• Published 15th Oct 2021
  • 2,987 Views, 103 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Season 1 - Kitsulestia

This is a joke right? it has to be... if not, then it seems like life likes screwing with me

  • ...

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Cutie Mark Chronicles

*Lillian's POV*

It was a peaceful day in Ponyville, or so I had thought until Danyelle came flying over with news.

Danyelle spoke "I just found out that Shirou's in Equestria now! I heard about it from Nazuna!"

“Wanna know what Holo told me? Luna has the hots for Shirou!” I told Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "Michiru said the same thing!"

“Wait, she told YOU that? Why?” I asked.

Danyelle counters "Every Mobian's been talking about it since Shirou arrived."

But then, it hit me.

“Danyelle, you don’t think Shirou has…” I started to ask, when my friend understood what I was gonna ask.

“Maybe… But we don’t know for sure.” Danyelle answered.

Nazuna glided over with Michiru on her back.

Michiru spoke "Hey Lillian!"

“Hey girls! Guess what? Luna has a crush on Shirou!” I told them.

“What?!” They gasped in surprise.

Danyelle spoke "holy floppa... That is CRAZY!!!"

“What?” I asked.

“Those Crusaders are trying zip lining!” Danyelle answered.

Nazuna facehoofs.

Michiru spoke "Silverstorm's not with them though."

“Still, we should probably stop them.” I suggested.

Danyelle spoke "It happens often, but three ponies zip lining all at once is dangerous..."

“Well, what are we waiting for?!” Michiru urged.

Danyelle spoke "it's fine girls, Nyx is with them."

Nyx was cleaning up the trio's injuries.

“Why do we always come back with our flanks blank? And surprisingly, covered in tree sap?” Scootaloo asked.

Nyx spoke "Maybe zip lining all at once was a bad idea..."

“Maybe we should find a safer way of finding our cutie marks.” Applebloom suggested.

Nyx spoke "Preferably something that Dusk and Silverstorm can join in on, it's only fair though."

“Maybe we could ask somepony how they got their cutie mark?” Sweetie Belle suggested.

Nyx spoke "That's a great idea Sweetie! We already know how my mom got her cutie mark though, she got it on her birthday while racing Rainbow."

“That’s it! We’ll ask the most awesome pony about how she got her cutie mark!” Scootaloo declared.

Nyx spoke "But we don't know where Rainbow is."

Silverstorm trotted over with hir adopted brother following.

Dusk spoke "We could ask Applejack first."

“Ugh… Fine.” Scootaloo agreed in defeat.

Rusty spoke "We'll find Rainbow soon Scoots."

“Hey! Maybe we could come along?” Michiru asked the Crusaders.

Nazuna spoke "We're curious as to how cutie marks work though, even though I can't get one since I'm a siren and not a pony."

“Same here.” Danyelle added.

Nyx spoke "Mom, you got your mark in a race with Rainbow Dash on your birthday remember?"

“I know. But I’m curious how the girls got their cutie marks.” Danyelle answered.

Silverstorm spoke "Let's go ask Applejack!"

“Not a bad idea.” I admitted.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah!"

Later, while we were on our way to Sweet Apple Acres, we saw some bunnies having some apples with them.

“Get back here, ya thievin’ varmits!” Applejack’s voice called out.

“Thievin’ what-now?” Applebloom asked before AJ crashed into us.

While holding Appleheart in hir arms, Crosswind asks "Howdy there, what brings ya'll by the farm?"

“Big sis, how did you get yer cutie mark?” Applebloom asked.

“Ah never told ya that story?” Applejack wondered.

Danyelle spoke "Nnope, but we'd like to learn."

Crosswind spoke "Ah'm just as curious as the others are AJ."

“Why, when Ah got mah cutie mark, Ah was a little filly, even littler than y’all.” Applejack started as I started seeing a flashback.

“Wow!” We awed except Scootaloo.

