.

At this point, the Saiyans and the Apple Family saw the racers come over the horizon with determined and fiery looks in their eyes. “Well, would you look at that?” Black said with a smile, laughing nervously as he saw the death glares they passed each other. “They know this is a friendly competition, right?”

“One of them is a Saiyan, one is kin to Applejack, one is friends to one of the most competitive mares in the world, and one is a dragon Twilight uses for chores.” Nappa said flatly, “...Of course, they’re gonna be competitive.”

Black stood in silence for a few seconds before nodding slightly. “Point taken…” Black then quickly created a tape line across the finish line before giving them a thumbs up.

A frail finger nudged Nappa, and he raised a brow and Granny Smith, the old mare, pointed over in front of her and following the finger, he saw Sweetie Belle booking it with newfound speed. She caught up to the rest with her feet catching fire at the alarming rate she ran.

Black saw this, and the biggest grin appeared on his face. “Would you look at that!” Black said with glee, patting the brute Saiyan on the back.

“C’mon… C’mon…!” Nappa muttered, fidgeting with his fingers, looking on as Sweetie Belle was right behind Scootaloo.

Everyone was neck and neck, but the ones ahead didn’t see Sweetie Belle behind them. They were twenty feet away, slowly closing in, but then, with a roar of pure and fiery spirit, Sweetie Belle darted right by Spike. Looking at the speed, Shallot instinctively activated his Ki aura and shot right after her, leaving the others in the dust. However, by the time he did it, Sweetie Belle was so far ahead for Shallot to close the distance.

Sweetie Belle ran across the finish line and into Nappa’s arms, embracing him. “I DID IT!” She exclaimed, which gave Nappa the biggest grin he’d ever had.

“YOU DID IT!” Nappa roared and lifted Sweetie Belle over his shoulders like she beat Ivan Drago. “LET’S GOOOOO!”

The rest fumbled their way through, with Shallot landing in second place, Spike third, Applebloom fourth, and Scootaloo ending up dead last. Everyone fell to the ground in exhaustion, wheezing, and coughing as they all caught their breaths.

“Damn it… I was so sure… I had that… in the bag,” Scootaloo coughed out. “But that was great!”

“Man… This stinks…” Spike grumbled, “I was so close…”

“First is the worst! The second is the best! Third is the one with the hairy chest!” Shallot exclaimed childishly, waving his arms in the air.

“Ah, do not have a hairy chest!” Applebloom barked so loud it knocked the Saiyan onto the ground.

Black laughed briefly before pointing his finger at Shallot and removing his weighted suit. “That was great! All of you did so well!” The Saiyan congratulated his students.

In the background, Nappa and Sweetie Belle are still celebrating. Both of them were singing a parody of the Congo song. “You kicked all their bu-utts! Yes, you really did it! Yes, you really wo-on! Cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha!” They both exclaimed, punching their fists in the air.

Black turned around with an even bigger smile, “And the winner is Sweetie Belle!” The Saiyan exclaimed like an announcer.

Yippee!” Both Master and Student cheered.

Black let out a sigh before stepping back to look at every one. “And with that, that concludes the first day of training. Since I know y'all are gonna be sore like HIFL tomorrow. I’mma let you take a break.” The group let out a sigh of relief. “But after tomorrow, it’s gonna be like this for the next few months, minus the race.”

“Months?!” Spike wheezed out, “MONTHS?!”

“Yup! And if you aren’t prepared, then you’re scared! That rhymed, I’m a poet!” Nappa smirked.

“No, no you are not…” Black mumbled.

“That’s what you think; you’re not aware of my writing name, ‘Bald Ocean’.” He crossed his arms, feeling proud of himself.

“You’re really a poet?!” Sweetie Belle’s eyes brightened into stars.

“That’s right, kiddo, and if you wanna be like me, participate in rap battles!” He said, offering a thumbs up.

Black let out a small laugh before shaking his head. Before he stopped, then a smile started appearing. ‘Black… I know that grin… What are you up to?’ Zamasu questioned.

“You can see clearly in my head, Why don’t you figure it out,” Black muttered. The Divine Saiyan looked back to everyone with that same smile. “And I know what I’m going to do!” The Saiyan then levitated off the ground. “Wazu, heal up any injuries they may or may not have; I’m gonna go check on something real quick!”

Walking from behind a tree, Wazu let a soft smile appear before nodding, “Of course, Master Black.” With that, Black shot off toward Canterlot with tremendous speed.

“Huh, what do you think that was about?” Shallot asked Nappa, casually looking back to him and Black flying off.

“Hm… If it’s what I think it is…” Nappa stroked his chin and glanced at Sweetie Belle, “We’re gonna have to train extra hard…”

Black was doing barrel rolls while laughing. “Why didn’t I think of this earlier!” Black exclaimed.

Really, you wanna host that? Especially so soon after Ryker?’ Nightmare questioned.

“It’s not gonna be like that, I know it.” Black punched through a cloud before setting his eyes on the Castle. “Plus, it’ll be great for Scootaloo, Spike, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle! I wanna host…”

“...A Tenkaichi Budokai !”

Author's Note:

Well I'll be damned. Took me long enough!

I just wanna thank Ya'll who've been sticking with this story, even though it's been quiet for awhile now. But I'm sure ya'll will love what I've got cooking. And none of this would be possible without me boi The Chill Aurthor. Seriously go check his stuff out!

But now I've dragged this on long enough. I can't wait to show you what else we've got!

The 1ST Tenkaichi Budokai Begins!