• Published 15th Oct 2021
  • 2,987 Views, 103 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Season 1 - Kitsulestia

This is a joke right? it has to be... if not, then it seems like life likes screwing with me

  • ...

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Green Isn't Your Color

*Sakura’s POV*

I was at the spa with Rarity, Crosswind, Yuki and Fluttershy.

Yuki happily purrs "This is so relaxing..."

Danyelle was getting a wing massage since she had pulled a muscle in both wings the day before.

"I couldn't agree more darling, but it is a shame Lillian couldn't join us today, she usually joins us for our weekly get together." Rarity says as she relaxes.

"Yeah but she did say that she was going to practice more with her phantom ruby." Fluttershy added.

"Yeah." Rarity says in agreement before gasping about something. "Oh, that reminds me you would not believe what happened to me!" She says with excitement.

Danyelle asks "let me guess... You crossed paths with Photo Finish?"

I exclaim "Wow!"

"How did you know?" Rarity asked surprised.

Danyelle spoke "It was just a lucky guess since my clairvoancy isn't working."

"Who's Photo Finish?" Fluttershy asks.

"She's the most famous fashion photographer in all of Equestria!" Rarity replied answering Fluttershy.

I ask "if she's the most famous fashion photographer, how come I haven't heard of her?"

Danyelle spoke "I agree with Sakura on this."

Yuki spoke "Same here."

"Well you three did arrive in Equestria a while ago so it'll make sense you wouldn't know of her." Answered Rarity. "Anyhow, she saw my hat I was wearing when coming here and said it was "absolutely marvelous!"." She says as she tells us about her encounter with Photo Finish.

"What a lovely compliment." Added Fluttershy.

I spoke "Totally!”

"She was so impressed that she wants to take pictures at my shop, featuring some of my clothes!" Rarity says with excitement.

"That's wonderful." Fluttershy says turning to Rarity.

"Do you know what this could mean for my fashion career?" Rarity asks while she was getting a back massage.

Crosswind spoke "Not really."

"Well I'm going to need someone fabulous to model for me." Rarity says before taking a mud bath.

I spoke "What about two someones?"

Brandy spoke “Hi girls.”

Danyelle spoke "Oh hi Brandy."

"Oh Brandy darling, welcome, what brings you here?" Rarity asks.

Brandy spoke “Rarity, I wanted to get an outfit made.”

I spoke "I'll make one for you."

"[Gasp] idea why don't Brandy and Fluttershy model for me." Rarity says with excitement.

Brandy asks “Rarity you want me to model?”

I spoke “Plus I could talk Yuki into helping out since she and Flutters get along well."

Yuki spoke "I'm right here you know...."

"Yes I agree." Rarity says with a smile.

"Oh I don't know." Fluttershy says a bit nervous.

Yuki stammers "I'm a b-bit camera-shy...."

"Oh, this is such a huge opportunity, and it would mean so much to me." Rarity begged.

Brandy spoke “I can help.”

"Oh thank you Brandy." Rarity says.

Yuki spoke "I don't know...."

Brandy spoke “No problem rarity.”

"I'm sure you and Fluttershy will do fine Yuki, so please do this for me."

Yuki spoke “I doubt she’d want a Mobian female that has really young children to model....”

"Please, please, ple-e-e-ase?!" Begged Rarity.

Breakfang was having her claws filed.

Breakfang asks "Would it be wise for a dog like me to be a model too?"

"Yeah I don't think it'll be wise to." Agreed Rarity. "But please Yuki."

Breakfang spoke "Fair enough, my kind do tend to cause trouble for ponies... But Bluu and I as well as young Emma are the first three Diamond Dogs that don't harass ponies."

Yuki sighs "But if Photo Finish says no, then I won't complain."

"Agreed." Rarity says to Yuki.

I spoke "I'll help you out Rarity."

Danyelle asks "Have you even modeled before Brandy?"

Brandy spoke “No I haven't.”

Danyelle spoke "I see."

Brandy spoke “I would like to try.”

"Well this'll be your first time then Brandy." Replied Rarity.

