• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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361. Steel Harbor: Enemy Contact!

-Equus, Airship Mauled, the next morning, Jaded La Perm-

“So no, giant robots are most certainly not invading us and Rainbow Dash did not easily kill one named Starscream with a Sonic Rainboom.” My mother Kuril was stamping down on the rumors that were getting out of control and is actually getting the crowd to calm down. I stood in the circle that was central to our town where the eternal campfire of the sun priestess, which was me, was placed. “We are not experiencing a giant robot invasion and aside from Puks trying to attack us with flying industrial grade hairdryers.... again..., who knows how they even got them… probably the science fiction puk tribe, anyway we’re a perfectly fine and safe community!”

I yawned and then walked back into the restaurant by myself, my eyes darted about as I made my way into the kitchen and stopped to look at the toaster.

“Toasty, Blendor, Mixter, I think some ponies from Ponyville are on to you.” I said quietly.

“Then shall I make their bread black with great justice?!” The toaster said suddenly came to life and began wiggling with bright flashing colorful lights coming out of it in a display that was less than subtle to anyone who was even remotely nearby to see it. “We Applia-trons are never scared of a battle!”

“Yeah, I’m just as surprised we haven’t been caught yet with captain loudmouth here Jaded, goodness knows what Micro-waivie thinks of all this.” The blender, otherwise known as ‘Blendor the fruit chewer’ stated as it too flashed and wiggled as a voice came from it, except it was acting far more subtle in not giving off very much light or wiggling so hard the whole restaurant could hear it doing so.

“Mixter is very fond of making cakes for birthday parties held here!” The mixer of cake batter and cream, Mixter, said from nearby trying to have a little more tact than Toasty the fire spewing spirited toaster. He was apparently the youngest here and thus could only disguise himself as a larger object, thankfully it wasn’t an ice box or a refrigerator.

Goodness knows if anyone will notice if our ice box gets replaced randomly.

“Look, people are just starting to get suspicious, can you keep your war with the Com-bot Encom in Ponyville down a little bit please?” I asked while clasping my claws together and giving them the big kitty eyes. “He hasn’t been much of a threat since his secret library lair was destroyed by Tirek from what you’ve told me, besides my great granddaughter Providence has an eye on him.”

“That was a day of the many greatest of justices, also it was quite a most humorous incident to befall our mortal nemesis… fine, but I shall still continue to toast your breads to golden perfection with my mighty warmth forevermore!” Toasty finally finished stating after a few seconds of my staring, then he became inert alerting me to the fact that someone was coming in.

“Hey, were you just talking to the toaster right now?” Gallus stated as he came in with what looked like a bad case of feather head and was half awake.

Think quick, play it off!

“What me, no-, of course not! I just like playing make believe with them with Silvers, then I just got into and can’t stop doing it myself.” I giggled and Gallus just gave me a concerned look. “Did you want something little bro?”

“Yeah, I wanted to make a honey glazed seed bagel.” After assisting Gallus with a toasted honey glazed seed bagel and hugging my little brother, because mommy wanted her kittens to get along affectionately, Gallus set off to enjoy his breakfast before my wife started beating him into the ground. My little bro was growing up to be the best guard in Canterlot ever… I would have to be more careful of him then when it came to my shenanigans.

After Gallus left, while glancing back at the toaster in suspicion as he did, once he was clear and far enough away Toasty started coughing.

“Agh… seeds… trapped… in my… burn-ination unit… my one true weakness!” The violently glowing and wobbling toaster stated. “May all your crusts be golden brown, things are getting darker… is that light at the end of the tunnel… a-a- sexy waffle maker beckoning me ever forward?”

“Yeah, don’t go into that, I’ll get you cleaned out soon enough buddy.” The very reason I stuck around was to help Toasty, he didn’t do well with more heavily seeded breads.

He’d be fine though, I’ve done this a few times and it was kind of annoying, but I was a good friend even if I could be quite annoying myself.

In Canterlot I was a member of the thieves’ guild known as ‘The Squirrels’, which was actually run by squirrels. Also a side member of ‘Capture Bridle Defend’ organization as an advisor, most specifically in security as that’s usually what they ask me about. Really didn’t want the CBD catching wind of the Applia-trons as I was already protecting them well enough as it is.

