• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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350. A grandly timed appearance!

Author's Note:

Music: Fight on! Final Fantasy 7.

-Ransei Region, High in the sky, almost halfway across the bridge to the Castle of Illusion, Pom-

I noted that the chains retreated from the nearby portals constantly pounding away at the cutting force barrier Kenshin generated. I looked off into the distance and noticed that my hunch was correct.

“Dolly… I think I know where Lit is.” That got Dolly’s attention and I pointed at the far end of the bridge with my bandaged right leg at the sight of lightning flying up into the air and the barely visible Inky was being distracted by something. Lit’s size would certainly help him fight against Inky, he’d be pretty hard to hit and pretty hard to catch. I seriously doubted a single blow would take the fight out of him, the little fuzzy yellow bug has proven himself multiple times over already. “I think he’ll be fine fighting Inky Due by himself… at least for a little while anyway.”

“Well good for him on taking the initiative, but I wouldn’t want to be in his position of being alone right now. What’s our plan here?” Quetal stated with his arms crossed, it must be hard to have claws and no opposable digits. “We really don’t have much time to rest until we’re back to being bombarded and the longer we stall out here, the more the rest of the continent is getting damaged.”

“I doubt that Legendary Pokémon would allow the kingdoms to fall just like that, at least I know Pugilis has drills for this kind of scenario… well at least the scenario is for long range bombardments, but it’ll work all the same and Keldeo might still be there to be involved in the defense.” Lucha Mundo had gotten hurt protecting me, but he was still fairly strong in spirit if not in body after taking several bladed, blunt and otherwise weapons in my place.

“I, Favela, think this is all nuts.” I’m right there with you Favela, this was quite sanity challenging and we weren’t on the winning side of this thus far… even with numbers being in our favor.

“Well we’re going to have to aid Kenshin in fighting Gilgamesh when the energy protecting us runs out.” I started making my way to the end closer to the middle point of the bridge and I was soon followed by everyone.

“Hopefully Frizzle will be able to get out of there…” Looking to Dazzle, she was raising a claw to her mouth in worry. “I wonder if she’s actually alright inside the portal space Gilgamesh makes, she probably has already gotten your device back.”

Well that was one less thing to worry about… or was it one more thing to worry about along with the possibility that Frizzle will have problems getting out of the space Gilgamesh’s portals access space?

“Guys, get ready to aid Kenshin, we’re about to lose coverage.” Readying the three pronged spear, I waited to make a desperate charge forward and all my friends did so as well. “Are you okay Cleffa, Charjabug?”

“We’re fine!” Charjabug answered in what was an attempt to keep an upbeat tone, his green bread box shaped body poked up out of the seat in Dodo’s back and looked to be shivering a bit. “It’s just that I didn’t know guys like Gilgamesh could exist. I know Pokémon like to fight, but destroying absolutely everything like this? That’s a bit much.”

Cleffa didn’t respond, she was likely still upset after nearly hitting me with her Solar Beam move.

“Kenshin is being amazing…” Shanty was still mystified with Kenshin’s skills and I tapped her back with my left hoof to get her attention on our surroundings and she readied her cane scythe. “I be paying attention, I’ll be ready to move!”

“As good as he is with that odd weapon of his, he doesn’t seem capable of beating Gilgamesh anytime soon.” That was kind of obvious Quetal. “Who isn’t horrified by witnessing all this?”

There was silence because the answer was obvious, we were all horrified. The psychic energy around us, left behind by Kenshin, was wearing out quickly and actually let a weapon through making us all move away from that spot.

Gilgamesh was apparently far more skilled in other areas than just shooting thousands of weapons in our general direction given how well he was defending himself with that short sword. Kenshin definitely had size on Gilgamesh, both weight and mass were questionable when Kenshin was fighting someone that was a torso, head and floating hands that was meeting him blow for blow with a short sword versus a weapon that can be wielded two handed.

Deflections were always well timed, blocks lead into redirects without fighting over who has more strength and quite a few other movements were some of things that Gilgamesh used, he seemed to like stabbing his short sword forward in a fencing manner.

