• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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362. Title Talk.

-Pokémon Realm, Aurora, Helper’s Hamlet, Eriflamb-

The Bidoof were ridiculously fast with getting the bathhouse areas running again. As the Fenniken head of them, I think we needed the bathing quarters for cleaning wounds.

“Do you know where King Evan and Maiden Jig are?” Turning to the Foffo, I nodded to him.

“I wouldn’t disturb them right now, they both finally passed out and I made sure to hide them away with the Bidoofs help. A few of them even evolved into Bibarels. They’ve upgraded to being able to say ‘build better’.” I felt like doing the same, but at least I got to eat, drink and bathe, even got some sleep more than they had these last few days.

“Good, let them sleep and tell no one of where they are. I’m sure they’ll appreciate it later, Chan is overworked and the assisting Miltanks are the only reason she’s managed to save so many lives. I bet she’s going to drop soon to.” Foffo looked upset. “The Psychic Types refugees are still reeling from all the pain and suffering, but at least they aren’t attacking us.”

“Yeah, the only thing wrong around here aside from the vast amount of injured are the Kecleons, they are just as Poké hungry as ever. At least they are willing to help for a price. It’s a toss-up if the Wooloo can feel like anything is ever truly wrong, but they have been fairly helpful in keeping the peace and assisting the Bidoof.” Goodness knows that there was a lot of insomnia going on around here, that’s what having so many friends in a tightly knit community will do when everyone needed help. Everyone able will help those who weren’t and will run themselves into the ground doing so. I was one of those who had bags under my eyes too. “I take it the gratitude you’re receiving is keeping you and Fiffi in good health?”

“If only the wealth of gratitude could outweigh the sorrow.” Foffo stated before bowing to me. “I would like to acquire your services for a hot bath… I direly need one after all the running around I’ve been doing as a member of Team Harmony.”

“I’ll pencil you in for a mineral scrub special, really gets the aches out.” I said warmly, Flabebe and Oddish were getting pretty good at being soothing and understanding the needs of a variety of Pokémon. They were some of the first to get to shelter, Oddish especially liked creating soothing aromas and was learning more aromas as time went on. “I’ve been thinking about finally finding myself a stick…”

“To become a Braixen?” Foffo looked at me.

“I could use a bit more strength around here, running the bathhouse area might just make me evolve from the stress of my job alone.” I chuckled dryly, not a lot of laughs to go around here.

“Heard the Rockruff Brothers say the same thing about Rescue Team work. They know Pom was in the middle of whatever happened in Illusio, they want to get strong enough to really get out there and help people while possibly saving the world along the way and maybe Pom too.” Foffo smiled, since it was kind of nice to hear that the Pokémon around here weren’t letting the assault beat the ability to continue on out of them. “Beleaguered, battered and beaten, but never truly down. At least our neighbor’s efforts to rebuild wasn’t ruined. So Fontaine is at least okay, Greenleaf has been distributing food to everyone, surprisingly even Ignis is getting help from them.”

“Mom always said the western side of the continent has the nicest mons, I’m glad to be one of them.” I grinned weakly and started to move towards the bathing area to prepare for Foffo’s rest break.

-Fairy Dust Islands, ‘The Dream’, Right Wing, Pom-

I trotted at an even pace along the branch ramp towards a lower layer of city with Sir Mik and Curdle towards a shopping district among the wings of the Ribombee shaped planetoid. Curdle wanted to but the sweet that would become a part of her form, Sir Mik wanted to protect me to make sure nothing untoward happened to me while we looked around and the queen was leading a nationwide prank on her husband.

If it was harmful, then it wasn’t a prank. All Fairy Types knew to first gauge the limits of what they could do to the other person before it was considered outright malicious. Lord Oberon was apparently receiving no kid gloves approach at all once they kicked things off properly, that in and of itself was telling about Fairy Types as a whole.

Dolly and Quetal were the ringleaders in the plans they had going on, at least from the way Dolly tells it Quetal seems fairly invested even knowing it’ll lead to us going to Nixtorm faster. What they were doing wouldn’t have been able to get off the ground without Queen Titania’s backing, but they definitely had that backing and that of the several pranking factions throughout the kingdom.

Things were apparently going fine so I was just going to focus on a question I’ve had circulating my mind for a bit. I mean aside from wondering if the local bakeries here use stone ovens since they don’t use metal.

“Do you have a title Sir Mik?” The Pokémon Companions unit that joined me as a traveling friendship group all had titles, I was more curious about what those titles entail.