Is CBD still trying to figure out how my Zamponi even works the way it does? Thoughts for later about personal ice paving vehicles of mass destruction.

In Manehatten, I was a part of the wrestling federation run by Shocking Awe and Jock Hawk. Sure I was ‘somewhat’ enemies with the Quarrelsome Quartet, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t share a pastime like my golfing thing with Teatime Clockwork! I even got to play ‘the heel’ too.

In Ponyville I was a muffin cultist under her hidden royal highness the Muffin Queen, AKA Derpy ‘Butter’ Hooves the secret true third alicorn. Muffins were delicious and warm, the queen was also quite snuggly and preferred a normal-ish life as a pegasus pony.

Here in Airship Mauled I had my own thing going on the side with the Applia-trons and the Com-bots, aside from my usual plans for Saddle Arabia. Incidentally, green beans was all that they would be able to get or eat for weeks and all it took was me buying a single mango in the marketplace in Ponyville!

I was already thoroughly grilled about buying that mango in Ponyville a few times though, given we have a perfectly good fruit orchard going on here where I could just basically grab one for free from Mr. Refreshment. Even then nobody would naturally be able to connect it back to me that the mango was the very innocuous catalyst that has caused the ‘green bean’ food epidemic in Saddle Arabia.

Life was fun, but weird, stupidly extremely unfathomably weird. I couldn’t actually get an entire week of normalcy to save my life or that of my family… loved it.

-Pokémon Realm, Ransei Region, Kingdom of Titania within the Fairy Dust Islands, ‘The Dream’, early morning, Pom-

At least I didn’t have a night terror this time, but the dreamless sleep was just as bad.

Now operation ‘mess with Lord Oberon’ was a go and the ring leaders agreed with Dolly and Quetal’s plans. Absolutely everyone in the Kingdom of Titania was in on it with the exception of the Ponyta Prowlers who were still stuck in Illusio and a few other scouts they had in other kingdoms to keep an eye on things.

“Sir Mik, you are a very nice individual, thank you for telling me of the plight of the Mimikyu.” The costume wearing Pokémon nodded at me. Mimikyu were a sad species of Pokémon, but they were fairly strong beings. I hugged the lower portion of the strangely cute makeshift costume of an Electric Type Pokémon where the real being underneath resided, if Titania wasn’t a big enough threat to deter someone then Mik definitely was. “So are you ready to get things started Queen Titania?”

“Yes.” The Florges known as Queen Titania stated while rubbing her tiny hands together. She looked like a living flower, but was still just purely a Fairy Type and Flabebe apparently fused their flower into their final evolution yet never gained the Grass Type attribute like one would assume. Pokémon were ever strange to me. “Trust me, my truly beloved husband has this coming for a while now.”

Quite a few of the pranking factions agreed with their queen on that and would even follow the plans to get at Lord Oberon with their own queen backing it.

“Okay, I wanted to get in more practice with this weird spear, so you’ll know where to find me for the ‘final act’ when we get around to it.” I shouldered the spear and made my way towards the training room in the inn, I wanted to see what Curdle was capable of before I helped her evolve into an Alcremie.

Milcery evolved through friendship, being strong enough, trust and apparently spinning around in circles in a specific manner at different times of day. Curdle was going to prepare for her evolution after proving she wouldn’t be a burden to us on our quest to fight what would be termed as a nigh indestructible monster.

I wonder if I’ll actually meet Articuno, the blizzard bird of Nixtorm and legendary that Ice Types have a high approval rating for, Vannilish talked about that legendary Pokémon a lot. The ice bird has been said to be actually managing to hold off Skull Chaosdramon X from completely collapsing the kingdom for quite a while, one of the few beings that can ward the informational monster off.

All we could do is wait for Queen Titania to set up the situation and then get the one way trip to Nixtorm… well that shouldn’t have sounded as ominous as it did in my mind.

-Illusio, day of departure, Shanty-

“I think you need to increase the pressure and you need to focus on what you’re trying to cut and just do that, that’s all I’m going to say as advice.” With that the battered and still healing Kenshin then walked off, leaving me to think of what he be meaning with that as I boarded the airship.

Apparently Seer Xatu still be having a lot of pull, because we be having the airship at our disposal to get to Valora. Skitty Squad and the Bullet Buizels were going to be helping us investigate the spreading problem coming from there.