If Gilgamesh knows how to use every weapon he’s ever fired at us with some level of proficiency like I think he does… then he’s still toying with us even now and I think Kenshin is aware of that given how frustrated he looked at not being able to land a clean solid hit on his opponent. Though the glancing blows were likely adding up.

I would soon be rushing in to attack Gilgamesh with the others and we all nodded, we had to pressure the grinning monster and hard. We could only hope Lit would be doing better than us.

- At the end of the big bridge, Outside the Castle of Illusion, Lit-

The surprise attack worked and Lit slammed into Inky Due with Bug Type energy catching her off guard and stopped her from poking holes in the barrier around his friends, he also let lose a thunderous blast of lightning upon his opponent.

One would be able to think that Inky would be at half strength after the battering she went through previously, that couldn’t be further from the truth as Lit would soon find out the very same secret Cotton had seconds after finishing his second attack.

Inky Due glared at the tiny, seemingly insignificant, yellow fuzzy bug threatening her. It was as if Lit wasn’t much to worry about and then a chain launched out of her left shoulder seemingly coming from her flesh.

The chain whip slapped at the ground with a whip cracking, sonic boom, speed that Lit dodged with an impressive reaction to sudden danger. The chain basically came from out of nowhere from Inky’s body and would have been fairly hard to react to otherwise if Lit hadn’t been ready for some form of retaliation.

Landing on the outer wall the nearby castle, Lit leapt off it as a second chain whip lashed out from Inky’s right shoulder with an equally crazy speed and then slashed the left chain upwards at Lit’s tiny body.

A green spark popped on Lit’s form and Lit dashed sideways in the air about an inch, only to give off another green Spark as he fully launched the Lunge attack at Inky’s face.

Inky’s whole body shifted into a mass of chains that spread out surrounding him and then snapped inwards returning inky to her normal form, doing so with a explosive shockwave.

“You’re far smarter than you look…” Inky said staring at the bug that had surprisingly changed direction in mid-air a third time in the last moment before being engulfed despite looking to commit to the Lunge move.

Lit was now hanging upside down on a strand of webbing from top of the archway entrance staring at Inky with narrowed eyes.

Like a Pikachu using Quick Attack in succession, Lit had manage to turn his Lunge move into a split second evasion ability. Had he not done this, he’d be rendered a completely smashed pile of lifeless mush likely to be consumed by Inky’s body.

“Squeak.” Lit offered in response, having found that his opponent wasn’t quite an ordinary Psychic Type Ponyta, as Cotton had discovered when she tried to grapple and choke Inky out before being shredded by the sudden appearance of chains.

Inky was very much a Psychic Type, but her body had a uniqueness that made all the usual weaknesses moot against her. She was only weak to her own element and nobody would have expected that of her, the only hint having been that her chains were weak to whatever element they were wielding at the time.

Lit was not afraid and he jumped at Inky again to continue the fight.


“Sacred Sword, Doryusen!” I slammed my sword, glowing and rippling with raw power, into the bridge blasting out a shockwave as I did so, it pushed Gilgamesh back as the set up to start off my combo.

Despite the amount of force I did this with, I knew I wouldn’t be able to destroy the bridge and the only reason Gilgamesh had to take me seriously was for the fact that I could destroy the castle before he was ready to unbind if I reached it.

The collapse of Cerebrum City would do that, but it would be slow… speaking of the fall of the Psychic Type city… the Castle of Illusion was slowly falling from the sky. It has already started, we were living on borrowed time here.

“Ryusosen!” The second part of my combo, I delivered countless high speed swinging strikes that Gilgamesh was hard pressed to block all of.

He somehow managed to do so… but not without repercussion as his short sword shattered under the fury of my reverse blades flurry.

Now for my finisher of my combo of knock back to set up space to perform the other two parts of my combo, rapid assault and then finisher.

Centering my sword, my eyes glowed as I added to the Sacred Sword’s power with my Psychic ability extending the range of my glowing blade.


