• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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15. Barebones acceptable applications.

-Location: ???, Time: late morning, under a peach tree in a valley, Pom-

With Smolder and Ocellus off to scout, I wondered if Shanty was going to be okay. She had really liked Skunk, but even she said it herself that it wasn’t likely ever going to work out, Shanty was fairly mature for her rambunctious high energy nature.

“Are you going to be alright Shanty?” I ask as the goat snuggled against my side.

“Yes, I think I be feeling better after eating a few peaches.” Shanty had eaten most of the peaches off the tree, I don’t know where she was putting it all or why she wasn’t gaining weight. It could have something to do with her magical ability to cling to surfaces being energy intensive, it was her favorite ability to practice and it certainly wasn’t the fluffmancer method of clinging to things.

“A few… right.” I stated while looking up at the nearly barren tree that previously had a hungry goat climbing around in it. Clearly Shanty didn’t worry about ever falling out of the tree unless she suddenly lost control of her ability do to a lack of energy. “So we’re in another valley, surrounded by mountains and it has fruit and vegetables. Only it’s not the same valley we just left. We’re obviously not on Equus, in the Dragon Lands or in Equestria… or wherever you are from.”

“I think I be living around the Gallopagos Islands, might have even seen the infamous wandering Turtle Toga move by once or twice. There being enough fruit for me to live off of… though sleeping outdoors in the cold isn’t something I recommend ever doing.” Glad to teach you how to make a fire when we set up camp back in The Valley, also how to build a makeshift campsite with temporary tents and bedding. “Do you think Skunk be taking my goodbye well?”

“Well I’m sure he’ll never forget you at the very least, how often do you think he’ll get kissed by a cute bearded goat like you?” Not often by my estimates considering The Valley only seemed to have him and maybe Bird as the only kids or teenagers around.

“I am not thinking there be many goats like me out there… I was the only goat on the island and the port that was there.” Ouch, sounds like Shanty was abandoned.

“Well you obviously had someone looking out for you or else you wouldn’t be in my care now.” I tilted my head at her in curiosity, would she tell me about it or would she write off my interest in her.

“It not being any of your business, but yes... I did. She… isn’t being around anymore and I don’t be feeling up to talking about it.” Okay, if Shanty didn’t want to talk about it, then I stop prying here. “I’ve been mostly on my own for the last six years, which be what I am willing to tell you.”

She was a teenager about now, so… that would mean... That was pretty bad, especially if her caretaker died in front of her.

“So… do you think we’ll find a civilization of some kind here?” I was at least hopeful to sleep in a regular bed as soon as the end of this week.

“Maybe we’ll meet aliens?” Shanty said trying to sound perky, I just stared at her sadly as she snuggled against me and leaned her head against my chest. “Does this kind of feeling ever go away?”

“Uh, I don’t think it will?” My answer caused Shanty to smile as we sat under the tree together with the wind blowing through the nearby grass.

The cloudy skies were ever shifting and the valley seemed to be somewhere before lunch time when we arrived. We had left some time after lunch in the previous realm. Beautiful scenery, peaceful large open spaces, this place almost reminded me of Meadow Hills.

“Good, I be wanting to remember Skunk as a good friend even if it hurts that we may never be meeting again.” Shanty had a positive outlook on life and that was a good thing, because one would think she would be more depressive with how she’s been living up until now.

“Shanty, Pom, you’re going to want to see this, come on!” Smolder called out to us and waved with a claw from over the next hill.

We both got up and set off to see where Smolder was leading us. After three hills we came to a stop and saw a small… I want to say town, city maybe.

“It looks like we’ll be sleeping well tonight.” Ocellus said with good cheer, she even clapped her hooves together. “No more sleeping outdoors!”

“We don’t exactly have any local money Ocellus, which is if they even use money here at all and this world isn’t full of eldritch horrors waiting to devour us.” At least having a nearby civilization to go to is a good thing. A lightbulb went off in my head, I could teach Shanty responsibility, train her and earn some money all in one go. We’d need to find a restaurant though. “Well let’s get to it, we can get jobs if we’re going to find somewhere nice to sleep tonight that’s not just us huddled up together in an alleyway.”

“What are the chances that we be running into monsters?” Shanty asked looking a bit worried.

“Decent enough, because I know some Vikings who run into them regularly.” The words I said clearly had both Smolder and Ocellus concerned as much as Shanty. “Whether it is rye bread eating, living turn left signs or the small tentacle that once tried to take over the Huoshan Hot Springs, I know eldritch horrors exist and I don’t want to ever meet them personally. Abyssinia Giant Sumatran Rats almost count or come off as eldritch, they are quite terrifying to read about.”

