• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 10,700 Views, 1,505 Comments

In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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A farmer and a resentful lesbian

Applejack opened her door and stepped out, looking over Bon-Bons house as Lyra and Bon-Bon herself walked up to the front door. “Nice place.” Applejack caught up with the two girls and walked with them. “Is it expensive? Ah don’t know how much money The Sweet Shoppe makes.”

“Not really.” Bon-Bon shrugged uncaringly. “I say it’s pretty standard, my family’s business isn’t that impressive.”

“Isn’t it like a thousand years old?” Lyra asked.

“It’s only forty!” Bon-Bon shot Lyra an annoyed look. “You know her farm is like a hundred years old right?”

Lyra looked surprised and turned to Applejack. “Is that true?”

“Seventy three actually, my Granny was there when they built it. If my farm was over a hundred years old, she’d be dead.” She looked out over the neighborhood as Bon-Bon unlocked the door. “City was small town in the middle of nowhere back then, weird to think about.”

Lyra said nothing as the three of them filed into Bon-Bons house, Bon-Bon closing and locking the door behind them.

“Oh! Hi honey. How was school?” Candy Dasher poked her head out of the kitchen, looking at the two guests in surprise. “Oh! I wasn’t expecting you two to come over.” It was more of a question than an observation.

“Uh, yeah, so, we’re not broken up.” Lyra cleared her throat awkwardly. “I only said that because I wanted to get back at Bon-Bon.”

Lyra.” Candy Dasher said in a disapproving tone.

“Yeah, I know, it was wrong. I’m sorry. I was being immature.” Lyra held up her hands defensively. “I still love her despite what she did, and I’m hoping we can talk about where we go from here… preferably after Applejack leaves.”

“It would be mighty awkward if Ah sat around while yah two hashed things out.” Applejack nodded in agreement before turning to Candy Dasher. “Ah’m one of the few people willing to associate with Bon-Bon right now. Ah wanted to hang out with her after school to be friendly and, well, hopefully talk to yah about The Sweet Shoppe?”

“The Sweet Shoppe? You mean you want us to buy from your farm again?” Applejack nodded meekly. “Oh, I don’t know Applejack. It’s not that I don’t want to, but after what your sister did…”

“Ok, but that wasn’t her fault.” Bon-Bon interjected, stepping forward. “Yeah, what her sister did was wrong and she made up that whole feeder fetish thing about me, but it shouldn’t threaten her family’s livelihood. Applejack is the one of the only people willing to talk with me right now, which makes day not suck as much, I think we atleast owe it to her to reconsider. Plus-” Bon-Bon shrugged. “-the customers kinda miss the candy apples.”

Everyone seemed surprised by Bon-Bons defense of Applejack, Candy Dasher looking back and forth before sighing. “I’ll think about it. I’ll call your grandmother if I reconsider and we’ll talk things out. Will that be alright?”

“Why, that’d be just fine Mrs. Dasher.” Applejack said with a smile. “Hope to be working with yah again!”

Candy Dasher nodded. “Now, no electronics or going out you three, Bon-Bons grounded. Books and talking only.”

“What about drawing?” Applejack asked curiously.

“Do you draw?”

“No, but just in case we did.”

“That’s… fine, I guess.” Candy Dasher looked confused at Appejacks question. “You three have fun.”

Applejack smiled and gave a nod as she followed the other two girls into Bon-Bons room.

“Uh, sorry for the mess.” Bon-Bon said bashfully as she cleaned up a little. “I was going through some stuff last night.”

“Ah, don’t yah worry about it.” Applejack said, unknowingly interrupting Lyra. “Half the time Ah go into my brother's room it’ll be worse than a pig sty. Ah always tell him that no girl likes a man with poor hygiene, but he never listens. This is nothing compared to that.”

“Uh huh.” Lyra frowned as they all sat down.

“So! What do yah two usually do? Barring electronics of course.”

“Well, other than making elaborate plans, we usually gossip.” Lyras eyes lit up as she thought of something. “And talk about just how much we love each other.” Bon-Bon looked confused but didn’t comment on it.

