• Published 15th Nov 2021
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In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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Maybe Scootaloo was onto something

Sunset pushed open Derpy's door, stopping for a moment when she saw the girl in front of her mirror, taking out a contact lens and placing it in a small case.

Sunset stood there awkwardly before walking in, setting her jacket down.

“It’s ok, you can ask.”

“What?” Sunset looked at Derpy with a confused look.

“My eyes.” Derpy elaborated. “You can ask about them.”

“I wasn’t-”

“Sunset, come on.” Derpy flashed her a smile. “It’s natural to be curious, all my friends have wanted to know about my eyes at some point.”

“I just…” Sunset looked away in shame. “I used to mock your eyes all the time, I just don’t feel like I have the right.”

“Of course you do, you’re my friend remember?” Derpy giggled. “It’s gonna be hard being friends if you’re gonna be regretful all the time you know.”

“Yeah I guess.” Sunset smiled despite herself. “Uh, so why are your eyes like that?”

“I was born with Strabismus in my right eye, apparently the muscles didn’t form right. According to some eye doctor anyway. I can align my eyes with a lot of effort, but it’s exhausting and rather painful so I don’t do it often.”

Sunset nodded. “And the lenses?”

“Helps correct my vision, I’d be even klutzier without them believe it or not.”

“Why not just get surgery?”

“It’s expensive, invasive, and any surgery carries a bit of risk no matter how safe it might be. It’s not debilitating, just somewhat inconvenient, so my parents didn’t think it was worth the risk. Neither do I for that matter.”

“Anything else you do for it?” Sunset sat down on Derpy's bed.

“Dumb eye exercises my doctor makes me do, the occasional eye drop, and that.” Sunset looked over as Derpy pointed, finally noticing the flat screen standing on Derpy's dresser. Looking further, Sunset noticed two gaming consoles sitting to the side with wires leading towards the tv. “Was my family’s old TV. My parents gave it to me when they got a better one for the living room.”

“You… play video games?” Sunset was enraptured by the whole set up, getting up to inspect it further.

“Yeah, I started when I was young when my parents had me play games that were supposed to help with my condition, so I kinda got into them.” Derpy walked up to Sunset. “They also help with hand eye coordination, depth perception, and all that junk; though I doubt Geared for War, The Eldest Scrolls, and Born of Blood help much.”

Sunset's head snapped towards Derpy. “You like Born of Blood?”

“Of course.” Derpy smirked. “I even beat that skinless werewolf without screaming.” Derpy said knowingly.

Sunset looked embarrassed. “You watch Shimmer Time?”

“Does BubblyGal420 ring a bell?”

“Wait, that's you?” Sunset's eyes widened.

“Yep! Found your channel Freshman year. Obviously my opinion of you fell very quickly so I stopped watching. After you apologized, I decided to give Shimmer Time another go.” Derpy explained. “Whole reason I came up to you on the second day of Freshman year in the first place.”

“Oh, yeah… I remember that.” Sunset was about to look down again as memories of immediately shutting Derpy down and calling her a retard flooded back. She was stopped when Derpy grabbed her chin and forcefully lifted her head up.

“Hey, what did I say about being all regretful?” Derpy gave Sunset a disapproving look, briefly aligning her eyes. “This is a regret free zone. Only good vibes, kittens, and bubbles are allowed.”

“Good vibes?” A smile grew on Sunset's face. “Have you been hanging out with Tree Hugger?”

“Why do you think there’s 420 in my username?”

Sunset looked at Derpy with shock as she let go of her chin. She ruminated on Derpy's words, trying to decide if Derpy was being serious. She never took Derpy to be a stoner, but she also never thought Derpy would be rich or a fellow gamer girl either. ‘Next I’m gonna learn she’s secretly a superhero.

“Now come on.” Sunset looked over as Derpy turned her tv on and opened a cabinet full of game boxes. “I always wanted to beat you at Left 2 Die.”

“With my zombie killing expertise? You’re on!” Sunset smiled and grabbed a controller as Derpy booted up the game.

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but feel extremely out of place in the lavish room she found herself in. She swore it was bigger than her entire house, the couch itself looked like it cost more then her house and everything in it.

She suddenly felt very self conscious about what she was wearing, afraid to touch anything as to not leave a molecule of dust when everything was impossibly clean. Apple Bloom perked her head up and looked over when she heard footsteps coming towards her.