“Heh… so you’re actually going to make me use it, I guess you are somewhat worthy of it after all.” Mumbling this as I reached into the portal to pull out a new weapon, one that could survive the move Kenshin was about to use and would surely be a phantasm in strength and power just by the raw skill shown by this true hero. I was about to meet him head on as he actually made me take him seriously, unfortunately for him he would miss his chance to end me with this move and waste a lot of his energy doing it. “You’re sword was made with the concept of putting war in the past, I won’t be surprised if it survives this and it is quite a grand weapon indeed… now let’s see how you deal with my ultimate weapon.”

I slowly pulled out a weapon that could only be vaguely called a sword to face the coming attack, one that obviously uses the concept of ‘Godspeed’ that mortals shouldn’t be capable of doing without injuring themselves.

I already recognized that this was a True Godspeed attack, and attack that was moving so fast that one could hardly react to the speed unless they were of same or better talent.

I saw nine swords coming for me, the attack was just that fast.

I only need the one weapon to stop this attack.


“Kuzuryusen!” Rush forward swinging eight times in an instant… and then thrust for…


-Origin Space, Arceus-

“Is something the matter?” I asked of my guest.

“Just that a version of me has been on the other side of that weapon once before.” Tiamat stated with a slightly pale complexion. “It’s not a pleasant to face in battle, can that summon your people are bringing in seriously tip the tide of this battle with that weapon in play?”

“Yes, things are going to get interesting.” The expressions I received were mixed and concerned, but I currently wasn’t. “Even I don’t know what is about to happen, I just believe in their strength of character.”

-Halfway across the bridge to the Castle of Illusion, Kenshin-

My eyes were widening with disbelief as I tried to comprehend the weapon that stopped my combo cold in its last stage, all eight of my slashes failed and my stab was diverted to the right side of Gilgamesh by his weapon.

Soon I was knocked back to my friend’s sides with a slash across my chest and I fell over, all Gilgamesh did was finish making a single motion of swinging the weapon outward to fully repelling the reverse blade and me with it.

For some reason Gilgamesh wasn’t raining weapons down on us as he held that… was it a ‘sword’? He was holding that weapon at the ready at the very least.

“Next to Enkidu, my truest friend, this is my greatest treasure… Ea, Sword of Rupture!” That thing, could Gilgamesh honestly call it a sword, it was unfathomable to all my senses, especially my psychic senses.

Goodness knows what anyone else is seeing or making of that thing Gilgamesh called a sword!

“It’s… a… rapier?” That was about as far as Pom could comprehend apparently, that was far further than I was getting. “There’s something… so very odd about it.”

“It is being three revolving blocks with a bunch of strange red writing on them, the tip is twisted spiral and it is all being blunt yet giving off a strange familiar sharpness of magic that is not being normal. Yet it feels quite familiar to me, it is being as if I know it from somewhere, but how?” Why was Shanty suddenly receiving a sharp look from Gilgamesh? “It is like the weapon be coming from before existence of itself.”

“You can actually comprehend its true form?!” Gilgamesh asked with both shock and surprise while wielding the blade with his right hand, he was now less focused on me or Pom and much more interested in Shanty than was healthy with this nutcase.

“Yes and its power is being greatly diminished by being in this world somehow… wait, why do I be knowing this? I do not be knowing what this thing is and yet I be knowing that?” Something wasn’t right with Shanty as she rubbed at her head with her right hoof, looking to be in quite a bit of pain. She still held the cane scythe at the ready in her left hoof. “My head it be like it is on fire.”

“I’d be surprised if you didn’t have head pains.” Gilgamesh stated bluntly with a frown and without explanation. “You, you in particular, need to die… like yesterday!”

Pom immediately moved in front of Shanty protectively as Gilgamesh flashed forward. She tried to catch the slashing rapier she supposedly saw with the prongs of the spear and it immediately broke apart in her hooves, basically disintegrating into nothingness upon impact.