One we be ready, we set out and there were being enough supplies in the hull for everyone. The Psychic Types wouldn’t be able to do anything for a while and the Dark Type mercenaries under Zoroark would assist the Psychic Types in recovering from their massive amount of losses.

I be wondering if Cotton would even be surviving her injuries, the Ponyta Prowlers haven’t set out for their kingdom because they were busy helping people here. We be meeting a lot of nice people, also I am being sad about all the homeless Pokémon, there wasn’t much civilization left in Illusio after we were done with it.

While we be taking off, I be turning Kenshin’s words over in my head. Increase the pressure of my cutting ability? Like making an ice cube by freezing it so it condenses. There’s also the focusing on what I’m trying to cut… I’m usually… ah?!

I be having something of an idea of what to do now, but I would be needing to put into practice. Unfortunately I can’t be doing that on the ship, even I be knowing better than that.

“Ahoy, Captain Canard, is the ship being alright or is anyone in need of anything?” For a given definition of it after the stuff we be going through. “I be wanting to work on my cabin girl skills.”

-Several hours later-

Things had been pretty quiet thus far as we were on approach for Valora.

“What is that and what are those things?” A Bullet Buizel be saying and that be drawing my attention to what was below us. The Skitty Squad was onboard with us and Wilhelm was happily swimming in the waves below.

Sami quickly came up to see what we were looking at and brought up a pair of binoculars.

“Is that a freaking digital battleship?!” Sami exclaimed. “Canard evasive actions now, we’re being targeted, there are digital entities down there and they do not come from any of the digital realms I’ve heard of before!”

Canard immediately put the ship into a hard left and a massive beam be passing by us.

“Unknown digital aggressors are attacking, someone man whatever weapons this airship has or attack at range if you can!” Sami called out and the Skitty Squad, minus Captain Skeeball were immediately moving.

“Permission to go on the attack?” I asked as I glanced at Favela, Lucha Mundo and the Bullet Buizels.

“Incoming boarders or it’s an aerial offensive formation. Go if you think you can somehow handle the main ship, but watch out there are two smaller ones coming up behind it. The rest of us will try to hold the incoming enemies off here!” Sami stated as she pulled her rifle from her back and immediately started firing at strange creatures that were a torso with two arms, white wings, a head and a long dangling bit like a tail or a spine.

These things came flying at us while wielding bows with the two arms that fired arrows made of light or energy, given the arrows forming in their bows as they started to take aim. Some of them were carrying other things that looked to be holding weapons. None of them be having faces.

“I’m lowering altitude so we don’t crash into the ocean if we’re shot down!” Canard shouted.

One of these weird things had its head blown clean off by Sami within a second of getting too close with a single well place shot and it turned into a shower of quickly disappearing cubes. The rest of the body dissolved as it fell towards the sea.

“Enemies are definitely digital, no signs of active intelligence, take them down hard and fast, they don’t have the capacity to feel pain!” Sami Soldier would know, she was an informational being herself.

“Favela with your with me, Bullet Buizels follow us when you can as I’m not sure if the two of us can take a ship alone!” I didn’t ask for Mundo because he would be doing better up here in the air as an actual flyer compared to the Bullet Buizels who have temporary flight ability.

With that I took a flying leap off the starboard side towards the sea with Favela following me as energy arrows started crisscrossing wildly through the air. The Bullet Buizels suddenly leapt and started rocketing through the air to ram their way through the numerous winged monsters coming up to attack the ship and some of them even dropped weapon wielding passengers they had their spines wrapped around and were trying to drop on the airship, if I could be generating water like they could then I would be doing that too.

I curled up and started rapidly spinning, creating a Bouncing Blades defensive sphere of cutting force around me as I fell towards the sea, I felt my body get rocked several times as it deflected or be cutting through several energy blasts.

I slammed into the sea and my body slowed down a lot as my form cut into the water. I popped out of my rapid spin a few feet under the water and created a Bounding Bubble and started to push myself back to the surface, I saw a nearby explosion seconds before Favela be hitting the water too and falling in.

She be using Seed Bomb to handle the impact, she just be needing more strength and a bit more spine and she’d be a perfect crewmate for me.

Favela quickly surged for the surface as water to started building up a mass water beneath her as Favela started using the move Surf to send a tidal wave at the metal ship, the attack being much stronger out on the ocean as.