“I have the title of ‘Knight’, whether I am worthy of it or not depends on how black I’m willing to make my soul just to protect those I truly care about.” The Mimikyu was fairly easy to get along with, we had quite a few things in common and I was sad that he had to deal with wearing a costume his entire life.

“I’ve been wondering, do titles do something special? I can kind of guess how one would get the title knight.” The streets made of stone with sidewalks of bark as tough as stone were calm or quiet among the city made around building shaped out of a variety of plants. I would swear ‘The Dream’ was just one giant tree with how all the buildings looked to be made of roots and trees grown in a specific way.

“For one they do in fact have a special effects, they only add on to what is already there for the one that holds said title though.” The head of Mik’s Pikachu costume looked in my direction. “I was already protective of the friends I do have, the title of ‘Knight’ empowers that need to give me a moderate defensive and stamina boost.”

“So what would a title like... ‘Noble’ do?” My question was met with a curious shift from Mik and Curdle.

“That would be part of the titles that do similar things, which would be ‘Alpha’, ‘Noble’ and ‘Totemic’.” Mik started off as we approached a shop where Curdle was going to buy the thing she needed to help her with her evolution. Milcery were never hurting for choice in how their final evolutions looked… and tasted apparently, much to my chagrin as Curdle was still trying to get an opinion on what kind of taste she should go for. “Alpha gained incredible offensive ability boost alongside an increasingly large size, sometimes the size and strength of a Pokémon can be almost be a maximum of double that of an average member of their species, but are a lot more aggressive and can supernaturally make their eyes glow red. Totemic tends to be natural born giants among their species even from birth and come with a defensive prowess boost that makes them harder to hurt, though they tend to be a bit slower than normal. Nobles tends to be grow abnormally large for their species during an evolution and tend to get a boost in movement speed or raw elemental capabilities, mostly both. All those titles are somewhat related to leadership or the capability thereof if they were to try for such a position.”

“What about the title of ‘Trickster’?” I have wondered what Trickster meant when in terms with Quetal, he hardly seems to use it.

“Higher capability of seeing weaknesses, can more easily misdirect an opponent and can do multiple things with seemingly normal moves that would leave most other Pokémon utterly puzzled. A trickster is very good at innovation and adapting to most situations, even if their overall power might not be the best.” It seem Mik knows a lot about titles. This could explain Quetal a bit, he always took good opportunities when he sees them and was fairly careful in combat unless he was making his own openings to get a good hit in. “Do you have any more titles to throw at me?”

“Dragoon.” Because I was curious about Jiri as we stood near the entrance and I saw my first Alcremie, she was swirling pink pile of living cream with strawberries sticking out of her… equally cream like hair I want to say.

Like most Fairy Types, adorable, but given she smelled like a baked good and was suspiciously eyeing my mouth like she wanted to actively shove herself down my throat with a lusty look… the chill running down my spine was telling me not to engage or even say anything to her. I don’t want to know if they actually take it as a challenge if you don’t want to eat them.

Yeah, I don’t want to eat anything here that looked like it had even a hint of pink icing on it or even strawberries. Alcremie could apparently regrow what they used for their evolution according to Curdle.

“Dragoon title holders are fairly strong against dragons or Dragon Types in general regardless of typing involved, basically a ‘Dragoon’ is secondary to Fairy and Ice Types when it comes to dragon punching. They are capable of jumping or flying higher than any other Pokémon feasibly can at incredible speeds going up and coming down, they can also survive a fall from any height without injury and tend to have a moderate boost to all capabilities.” I might not be able to see Mik’s body directly, but he seemed quite happy to go on about the subject as we waited near the entrance for Curdle to make a purchase. “They are always known to achieve at least some kind of impressive feat worthy of note within a year of earning the title… so what did the dragoon you know do? There’s always one feat to their name and it’s usually a big one.”

“Well… the one I know was in a fight at a bridge with about ten to one odds. She was on the smaller side of the equation and fended off three hundred Pokémon with her unit… for several hours.” Made me wonder what Jiri was doing right this instant, never saw a bunny more capable despite her clumsiness and what I’m assuming to be a mild curse on her Bounce move. “Even managed to hold the bridge the entire time too.”

“Yeah, that would do it.” Mik nodded the floppy head of his costume, but I was looking at his actual eyes below said flopping head.

I over looked to see Curdle chatting with the Alcremie and making motions with her floating blob like fins at the sweet treats on display, ones that apparently aid Milcery in their evolution.