A slight flash of gold occurred from Pom, before she was sent sprawling painfully across the bridge by the remaining amount of force. She left streaks of red in her wake as she bounced over and through the weapons littering the bridge until she was back to being a quarter of the way across it.

When Pom finally came to a stop, she eventually sat up and there was a massive bloody gash across her chest. Whatever her gold wool effect did, it hadn’t entirely stopped that attack and was possibly the only reason she was even alive right now.

Knowing blade injuries as well as I do, if that weapon had cut Pom a millimeter deeper it would had torn her heart apart and she’d have died on the spot before she was sent flying away.

Still gasping in pain from the injury, Pom quickly knitted her wound shut with her wool and she appeared to be in quite a lot of agonizing pain. She still managed to stand up, but she was quite weak and looked pale, she didn’t have nearly as much blood to lose as the rest of us.

Gilgmesh’s attack also knocked Shanty on her backside from shock and fear at seeing Pom get decimated so easily in a single swing.

“That spear actually took all the damage for you?! Ugh, the absurdities I’m dealing with right now…” Gilgamesh grumbled audibly as he went to swing the sword at Shanty. “No one should be able to survive being ruptured. The reverse blade I can understand, but that piece of trash that was barely good enough for my collection? I guess I’ve underestimated some of my own weapons.”

As he said this, I could vaguely see the twisting of the weapon, but I still couldn’t make out what it was even after Shanty and Pom had described what they had seen. Apparently it was a blunt rapier with cutting power beyond the mortal comprehension, but that’s not what I was seeing.

Dolly was immediately moving for Pom with a sudden panicked look in her eyes, jumping on top of her board and immediately rocketing for her.


I didn’t be knowing what just happened to Pom nor did I be understand what that weapon just did, but I be knowing that it is being very bad to be being struck by it.

I be moving before my body even knew what it was doing, I be trusting my guts on this one as both my hooves took up the Leg Pegged weapon made from a robot and alien materials to become the cane scythe it is today.

“Grand Cleave!” I swung my cane scythe horizontally to meet the weapon with an incredible cutting arc as it was swung at me.

The result was that I too was sent flying backwards in an as equally painful tumble as bruises be erupting all over my body from the single swing I be deflecting, like Pom I be coming to a painful stop. Only I didn’t be getting cut by the weapon.

I was on my back and watched silently as my scythe went sliding past me undamaged and Dolly stopped it with her mouth and tossed it my way, I quickly caught it and deflected several weapons that be launching at me while on my back.

Gilgamesh swung his sword for us, nobody be moving to stop him, they were being too terrified… ow… why is so much weird stuff filling my head as a rupture force of primordial energy be rippling right at us.

Wait, what was being primordial energy?

“Aerora!” As Dolly be turning around and leaping forward while swinging her board around to be taking the attack for us, Pom had managed to slowly limp up to my side to help me up with a wide eyed terror in her eyes.

The defending winds immediately broken, the word ‘ruptured’ appeared in my head, Dolly yelped as the board flew from her paws and it clattered to the ground a fair distance away, Dolly hit the bridge hard and flipped once and was now on her back covering her chest with her right paw and I could see scarlet seeping out from under her paw.

“Da… Dolly!” Pom was immediately at Dolly’s side.

I looked at Dolly’s board and saw a large slash mark in the middle of her board, that thing was being darn near indestructible. Except to ‘God weapons’ appa…


Dodo be trying to help, but it was only doing so much to stop the pain. What is wrong with my head… I can eventually be breathing underwater and never knew that before until now… huh? Where does all this stuff be coming from, does it be from looking at that weapon?

Hmm… I be narrowing my eyes at the weapon and be focusing on one thought.

Was there a way to be beating Gilgamesh without my friends dying?

My eyes widened as something be entering my head, I couldn’t even be saying it out loud, I was not being able to tell anyone and I just be having to act on it.

I immediately started walking forward and then started deflecting a storm of weapons Gilgamesh be sending our way with one swing, that swing be causing a domino effect that be ARHGH…

I just know I not be needing another swing as I protected Pom who was cradling a whimpering Dolly and was looking back at the damaged skateboard in shock.