As she rode the wave upwards, I started jetting across the surface of the sea in my bubble with water spraying out the back pushing me forward to get in front of her.

My bubble be deflecting several bolts of energy into different directions as my bubble had a reflective property to it and I be protecting Favela from the fire as the both of us moved towards the ship.

A shadow passed beneath us and then Wilhelm popped up and blasted a Hydro pump into the energy weapons firing on us and be damaging the enemy ship.

“Stick with me Favela!” Poking my head out of the top of my bubble to call this out, I quickly pulled it back in as several energy blasts be splattering across the water I had in the way of the incoming attacks.

I saw Dodo flying down for the ship as well, slicing his way through several winged enemies on the way towards the ship.

We’d meet him there and see what the enemy had to offer. He’d hopefully have a spot for us to get on the ship from and then we’d be finding out what kind of problems these things were causing.

-Unknown Entity Forces-

Target acquired: Autonomous digital monster entity detected.

Priority Objective: Acquire fresh fully functional autonomous digital monster entity for study.

Secondary Objective: Prevent full destruction of battleship fleet.

Tertiary Objectives: Fully escape blockade, gain access and takeover digital monster entity realm, find a foothold from which to build up resources, continue spreading area of influence and begin build up for total destruction of local populace.


Favela raised the wave and we be launching off the top of it as the wave crashed across the bow of the giant flat topped ship and we landing on the deck to see multiple things being knocked down and turning into evaporating cubes.

Despite a good number of the faceless things going down, we be receiving an entire mass of them coming at us with axes, sword and spears. A beam of water slammed into the deck and swept across it to take out a number of our opponents.

“Wilhelm, can you be taking care of the other ships while we be taking on this one?!” I shouted out at our friend and in response the whale dove underwater, I could see his shadow moving through the water going after the two smaller ships while Favela, Dodo and I be moving to engage the numerous enemies appearing on deck of this strange ship.

They be bipedal, strangely metal looking, certainly not being of this world at the very least as they came charging at us. Their heads being round or rectangular with lights, their limbs being simple and seemingly made of metal and wielding weapons as they came at us in mass while appearing out of the air from nowhere.

Where did they all be coming from and why do they be looking like robots? They not be acting like robots at the very least.

Behind them was a strange floating turtle shell device that was glowing red at the top of it where an opening was and beneath it appeared more of these things that were attacking us including the winged flying bow wielders that continued to swarm towards the airship. I would think that that thing in particular was creating these things after seeing more of these strange things appear below it.

Pulling the water away from my head, I really do be needing another method to talk, I called out to Favela.

“Favela, target that turtle shell thing with Seed Bomb and keep hitting it until I can be getting close to it! Dodo protect Favela, I’m going in!” I hear Dodo be making an upset, but understanding, mechanical warbling noise as I charged forward in my bubble.

A wave of spear wielding faceless came forward brandishing their spears, I created a single tentacle of water and with a single powerful cutting swipe I be tearing their entire line in half. The axe wielding faceless be lunging and striking at my water and boiling a bit of it away with their burning hot axes creating a massive amount of steam.

I tried to strike out at them with some more of the water from the bubble, yet they simply defended against it with the burning axes working in unison to burn away more of my water by using them as shields and shrinking the amount I had to use against them. I would not be getting out of my bubble to be facing these things close up.

I tried to strike out at them with the water, only to again be stopped in place as they started moving toward me aggressively.

“Ahoy there, glad to see someone slowed them down and is trying to fight them, come on men let’s help out the little ladies and their steel bird!” A gruff old voice said and six chains intersected and pierced through all the axe wielding guys and with a single pull they tore them apart. Looking to see who be helping me out, I be blinking as I see wheels attached to anchors with eyes and they be having lots of seaweed on them. It is being strange, but I can be at least telling that it was a Pokémon given the lead anchor that be talking to me be having a big green mustache. “Hey there, if you need to push forward and take out the enemy, then let us help you with that… we’re definitely friends here if n’ you’re their enemies too! We’re a unit of Dhelmise, just don’t expect us to attack those heat axes too much directly unless we can catch them by surprise.”

Several sword wielding beings charged with the swords raised and I quickly blasted forward shooting water out the back of the bubble and created a shockwave as I whipped out two tentacles of water to the sides to tear them apart.