Brandy spoke “I'm excited.”

Danyelle asks "But what if Photo just wants one model?"

Brandy spoke “oh that's okay.”

"I'm sure she'll be fine with two." Rarity says.

(2 hours later)

*Breakfang's POV*

I was helping Rarity and Crosswind with some work when my ears perk up.

I spoke "She's here."

Brandy spoke “Hi Photo Finish.”

I was wary since Photo was staring at me.

"I Photo Finish have arrived." Photo Finish says as she enters the building with two other ponies who I'm guessing are her assistants.

Rarity smiles as she walks up to the photographer. "Let me just say what an honor." She says before the photographer walked passed her.

"We begin..." Photo says as one her assistants placed her suitcase in front of her before it opened revealing a camera. "...now." She says as she gets ready to take pictures of Flutters, Yuki and Brandy.

Before Photo Finish took pictures, Fluttershy was remembering what Rarity told them. "Attitude and pizzazz!" She says before getting into a pose.

Yuki hid behind Fluttershy due to being camera-shy.

Brandy was happy.

Photo Finish soon started taking pictures of the three. "Yes! Show Photo Finish something!" She says taking pictures while Rarity was in the back showing them what pose to do.

Yuki was nervous as heck.

Yuki spoke "I c-can't do this..."

The white Mobian cat ran out of the store.

"Photo Finish will have to continue this shoot with just two then." Photo Finish says not minding that Yuki left.

I spoke "I'll fill in for white cat then."

Brandy spoke “I will go get her.”

Danyelle spoke "Best leave her be Brandy, Yuki tends to freeze up in front of cameras..."

Brandy asks “she so pretty why she camera shy?”

Danyelle spoke "When she was young, she had really dirty fur... My mother took pity on her and took her in since her parents went missing 10 years ago... She disliked having her photo taken though..."

Brandy spoke “oh I see.”

Danyelle spoke "Yeah..."

"I Photo Finish don't have all day so if you want to fill in for the one who ran off then go ahead." Photo says a bit impatient.

Brandy spoke "okay then."

I spoke "Okay."

"Thank you know let's continue on with the pictures." She says as she waits for me to join in.

Wearing a different outfit than what I was used to wearing, I pose for the camera.

"Yes." She says taking photos of each of us doing poses and when Fluttershy tried doing a pose Rarity wanted her to do to impress Photo she stopped. "No!" After saying that, Fluttershy looked down. "Yes." She says taking more pictures.

I growl in slight anger but I refrained from attacking Photo since I was the ambassador for my kind and it would be bad if I lashed out.

I spoke "Yellow pony should be more confident."

"O-Okay." Fluttershy says before seeing Rarity wanting her to do another pose but meet the same reaction from Photo.

"No." She says before seeing Fluttershy look away. "Yes." She says as she kept taking more photos and this went on for a bit before she finished. "Enough!" She shouted before leaving.

I growl "Ugh... She's so demanding...."

Danyelle's ears pin back in annoyance.

I spoke "Miss Rarity, I don't like how she treated yellow pony. And blue cat looks like she is about to snap..."

Brandy goes to talk to Photo.

Danyelle held Brandy back.

Danyelle spoke "Bad move."

"Well, the headdress is too big for you, and the cape had to much sparkle." Rarity says with a sad look. "I can't believe I ever thought I could impress her." As soon as she says that Photo came barging back in.

"It seems that I, Photo Finish, have found the next fashion stars here in Ponyville." She announced.

"Really?" Rarity says with excitement.

"Yes, really." Photo answered and I Photo Finish am going to help them shine all over Equestria!" She says as Rarity was getting happy. "Tomorrow, a photo shoot in ze park." She says leaving a slightly long pause before she broke it. "I go!" She says before leaving for real this time.

I ask "Say Rarity, do you think this would help broker peace between ponies and Diamond Dogs?"

*The next day*

I was in the park with Fluttershy and Brandy since Photo wanted us there.

I spoke "Easy on the makeup will you? I'm not one for that stuff."

"I'm sorry Breakfang dear but I have to make you three perfect before Photo Finish arrives." Rarity says apologizing.