-Thirty minutes later, outskirts of the small city, Ocellus-

“Do you think the locals will be freaked out by me?” Not that we had seen any of the locals so far, but I did see some movement as we approached and it looked like the place was bustling.

We were at the entrance approaching the main thoroughfare, there was a staircase on the far side of it that led up the nearby mountain with a large structure at the top.

“Are you sure that you and Pom don’t have anything in common Ocellus?” I knew Smolder was teasing me, but she should seriously drop it. I was nowhere near as paranoid as a lambkin.

“I have nothing in common with Pom, nothing I say!” I watched as Smolder, Shanty and Pom roll their eyes.

Can a changeling get a cup of some tasty respect around here?

I was at least getting a sweet ocean of love with Smolder, as part of being a ‘new changeling’ I shared that love right on back to her. I wondered if that was causing some sort of odd feedback loop and if it could feasibly have negative effects on me like forcing me to be attracted to Smolder, I also wondered if it was happening to other changelings since sharing the love made things better… except Chrysalis.

Eh, it was better not to worry about it, nothing bad has happened between me and my friends so far. I’m actually grudgingly willing to call Pom a friend, she at least hasn’t done anything noteworthy to make me hate her. She’s only ever been overly cautious and protective of us.

We trotted into town looking around at all the locals, another Chineigh themed world with animals… except these animals here wore more clothes and there were rabbits, pigs, geese and plenty of other random animals of various types, like snow leopards, snakes, a gorilla and yes, even monkeys were here.

One of the pigs saw Smolder and me, needless to say they reacted poorly.

“Oh no, a dragon and some kind of yaoguai Run!” The pig that said that quickly waddled off leaving everyone in the street looking at us.

“Is he always like that?” Smolder asked while scratching at her head.

“Yeah, that’s how Fli Eng always acts.” A nearby random goose said. “He always runs home squealing over nothing. So… you’re a strange lot, also the dragon doesn’t look or act like a demon.”

“Are the dragons that are native to this area of the world related to demons?” The answer to Smolder’s question was for the goose to shake his head.

“No, it wasn’t a true dragon, but a demon that took the form of a holy dragon and terrorized everyone. My name is Zeng, are you stranger here from outside The Valley of Peace for the tournament?” Zeng was a goose with a yellow robe green belt and matching hat.

His emotions were a bit muted or nervous, he was possibly a pessimist.

“Oh, um, no, we’re… a bit lost actually.” Pom rubbed at the back of her head looking a bit sheepish, pretty easy for a lambkin to look the part. “So this place is called ‘The Valley of Peace’, that’s nice to know Zeng. Would you happen to know where we can find a local restaurant? We’re basically vagrants looking for a nice place to rest.”

“You could try the noodle place nearby, they make really good noodles.” Zeng offered openly.

“Are you doing anything important Zeng, I ask because this is our first time being… uh what is this town called?” It didn’t seem that Pom or Zeng minded the others presence and they shared a similar enough skittishness that they started to relax around one another. It was kind of weird that Pom was less nervous about our surroundings while talking to him.

“Everything in The Valley of Peace is simply called The Valley of Peace, but the different settlements are their own districts like the artisan district out that way.” Zeng motioned at us to follow him. “I’m not too busy today to show some strangers around the Jade District.”

“So what’s this tournament you be mentioning?” Shanty hopped onto Pom’s back and she just carried her as we followed after Zeng.

“Oh it’s the tournament to choose a warrior of legend… given that you are unusual to the area, this warrior is going to be one of the most legendary fighters to ever live or so it has been foretold anyway.” Following Zeng, he eventually pointed to the out of the way place, a cozy little noodle hut with a few tables off to the side of the road. “Here you go, but I don’t know what you hope to achieve if you have no money.”

“My companions and I will be working of course. It’ll be a temporary thing, but we can do good work for a meal. We’ve been roughing it these last few days.” That was an understatement Pom, we were living far more roughly than I would have liked. This idea is sound though. “So what is that you do Zeng?”

“I’m a dutiful messenger of the palace up there, it’s where I work and I sometimes feel like I don’t deserve the job I have.” Zeng smiled at us. “I’m quite grateful that I even have one, now if you’ll excuse me.”

“Wait, I’m sorry, where are our manners. We forgot to introduce ourselves. I’m Pom, this is Smolder, Ocellus and Shanty.” At Pom introducing us we made noise of confirmation. “It was nice meeting you and you’re a really good person Zeng. If you ever need a favor, then I would be happy to assist you.”

“No, you don’t need to worry about a favor from me, but I still might take you up on it one day.” Zeng started to walk away while waving back at us. “You never know when the favor of a stranger will save your life. I’ve learned that much Pom, I wish you a good day.”

