• Published 15th Oct 2021
  • 2,987 Views, 103 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Season 1 - Kitsulestia

This is a joke right? it has to be... if not, then it seems like life likes screwing with me

  • ...

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Wrapping up the winter holiday

*Lillian’s POV*

Danyelle was snoozing away with her three adopted daughters when Twilight had woken up in the middle of the night.

Danyelle sleep-spoke "Ugh Twilight, go back to bed...."

"Come on you four wake up, it's winter wrap up day!" Twilight says with excitement.

Danyelle groans "It's three in the morning...." Dawn yawns before going back to sleep.

"Come on, the first day of spring is tomorrow!" Twilight says completely ignoring what Danyelle said. "So every pony and Mobian in Ponyville needs to clean up winter." She says as she gets ready.

Danyelle yawns loudly before rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Nyx yawns “Yeah... it’s too early...”

"Yeah and who cleans up winter?" Asked Spike. "Don't they just use magic to change the seasons like we do in Canterlot?"

"No, Spike." Twilight says as she puts on her saddle. "Ponyville was started by earth ponies, so for hundreds of years, they never used magic to clean up winter."

Danyelle asks "But how did they clear the skies and bring back the birds? Surely the Pegasi had to help back then?"

"They did." Twilight says.

Danyelle spoke "That makes zero sense... If Ponyville was founded by earth ponies... There wouldn't be any Pegasi nearby...."

"Ponyville was founded by earth ponies but that doesn't mean the town citizens were all nothing but earth ponies some were Pegasi so it make sense for them to help how else were they able to move the clouds?" Twilight says.

Danyelle spoke "Fair enough..."

Bluestar squeaks as she slowly woke up. Danyelle got her boots on since it was cold outside.

Danyelle spoke "Now, where is my vest? Oh, there it is!"

Danyelle puts on a blue vest since she was helping Rainbow Dash. Nyx and Dawn had beige vests on since they were helping Fluttershy's group.

When they opened the doors they saw that it was still night out. "[Chuckles] I guess we got up too early."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah.... Too early... I’m going back to bed..."

When morning finally came Twilight, Spike, Danyelle, Nyx and Bluestar went to the center of town where everyone was meeting.

Blaze, Sakura and Li had beige vests on. Sonic, Tails and Inari had blue vests. Nyx, Lance and Rusty had green vests on.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Skittles, I'm ready to help out!"

Even Bluestar had a cub-sized vest on.

Before Rainbow could reply, the Mayor spoke up. "Thank you, everypony and every Mobian, for being here bright and early." She says happily. "We need every single pony's and Mobian's help to wrap up winter and bring in spring."

Everyone starts cheering as she says that.

"Now, all of you have your vests and have been assigned to your teams, so let’s do even better than last year and have the quickest winter wrap up ever!"

Zooey and the others cheer. Clarity didn't have a vest since she wasn't sure what team she should help.

Clarity spoke "Seems like the others know what to do though... Even Twily is helping the weather team but she has an anti-magic brace on."

"Every pony belongs to a team except us, what do we do, where should we go?" Twilight asks before Rainbow zoomed straight passed them.

Clarity spoke "We could try helping Pinkie..."

Twilight was already over to Rainbow when Clarity made the suggestion.

"Alright, team, you're cleared for takeoff." Rainbow said to her team as they flew off somewhere.

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight called out as she walked up Rainbow.

"Oh, hey, Twilight, Clarity." Rainbow says greeting the two. "What's up?"

Danyelle and Bluestar flew off with the team.

Clarity spoke "Twilight and I were wondering if you needed help with anything."

"Um?" Rainbow showed her wings reminding them they have no wings except for Clarity who has been hiding her wings with the shirt that she had arrived with.

"Right, no wings." Twilight says looking at her back.

"Sorry you two." Rainbow says before flying off.

Clarity spoke "No worries Dash!"

"Great." Twilight says disappointed. "Now what do we do?"

Clarity asks “Why don’t we try helping Pinkie?”

However, Twilight was gone as she went to find a way she can help.

Clarity heads to where Applejack was.

Clarity spoke "Hey Applejack, mind if I help out? I won't use my magic at all."

"Howdy Clarity." Applejack says greeting Clarity. "You sure ya' can do this?" She asks.

Clarity spoke "I'm as strong as your brother is, I can handle it."

"Alright then, we're just clearing up the snow so we can plow the fields later so we can plant the seeds." Applejack says.

Clarity heads to a snow mover and using only her dog demon strength, got it moving to clear the snow.

"I'll be darned, she is strong for some pony of her size." Applejack says surprised to see how strong Clarity is.

Tempest spoke "It's because of her demon genes."

Back with Twilight, she was with Fluttershy and I.

"Wake up, little sleepyheads." Fluttershy says walking up some animals.

"I hope you little guys had some good sleep of hibernation because it's time to wake up now." I added.

Nyx and Dawn were waking up a few bunnies.

"Aw, how cute." Twilight says as she sees all the cute animals come out their homes.

"That they are Twilight." I say with a smile.

"This is my favorite task of the whole season, when I get to see all my little animal friends again."

"Huh, what's hibernation?" asked Spike.

Rusty spoke "It's a way to conserve energy over the winter but dragons don't do hibernation though..."

"I definitely like them idea of hibernation even if dragons don't do it." Says Spike.

Lance spoke "But you don't get to eat as much."