I sigh "But she might not want us to look this way and I can smell her coming."

"Don't worry she'll love it, everypony will love it."

"Oh Rarity, I'm so excited for you." Fluttershy says happily. "Just don't forget us little pony and creatures when you become the most famous designers in all of Equestria."

An angry Danyelle was chasing Sonic through the park since he had taken her bowl of strawberries.

I ask "Are those two always like that?"

"Oh yes they are." Fluttershy answered before we heard Photo Finish arrive.

"Put me down here." She says to two stallions who were carrying her and when she got down she saw the outfits the three of us where wearing. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no the models should be in something simple." She says turning away before adding. "Something inspired by...the nature."

"That's just what I was thinking." Rarity says in agreement before trying to look for now outfits for us. "Um, give me a moment and I'll, uh, put a little something together."

"Yes." Photo says before adding. "That will not be necessary." She says confusing Rarity.

"But, but how are you going to help me "shine across Equestria" if I don't design something new for these pictures?" Rarity asks.

"I'm not going to help you shine across Equestria!" Photo says turning to Rarity. "I am going to help them shine." She says pointing to the three of us shocking us.

I spoke "Wait WHAT?!?!? I'm just an ambassador for my kind! If I shine across Equestria in the wrong way, it could lead to war between ponies and Diamond dogs!"

"I Photo Finish can promise you that will not happen."

I spoke "Listen Miss Photo, you're not listening to a single thing Rarity is saying. She's the fashion designer. Yellow pony is just an animal caretaker, not an idol... If you want idol, ask the pink siren."

She doesn't listen as her assistants drag us somewhere to get changed while she says for Rarity to leave.

Crosswind snarls at Photo.

I whimper "Help..."

Later Photo Finish had the three of changed into different outfits. "we can't, Rarity." Fluttershy says turning to Rarity.

"Oh, but you three must, Fluttershy." Rarity says to her. "Photo Finish wants to make you three a star." She says before smiling. "This is the opportunity of a lifetime I know we were all hoping it would be my lifetime, but nonetheless, you three can't throw away this chance."

Brandy spoke "I'm a healer, not a model..."

I whimper "I just want a peaceful life with Bluu..."

"You must do this for me you must, you must! you mus-s-t!" Rarity begged before all gave in.

I groan "As long as they don't make a poodle out of me...."

Brandy spoke "Fine..."

*Later at the spa*

*Lillian's POV*

Danyelle spoke "Oh hi Rarity."

"Hey Rarity, I heard about what happened yesterday and what you were up to today how did it go with Photo Finish?" I asked.

"It didn't go so well Photo Finish wanted to work with Fluttershy, Breakfang and Brandy, not me." She says a bit saddened.

Danyelle spoke "No offense to Applejack and Knuckles but that Photo Finish mare is a stubborn one... I know bullheadness when I see it."

"I heard of Photo Finish but I didn't expect her to turn you down like that Rarity I'm sorry to hear." I added, as I felt bad for Rarity.

Danyelle growls "I heard about her from Yuki after I had to calm the cat down... She doesn't listen to others..."

"Hey calm down Dany, Photo really isn't that mean. She's like any other photographer, all she wants is to take good pictures is all." I say.

Danyelle spoke "Still..."

*The next day*

*Breakfang’s POV*

Photo Finish had brought Brandy, Fluttershy and me to our first fashion show where she was getting us ready in the dressing room.

I spoke "I look silly...."

As make up was being put on us Photo looked at us thinking. "Too much blush." She says before the make-up designers removed the make-up. "Not enough." She says as make up was put on us again. "Too much." The make-up was removed than placed back on us until she was satisfied. "Perfect."

I groan "Enough with the make up!"

"Um Breakfang, they already stopped." Fluttershy says.

I groan "Urge to maul... rising..."

Fluttershy tried calming down, but a she was started to feel the urge to sneeze and when she did, her sneezed sounded shyly. "Oh, yes even the shy one’s schneezes are graceful!" Photo says complimenting Fluttershy.

My anger was increasing too quickly.