Said evolutionary items for a Milcery were strawberries, blueberries, other colorful berries, pink heart peach tarts, yellow star lemon chews, green clover mint chocolates, flower cookies, ribbon gummi’s in a variety of colors… yeah I can see why evolution for a Milcery might be a bit of a chore to pick from those sweet choices, not to mention the whole spinning rule thing that hasn’t been explained to me yet that I was going to be tasked with doing later.

“What about the title of ‘Hero’?” I asked nonchalantly, everyone paused and looked in my direction, absolutely every last Pokémon within hearing range did. I felt a little wary of the sudden attention I was receiving for mentioning that.

“Rare, but if you do have it, well let’s just say that if a Pokémon has ‘hero’ as a title, then it’s going to be highly noticeable after a while.” Mik looked at all the gawkers staring at us. “We’re discussing what titles can do, there is no ‘Hero’ titled here, go on about your businesses you rubber necked Swanna! Anyway, the ‘Hero’ title implies a powerful dogged determination, abilities to surpass the limits of one’s own species several times over to height more than even an Alpha, Totemic or Noble could ever hope to reach to the point of taking on legendary Pokémon… by themselves. Size really does not matter as they can come in any size, shape or gender, so any Pokémon could seriously get such a lofty title. What actually does matter is the spirit and heart they put into whatever it is they want to do, some even say a ‘Hero’ can take on Arceus without blinking or even thinking twice about the consequences of doing so if they believe they have a reason to be fighting our functional and beloved god. The downside of the title is that they start out weak, but they constantly get exponentially stronger the longer they live. It is said that those with the title of ‘hero’ will usually show up almost literally out of nowhere and get into mind-boggling situations. It’s a good thing they are rare and can’t be evil, misled sure, but never evil.”

“Yikes, glad I’m not a Pokémon with that title. Wouldn’t want to deal with the pressure of having to have the whole world on my back expecting everything of me… heh… like it might be right now that I’m going into one of the most dangerous places that Quetal can imagine.” Really did not want the title of ‘Hero’ personally, but my friends think I am truly one, the whole thing with Leap Lamb was mostly me humoring Dolly… even if I did go above and beyond quite a few times while getting my body torn up a lot. To be fair the Leap Lamb thing wasn’t all so… “So… distract me… please! What about the title of ‘ninja’…. or is ‘Lucha’ even a title? What about Pirate?”

“You’re very desperate to get your mind off the subject… so I’ll indulge you. Yes Pirate is a unusual title, seeks freedom, can navigate by stars, better swimming capabilities, can hold your breath for nine minutes and fifty nine seconds, tends to know the move Swagger or an equivalent method of distraction and terrain has less bearing on how capable they are in a fight. Also gains a mild boost to reaction time and speed.” Was Sir Mik joking with me, why is it that whenever I hear about pirates they always have that holding their breath underwater for ten minutes thing come up? Is it one of those universal things that all realities just happen to have when pirates were involved? What, did space pirates have the ability to hold their breath in space for ten minutes without dying from lack of air and no atmosphere? “Ninja, tends to be better at stealth and or doing more with less, plus they can make good use of any move. Don’t honestly know anything about Lucha though.”

“… Is ‘King’ or ‘Queen’ titles?” I was asking because I’ve met a few rulers of various kingdoms already.

“Yes, and it comes with the territory, quite literally. The title does not erase preexisting titles and the strength of the title depends on the strength of the kingdom as much as the king themselves.” Well that was fascinating Sir Mik and pretty much tells me King Evan should be fine. “However, if the King or Queen loses their title for whatever reason, then they lose the power that comes from having it. You have to actually actively be a ‘King’ or ‘Queen’. The people can so easily take away the title and it’s usually based on a majority and how much they believe in their leader. The title can be taken away so easily, but the actual position itself can’t be taken as easily.”

Makes me wonder, was Gilgamesh still carrying the title ‘King’ when he was fighting us or was he always that powerful even if he didn’t have the title, but was just the ‘acting king’ without the title.

“Say guys, what do you think I’d look cuter with for the rest of my natural life?” Curdle was looking at the colorful berries or the heart shaped peach tarts.

“Please don’t ask me for an opinion on this. This is your evolution, I’m just going to assist you with a very small part of it.” I wasn’t likely to appreciate it if she chose whatever I wanted it.

“I’m of similar mind. I’ve been stuck like this all my life, but I can at least change my costume. You’ve only got one chance to evolve, make the most of it and be what you want to be.” Sir Mik stated as he sat there next to me.