“So, are you ready?” Apple Bloom just stared at Diamond, unable to believe what the heiress was wearing: overalls over a simple T-shirt, an old pair of sneakers, gardening gloves, and a sun hat. “What? You’re staring at me creepily again.”

“What… what are yah wearing?” A smile grew on Apple Bloom's face.

“My gardening clothes?” Diamond said like it was obvious. “What, you think just going to wear my good clothes when I’m knee deep in the dirt? That would totally ruin them.”

“But my clothes are fine because they’re cheap.” Apple Bloom said with a smile. “Ah practically live in dirt cause Ah’m a farm girl, right?”

Diamond Tiara didn’t seem to share Apple Bloom's sentiments, making the red head frown. “You know I’m trying to cut down on teasing you like that. I already reached my limit at lunch.”

“Ah was just… never mind.” Apple Bloom cleared her throat. “Let’s just get to gardening.”

The two girls walked together to Diamonds backyard, Apple Bloom enraptured by the trimmed hedges and unnaturally green grass. “Ah am kinda surprised they ain’t fancier. Everything here is fancy.”

“How fancy do you expect gardening clothes to be? It’s not like we’re buying diamond encrusted overalls.”

“There was a time Ah would’ve expected nothing less from yah.” The two stopped at a shed, Diamond opening it up and walking in. “You seemed like a rich brat that wouldn’t be caught dead in anything not encrusted with gold and diamonds.”

“Just for the brat comment, you’re carrying the supplies.” Diamond shoved a large box full of various gardening gear and seeds, Apple Bloom struggling to hold it all on her own. “After all, you are here to make up for Anon right?”

“Hey, Ah can’t help if it’s the truth. AJ taught me to always be honest.” There was an awkward silence as Diamond stared at her. “... and maybe Ah didn’t exactly take her lessons to heart if Anon-A-Miss is any indication.”

“I guess not. Of all people to be responsible for Anon, you didn’t even spring to mind. I’d sooner believe Derpy was responsible then you.” The two girls began walking to Diamonds garden, Apple Bloom struggling the whole way. “I get that you wanted your sister to spend more time with you, but couldn’t you have just talked to her?”

“Ah didn’t think she would’ve listened.” Apple Bloom sighed. “Now Ah realize it was stupid, but Ah thought she was too enraptured by Sunset to listen to me. May have even thought that somehow Sunset was controlling her mind or something.”

“What about Sweetie and Scoots?”

“Same thing really. They were resentful that their sisters were spending time with Sunset so much, which reached a breaking point during the holidays, none of us thought they would’ve listened if we talked to them, and we thought Sunset got off easy after the Formal. Which only got worse when her punishments were being rolled back.”

“Sweetie being involved was very surprising, how did you manage to convince her of all people?”

“It wasn’t easy.” Apple Bloom gave a bitter laugh. “She actually threatened to rat us out when me and Scoots presented the idea to her. But she cracked after a bit of pleading and appealing to her own resentment.” Apple Bloom set the box down when they reached Diamond's large, surprisingly well kept, and intricate garden. “Huh, this wasn’t what Ah expected. Thought it’d be more like small-scale farming.”

“It is, except you can’t eat any of it.” Diamond grabbed a garden shovel and kneeled in the dirt.

“Then what’s the point? Seems like a bunch of work for no real reason.”

“It’s called having a hobby. You should try it some time.” Diamond said with a wink. “Now come over here and waste your time with the flowers.”

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes but did as she was told, kneeling down next to Diamond. For the next hour, Diamond led Apple Bloom on what to do, making her do the most tedious chores and heavy lifting. They even had a small argument about using the hose, Diamond insisting each of her babies be given individual attention by the cowgirl.

“Hope I’m not working you too hard.” Diamond said as Apple Bloom was watering each flower. “I’d hate it if you resented me after this, especially with that bum arm of yours.”

“Resent yah?” Apple Bloom looked over. “Ah’m just glad yer speaking to me again, and that for once someone has me do something for them to make up for Anon other then push me around and call me a bitch.”

Diamond was quiet for a few seconds. “A question if I may.” Diamond walked closer. “Have you actually apologized to anyone for Anon-A-Miss?”

“Ah apologized to my siblings, AJs friends, and my friends for getting them involved.”