“Will you be joining the tournament Pom?” Shanty asked and Pom suddenly gained a very distant look in her eyes.

Pom tasted of fear so often that I think I’ve gotten quite numb to it. Still, she functions better than just about any other lambkin I’ve ever seen.

“Hey, yeah, you should really show your stuff Pom!” Smolder, I think Pom was about to have a coronary problem at the suggestion.

“No, just no! I will not do that as I don’t want to be saddled with something prophetic like being a legendary warrior, it is bad enough that my people think that I’m the current 'Black Sheep' of the lambkin!” With that Pom turns and walks through the entrance into the quaint little restaurant area. “Um, excuse me…”

“Yes, how can I help you?” The goose behind the counter asked.

“You wouldn’t happen to need any help would you, my friends here and I would like to work for a short time.” Pom was not exactly negotiating from a position of strength.

“Hm… what kind of skills would you say you have?” The goose scrutinizes Pom and the rest of us carefully. He did send odd looks towards Smolder and his emotions spiked with curiosity and what tasted like glee at recognizing that she was a dragon. “Is that a real dragon?”

“Not the holy kind of dragon that the guy that directed us here mentioned.” Smolder responded lazily, trying to act tough and cool, when I knew she had a gooey center of sweetness while wanting to be cute.

“That doesn’t matter or make that much of a difference to me.” The goose said plainly with a smile. “If you were directed here, then that means my special noodle soup is becoming much more famous around here.”

While I could read emotions, I couldn’t read minds. This goose didn’t have any ill intentions as far as I could feel, but he did seem to want to use Smolder for something. Maybe advertising his restaurant?

His interest in my… er… don’t go their Ocellus, that’s a little too possessive. Smolder is her own dragon and I can’t own her as much as she can’t own me, no matter how much I might want her to collar me and claim me as being her property.

... Why is that the first thing that comes to mind when I want a deeper relationship with Smolder?

“Well I’m good at just about everything you could need of me in a restaurant and we’re rather kind of desperate for work. So I’ll do just about anything you could need of me, within reason of course.” Pom looked at us with a questioning gaze, she gently curled her right hoof around Shanty and tugged her into a hug, the goat let her do so with a small grin. “I can’t speak for two of my companions, but I also want this job so I can train my... we’ll call her a protégé. There are several unique skills I want her to learn while we’re here. This will be a completely temporary arrangement I assure you; while we work for you, you will get to keep most of the profits from this so long as you can put some good food into us.”

“What was your last job like and did you get fired from it?” The goose asked with a tint of suspicion in his emotions as he glance at me, I was certainly an oddity around here.

“She still has that job, it’s just that she can’t do it at the moment given how lost and far away we are.” Smolder moved forward. “She’s a guard of a mystical place known as Huoshan. I would know, it’s in my homelands and if anyone causes problems around here she can run them off easily enough.”

“Oh, does she know kung fu?!” The voice startled us and we turned to a large tubby looking panda, he looked fairly excited and Pom cowered a bit.

“I’d say so, they don’t let just anyone into the Huoshan Guard and Pom here knows a thing or two about fighting.” Smolder exclaimed. “She’ll still be in the guard when we eventually find our way home.”

“Yes, but I don’t like the idea of fighting very much.” It’s hard to avoid when it’s in your job description Pom. “I’m more of a domestic housewife to a real warrior.”

“A domestic housewife that can move at speeds impossible for most people to see and has made it through rigorous training to even be considered in the Huoshan Guard?” The dryness of Smolder’s tone had me giggling, she smiled in my direction and I could feel my cheeks heating up. “From what you told us, you caught a hard to catch thief on the job a day or so before the incident that happened to cause us to eventually end up here.”

“While true… that was supposed to be a training and examination exercise, so it was more of an accident that I caught a thief thinking it was part of my training.” The panda seemed particularly excited to hear Pom had caught a thief.

“Oh you must be so awesome, are you here for the tournament?!” The panda was bouncing up and down with a gleeful grin.

“No, I’d rather not join the tournament thank you very much, I’ve had enough of tournaments to last me a life time with the one I was force to join and somehow ended up being in the top three. Two of which were my friends that have mountain shattering capabilities. I mean that literally, they can break mountains by just being themselves.” Okay, that was something Pom hasn’t mentioned to us. How did that happen? “I just know some people who are really good at fighting, I’m not that much of a fighter myself.”

“Pom’s just being humble.” Smolder stated succinctly even if she didn’t know the story behind Pom placing third in a tournament, which had me perplexed. “If she could get third place in a tournament held in Huoshan, then she is definitely a skilled fighter.”

“I’m a reserve member of the guard, not an active member!” Pom stated loudly. “I spend most of my patrol days just helping people out. Besides, the tournament I’m talking about had a lot of problems and strange entrants like a durian.”

