• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 10,701 Views, 1,505 Comments

In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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Fluttershys surprising friend

Sunset groggily opened her eyes as the most annoying alarm ever woke her up. She lifted her head and blinked the sleep from her eyes, the alarm mercifully stopping.

Sunset finally realized she was on the floor, causing her to jump up and look around, finally realizing she wasn’t even in her room.

She briefly wondered if she had been kidnapped before a gray blur wrapped itself around her. “Good morning sleepy head!”

She looked over and found Derpy was awkwardly hanging off the side of her bed to hug Sunset. “Derpy? Why am I- did I sleep over?”

“Yep! I came back after a few hours and found you sound asleep on the floor with that journal on your lap. Seems that conversation took a lot out of you.” Derpy giggled and let go, standing up and stretching. “I took the liberty of putting it away for you and giving you a blanket and pillow. Hope you don’t mind.”

Sunset's eyes widened. “Crap!” She jumped up. “I didn’t mean to sleep over! I-I don’t have a change of clothes, I need to get ready for school, and-”

“Sunset! Relax, you can borrow some of mine.” Derpy said as she held up her folded skirt, shirt, and tie. “Except underwear, you’re on your own with that.”

“Good, cause I wasn’t going to wear your underwear anyway, that’d be really weird… don’t even think your bra would fit me anyway.” Sunset took the clothes from Derpy and looked them over. “This is rather close to what Scribble Dee wears, did you steal her style?”

“What? No.” Derpy laughed dismissively yet slightly suspiciously. “She stole my style. You can take my word for it, no need to ask her.” Before Sunset could ask any further, Derpy grabbed her and forced her towards the bathroom. “Now you should get ready before the rest of my family steals the bathroom, we got an unopened toothbrush for guests in the cabinet. I’ll set something up for breakfast so no need to worry.”

Sunset nodded and hurriedly made her way to the bathroom. She’d have to be quick before Derpy's family needed to get ready themselves. She berated herself for passing out, it seemed rather rude to just sleep over when that was never the plan to begin with. She was already testing the hospitality of Derpys parents.

She shook her head and looked down at the clothes. It definitely wasn’t her style, and people were definitely going to notice that she and Derpy were wearing the same thing, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. “Well… I guess I could do without the tie. Scribble would probably sue me if I also stole her trademark tie look.”

Fluttershy yawned as she walked through the school halls, ignoring the two very loud arguments she passed by (no doubt relating to Anon). She stopped at her locker and inputted the code, took off the lock and was greeted with the sound of ten air horns going off at once.

Fluttershy yelped in alarm and jumped back, falling on her butt as the locker closed and silenced the air horns. She sat sprawled on the ground, her heart beating rapidly. After a few seconds she recovered and, realizing who it was, looked angry. “Discord!”

“Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear.” Fluttershy looked behind herself to see Discord standing over her, the wide grin on his face revealing the abnormally long and sharp right canine tooth as he stood next to his cleaning cart.

He was a tall and lanky man with black hair, white streaks in his hair above his ears, bushy eyebrows, a long soul patch, and sickly yellow eyes with a red iris. He was wearing a fine brown suit, a light blue tie around his neck, a yellow undershirt, red pants, brown shoes, a green sock on his right foot and a brown sock on his left.

She huffed in annoyance as he helped her up. “Ten airhorns? Really Discord? Wouldn’t one have been enough?”

“Well, no it wouldn’t, one air horn would be boring, it’s been done to death.” He held up his hands in surrender “And I swear it wasn’t me this time!”

“If it wasn’t you, then who could it have been?” Fluttershy yelped and jumped into Discords arms as another air horn was blown right behind her. She looked to see a twelve year old girl with light purple skin, spiraled purple eyes, curly purple and white hair wearing a propeller beanie who was holding up the offending object. She smiled, threw a key chain full of keys at Discord, blew a kazoo, and ran away.