Rusty spoke "Just be patient Scoots, we'll find Rainbow soon."

But then we heard the rabbits taunting Applejack as they started running again.

Danyelle thinks "I'm starting to see a pattern here..."

Nazuna spoke "Thank you for telling us the story Applejack."

“Not a problem. But right now, Ah need to get those thievin’ varmits!” Applejack said as she started chasing the rabbits again.

Crosswind spoke "Eyup...."

The group heads off, only to bump into Fluttershy and Yuki since the two were guiding some ducklings.

Dusk spoke "Watch out!"

“Whoa!” I yelped.

Silverstorm yowls in pain since someone pulled hir tail.

Silverstorm asks "Who pulled my tail?"

Yuki asks "Are you okay?"

"I think so." Silverstorm answered.

Dusk asks "Say Fluttershy, how did you get your cutie mark?"

"Heehee. You know, it was like when Danyelle got her cutie mark, because I wouldn't have got mine if it wasn't for Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy answered.

Danyelle spoke "True there."

"I guess we're more alike than we thought, Fluttershy." Danyelle admitted.

"That's so sweet." Sweetie Belle awed.

"'Sweet?' Try sappy. Bleck!" Scootaloo gagged.

Rusty spoke "I'm not one for sappy stuff either..."

"Let's go to my sister!" Sweetie Belle suggested.

Silverstorm spoke "Yeah!"

Danyelle spoke "I'll see you kids later, I have something to do."

Danyelle flew off to the hospital.

"Wait, where's she going?" Applebloom asked.

Nyx spoke "To the hospital for a check up, she's expecting kittens."

“Aww!” The Crusaders cooed.

“Okay. I’ll admit, that does sound cute.” Scootaloo said.

I spoke "Yeah, though it'll be a while before I have kids."

*at Rarity's place*

I spoke "Hi Rarity."

Blizzardstar spoke "hi everyone."

"Oh! Just in time, darlings! I need help!" Rarity said.

I spoke "The Crusaders were wondering how you got your cutie mark."

"Oh. Maybe we can talk while you help me?" Rarity suggested.

Dusk spoke "Sure thing, we guess."

"Ugh! These namby-pamby stories aren't getting us anywhere! They're all about finding out who you really are inside." Scootaloo pouted.

Dusk spoke "But look on the bright side Scootaloo, we're one step closer to finding Rainbow Dash!"

"Could it be that... No. Can't jump to conclusions." I thought to myself.

*At the restaurant*

Dusk spoke "Hi mom."

"Oh, hi, Dusk. What brings you and your friends here?" Twilight asked.

Silverstorm spoke "We went around town asking the others how they got their cutie marks."

"Wait, where's Danyelle?" Twilight asked.

"At the hospital, and the crusaders wanna know how you got your cutie mark." I added.

"Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes..." Twilight kept cheering, much to my amusement.

"Twilight, ease up there. Everycreature's watching." I reminded.

Sonic chuckles "True there."

Sonic zooms off after.

“When did he get here?” Twilight asked in confusion.

Rusty chuckles "Knowing uncle Sonic, he's always running around."

“Good point.” Twilight admitted.

Silverstorm spoke "We're off to find Rainbow Dash!"

"Later." I bid farewell to Twilight.

The kids and I head off to find Rainbow, only to find Pinkie instead.

Rusty asks "Pinkie, what are you doing here? And on Silverstorm's lower back no less?"

"I heard about you wanting to find Rainbow Dash. If I were her, I would go to Sugarcube Corner. Hey, wanna go to Sugarcube Corner?" Pinkie asked.

Dusk spoke "Might as well... Say Pinkie, how did you get your cutie mark?"

"Well..." Pinkie started.

"And that's how Equestria was made." Pinkie finished, much to our confusion as we arrived at Sugarcube Corner. "Just wait until I tell you how I got my cutie mark! It's a gem!"

"Don't worry. It's just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie." Sweetie Belle assured.