“Pom, her wound will be healing if you just keep holding her and focus on the wound closing shut.” I now knew there were powers that Pom had that no one was aware of before, powers that she’s had all along and there was what Pom told us about Chrysomallus and the power of sacrifice. I be understanding things that I shouldn’t be. “So yes, you can be saving her NGGGHHH….”

Her familiar bonds were being stronger than anyone could truly be knowing, given she can actively heal her familiars through force of will and sacrifice of her personal energy.

What was being vitakinesis, AGH?! No I don’t need to be knowing that, I really don’t need to know!

The pressure be easing off my skull for a second, so it be thinking too hard that be doing it? HGHHH… mortals were not supposed to know the ‘the truth’, the pain is being a response from…

I really be hoping this knowledge be disappearing from my head after all this, it be causing me a big migraine and being smart is not something that defines me.


“Shan-ty?” I was in too much pain to be talking, but I did as Shanty stated as there was something up with her.

The way she spoke was as if… that weapon was causing it? Couldn’t be anything else, it was having an odd painful effect on her even if she hadn’t been hit by its effect directly.

I looked down at Dolly and she looked up at me and weakly licked my nose even as Shanty protected us from weapon falling all around us with single defined swings.

“Am… I going… to…” A gasping and pained Dolly started to ask and I concentrated, my bond to her and as tears started to fall from my eyes and I could see a glow caused by our bond appearing and her wounds began closing rapidly.

Was this… this was similar to that feeling of me giving her my strength, it was the reason Dolly survived Nimnul a long time ago despite the fact that… I stopped thinking and concentrated, Dolly needed me.

I had to concentrate, I was not losing Dolly and we still had to revive Dormarch together… we had to defeat Gilgamesh there was so much Dolly had to live for to see.

I was already going to die and I’m still coming to terms with that fact, well I could live a long life as long as I didn’t fully become a Chrysomallus. Only at this rate, it was getting worse as I was healing Dolly, I could see a golden glow ascending my left hoof and up towards my knee before I quashed it.

My concentrating on Dolly had worsened the affliction… I believed that it was a fair trade at least. Power was always at a price, I just paid more for it than others would.

“Feels nice… and warm…” Dolly said in a slightly delirious tone and soon she shook her and lifted her paw away from her body. Her fur was covered in blood, but there was no longer a scratch on her and she looked up at me with a smile, wagging her tail and she licked my nose again. “Heh… so awesome… hope… around… long haul… lo-ve… you.”

Dolly passed out and I quickly glued her to my back with my wool I could feel her chest pressed into my back and felt her still breathing, easing my worries about her health. I made my way through a renewed storm of weapons as Shanty expertly protected me with an alarming ease.

I picked up Dolly’s skateboard and saw the large cut in the surface of the board that has thus far never taken damage quite like this and placed it over Dolly’s back and glued it into my wool across my back as well.

We were so not winning this fight, not by any stretch of the imagination I had running in a hamster wheel that was my brain currently. That hamster was tired and just wanted some water and food pellets.

“Pom… we be needing to keep fighting until the very end.” Shanty said with an unknown certainty. “Be following me please. I can’t be explaining why, but we need to keep fighting as much as we can!”

With that Shanty started moving forward while defending us, our morale was shot to Tartarus and I still followed Shanty because I was responsible for her as her guardian. That and something was up with Shanty’s change in attitude, it’s like she was being replaced by something I knew she was certainly not.

I could only hope this wasn’t a permanent change.

I scooped up a spear with my right hoof and started forward once again with Shanty.

-Origin Space, Arceus-


“She can access knowledge from just looking at the weapon?” I asked.

“She’s a Capricornus, that weapon was forged of primordial earth and sea from which ‘a Tiamat’ came from, not me in particular, that weapon ruptured an entire world and created something new.” Tiamat was rather informative. “Capricornus have a deep connection with all sources of water... even the primordial. That weapon in particular has quite the relation to water and water carries knowledge and memories. I even think Gilgamesh has thoroughly shot himself in the foot from just pulling it out near her. Can Shanty handle ‘The Truth’ the sword will try to impart onto her though? Can she handle just how exactly small she is in the grand scope of things? After this, I think she’ll know of the call of the sea even if she can’t outright hear it personally… yet.”