"Yeah that's the downside of hibernating." I say as I wake up some porcupines. "But with all these warrens and dens I feel like we won't be able to wake up all these creatures even with the help we have."

"Well, I'll help you guys." Twilight says as she offers to help.

Nyx asks "You sure Twilight?"

“I’m sure Nyx.” Twilight says.

Nyx spoke “If you say so….”

Dawn sneezes, causing her back left leg to revert to its natural form.

Luckily, no one was around when she reverted to her true self and not wanting anyone to see her true form she changed back into her disguise.

Twilight walked over to a den with a bell waking up whatever was in it.

“Hello? Wake up, little friends, wherever you are spring is coming.” She says before ringing the bell again. “I wonder which cute, little, furry creatures I’ve awoken.” She says only to be frightened when she saw she woken up some snakes.

Dawn thinks “That was too close… I can’t let them know that I’m a Changeling… I don’t want to be chased out…

Twilight backs away from the snakes only to enter a bats den and come out screaming only to run into a skunks den.

“[Laughs] instead of waking a furry little animal, you woke up some snakes then backing into a bats den then ran into a skunks den, hilarious.” I say laughing as I watched what happened with Twilight.

Nyx plugged her nose since Twilight smelled bad.

Lance spoke “Oh god… That smells just as bad as the last time Rusty got sprayed by a skunk….”

After Twilight went home and took a bath in tomato sauce, she went to Applejack's farm to see if she can help there.

Clarity was busy with her work when she picked up on the faint smell of skunk spray.

Clarity spoke “Yuck…. That stinks…”

"Sorry, I was sprayed by skunks." Says Twilight.

The mare-bitch ends up fainting due to the smell.

Caramel spoke “And she’s out cold… Guess she couldn’t handle the smell.”

“Can I take her place and help?” Asked Twilight.

Caramel spoke “Yeah, I’ll move the mare over to where Rarity is.”

Caramel drags Clarity by the shirt to where Rarity was.

Caramel spoke “Hey Rarity, it seems the hybrid here had fainted due to the lingering scent on Twilight…”

Rarity was too busy trying to fix a bird’s nest Twilight made while Twilight was trying to move the snowplow before using magic to make it look like she’s moving it.

“Hmm, she’s awfully strong for such a little pony.” Applejack says skeptical on how Twilight was moving the snowplow.

Spike looked closely at Twilight before noticing what she was doing.

“That’s my girl!” He says. “Following my advice.”

Clarity groans as she woke up.

Clarity asks “Need help Rarity?”

Blaze spoke “Yeah, she’s been trying to fix a bird nest that Twilight had made.”

Clarity got to work weaving a nest together while using her paws.

When Twilight’s spell backfired, it caused an avalanche of snow to cover the fields in snow again erasing all the earth ponies hard work.

“Nuts, Twilight!” Applejack says upset. “You used magic!”

“The nerve!” Spike says trying to act innocent. “Can you believe her?”

Li was shaking the snow off his body since he was covered with the stuff.

Twilight starts crying before running off somewhere.

Sakura goes after Twilight to comfort the distraught mare.

Sakura spoke “Oh come on Twilight, you’re good at a lot of other things. Just not what you tried to do. I know there’s something you can do.”

“I’m a winter mess up.” Twilight says upset about what happened.

Sakura spoke “Not true Twilight, you’re the most organized mare I know.”

Sakura soon turned her attention to Rainbow, Fluttershy and Applejack since the trio were arguing. Nyx was carrying Bluestar on her back during the arguing.

“Rainbow Dash, y’all on the weather need to melt the rest of this snow here on the ground and the trees pronto.”

“Go it!” Rainbow says as she turns to fly off to do that only to be stopped by Fluttershy and me.

“You can’t.” Fluttershy says.

“If you do that all the animals homes will be flooded with water before we can get them out.”

“Got it?”

“I’m telling you, Rainbow you got to melt that snow now.”

“She can’t do that or else the animals’ homes will be flooded!” I say making Rainbow stop again before she could fly off.

“We have to wait.” Added Fluttershy.

The four of us soon started arguing until the Mayor came in and broke up the fight talking about how we were late for spring last year and the year before that because of our arguing and how we’re going to be late for spring again.

Danyelle spoke “For pony’s sake! Make up your minds!”

Big Mac spoke “Uh AJ…”

“Oh, good gravy!” Applejack says annoyed. “Caramel lost the grass seeds again, didn’t he?”

“Uh-yup.” Says Big Mac.

Caramel’s ears had drooped down in sadness. Blaze and Danyelle were arguing with each other.

Sakura spoke “Twilight, this might be your chance!”

As everyone was having trouble with their problems, Twilight jumps out from the bush she was in before trying to get everyone’s attention and when that didn’t work, she used a bird to get our attention. “Sorry.” Twilight says to the bird before turning to us. “I know you all want to complete your jobs on time, but arguing is no way to go about it.”

Sakura spoke “What you need is organization and Twilight’s just the mare for the job.”

Twilight nodded in agreement and later we all started getting all our tasks done quickly with the help of Twilight and when everything was done, Spring arrived just on time the next day.

Twily spoke “And with that, we can safely say winter is wrapped up on time!”

Danyelle spoke “Clarity is in for a hog-sized surprise when that last piece of ice melts.”

The others started to laugh.

When Twilight went home, she wrote her friendship report to Celestia and when she asked Spike to send it she saw Spike was asleep as she laughed at that.


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