“Well you two are no fun, okay let me get back to my life choices.” Curdle went back to discussing something with the Alcremie.

“Say… why didn’t you want to fix your curse problem?” I’m pretty sure if he held onto the para-lance long enough.

“It’s a part of me, to outright deny its existence would be to deny myself.” Sir Mik stated calmly. “Also there’s a balance to everything and getting rid of the curse of the Mimikyu would probably be a really exceptionally bad thing to do.”

“It’s still kind of sad though.” That I couldn’t help Sir Mik with this.

“We grow stronger by working around or through our strife in various ways. The only ones who should be immune to our curse are those that should be.” The Mimikyu curse that Sir Mik spoke of caused lethal amounts of pain, suffering and sometimes death just for looking at their real bodies. My curiosity could have gotten me killed if it wasn’t a magical effect and it was a decent confirmation that Fairy Types have magic.

While I talked with Sir Mik, I tapped Dolly’s vision to get a progress report and blinked at what was going on. Okay, better not to disturb them… or the bizarre situation going on now. Did not know you could do that with balloons… I was going to stop watching what they were doing with them, plausible deniability and all that.

“So when it comes to earning titles, does it come naturally or can you actually aim to earn a title aside from King or Queen?” If this was what I was doing for small talk, then I’m going to need something else soon aside from the impending doom storm that is my life.

“Mostly naturally or what is exactly suited for you, rarely do you ever see a title not related to personality or how a Pokémon lives, but being born with a title like a ‘Totemic’ makes it hard to earn other titles. The ‘Totemic’ title also occurs far more around the four Tapu Legendary who tend to peruse the Fairy Dust Islands, possibly even a blessing they can give a yet to hatched egg.” Sir Mik was certainly helping me relax here as we waited for Curdle to make her evolution choice. I was beginning to think that nothing would happen until I arrived in Nixtorm. “There’s also stuff like being into excessive violence to earn the title like ‘berserker’ or ‘barbarian’, doesn’t mean the Pokémon can’t be nice people. It could mostly mean that they have a temper problem to varying degrees. You don’t like violence much I take it.”

“Having enough of it enacted upon me, I can honestly say that I don’t.” Bullets were agonizing and I’ve only ever been hit by the one and it caused me nasty arrhythmia problems.

“So are you running out of subject to talk about?” I was beginning to get the feeling Sir Mik was going to take charge of the conversation and I didn’t mind that one bit.

“Yeah, I think you know most of what I’ve done already.” Outside of dog rearing which I’m obviously far too good at for my own good that it’s starting to turn into an active cross dimension religion. “I’m… not really too interesting.”

“Truly? Is this more of a personal level kind of thing or is the adventure you’ve been stuck on thus far that is making you seem more interesting then you are.” Good question, don’t know what to tell you Mik.

“Sounds rhetorical, but yes. I’d rather be a home maker and have a boring desk job than be stuck getting into trouble near constantly… I’m surprised that I can even breathe here and have nothing happen.” I took a moment to breathe in slowly and then exhaled slowly while looking around. “I almost expected something… kind of glad for nothing actually…”

“Not every day can be so full of life and I would know that quite well.” Right there with you Sir Mik. “Cherish the quiet moments in life for what they are whenever you can, for life itself is chaos.”

“Do you suppose those Snubble, Granbull and Sylveon are making sure nothing happens to me?” I wouldn’t put it past the more canid Pokémon, it would be awfully sweet of them to do it in an unobtrusive manner as possible.

“Considering their affections for you, I cannot say for certain… but it is highly likely they are stopping any pranks that would be directed at you, that and the Fairy Types that heard you sin about how tortured you feel about life away from your lover.” Mik nodded the costumes had towards me. “Oberon and Titania learned their lessons about messing with love quite a long time ago on a midsummer night. It is a tale of intrigue if you would wish to listen?”

“Sure, it seems like Curdle is going to be a while.” Since I already tested whether or not Curdle can actually fend for herself, and not immediately throw herself into the first hungry Pokémon’s mouth that comes near her. Curdle could fight and handle herself. “Also we’ve been here a day or two, so I want to be in Nixtorm before the week is out… why am I still heading towards my doom?”

“Don’t call it fate or destiny, we make our own paths and your making yours since you somehow feel responsible for the undead beast in the north… so the story of Oberon and Titania messing with something they shouldn’t have.” Sir Mik cleared his throat, he had a fairly deep voice for something small that should sound higher pitched. I’m not questioning it, but it is curious that most Fairy Types have airy kind of voices. “Swift as a shadow, short as any dream, brief as the lightning in the collied night. That, in a spleen, unfolds both Yvetal’s realms and planet, and ere any Pokémon hath power to say ‘Behold’!”