The anchors slowly followed after me.


I was bombarding that floating shell thing and the Seed Bombs were doing plenty damage to it, but not quickly enough. It didn’t help that Shanty got into trouble after dealing with the spear guys so easily, those burning axe guys really seemed to be a hard counter for Shanty’s Bounding Bubble only for us to get help from the water.

I watched as the anchors launched themselves into the air three on each side using their seaweed and then launched chains through all the enemies keeping Shanty from getting close to that thing that was obviously producing them.

The proceeded to start firing Shadow and Energy Ball attacks before the enemy could close in and Shanty took advantage of the six anchor Pokémon supporting her to fight her way closer towards the sword wielding faceless things as I continued bombarding the glowing turtle shell thing from a distance.

Dodo be slashing through apart any energy blast that be aimed for me with his wings and then knocked one of the feathered winged things starting to surround us from the air with one of those highly blackened bread loaves he seems to be fond of spitting at things he dislikes.

At least I know that Dodo likes me, he always gives me good tasting stuff. Not what I should be focusing on right now, I needed to break that floating shell thing. I quickly moved forward at a gallop as several energy shots landed behind me, as I ran forward I felt Dodo grab me by the horns and he swiftly yanked me into his back.

I didn’t mind and continued firing Seed Bombs as Dodo provided the evasive movements for the both of us.
That thing had to be destroyed as it was seemingly producing even more spears, lance, axe and sword wielding faceless things, on top of the weird winged bow wielding things too. None of these things looked like they felt pain as they continued to swarm at us in heavy numbers and it was almost like we were fighting a horde of substitutes attacking us.

The good thing about all of this is that they be about as fragile as a Substitute too, even if their weapons can cut, slash, slice, or pierce, they wouldn’t be able to do anything if they couldn’t get remotely close to us. Their continued numbers were a bit unreal though.


“What are these things?” They were programs brought into reality, that was certain and not related to Digimon or Digibots in the slightest.

I ducked one of the angel or seraph things as it tried to lash out and get me with its tail, I a quick burst from my rifle tore its data apart and then I quickly loaded the quickly disappearing data to find out what we were dealing with here.

… Oh… oh dang… not good! This situation definitely needs far more soldiers than me on it. I managed to take one of them out of the fight by loading their data, so that’s one less problem to worry about and I started stealing the data that would get sent back to their spawner every time one of them was killed so that they could be recreated and sent back out.

“Find a way to destroy that entire ship like yesterday, it cannot be allowed to continue heading towards Illusio!” The information I picked up from the enemy was sporadic, but I got enough to know what a full-fledged digital invasion force looks like. “In fact don’t let any of those ships go, we need to destroy every last bit of them!”

Digimon have invaded other realities plenty of times, so it was relatively easy for me to recognize what this invasion force was here for. The force basically had endless replication within a limited area with their spawners and they could only spawn so much and their invasion forces were all simplistic in design, but it could simply overwhelm with numbers in a hive mind like efficiency.

The most telling thing of all about the next few bits of data I stole and loaded… I was considered a primary objective and the other bit of data is that they wanted to kill absolutely everything on this world.

These things thankfully could not act autonomously outside the range of their spawners or any vehicles they can use to recollect their data back and reassemble back into a fighting unit once it is destroyed. However I dropped the maximum capacity just by eating some of their unit’s data causing errors.

They were all functionally endless unless their unique method of recovering their numbers were dealt with quickly in a permanent fashion in any way, like my loading of their data! The lucky thing was that they required time to forge the shattered data into new units, but that they could do so in bulk all at once was a terrifying prospect.

They were using some stolen data from a Digimon to break into this reality, which would not be very good if they had managed to catch any functioning Digimon alive. Fortunately the stolen data made them vulnerable to Digimon loading it. It seems their methods to generate true manifestations without requiring tethers in reality, like the spawners, was lacking. Once they could manifest these soldiers without said tethers, they could go any distance away from their spawners and the battle would change drastically afterwards.

A flaming whip wrapped around another one of the bow seraph things and pulled it into another before it was torn apart by Dazzle.

“Jyarimon do not come out of that Digivice until you’re at least back in rookie shape and able to defend yourself, they have a top priority to capture living Digimon and its part of their invasion plan for this world!” I warned towards Dazzle, who seemed to realize what I was saying and she nodded as she continue to fight off our borders who were getting rapidly taken out by the Ice Beams our Skitty friends were unleashing into them.