Discord laughed heartily as Screwball ran and disappeared behind a corner. “That’s my little abomination! Go make your daddy proud!” He helped Fluttershy back onto her feet and picked the keys off the ground. “I was wondering where my keys were. Really, I’d lose my own head if it weren’t attached.”

“She stole your keys, you didn’t lose them.”

“She’d steal my head too if it weren’t attached, though I’m not entirely unconvinced she isn’t planning on fixing that little problem.” Discord placed the key chain on a cleaning cart. “Other than my daughter's prank, how are you doing on this dreadfully normal morning?”

“I’m not sure.” Fluttershy sighed. “The other day Rainbow told me that AJ told her Sunset was seeking us out, and I’ve just been thinking about that ever since. I can’t decide whether to be ecstatic or terrified.”

“Shouldn’t that be a good thing? If I’m not mistaken, you want her to forgive you and be her friend again, right? Shouldn’t this be a dream come true?”

“It is! But I have no idea how I’m going to make it up to her. I’m almost as bad as Dash was; I was the first person to give her a chance yet refused to hear her out, I told her I knew she was a better person, I betrayed my element in the worst way possible, and I just watched as she was bullied relentlessly! How do you make up for all that?”

“Not to mention what happened between you two during your talk, it was quite surprising what you said to her after you told me everything that happened.” Discord gave a sideways glance to no one in particular, smiling devilishly. “Sorry audience. I know what happened but you don’t, sometimes life just isn’t fair.”

Fluttershy ignored Discord’s odd outburst. “That too!” She trembled uncomfortably. “She definitely deserves an apology for that…”

“Fluttershy, you are the kindest pon- person I know. You became friends with me after all.” Fluttershy looked towards Discord as he talked. “If you can befriend someone who had a heart of stone like me, I know you’ll find some way to make Sunset forgive you.”

Fluttershy only gave an unsure sigh in response. “But what if I can’t?”

“Well, I’m told friends are supposed to help out with this sort of thing. Something tells me it’s either you’re all forgiven, or none of you are. They’d always try to get Sunset to forgive you.”

“I don’t want to jeopardize my friends' relationship with Sunset though, they should all be friends with her if she forgives them.”

“Something tells me neither of you will have a choice.” Discord smirked. “Your friends are stubborn that way.”

Suddenly the warning bell sounded and everyone hurried off to their first period. “First period already!? I’m going to be late!” Fluttershy opened her locker, ignoring the horrific cacophony of airhorns and Discord’s laughter, and got her stuff. “I can’t believe I let the two of you make me late! Not that you care, you’d probably prefer it if I skipped school entirely.”

“What? No! Just because I’m an anarchist and connoisseur of chaos doesn’t mean I think children shouldn’t take their education seriously. It’s the only thing that is truly yours.” Discord grabbed his cleaning cart and began to walk off. “Now if you excuse me, if I know my daughter she’s probably left a trail of strawberry milk all over school. Farewell, adios, bonjour, gene se qua, gazuntite, aloha, egassem sdrawkcab a si siht-”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes as Discord named random foreign words as she closed her locker, mercifully silencing the airhorns, and ran to her first period.

“Well howdy Sunset!” Applejack greeted happily, stopping when Sunset turned around and revealing she wasn’t in her usual clothes. She looked down and saw Sunset was wearing a green skirt, feeling kind of dumb for not realizing it earlier.

“Morning Applejack.” Sunset said tiredly as she returned her attention to her locker.

“What… what are yah wearing?” An amused smile grew on Applejacks face. “Aren’t those Derpy's clothes? Did yah sleep over?”

“Uh- Well- no? I mean, I did but-” sunset cleared her throat. “Try not to make a big deal out of it ok? I passed out while at Derpys and she didn’t wake me up so I ended up inadvertently sleeping over. I’m not going to wear my dirty clothes if I can help it, so she offered me some of hers. Just be thankful I decided to skip the tie.”