I ask "Can someone slap me before I snap?"

Brandy quickly does so. "Why are you getting angry for her giving Fluttershy a compliment."

I spoke "She's getting on my nerves..."

"Is she saying anything rude about you?" Brandy asks.

I spoke "Not her but one of her assistants called me a filthy mutt that shouldn't be associating with ponies..."

Brandy spoke "that's so not cool."

"I'm sure that's not true." Fluttershy interjected.

I spoke "I shouldn't even be here..."

Brandy spoke “Yes you should.”

"Yeah." Fluttershy agreed.

I spoke "Guess yellow cat hadn't heard about the one time when zebra came to town. Blue cat said, "Now you're being racist, remember when pink hawk first arrived? You were hard on her too." Blue cat gave five ponies a warning. You know this though yellow pony."

Brandy spoke “I'm right here.”

I spoke "Many ponies think Diamond Dogs are dumb as rock. It hurts our feelings."

As we talked, the three of us were escorted to the stage.

I turned to walk away since I knew ponies hated Diamond Dogs.

"Breakfang come on please, it will break Rarity’s heart if you just walked out after saying we'll all do this for her." Fluttershy called out to me.

I groan "But ponies might throw stuff at me..."

"I'm sure they won't just give them a chance." Fluttershy says.

I sigh "One chance but if one fruit is thrown at me, I’m out..."

"Deal." Fluttershy says before we rejoined Brandy.

Once on stage everyone was watching the three of us as we walked down the stage with ponies taking pictures of us as not one fruit had been thrown so far.

I spoke "Huh, guess I was wrong..."

The crowd soon started to cheer. "So graceful." I heard one pony say. "So lovely." Another said. "So perfect for my new advertisement." I heard another called out.

Brandy spoke “See they like you.”

My tail wagged a bit.

Soon after the three of us started taking pictures for magazines, advertisements and more as we soon became famous.

Tail wagging, I spoke "This could be a good thing yellow pony!"

Brandy spoke “Yeah.”

"I don't know, don't you girls think this a bit too much I mean with ponies following us and taking pictures." Fluttershy asks a little bit nervous.

Brandy spoke “Fluttershy, I know you’re nervous.”

I spoke "Yellow pony is right, this isn't the right way."

Brandy spoke “That is true.”

I spoke "I think we should tell photo pony no."

Brandy spoke “Rarity will be mad.”

I spoke "Yellow cat might be wrong, Miss Rarity will understand."

Brandy spoke “I hope so.”

As we walked through town talking, a pony spotted us before calling out to others who were looking at magazines featuring us. "It's them! Fluttershy, Brandy and Breakfang!" They say before our fans were chasing us.

Brandy spoke “Oh dear.”

Soon the three of us started running trying to lose the fans.

I burrowed underground to avoid the mob, pulling Brandy and Fluttershy with me.

"Think you can um dig us to Rarity, Breakfang?" Fluttershy asks.

I spoke "If the others find us, they'll want our autographs... We're safer underground, I blocked off the hole so that they don't fall in."

Brandy spoke “Good move Breakfang, nopony will find us here.”

I spoke “I don’t hear them.”

I uncover the hole.

I spoke "It should be clear."

After the ordeal with Photo Finish, Fluttershy and I along with Brandy head off to the spa with Rarity.

Fluttershy spoke “Now this is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.”

Brandy spoke “Most definitely.”

I chuckle “Who knew that being an ambassador would be hard work?”

Rarity asks “Isn't it, though?”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Dear Princess Celestia, being a good friend means being able to keep a secret. But you should
never be afraid to share your true feelings with a good friend. Did you get all that, Spike?”

Spike spoke “No. I did not. I still can't believe you told someone about my secret feelings for Rarity.”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “You're right. That was wrong of me, and I'm very sorry.”

Spike spoke “Apology accepted.”

Twilight Sparkle asks “Now will you take down my letter to Princess Celestia?”

Spike spoke “I would love to. But... I'm a little busy at the moment.”

I spoke “Silly dragon.”

Twilight Sparkle sighs.


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