What followed was probably the weirdest comedy of errors I’ve ever heard of.

-An hour or so later, with a large crowd-

“Now to escape an Ekans’s tongue, we will make amends ere long; else the Impidimp a liar call. So… good night unto you all.” Sir Mik finished and I stomped my hooves in applause, quite a few Fairy Types enjoyed the retelling of what is a most infamous debacle with the Fairy Dust Islands neighbors.

“Wow that was… it was a real story, it was really messed up, but… it was beautifully told.” I enjoyed it at least and I was smiling about it.

“Most Fairy Tales are beautifully told and equal parts humorous and usually completely messed up, either by the people telling the story with them putting their own spin on it or the story itself is a masterpiece of hindsight horror.” As far as the comedy of errors Sir Mik just went over, that was an agreeable way to put it.

“So… at least it’s not as weird as a Wailord and Skitty somehow working.” Though it got close in some parts.

“Trust me, a Wailord and Skitty is not even the top five weirdest pairing you can see in this world.” Okay, Sir Mik got me interested, what was more questionable than Captain Skeeball and Wilhelm’s relationship actually working out? I raised my brow at Sir Mik in challenge. “A Charizard and Magikarp, Mareanie and Corsola, Magcargo and Trevenant, Gardevoir and Muk, then finally among the top five weirdest pairings I know that can possibly occur in this world… Zangoose and Seviper.”

“Explain each one of them.” After he did so, I found his reasoning to be quite secure, so Wailord and Skitty would at least be close top ten or twenty. “Well I’m kind of horrified or just plain mortified.”

“Yeah, don’t question any strange happy relationships you see, just smile and nod.” Sir Mik, you are without a doubt good company to keep. I can see why you’re Queen Titania’s formal bodyguard. “If you wanted to get Wooloo into it… well they don’t care if you are compatible or not, they just care if you're happy.”

“No thanks, I already get enough of them already whenever I’m in Aurora.” My nervousness and darting eyes probably spelled it out.

“I’m done picking!” Curdle shouted joyfully, she had chosen to buy a single pink heart shaped peach tart. “Now we got to figure out the timing of when to spin me right round like a Baltoy baby.”

I groaned, since it’s been hours! At least Sir Mik was really good company.

“So how common are titles again?” I asked blandly.

“Do you want more title conversation?” Sir Mik that pun was horrible, but it deserves the laugh it got out of me. “Also not very, Pokémon can peacefully go their whole lives without ever acquiring a title, usually it’s the Pokémon that does stuff that gets one and someone stating the title and you having a reaction to it.”

“Come on, can you not get distracted and help me with what my flavor profile is going to be going forward to go along with the cute pink peach heart tarts that’ll be forever a part of me soon?” Really didn’t want to Curdle, I was having a good time with a good friend.

“Can you come in chocolate?” I asked flatly.

“No, but I can get close to it.” Curdle said cheerfully.

“Good, don’t try for it, I wouldn’t want you to be poisonous to Dolly if she accidentally eats a bit of you after you evolve.” Well I just flummoxed Curdle into being quiet. “Nothing related to tea, chocolate or grapes. We don’t want to have an accident.”

“Don’t look at me, I’m not the one waiting for a plot against Lord Oberon to come to fruition.” Hearing Sir Mik say Oberon’s name, I considered something.

“Does Oberon have the titles ‘Lord’ and ‘King’ at the same time?” My question once again distracted us from Curdle trying to ask us for opinions or advice about how she should taste.

Milcery and Alcremie were far too fixated on being flavorful for my liking, unfortunately if Curdle comes with us I’ll never hear the end of it.

“The title of ‘Lord’ is unusual in that it occurs when a Pokémon has a pocket realm, so it’s a come with the territory thing. Oberon is a lot stronger here, than out on one of the actual Fairy Dust Islands.” Nice to know that the feelings of danger around your Lord were very much warranted Sir Mik.

“At least I know not to be matcha flavored now… forgot food allergies was a thing.” Curdle seemed to be concentrating on that a bit too much.

“Look try not to concentrate on what makes you the most edible, if you can do a sour flavor to mix with the peach that’d be fine right?” Did not want this to take forever. “Also I’m pretty sure that no matter what you choose, you’d be a bit too much for Dolly anyway.”

