• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 10,701 Views, 1,505 Comments

In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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Twilight (accidentally) spills the tea

Bon-Bon trudged out of Celestia's office miserably. She had just gotten done confessing her part in Anon-A-Miss’ post about Lyra, barely able to keep herself from breaking down while she recounted what she did to Celestia.

She didn’t even react when Celestia slapped her with detention for the rest of the year, barred her from extracurriculars until further notice, require her to write a ten page essay about how what she did was wrong, community service around the school, have her permanent record marked with what she did, have her phone confiscated at the beginning of school every morning, and having to be supervised by faculty when using school computers.

Bon-Bon felt she deserved it for what she did to her friends and getting away with it for so long. No doubt Lyra was going around school and telling everyone how terrible a person Bon-Bon was.

Even if she didn’t, people were going to find out anyway. Everyone who posted to Anon was eventually found out. She hoped she wouldn’t be totally ostracized by half the school like some of the students were, not that it mattered anyway.

Bon-Bon reached her locker and grabbed the lock. Her chest tightened when she looked at it, Lyra bought her this lock. No real reason really, just decided to buy Bon-Bon one while she was out getting her own.

“God, I’m not going to cry over a fucking lock am I?” She groaned and rested her head against the locker. It was going to be a long few months if she cried over everything remotely related to Lyra.

“Bon-Bon!” Great, now she was hallucinating Lyras voice. “Bon-Bon!” She was pretty sure this counted as schizophrenia. “BON-BON!”

Bon-Bon perked up and looked over to see Lyra running towards her really fast. The girl tensed and took a step backward. Lyra wasn’t going to kill her was she?

Bon-Bon had the wind knocked out of her as Lyra barreled into her and wrapped her in a hug. She was left dazed and confused, patting herself down to make sure Lyra hadn’t stabbed her. “L-Lyra? What are you-?”

“I’m hugging you, duh.” Lyra started as she pulled away, her hands gripping Bon-Bons biceps. “Please don’t tell me you got with someone else as a rebound and are going to break up with me!”

“What? No! What are you even talking about? You broke up with me, remember?”

“I didn’t! I mean I did, but I didn’t mean it, ok?” Lyra took a deep breath to calm herself down. “When you confessed, it hurt. I couldn’t believe you could do something like that to me. Do that to all of us. So, I… I wanted to hurt you back.” Lyra said regretfully. “I know it was wrong, but you hurt me so I felt it was only fair I hurt you. Making you think you lost me was my way of doing it. I was going to leave you like that for a few days so you would feel really bad about what you did and not do that to me again.”

Bon-Bon stared blankly at Lyra as she spoke. “Well, I’m not... thrilled to hear that, but I guess I don’t really have any room to judge. What changed your mind?”

“I talked to Derpy and she knocked some sense into me. Scared me into thinking you might rebound with someone else and break up with me, also made me realize it was probably abusive. It was wrong of me, I love you and I still want to be with you.” Lyras face hardened. “But I am furious with you for what you did. I understand you wanted to help me, but there was a better way to go about it.”

“There was.” Bon-Bon nodded. “I’m so sorry I did that to you Lyra, I don’t know why I thought that was going to help you, and I’m so so sorry for hiding it for a month and splitting our group up.”

“Ah, that was mostly Octie anyway.”

Bon-Bon didn’t seem convinced but didn’t say anything. “Where do we go from here now?”

“I don’t know.” Lyra sighed. “I think I just need some time. Wouldn’t mind if you tried to make it up to me though, but I’ll leave that to you.”

“Of course, i’ll think of something.” Bon-Bon smiled despite herself, her smile immediately fading as she realized something. “Wait, If Derpy knocked some sense into you, does that mean you told her everything?”

“Kinda hard not to. She’s also furious with you btw.”

“Lyra!” Bon-Bon tensed. “I really wish you hadn’t told her, I was going to meet with her after school and tell her everything.”

“Well, I erased the need for you to do that then.” Lyra helpfully added. “She’ll probably find you first.”

“Please tell me you didn’t make it sound any worse?”

“I told her the truth: you revealed my secret and didn’t confess for a month. She thought you framed her at first, but I nipped that in the bud.”

Bon-Bon sighed in both exasperation and relief. “Guess I can talk to her at lunch… science is going to be an awkward affair.”

“Yeah.” Lyra laughed. “I don’t envy you.” The warning bell chimed and the girls looked up. “I need to go, see ya Bon-Bon.”