Even as they were taken down, they’d be quickly reconstituted and sent our way because I was here. Less and less of them were showing up because I was bugging their data by eating it wholesale, the unfortunate problem was that it was making me stronger and more likely to digivolve and I was still quite terrified of turning into a Sealsdramon.

Hopefully we could deal with them quickly.

A large axe wielding digital soldier program was dropped onto the deck and I quickly pulled a DCD Bomb out and chucked it at them immediately upon recognizing it as a more intelligent battle unit. My blast them away with a mid-air remote detonation as to not damage the ship.

This sent the elite unit’s data flying back for their spawner, with the confirmation that I existed, before they could do really anything with that burning axe to damage the ship. I at least managed to draw its weapon data for that heat axe it had been wielding to me, before its data could get away or be pulled back fully.

I could probably use this later for something and I dealt them a problematic blow as that was some premium key data for all of their other axe fighters, woo that was some minor good news for those attacking the battleship. The enemy couldn’t afford to field any more elites against me directly after such a quick and massive loss in their combat ability, especially not when their data read as 'Data Types' to me and puts them in a severe disadvantage.

All I had to do was avoid Digivolving, not too hard because I’ve been running at a deficit of digital energy for a while now given how thin it was in this world, might even share some of this with Frizzle once we’re through here to get her back up to speed.

We might seriously need Frizzle’s ferocity in the near future.

“They are effectively endless until we deal with their ship or I can steal the data off them, get us close to the battleship Canard!” Virus types like me were going to be very important in the future battles with these things, we had enemy digital network that needed to take care of ASAP before it hurt this wonderful world even worse than Gilgamesh did. “I need to ruin and bug it beyond recognition like the virus type I am, it cannot be allow to transmit any data back to the rest of the invasion force!”

They had sent that axe elite at me, but didn’t realize how powerful a Digimon was against lesser data based entities, especially virus type Digimon.


The thing that be generating the faceless bipedal enemies suddenly flickered a bit and when it be generating axe guys their axes suddenly disappeared and they started walking around aimlessly as if looking for them…

I grinned and immediately took advantage of the confusion of the things no longer having heat axes to fight with.

My bubble bounded forward and I started sweeping the enemy without a problem getting closer as I thrashed my way through the lance, spear wielders with wide sweeps of water lashing away through them. That’s when the sword wielders decided to light up their weapons with lightning and I had to back off as they tried to stab them into my bubble in unison, they almost caught me off guard too.

Multiple spheres of energy ripped them to shreds as the living anchor guys be coming to my aid in dealing with the lightning weapon guys, then lashed out with chains to continue opening a path to the thing generating them.

I be getting beneath the floating humming device and then I thrust both my hooves upwards to spike my bubble of water straight up and through it. I spread my hooves out and split the floating shell shaped machine apart easily after all the damage Favela be doing to it with her Seed Bombs.

Pulling the water back from my head, I looked to the anchor guys that said they were… Dhelmise?

“What be going on in Valora?” I be asking.

“Well little lady that is a long story, us anchors can tell you about it, but it appears that we aren’t quite done here!” That’s when a flood of new faceless bipedal creatures and fewer winged creatures than before surged up onto deck from platforms that lowered near us and raised up with more enemies and others be coming up a ramp towards the back of the ship and we were being near the middle of the ship.

“We need to destroy this ship entirely and I’m here to help with that!” Sami shouted as she dropped to the deck. “Shanty, Favela, Dodo, I need you and the Bullet Buizels to cover me while I set up blowing this whole ship apart. Do not, under any circumstances, allow them to capture me!”

The Bullet Buizels, after a brief break from the fighting, jumped from the airship as it hovered above and rammed their way through several white winged faceless enemies and then landed with pinpoint precision.

Yeah, this would definitely be being enough to draw Pom’s attention, we’d be meeting her in Valora eventually even if we didn’t be knowing where she was if she wasn’t already there to begin with!

I be fighting my way through the surging enemies who grew thicker the more we became embattled in enclosed spaces with them by trying to go below deck.

This might even be my first pirate boarding action... not how I would be thinking it to be going.