“Gossip huh? Ah ain’t much of a gossiper, just never interested me. If Ah didn’t have Rarity, Ah’d have no idea what was going on at school, or the oh so important information that Octavia may not actually be British.”

“Well, you just haven’t heard the right gossip!” Bon-Bon smiled. “Like how Sandalwood might be screwing Tree Hugger.”

“Or that Bulk Biceps uses steroids.” Lyra added.

“Or that Flash still has the hots for Sunset.”

“Or that Microchips likes yo-” Lyra panickedly placed her hand over Bon-Bons mouth, Bon-Bon realizing what she had just said.

Applejack stared at them with an unreadable expression, Sunset’s teasing from last night echoing in her head. “... How about something else? Ah don’t think gossip is for me.”

“Sure, anything you want.” Bon-Bon answered after she pushed Lyras hand away from her mouth. “We also usually-”

Suddenly Lyra grabbed Bon-Bons hand and squeezed it. “Kiss!” Bon-Bon didn’t have time to react as Lyra suddenly leaned in and brought her into a kiss, being much more forceful than she usually was.

“Oh.” Applejack looked confused but nodded regardless. “That’s nice, Ah sometimes think Mac kisses Sugar Belle a little too rough.” She awkwardly added, trying desperately to add anything to the conversation.

Lyra broke away from the kiss after a few seconds, missing Bon-Bons uncomfortable expression. “Oh, I’m sorry. I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” She said, squeezing Bon-Bons thigh.

“Oh, no no, it’s fine. Good to see yah two are still… affectionate despite what happened.” She gave Bon-Bon a questioning look, Bon-Bon shrugging her shoulders, just as confused as Applejack. “Uh, h-how about…” Applejack was quiet for a moment, trying to think of what we could. “Oh, how about twenty questions, get to know eachother better?”

“That’s a nice idea, mom shouldn’t care if we do that.” Bon-Bon nodded. “I’ll go first: who is your favorite superhero?”

“Superhero?” Applejack shoulder slumped. “Ah dunno, never gave it much thought, not much of a comic reader. Ah guess it’d be… Mistress Marvelous, she’s pretty cool, and Ah can respect a strong gal.” Applejack patted her biceps to accentuate her point, Lyra rolling her eyes in response. “Alright my turn: what's yer favorite thing to bake?"

"Definitely a cake. Theres so much room to try something fun and creative, but cookies are a close second."

"My turn." Lyra interjected, looking towards Bon-Bon. "How much do you love me?"

"Uh…" Bon-Bon looked taken aback. "A lot, but Lyra aren't you-"

"Really?" She scooched up to Bon-Bon. "Tell me more.”


“Actually.” Lyra placed her hands on Bon-Bons shoulders, pulling her closer. “Perhaps it’s better if you show me.”

Bon-Bon jolted and squeaked in surprise when Lyras right hand sneaked down to grab a very inappropriate area. “Lyra!” Bon-Bon roughly pushed Lyra off her. “What the hell has gotten into you!?”

“Uh, should Ah leave?” Applejack asked awkwardly, pointing her thumb behind her.

“Oh I’m sorry, does this make you uncomfortable?” Lyra asked with a frown, Bon-Bon starting to understand what she was doing.

“Ah mean, a little?”

“Well, I’m sorry that two girls in love makes you uncomfortable.” Lyra's frown deepened.

“Lyra, that is not why she-”

“Wait.” Applejack interrupted. “Is that why you’re being so handsy? Yer trying to make me uncomfortable cause yah… cause yah think Ah‘m homophobic?” Applejack stood up, looking genuinely hurt.

“Yeah.” Lyra followed suit and stood up, taking a step towards her. “I mean, you’re one day at the beach away from being a redneck.”

“Lyra!” Bon-Bon admonished.

Applejack recoiled and her look turned icy. “Yah don’t know anything about me.”

“Yeah? Attend church every Sunday? Homeschooled till High school? Work on your farm in the place of hobbies?”