Bon-Bon was a little sad when Lyra let go of her and began running to class, her shoulder slumping at the somewhat casual goodbye from her. Still, she shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, Lyra was still with her even if she probably didn’t deserve it. Even if things were going to be awkward, Bon-Bon was going to take those challenges head on!

Though something told her she was going to falter under the cross eyed glare of a certain bubbly blonde haired girl. She was already shivering from thinking of the inevitable confrontation with Derpy.

She hadn’t even noticed when she passed by Derpys class, who calmly stared after her from the doors window. She took out a bubble wand and blew some more bubbles before slowly sinking out of sight.

The bell rang, signifying the end of the first period, causing Sunset to stand up and start packing her things. Rainbow Dash walked by her, pointed to her ice pack and bloody napkins that she held against her nose, and flashed her a proud smile, giving her a thumbs up for good measure.

Sunset rolled her eyes and filed out of the classroom. She stopped when she felt vibrating in her bag, pulling out the journal and opening it to the most recent page.

“Just so you know, I did have a nervous freak out and spent hours on whether or not I should snoop.”

Sunset smiled and took out a pen. “Good morning to you too, princess.”

“Oh skip the formalities with me Sunset Shimmer. Can’t believe my mentor and best friend were poking fun at me, and that the two of you were so accurate about it.”

“We love you Twilight.”

“Yeah yeah, I love you too. Anyway, it was great to see you and Celestia getting along! Some of the information I learned was… startling to say the last, will probably have to talk to my friends about it, but at least you two had a civil conversation and talked things out.”

“Well, it was thanks to you Twi. I don’t think I’d be brave enough to broach the subject for another year at least.”

“That’s optimistic, I wasn’t expecting you to say anything until after you graduated college.”

“Ouch, I’m hurt Twi.”

Revenge.” Twilight doodled a malicious grin next to her passage. “So, princess Sunset Shimmer.”


“What? Celestia said it was possible. I wouldn’t mind having a princess a bit closer to my age.”

“I dunno Twi, I think I’ve given up on that particular goal after the Formal. I’m not really sure what I’m going to do with the rest of my life, my plan for the future was just to graduate college and go from there.”

“Well, if you ever decide you want to be a princess, I’ll be right here supporting you.”

“And what am I going to be princess of? All the good stuff has been taken.”

“Lots of things! Knowledge, magic, video games, being smoking hot. Sky’s the limit.”

“Did you describe me as smoking hot? Twi, you sure you don’t secretly love me? Derpy was wondering if you had a girl crush on me earlier.” Sunset doodled a pony holding up an eyebrow suspiciously.

“I was just-! What? I can’t find my friends pretty without it being romantic? I can’t platonically compliment my friends' looks? You put a lot of work into yourself, I’m just acknowledging it, ok?”

“Surrreeee.” Sunset could practically feel the eyeroll from the other end.

“How about we move on? I saw you and Celestia talked about your family for a bit, you think the Starlight AJ told you about is the same Starlight me and my friends dealt with?”

Sunset looked at the journal with a confused look? “Starlight? My brother's friend with the huge pigtails? What are you talking about Twi?” There was a very long pause from twilight. “Twi?”

“AJ didn’t tell you, did she?”

“She just told me she accidentally revealed my issues with Fluttershy to you, what’s this about Starlight being the same Starlight?”

“Oh, wow, would you look at the time, I need to go and do... princess… things. I’ll see you later, ok?”

“Twi, don’t you dare! You are not dropping this kind of bomb on me and running away!” She groaned when Twilight stopped answering. She immediately took out her phone and texted AJ.

What the hell did Twilight mean about
Starlight being the same Starlight?


... Ah shit.

Author's Note:

Yay! Another chapter out in a reasonable amount of time!

Anyone else feel the people who gave secrets to Anon often didn’t get a good enough punishment? Most stories don’t touch on that and it feels like no one spunished for their part.
I decided to rectify that with, what I think is, reasonable punishments.

Students might also be ostracized for their part in the fiasco, they’d definitely be ostracized by their friends if they revealed anything.

And thank god I don’t have to write super mopey Bon-Bon, I wanted to make a semi joke about wangst so I had her wangsting over a locker and lampshading it.

And I made Derpy intimidating again, she’s just standing there.... menacingly.

But seems Rainbow is proud of sunsets right hook.

Maybe Twilight shouldn’t make it so easy for Sunset if she doesn’t want to be teased so much.

And it seems AJ and Twilight have switched roles, thanks for assuming Twilight. And she’s being a terrible liar again too.

Now poor AJs gotta deal with the future fallout.

Anyway, thanks for reading my fic!

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