• Published 15th Oct 2021
  • 2,987 Views, 103 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Season 1 - Kitsulestia

This is a joke right? it has to be... if not, then it seems like life likes screwing with me

  • ...

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Crusader Slumber Party

*Iris’s POV*

After my chitin had shedded and rehardened, I retook my dog form before grabbing a sleeping bag and headed off to Tails’s house for the slumber party with my fellow crusaders. Nyx was waiting for me there, as were the others.

I spoke "Hey guys!"

Scootaloo spoke "Hey Dawn, this slumber party is gonna be awesome!"

Nyx spoke "Yeah!"

I spoke "I also invited Twist over since she's our friend too."

"Hey guys." Twist called out as she arrives.

I spoke "Hey Twist, glad you could make it."

Nyx asks "Hey Applebloom, is it okay if Twist becomes a Crusader even though she already has her cutie mark?"

"Sure, I don't see a problem with it." Replied Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo spoke "I'm cool with it too."

“Thanks you guys.” Twist says before Tails opens the door.

Lance spoke “Hi uncle Tails.”

“Hey Lance, you and your friends here for the slumber party?” Tails asks.

Lance spoke “Yeah, Twist was last to arrive though.”

“It’s alright come on in.” Tails says letting the group in.

I follow my friends into the house.

Nyx spoke "I notice that you've been busy ever since I destroyed that robot..."

I ask "Wait, what?!?"

“You talking about that robot you destroyed when Lillian was turned into a kid because of the poison joke?” Asked Applebloom.

Nyx spoke “Yeah, that one… I got my cutie mark right after it happened.”

“Yeah.” Agreed Applebloom as we head upstairs to Rusty’s room.

Rusty spoke “Hey guys, glad you could make it.”

I unrolled my sleeping bag as the others did too. Inari had brought up some snacks for the eight of us before heading to bed.

Nyx asks “What should we do first?”

Lance spoke “I was thinking truth or dare.”

“Yeah I think that’s a great idea.” Replied Sweetie Belle.

Nyx asks “Okay Applebloom, truth or dare?”

“Dare!” Replied Apple Bloom.

Nyx spoke “I dare you to…. Tickle Sweetie Belle!”

"What?" Sweetie says shocked only to be immediately tickled by Apple Bloom. "[Laughs] Apple Bloom stop; that tickles."

I chuckle "Applebloom, you decide next."

"Okay Lance, Truth or Dare?" Applebloom asks.

Lance spoke "Dare."

"Ah' dare ya' to a hoof or in your case a hand stand with one hand." Applebloom says.

Lance spoke "Easy!"

Lance balances on one hand with no help since he was just as active as his father is.

"Wow that's awesome dude, how dare you doing that without falling?" Asked Scootaloo.

Lance spoke "My mom taught me basic gymnastics when she had homeschooled me due to the constant war back home."

Rusty spoke "Even I can do that."

The three-tailed fox kid was soon balancing on one hand.

"Alright Dawn, your turn." Applebloom says to me.

I spoke "hmm, truth."

"No silly, your turn to ask truth or dare." Sweetie Belle says.

I spoke "Oh... I'm new to this kind of thing... Okay Scoots, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Replied Scootaloo. "I don't do the whole truth thing."

I spoke "I dare you to... Kiss Rusty."

The three-tailed fox spoke "Oh hay no!"

Yeah I ain't doing that." Scootaloo spoke.

I taunt "What's the matter? Are you too chicken?"

"What of course not!" Replied Scootaloo.

Lance spoke "You can't avoid it long though, it's the rules."

A tora-ge chakat child spoke “Sorry I’m late! I had to talk to Blizzardstar into letting me come.”

Lance spoke "Girls, meet Silverstorm. Shi's a friend of mine."

"Hello." Everyone greeted.

"Anyways fine I'll do it but only on the cheek got it." Scootaloo says not happy.

Rusty spoke "Only on the cheek then..."

Scootaloo blushes before quickly kissing Rusty on the cheek.

Rusty hid his face with his tails afterward.

Rusty stammers "O-okay Scoots, your turn to ask someone..."

"Okay Silverstorm, truth or dare?" Asked Scootaloo.

Silverstorm spoke "Hmm, Truth."

"Tell us, do you have an embarrassing secret you never told anyone?" Asked Scootaloo.

Silverstorm spoke "Yeah... I don't have parents... They both died when I was five...."

"What?!" Everyone said surprised.

Silverstorm spoke "Oh, you wanted embarrassing. Okay, there was this one time Swiftrunner got hir fat flank stuck in a fence since shi had one too many cakes..."

Everyone laughed.

"Really?" Applebloom asked.

Silverstorm spoke "Shi's basically the chakat version of Celestia though... It’d be funny if the two crossed paths..."

"Alright, alright Silverstorm it's your turn." Added Scootaloo.

Silverstorm asks “Okay Nyx, truth or dare?”

Nyx spoke “Truth.”

Silverstorm asks “Okay, what’s up with the glasses and vest?”

Nyx spoke “Don’t laugh... But I’m not really a unicorn.”

Nyx removes the vest, revealing her wings.

Lance spoke “By stars, she’s an alicorn!”

"Wow, why did you keep this from us Nyx?" Applebloom asked.

Nyx spoke "Many don't know that I'm an alicorn though... Only Twilight and Rarity do. And no, I'm not royalty."

Rusty spoke "Your turn Twist."

"Okay Dawn, truth or dare?" Twist asks.

I spoke "Hmm... Truth."

"Like Nyx, do you have a secret?" Twist asks.

I spoke "Yeah but none of you can freak out at what I'm about to show you eight..."

"Why would we freak out?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

I sigh before I drop my dog disguise, revealing my true self to the other eight Crusaders.

I spoke “This is the real me... I was left here because I was too nice of a Changeling... And my real name is Iris. Dawn Sky was something my adopted mother came up with to hide my true identity.”

Everyone except Apple Bloom looked at me shocked and surprised.

Silverstorm spoke "I didn't see that coming... But look at it this way! We got two earth ponies, a unicorn, a Pegasus, two Mobians, an alicorn, a Changeling and a chakat in our club. But even though Lance, Rusty, Iris and I can never get cutie marks, the nine of us are friends."

"Yeah." Twist agreed.

I decided to transform into Diamond Tiara for fun, making the others laugh as I mocked the real one.

After Nyx and I revealed our secrets, the nine of us started enjoying our time together without hiding any more secrets.


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