-Fairy Dust Islands, ‘The Dream’, Flowering Head Fields, Pom-

I stared at the weapon, it seemed so inoccuous upon first glance, but I think it tipped its nature to me a little too fast by being highly unusual. The lance’s gentle slightly dark white shading was easy on the eyes, the cute blue puppy patterns printed on it to make it seem disarming in appearance and that was the first sign that something was up with it.

Nobody would clearly make a weapon look this adorable on purpose. No, I’m pretty sure this was the weapons doing to appear charming and as disarmingly friendly as possibly.

That this lance could open up like an umbrella or parasol despite looking like it was made of solid material was the second thing that I noted as something being up with it. The weapon had a very notable blunt spear tip, probably based on my desire to not hurt anyone… I’m pretty sure this was one of those weapons that could feel exactly what its user would need.

So the calming effect as I wielded it was the third sign of something being up with it, given it fit perfectly with my hooves and worked with the Huoshan Spear style despite being part lance.

I couldn’t help but continue to think something was off about it. With several signs showing that it seemed too coincidental or good to be true for me to have spotted and liked it at first sight. For a Lambkin, and begrudgingly Chrysomallus, like me… well coincidence was always just short of being a conspiracy and the marmalade conspiracy was real… so how many things have we Lambkin been right about since then what with our over the top paranoia?

“You better not be the main reason something tries to kill me later.” I sighed loudly, I at least expected it to say something or jump up and attack me for being suspicious of it, but no it seemed perfectly fine to mold itself to my needs of a weapon for my personal defense and the protection of my friends.

I felt a warmth and the unnatural general feeling of safety radiating off this weapon, I hoped I could trust it to be benign as it was currently acting.

Didn’t have much to do while Dolly, Quetal and Queen Titania were doing everything in their power to make Lord Oberon miserable.

“Something about that weapon bugging you?” It was sir Mik, he seemed to shift or hop along the ground under his costume that seemed perpetually upright and he came to stop to look at the Para-lance. “Hmm… can you look away for a bit? I want to test something Lady Pom of the Harmony Team. Please do not look at me directly, for I am going to show my true form and I would not like for you to be sickened by the sight of me.”

Yeah, I didn’t like the whole ‘Lady Pom’ thing, but it is definitely going to catch on since all of the Fairy Types started calling me that.

I looked away and then looked back, my body started glowing gold as I gazed upon Mik’s true form and then looked away again.

“Are you hurt Lady Pom?” He asked with worry as he swiftly slammed his costume back down over himself.

“I’m fine, you’re actually kind of cute, if not for the curse magical energy seemingly coming off your form.” And all Mimikyu were like this?! Yikes forever… no seriously, I’m glad Sir Mik got recognition and love despite having to wear a costume to keep everyone safe from his actual appearance.

“Good, then that golden glow you gives off allows you to see me for what I truly am, I will cherish the memory that at least one being aside from Arceus or the other legendary Pokémon can look upon us without revulsion, sickness or... death.” The costume wearing Pokémon turned back to the seemingly inert, unusual weapon. “Now to test my theory with the weapon you are wary of… please do not look upon me again even if you are resistant or even immune to the sickness Lady Pom. I would rather not like to test whether or not the killing effect will actually take with you eventually.”

I stayed quiet and a bright white light shined from where Sir Mik is.

“Okay, you can look again. The weapon is as you might think of it, it is of some intellect to be wary of and it burned my curse slightly at its touch… it did not however harm me personally.” Sir Mik stated while facing towards me in what was said to be a Pikachu costume. “It may be safe to wield, but continue to be wary of its power.”

“Would you like to occupy my time Sir Mik?” He was an interesting person to talk to. “I have little else going on while waiting to force Lord Oberon to ask for a true smile while giving him one.

“I would gladly occupy your time and keep you company Lady Pom.” He came to sit next to me in the grass and we chatted about how he grew up, how he got his costume and why he became a knight of Lord Oberon and Queen Titania. Mimikyu were very sad, definitively 'magically cursed' individuals like Jackie 'The Blackcap' Chickadee was, unless they can make good friends like me or Queen Titania they tended to be a very lonely species.

Sir Mik was truly happy to talk to me and I was happy to make his day as one of his friends.

Author's Note:

Just a taste of what is happening in Valora.

If you know what Enemy Programs (EP) are, then you might know they can come in many disastrous forms.

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