Applejack opened her locker to hide the bright smile on her face. She couldn’t help but feel overjoyed to hear Sunset was hanging out with someone again, though did feel a bit of jealousy towards Derpy. “Well, Ah take it yah two had fun?”

“Lot of fun actually. Did you know she’s a fellow gamer girl? Or that she’s rich? And she’s super therapeutic too, I really needed her kind of support after Anon. I should’ve hung out with her a long time ago… though, things were kind of tense with her parents, especially her dad.” Sunset said the last part awkwardly. “She uh… also wants me to run for Spring Princess.”

Applejack immediately poked her head out of her locker. “She what?”

“She said it’d be my restitution to her, gave a seriously flimsy excuse but if that’s what she wants then who am I to argue?” Sunset closed her locker. “If you don’t believe me you can ask her yourself.”

“No Ah believe yah, though Ah’m not sure how that’d help her any.” Applejack closed her own locker. “Though now yah really have to talk to Rarity, a dress fit for a princess is no easy feat, even for her.”

Sunset groaned. “Just another thing to add to my ever expanding list. Faust, I have no idea how I’m going to approach her.”

“Ah recommend something simple, Ah’m sure a ‘hey, Ah’m running for princess, can yah make me a dress?’ Will suffice.” Applejack put a hand on Sunsets shoulder and squeezed lightly when she saw the girl still looked nervous. “Hey, If yer too nervous to approach her on her own, yah can call me for backup.”

Sunset smiled gratefully. “Thanks AJ, I think I’ll just have you as moral support. I just hope I don’t have to add anything else to my list.”

“SUNSET! I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!” Applejack and Sunset jumped and inadvertently held each other when Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo ran up to the two of them from opposite directions and yelled the same thing at the same time.

The two girls then immediately saw each other, Scootaloo wilting at a Rainbow's gaze and an angry look growing on Rainbow Dash's face.


“... Scootaloo.”

Author's Note:

Holy crap, 23 days since th last chapter? That’s a new record.
Super sorry about the wait everybody, it’s been hard for me to get back into writing regularly, especially with work and Elden Ring.

Anyway, the most annoying alarm ever is of course an Iphones default alarm. Those things are super annoying.

And Sunset comparing Derpys clothes to Scribble Dee is a reference to the fact that their models wear the same clothes, but only change the colors. Seems they cut corners on our beloved Derpy.

And Discord makes his fist appearance.
Somewhat disappointed he never made it to Equestria girls, but I’m rectifying that mistake.
I’ve seen fics where he’s the president (cause political jokes, haha), the chemistry teacher, and the janitor.
I decided to make him the janitor, but an impeccably dressed and weirdly rich janitor. No seriously, he has millions. No one understands why he’s working as a janitor. I’ve actually been workshopping him for a while now.

I did have to convert his blue horn into his tie and both his arms into his yellow undershirt. I also had to scrap the original idea of having him wear mismatched shoes, cause I found all that kinda dumb.
As to why he has yellow eyes, well he’s Discord. He’s not supposed to make sense. He claims it’s a medical condition.

And don’t worry, there’s nothing weird going on between Flutters and Discord. They’re just friends. They became friends when Flutters was the only student who really actually talked with him and wasn’t too annoyed with his pranks.

As for why Screwball has swirled eyes, she’s wearing contacts... so she claims.
Her blowing a kazoo wa s inspired by a piece of fan art where everyone’s racing together in a comedic way and Screwballs blowing a kazoo while riding a tricycle. .

Also, Discord’s broken the fourth wall like twice now, I’ve decided he’s almost as bad as Pinkie when it comes to that.

I’ve also decided that Screwball prefers strawberry milk, much to her fathers chagrin.
Though at the very least they share a love of cotton candy.

And seems Rainbow and Scoots chose just the wrong time to bother Sunset, let’s hope things don’t get out of hand with the two sisters.

Anywa, thanks for reading my fic! Let’s hope I don’t take too long next time!

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