“But did you apologize to anyone else, or try to make up for what you did to anyone?”

“No one would give me the chance.” Apple Bloom said sadly.

“Just as Applejack wouldn’t have listened?” Diamond asked with a hum. “Nobody really knows that you and your friends are sorry, that’s probably why they’re still so hostile. I’m not saying they’ll immediately forgive you, but it would improve their perception of you if you tried to make amends, that’s what Sunset did. Hell, you still haven’t apologized to me.”

“Ah was… working up to it.” Apple Bloom said sheepishly.

“Just like you’re working up to apologizing to Sunset?”

“That’s different, Ah was giving her space. Granny made me write her a five page apology letter after Saturday.”

“Saturday? What happened Saturday?”

“Ah may have…” Apple Bloom looked away in embarrassment. “Manipulated Sunset and my sister into meeting again.”

Seriously?” Diamond groaned and looked away, shaking her head. “You spent all that time and effort manipulating them when you could’ve just tried making amends with someone?”

“Yeah, Ah clearly haven’t been making the best decisions lately.” Apple Bloom lamented. “Its like yah said before, Ah’m just a dumb hick.”

Diamond's eyes softened and she looked back to Apple Bloom. “You’re not a dumb hick… I mean, you’re dumb, but you’re not a hick. I really am sorry for how I treated you back then.”

Apple Bloom's heart fluttered. “Yeah well… Ah’m sorry for driving a wedge between you and Silver Spoon. Ah really didn’t think it was going to be a huge deal that she wore your necklace.”

“And It wasn’t, it was the fact she stole it from me. Literally all she had to do was ask, I’m not that kind of person anymore… well, trying not to be anyway.”

“Yah’ve come surprisingly far, hard to believe we were enemies a few short months ago.” Apple Bloom smirked. “Though, yah can still be a brat sometimes.”

“Oh, whatever!” Diamond huffed. “You’d think I’d get more credit from the mastermind behind Anon-A-Miss… you know what, I’m going to prove to you I’m no longer a brat.”

“Really?” Apple Bloom said with disbelief. “How are yah going to do that?”

Diamond marched up to Apple Bloom and gripped her shoulders. “I’m going to help you make it up to the entire school.” Diamond declared. “I won’t stop till everyone forgets about Anon and remembers the sweet little farm girl you used to be.” Diamond poked Apple Bloom's chest as she talked.

“What about my friends? They were a part of it.”

“Let's just be honest, you’re going to be the hardest for people to forgive. I’ll help them too, but you’re going to take some work.”

“Fair point.” Apple Bloom shrugged. “Thanks though, it’s... actually nice to have yah talking with me again and have someone on my side.”

“Same here.” Diamond smiled. “I actually kind of missed being your friend.”

“Go on, Ah’m not used to you complimenting me.” The two girls shared a small laugh.

“I missed your random countryisms I don’t ask for, those jeans that seem way too right for you, your hair-”

“Yah missed my hair?”

“It is a striking color, really accentuates your features.” Diamond offered with a smile. “It’s pretty.”

“Yeah, well, yer hair is pretty too.” Apple Bloom blushed. “Wish Ah could afford a million dollar hair stylist.”

“What, you don’t believe I just naturally wake up like this?”

“Not at all.” The two girls laughed for a good minute, the laughter slowly dying off and leaving the two staring at each other.

Before either of them knew it, Diamond leaned in, closed her eyes, and brought Apple Bloom into a kiss, making the poor girl’s heart skip a beat.

Author's Note:

So, I did have to do some research on Strabismus for this chapter.
I saw a post saying Derpy has Browning syndrome, but we’ve seen her eyes out of focus while just looking straight, so I think it’s Strabismus.

I also looked it up and yes, games can kinda help with Strabismus and there are some games out there that are supposed to help.

I also kind of got the impression while looking at Derpy EQG pics that her left eye is where she wants to look.

It also took way too much time to make puns for the games. I thought it’d be funny and I don’t want to get sued for some reason.

And no, Derpy is not a stoner. She wa just messing with Sunset and thought having 420 in her username was funny.

I also don’t really remember AB apologizing to people after Anon in fics. It’s happened before, but not as much as I’d expect. Seems Diamonds gonna change that.

Also seems Diamond wasn’t up to her old ways, surprising I know.:derpytongue2:
Kinda wonder how things are going to go from here with the two of them?

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