I think "So THAT'S how Danyelle knew Pinkie's full name despite never hearing it before!"

Soon, we got into Sugarcube Corner, and saw Rainbow Dash with everyone else.

Even Danyelle was there with Ben.

Danyelle was talking with Mrs Cake.

“Rainbow Dash!” The crusaders cheered.

“I hear you’re lookin’ for my cutie mark story.” Rainbow Dash said.

“You have no idea how much I wanted to.” Scootaloo sighed in relief as she sat down.

Rusty chuckled at how silly his fillyfriend was being.

"And that, my friends, is how you earn a cutie mark." Rainbow Dash finished.

"Whoa...!" The crusaders uttered in awe, as the rest of us realized something.

Danyelle spoke "Now I remember! I got my cutie mark because of you Skittles!"

"You raced against me." Rainbow Dash reminded.

"Wait! If your rainboom didn't happen, I wouldn't have discovered that I was able to communicate with animals." Fluttershy realized.

Danyelle spoke "Pinkie wouldn't have discovered her love of parties, Applejack would've remained in Manehatten, Twilight would've failed her entrance exam and Rarity wouldn't be as good with fashion as she is now. So in a way, the six of us owe our cutie marks to you Rainbow."

"W-What?!" Rainbow Dash gasped in surprise.

"We've been BFFs forever and we didn't even know it!" Rarity realized.

Danyelle chuckles "If it wasn't for the Rainboom, we wouldn't be friends now!"

"Aw, come here, you!" Applejack said as the seven of the went into a group hug.

"Aww!" The crusaders and I except Rusty and Scootaloo cooed.

Danyelle drapes her broad wings around the six as she hugged them.

“Eww! Come on! Maybe we should try zip lining again.” Scootaloo suggested, only for the crusaders crusaders to hug each other, much to her and Rusty’s dismay.

Rusty chuckles "You can be such a tomboy at times Scoots."

“Much like a certain Pegasus you look up to.” I pointed out.

Dusk sighs "I miss my sister..."

Silverstorm notices hir adopted brother's depression before talking to Spike about writing a letter to Princess Luna about the matter.

“Spike?” Silverstorm asked.

“Got it.” Spike responded.

Silverstorm spoke "Dear Princess Luna, it has come to my attention that young Dusk Shine, formerly known as Henry, is worried about his sister since I fear his abusive aunt may try to get her hands on the girl. If it's possible, could you rescue the one named Sam? I don't want her to suffer the same fate Henry had suffered. Your chakat subject, Shir Silverstorm Sparkle."

“Done and sent.” Spike said as he burned the letter, sending it to Princess Luna.

Silverstorm spoke "Sam's fate rests in Princess Luna's hooves now."

“You really care about him, huh?” Spike asked.

Silverstorm spoke "Yeah, all chakats are empathic to others which is why we don't live alone. It's bad for us. Think about it Spike, cousin Crosswind lives with Applejack since Appleheart is too young to be drinking normal milk. Blizzardstar lives with Rarity as her assistant, I live with you and Twilight."

“Meaning?” Spike asked.

Dawn spoke "It means they feel emotions on a much deeper level than ponies do."

“Whoa. I can tell that can get personal.” Spike noted.

Silverstorm spoke "It's a trait all chakats have, even ponykats like Cross have such abilities too."

Danyelle burped, causing a scroll to appear from her flames.

Danyelle spoke "Excuse me."

“Huh?!” Spike gasped in surprise.

Danyelle spoke "that's new... I've never done that before..."

“But I don’t remember casting that spell on you. I only used it on Spike.” Twilight said.

Danyelle unfurls a right wing.

Danyelle spoke "My wings may seem full gryphon but there is a bit of dragon wing underneath it all. But the fire burps are new to me though..."

Silverstorm asks "What did Princess Luna say?"

“You sent her a letter?” Twilight asked.

Dusk spoke "Silverstorm asked him to since shi was worried about my sister."


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