“And my favorite subject is science!” Applejack retorted, genuinely surprising the two girls, her breathing growing ragged. “Didn’t expect that from ‘Piggly Wiggly’ huh?”

“That doesn’t-”

“Ah’m also part of the volleyball team, have encyclopedic knowledge of The King of the Rings, and Ah love photography!” Tears welled in Applejack's eyes. “Ah‘ve spent my whole life having people write me off as a dumb inbred hick, none of them have ever bothered to get to know me! Ah’ve tried everything to get people to like me, to have them think of me as something more than a country girl, but nothing works!” Applejack wiped her eyes. “Ah came here to hang out with Bon-Bon because Ah didn’t want her to be alone, but it seems Ah don’t have to worry about that with yah here, so Ah’ll just leave!”

The two girls watched as Applejack marched out of Bon-Bons room, shutting the door behind her.

Sunset sighed as she flopped down on her bed, having spent what felt like an eternity being teased by Apple Bloom and Big Mac (even if he didn’t talk much). She’d have to think of a way to get back at Applejack for telling Big Mac what she said.

She turned her head when her phone rang, pushing herself up and turning on her phone.

Hubble Bubble:

Hi Sunset!

Just letting you know I still have your change of clothes

And you still have mine you silly goose!

When should we meet up to give each others clothes back?

Sunset looked confused before looking over to a folded shirt and skirt, realizing they were Derpy clothes that she borrowed when she inadvertently slept over.

She was about to text Derpy to just come over, but stopped right before she pressed the first button, an idea popping into her head.

Oh yeah

Totally forgot

I had a fun sleepover with AJ, and I’m thinking about having another one soon

How about you join us and we give each other our clothes back?

There was a long silence from the other end, Sunset wondering if she had gone too fast.

Hubble Bubble:

A sleepover?

Sounds like fun!

I don’t really know your friends very well tho

I wouldn’t want to impose


You impose?

Don’t be ridiculous, they’d love it if you joined!

How about I run it by them if you’re worried?

Hubble Bubble:

Fine by me!

When’s the sleepover?

Not sure yet

Sometime soon though

Hubble Bubble:


Take good care of my clothes till then

If you don’t, I know where you live


Sunset was taken aback by the vaguely threatening text Derpy sent her, thinking such a bubbly girl was incapable of such dark humor.

She placed her phone face down and stared off. She had a wonderful time with Applejack last night, feeling like they got a lot closer and actually ended up forgiving her.

Perhaps she could… invite the rest of her friends?

Sunset shook her head. It was way too early for her to attend a sleepover with everyone.

But, she thought it was too early for her to have a sleepover with Applejack, and look how that ended up.

Plus, she worked through some stuff with Rainbow and was talking with Pinkie again, meaning there was one girl she’d need to reconnect with...

Sunset continued staring off into the distance for another minute, deep in thought on whether she should go through with it

She groaned, knowing this was probably a bad idea, and turned her phone on. She pulled up her contact list and found who she was looking for, placing the phone to her ear

“Sweetie Belle?” Rarity lightly rapped her fingers on her sister's door. “Sweetie Belle, I know you’re in there, can we just talk?” Silence. “I… I’m sorry for what I said about Button, I’m sure he’ll come around.” More silence. “Sweetie, can we please just talk?”

“What’s there to talk about?” Sweetie Belle's miserable voice came from the other end. “Button had every right to break up with me, I don’t deserve someone as sweet as him.”

“Sweetie Belle! That’s not true. Button will come around, he just needs space.” Well, at least she was talking with Sweetie Belle for once. “Can I come in? Please? I miss you, you’ve barely said a word to me since Anon.”

“Miss me? Why would you miss the worst sister ever?” There was a muffled sob from the room.

“Don’t say that, you’re not the worst sister ever.” She said pleadingly. ‘I’m the worst sister ever...’ Rarity thought to herself.

“Just go away, please? My room is the only peaceful place for me now. I just want to rest before school tomorrow.”