“Must have been some durian.” The panda stated with a wry smile.

“Yes, says the head of her own personal unit. Seriously Pom, why are you always such a downer on yourself?” You very well know the answer to that Smolder, she’s a lambkin! “You’re really cool despite acting kind of like our teacher Fluttershy most of the time.”

“So what kind of cool moves do you have?” The panda suddenly asked and Pom looked quite exasperated.

“You’ll have to excuse my son, he gets easily excited about kung fu after a warrior saved our restaurant.” The goose stated while glaring at the Panda, he was cowed slightly by the goose.

“Right, let’s start over and forget about me being a guard of a place you will likely never see personally. My name is Pom, this is Shanty, Ocellus and Smolder.” Again we gave a noises of acknowledgement to Pom’s introductions. “We could really use a job so we won’t have to sleep outdoors anymore.”

“Please, can they help dad?” The goose was the panda’s father, either genetics were loose here like with ponies or he was adopted. I’m thinking the latter in this case.

“What is your protégé going to be learning from working here exactly?” The goose asked.

“How to defend herself better, shanty wanted me to train her in self-defense and I agreed to help her learn how.” This seemed to confuse the panda, Pom looked at him in equal confusion. “What’s wrong?”

“How is working at this restaurant going to teach her kung fu?” The curious panda asked of Pom.

“Well any skill you can learn from any walk of life can be feasibly used in a fight, sweeping the floor, cleaning dishes or even carrying various foods to a table can all teach something.” The panda didn’t look convinced by Pom’s words. “Look, I’m going to be working alongside Shanty, mostly to make sure she doesn’t break anything, and I will be teaching her the lessons she got from doing these various tasks.”

“Sweeping the floor, how can that even be used in a fight?” The panda asked.

“You’d actually be surprised at what someone can do with a broom just by sweeping it in the right way.” This made me wonder what Pom has experienced that she can say that with clear conviction. “Do you think everyone just magically had fighting techniques to start off with? No, someone had to invent a fighting style before it can be called as such, life is generally a good teacher.”

“My name is Ping and this is Po, please don’t try to fill my sons head with any craziness.” Ping stated as he waved at his son. “Also, I’ll gladly let you work here for food and small sum of repayment.”

“Really?! Okay then, put me and Shanty to work on the tables Mr. Ping.” After hearing Pom say this I felt something twinge on my emotion sensing ability, there were a lot of hungry people coming this way. “So when does the lunch rush start?”

“In about twenty seconds.” Mr. Ping said with a broad smile on his beak.

“Oh…” Pom stated while looking a little stunned. “Right, you and Po work on the food and we’ll carry them out to the tables.”

“This be being the first job I am having, also the first time a restaurant hasn’t thrown me out immediately.” This led to the feeling that Shanty has some sad stories that could easily tear into your heart.

-Thirty minutes later, Pom-

“Next order.” Mr. Ping stated as he pointed at a collection of people, I quickly took the several bowls of noodle soup and balanced them along my back and on my head as I made my way over to the table.

I carefully put the bowls down one at a time, I had good balance and control over my body. Shanty had taken to doing the job to the best of her ability, even if her balance wasn’t the best. I was only skilled at this because of carrying food to my beasties and giving them each their own dishes exactly like this.

I looked over my shoulder at Smolder boiling the soup with her fire breathing, whereas Ocellus was helping in various ways. Ocellus has been called a weird spirit more than once since we got here, her levitating things around didn’t help with that image at all.

“So what does this be teaching me exactly Pom?” Shanty asked after all the tables were full and the food was delivered.

Ping was a good businessman and was working the crowd quite well. He was using Smolder as a once in a lifetime opportunity to get dragon fried dumplings from an actual dragon, he was also talking me up as a strong mystical guard from some faraway place. Strong wasn’t a good description for me.

“Think about it Shanty, have you actually dropped any dishes after you got used to balancing them?” I was surprised she hadn’t done much damage to the stuff she carried.

She got wide eyed look and then gave a bright toothy smile as she began to understand what she was learning. She had quickly gone from moving one bowl at a time to moving three at a time while walking on her hind legs, balancing one between the horns on her head and the others on both of her front hooves.

"I think I be getting it now!" Shanty stated as she thrust her right hoof into the air.

Author's Note:

Oh this will inevitably end well. (sarcasm)

It's not exactly hard to guess what the universe is this time. As soon as the location or some important characters names came up, it's kind of impossible to not know where Pom and her friends currently are.

Pom will definitely be involved in the fighting, no matter how much she wants to absolutely avoid it.

She definitely considers her accomplishments to be wildly embellished, so what effect do you think this will have to those who will only know her by hearsay?

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