“Shanty’s strong enough already to survive my breath, so I don’t see the point in testing her when she’s already going through worse already.” It was all Bahamut had to say on the worsening situation as he stood tall with his arms crossed and ever watching.

-Midpoint of the bridge to the Castle of Illusion, Gilgamesh-

“You weren’t wrong little ‘horned sea goat’… it is not as effective as it could be when I couldn’t even kill a dog, even one with limited magic ability, at this range.” Still the weapon was powerful, but not enough so to kill in a single blow of rupturing force. “This world, these heroes, they might actually be able to push me… I would welcome such a thrill if it were true!”

I brought Ea up and calmly deflected the glowing stars coming at me, really I didn’t want to waste it on this lot. Only those who were worthy deserved to have this weapon used on them, I only saw three worthy of it and two of them were the ones I really wanted dead now. It wasn’t just the quarter-baked Chrysomallus that needed to die today.

“Don’t just sit there, fight back!” Said the rather brave blade armed weasel, he was brave to want to fight me even knowing he wouldn’t be able to bring me down at all.

As he was coming to attack me up close I was paying more attention to Inky Due being in a fight with a little bug… and she was actually having trouble with that thing? This world had a lot to offer apparently, I watched their fight as I easily fended off five Pokémon and a robotic ostrich at once without paying attention to them.

That they were forcing me to use this weapon made me feel a nasty pit in my gut, they simply weren’t worthy of seeing this weapons true power! So I kept it to a minimum, they were nothing and couldn’t do nothing to me anyway.


Despite swinging that thing it did no damage to the bridge, probably because he didn’t want to waste the energy he was going to use in his unbinding.

Another Substitute was torn apart and my strength was getting worse the more I used Substitute to absorb damage for me. He seemed to know where I always was even when using Double Team, my Aerial Ace move was the only reason why I hadn’t been directly struck yet as I was using it to dodge and my Swift move was entirely useless.

Dazzle’s Fire Lash wasn’t able to get by or even wrap around the weapon before being rendered useless, her Dragon Pulse was sliced in half vertically and she had a gash in her shoulder from the result of said cutting.

Shine tried to explode from the shadows only to be blocked and repelled with a blast of force, if Gilgamesh swung his weapon he would have killed her. She saw the Dazzles injury and immediately used Pain Split on her to weaken the damage dealt to her before passing out.

Favela was knocked out cold after the explosions from her Seed Bomb were blocked by the weapon and with but a single flick at her the weapon took her down. Dodo caught her before she was sent sliding past him and picked her up to place her in his back.

Gilgamesh was underestimating us… I could clearly see why, we probably weren’t worthy of that weapons full power being used on us.

We really weren’t pressuring Giglamesh, even when Mundo slashed his Steel Wing at him… Gilgamesh seemed… quite bored actually.

With a single flick, like Favela, Mundo was taken down and sent sliding down the bridge, until he impacted with Pom inflating her wool to catch him.

“Can you all go die, please? I’m asking nicely here.” Lazily said Gilgamesh. “I thought I could get some true heroes and only three of you are actually worthy to face my swords full power.”

Even as Gilgamesh said this he sent Kenshin skidding backwards in a single clash, somehow he managed to stay standing and raised his still surprisingly undamaged sword, but Kenshin wasn’t looking too healthy as he gasped in exhaustion.

Kenshin centered himself and stayed standing through force of will.

“Ahhhhhhh!” This is when someone finally got a solid hit on Gilgamesh much to our shock… it was a screaming Charjabug and he started pushing every ounce of his energy into harming the freaky golden colored legendary. I saw the power of several consecutive uses of the move Charge go off all at once, the brilliance was actually managing to hurt Gilgamesh. “You need to be… stoooahhhhh--!”