“My room’s peaceful.” Rarity tried, cringing at her own desperation, ultimately failing to get a response from Sweetie Belle. She sighed and her shoulders slumped. “When you’re ready, my door is always open. Ok?” With that, she pulled away from the door and walked into her room, closing the door behind her absentmindedly.

She sat on her bed, staring at the ground blankly. Her eyes scrunched up and tears welled in her eyes, letting out an involuntary sob. Rarity quickly regained her composure and wiped her eyes, streaking her mascara (like always).

Crying wouldn’t help her, she needed to be proactive. Though, what could she really do? She couldn’t force Sweetie Belle out of her room. Well, she could, but that didn’t seem it would help anyone. Perhaps she could rope Rainbow Dash into-

Rarity lost her train of thought as her phone rang. She grabbed it and looked at the caller ID, nearly cropping her phone in surprise.

She immediately answered and placed the phone to her ear. “Sunset? Darling, is that really you?”

Yeah, it’s me?” An awkward silence passed between the two. “Listen, can I… is it ok if I come over?

“Come over?” Rarity repeated, her heart beating quickly. “Why, what for? Business or pleasure?”

I… Look, can I just come over? This was a bit spur of the moment.

“Of course darling!” A large smile spread over Rarity’s face. “When should I be expecting you?”

Whenever I get there.

“Well, see you whenever you get here.” Rarity said half jokingly.

Yeah, see ya.

The call ended and Rarity pulled her phone away. She had no idea what Sunset wanted, but she wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth (so to speak). She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, noticing her streaked mascara.

First, she’d need to fix her makeup and look presentable. Then, she’d bake something for the two of them. With any luck, the smell would coax Sweetie Belle out of her room (though she’d probably have to keep her separated from Sunset). Rarity grabbed a hand towel and cleaned her face.

Things were finally looking up for her.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone, sorry for the super long wait.

My grandmother had a stroke back in November and I helped take care of her for the entirety of December and my job had me working every day since I changed my availability, so I had lost practically all of my motivation to write.

Then I got hit with a triple whammy of writers block, a busy schedule, and a serious lack of motivation to continue writing.

I didn’t want you all waiting for 6 straight months for an update, so I got my ass back into gear and got to writing. I’m not sure yet if my update schedule will become consistent again, but at least I got this chapter out.

Sorry if it’s not great. I feel like after 5 months you all deserve better, but at least the story’s continuing again.

So, originally I was going to have a more political angle to go with Lyras resentment towards AJ, trying to push the message to not assume someone’s part of the worst part of the political spectrum based off their politics, which is sorely needed in today’s politics.

But that’s a terrible idea, so I scrapped it.

Next I was going to have a religious angle. But that’s also a terrible idea, so I scrapped that.

Finally I decided to settle on digging deeper into Applejacks insecurities and have a semi commentary on the fandoms tendency to have the worst cliches of country folk placed on her, which is a serious disservice to AJ.

I also tried to add some depth to AJ by giving her hobbies and interests beyond typical country stuff. We won’t really see her partake in them in this story, but maybe we’ll see them in the future. I really just wanted to have AJ counter Lyra and have her be something more then a one note country girl, struggling with everyone judging her as such.

I had originally had Octavia replaced with Phot Finish, but it seems more likely people would speculate that Octavia secretly isn’t British.

I also went through several iterations of what the three could do. I had written that they would put a puzzle together, that they’d play a board game, and even that they’d exchange stories. I finally settled on them playing 20 questions in an attempt to get to know eachother.

I also thought it’d be cute if AJ liked Mistress Marvelous since she took the her role in Power Ponies, and I change the name since it didn’t make sense if she was called Mistress Mare-vellous in Equestria Girls.

I really do think that Equestria Girls AJ would struggle with people thinking she’s a dumb hick, especially in high school.

I had also briefly forgot my own continuity and thought that Sunset was still wearing the clothes she borrowed from Derpy, realizing that last night she had hung out with AJ.

No I have an excuse for Susnet to invite her over to a sleepover.

I also felt like Rarity needed some love in this fic, and that she and Sunset should get to talking.

Well, thanks for reading my fic! Sorry it took so long, and hopefully it won’t happen again.

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