“Okay, peach and lemon flavor, so we’ll do this at night!” Curdle state happily, her body flexing into a heart shape for a few seconds.

So wait, would that mean she’d become soured cream? Snrk…

“What was that?” Curdle asked curiously while staring at me with her hollow looking eyes.

“Nothing.” I stated immediately with a straight face, Curdle then floated off presumably to come back to me later so she could evolve. “So her name is Curdle and I just suggested she become soured cream.”

“Actually pretty fitting and kind of funny.” Sir Mik nodded.

Dolly tagged me in our bond and I blinked.

“I guess it’ll be time to say goodbye soon Sir Mik, as Dolly, Quetal and Queen Titania have things going full tilt now and it’s only a matter of time before the final act.” I’ve needed these last few days of rest and healing, no expectations and all peace made things feel so wonderful. Unfortunately I couldn’t avoid it any longer, I had to keep moving. As nice as the Fairy Types were, I didn’t want to be trapped here in ‘The Dream’ with them. “You’ve been quite a lovely friend to me Sir Mik.”

“You as well Lady Pom, would you like to train a little bit. I need to work on my Wood Hammer move.” After a moment we started on our way back to the inn Dolly, Quetal and I have been staying at. “Also while you can do nothing for my curse, the more control we have of ourselves, then the less lethal the curse is. Again I still wouldn’t test it with someone as lovely as you and I would not be rid of it, as only the worst of the worst among my enemies can say they've seen the true me. For they would not live to tell about it.”

As morbid as ever Sir Mik.

-That night, Inn, Pom-

“... Please stop making this weird Curdle.” It already was now that I had my hooves on Curdle’s liquid body and she was smiling brightly at me. The witnesses for this evolution would be Dolly, Quetal, Sir Mik, Queen Titania and me since I was helping Curdle with this and I volunteered. “So which way am I spinning you?”

“Clockwise five seconds!” Said Curdle cheerfully as she held onto the peach tart heart in her liquid flippers while smiling at me.

I spun around on my hooves for five seconds exactly and then let go of Curdle who went spinning through the air until she started glowing. Her liquid form swirled and stretched out a bit until she became a living dollop of cream. She had two peach flavored heart tarts in her creamy stylistic yellow hair and she had two pink eyes in the midst of her mostly yellow and white tipped body that was now apparently lemon cream flavored. Her lower torso was now like a snail’s foot.

The evolution was fascinating as it gave her arms and she was no longer capable of floating, yet she was supposed to be more powerful? I still wonder about evolutions that had strange outcomes like this one.

“What were the moves you showed me again?” Just so I can think about battle tactics in the event we were attacked as soon as we arrived in Nixtorm.

“Oh I just learned Decorate! It’ll go great with Dazzling Gleam and Recover, as for my last move I can go to a move tutor to learn Mystical Fire!” Curdle becoming a fire breathing pile of cream… why did that sound like a recipe for disaster?

-World: ???, Oleander-

“Keep beams on those portions of the destroyer!” The Ghostbusters were better at fighting ghosts than I was, I really liked that Egon guy too, quite intelligent.

“Remind me again why we are letting a possibly evil unicorn and her friends help us?” Peter asked.

“Because she said she’d let us have a book on how to handle cenobites and would help us if we run into them again and she’s actually paranormal benign.” Ray answered.

“Yeah, but the demon she has with her certainly isn’t.” Well aware of it Egon, I am marrying Fred after all. "He's tried for my immortal soul at least five times already."

"Yeah, can you please take a hint." Fred was spewing flames out of his mouth. "YOUR KNOWLEDGE IS ATTRACTIVE!"

"Still can't get over how metal that Fred guy is." Ray muttered.

“Why is it always marshmallow monsters with you guys!” Cried Buttina as she continued to spew flames on it from her wanzer. “It’s going to get absolutely everywhere when we finally make it explode!”

“Trust me, this isn’t the last time we’ll be seeing of this guy, it’s always the same giant marshmallow man at the end of the day.” Peter droned out sadly.

“I could help you if you get covered in the stuff Butt.” Wrex stated wearing a modified proton pack that can put a hole in a spaceship on the level of battleship.

“Complaints withdrawn!” Buttina stated immediately with a giddy grin and I just rolled my eyes, before closing them as the smooze like marshmallow man that engulfed half the city finally exploded.

The hot marshmallow goo going absolutely everywhere was an understatement of the greatest of orders. At least Fred would help clear up most of it.

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