Chargjabug, the constant fountain of positivity, kept screaming as he discharged every ounce of energy he could directly into Gilgamesh and practically had him frozen in place with the sheer amount he of power he was putting out.

“Gaaahhhh, go away you useless pest!” As soon as a scorched Gilgamesh had knocked Charjabug away with a single swipe of a floating hand and sent him flying over the side of the bridge, blackened, sparking and looking like an unmoving corpse as he fell out of sight.

Gilgamesh’s eyes narrowed and he brought up his weapon to block the Solar Beam that pushed him towards the last quarter of the bridge before reaching the castle.

The beam didn’t penetrate past the weapon and Cleffa had given it her all, it still hadn’t enough and Cleffa fainted falling into Dodo’s back entirely deprived of energy.

“Charjabug!” Pom wailed as she and Shanty continued to slowly approach us, as she had figured out what I just had.

Shanty, who was looking quite terrible, smiled a tiny bit. Why would she be smiling about Charjabug dying? Maybe glad that he couldn't feel any pain in his passing?

I could worry about that later. Charjabug had just sacrificed himself entirely using Spark with everything he had for that Solar Beam to even connect and the beam was blocked.

This Gilgamesh guy was quite terrifying, but I wasn’t willing to give up. He can kill me, but he would never break my spirit! I intended to be a hero and he wanted heroes, well let’s show him a hero!

I was about to go blindly charging forward and hope to even get a hit in on him as I was taken down, that bleeding scratch wound on his cheek had been oozing drops of blood all fight and yet he was still going this strong. It was the only sign this guy was not immortal and could bleed.

Two portals opened next to Gilgamesh and I kept charging despite a weapon poking out of one about to launch, as for the other...

“I think all of you left might start collectively be some modicum of worthy of it’s full… what the?!” Before Gilgamesh could lazily swing his sword at me charging forward, if that was what the indistinct blur was, something happened that made me stop my suicidal rush.

“RARRRR!” Gilgamesh was engulfed in a fireball as a stunning high pitched roar sounded out and Frizzle followed that up by slammed her right claw into his back and crushing Gilgamesh’s face against the bridge, she kicked off him with her right leg and launced overhead to land behind me.

She turned around to face Gilgamesh with me and Dazzle came up to our side, she tossed the Digivice back to Dazzle and the Salazzle caught it with a firm look on her face. It immediately started glowing and Frizzle tossed something to me as she started to growing, I caught the device that belonged to Pom.

“Get that back to Pom, at least let some good must come of this, at least I'm not fighting alone.” Dazzle stated solemnly, then turned forward and pointed a claw, clenching the device as it started glowing with draconic energy. “Frizzle!”

I immediately turned back and started running, Gilgamesh was now dealing with a winged dragon that Frizzle had become.

A sour part of me thought that, at most, Frizzle just became a bigger target.


Chargjabug… the little guy was always so happy and sweet while just following us around… Gilgamesh halfheartedly swung his sword and I brought my arms up, Frizzle mimicked my actions and actually blocked the attack.

Suddenly Gilgamesh’s mood brightened up, the sick monster probably enjoyed someone being strong enough to stand up to him. Growlmon or Growl-dra-mon roared.

“So that’s what happened to all my fancy, high grade, super, magically forever freshly warm in stasis breads… remind me never to take another device like that one.” Gilgamesh giggled somewhat madly and then brought up his weapon before swing it down to his side preparing to face Frizzle, he made a 'come on' gesture with his left hand.

Even then, I don’t think Frizzle was going to be enough considering we’ve already lost so much in this fight.

Looking beyond Gilgamesh, I saw a bolt of lightning… Lit was still fighting Inky Due by himself?! How had he lasted this long when Pom said Inky had taken out a number of Pokémon so easily? At a guess, he was leveraging everything he was capable of just to keep Inky’s attention.

I had to do the same now with Gilgamesh, hopefully Frizzle was up for the challenge.

Also it doesn't help that I just noticed the castle was falling out of the sky... if that were true... then... so was Cerebrum City...

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