• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 19,205 Views, 2,156 Comments

Unexpected Confessions - Dianwei32

Rarity and Rainbow Dash both confess their love for Fluttershy at the same time. Shenanigans ensue.

  • ...

Working Up Courage

Unexpected Confessions

Chapter One

Working Up Courage

Rainbow Dash stood in front of her full-length mirror, giving herself a pep talk. “Today’s the day.” She swallowed nervously before continuing. “Today... today I’m going to tell Fluttershy I love her.” Even though she was alone, she still found the simple act of admitting her feelings out loud difficult. Dash felt her heartbeat quicken and a soft blush crept into her face. She shook her head, futilely trying to dislodge the blood sitting in her cheeks.

“Come on, Dash.” She admonished herself. “You’re not some little lovesick schoolfilly. You’re Rainbow Dash. The fastest flier in Equestria. Named the Best Young Flier by Celestia herself. Any mare or stallion would be lucky to call you their marefriend. Who’s awesome?” She struck a pose and puffed out her chest. She jabbed a hoof at the mirror as a familiar cocky smile pulled at her lips. “You’re awesome!”

Dash glanced over at the clock, which read almost eight in the morning. She had woken up extra early in an attempt to be on time for work with the Weather Patrol for once. She trotted over to her bed and flopped down, electing to run through her plan one more time before leaving for work. It was Thursday, which meant that Dash would swing by Fluttershy’s cottage as she got back from her trip to the spa and make up some excuse about just being in the area. Her friend would invite her in for a cup of tea, just like she always did, and this time Dash would gladly accept. She let her eyes drift closed as she played out the scenario in her head.

Fluttershy turned and trotted into the cottage. Dash followed her and tried to keep her eyes from drifting down to her friend’s flank. She walked over to the couch as Fluttershy moved on to the kitchen to start the tea. Now that she was finally here, Rainbow felt her nerves starting to get to her, giving her butterflies in her stomach. Smiling, she leaned against the arm of the couch. Nerves had never stopped her before, and they certainly weren’t going to today.

“So what brings you out this way, Dashie?” Fluttershy called from the kitchen. “I thought you had work today.” She trotted back into the living room. She jumped up onto the couch and patted the open spot next to her, beckoning Dash to join her.

“Yeah.” Dash stood up from leaning on the couch and hopped up onto the couch. “I got everything done early. Ya know, clearing the sky in ten seconds flat and all that.” She examined a hoof disinterestedly. Fluttershy giggled and gave her a warm smile. Rainbow felt her face heat up as blood rushed to it at the sound, and she suddenly found her mind filled with all the things she loved about Fluttershy. The silken texture of her coat whenever Dash “accidentally” brushed or bumped into her. The soothing, almost angelic, sound of her voice. The adorable way she hid behind her mane when she was nervous.

Rainbow felt a knot of warm tension building in her chest, and every muscle in her body screamed to lean over and just kiss the lovely yellow mare sitting there. She was sorely tempted to give in to that impulse, but she had planned for this. There would be time for kisses once she had said her piece.

“Is everything alright, Dash?” Fluttershy’s expression shifted to one of concern. Rainbow shook her head to clear it and realized that she had been simply staring at Fluttershy without saying anything for the past minute.

“Oh, yeah... of course.” Dash rubbed a hoof along the back of her neck, trying to play her silence off casually. “I just-” She stopped abruptly. Her big planned speech, her confession that she had spent countless nights perfecting was gone. She couldn’t remember a word of it. Her mouth worked open and closed, but not words came out. After a moment, she gave up and hung her head. She felt hot tears well up in her eyes, but she rubbed them away angrily.

“Oh, to hay with it.” Rainbow mumbled to herself. She took a deep breath, looked up and locked eyes with her friend. “Fluttershy, I love you!” She blurted out. Now that it was out there, Dash waited for a reaction, feeling a small ember of hope building in her chest.

“Dashie, I'm really sorry, but you waited too long.” Fluttershy smiled confidently, throwing her mane back to look Dash straight in the eyes. “I asked Rarity out ages ago. Kissed her right on the lips; she never saw it coming.” Her expression turned condescending and she laid a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder. "Poor Dashie, I know how it feels to wait and wait. Next time, speak up." She thought for a moment, that cruel smile twisting into a smouldering smirk. "Hey, I know. I bet I can talk her into a threesome!" The hoof on Dash’s shoulder drifted down, trailing along her ribs.

“I— You— Rare—” Dash sputtered uselessly, her mind still reeling from Fluttershy’s response. Her ear flicked as the sound of hooves drifted down the staircase. Knowing she would regret it, she turned and looked at the stairs that led up to the bedroom.

“Who was at the door, love?” Rarity rounded the bend in the staircase, a towel wrapped around her mane while the occasional drop of water fell from her coat. “Rainbow, dear, lovely to see you. Terribly sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” She walked over to the couch and nuzzled Fluttershy, a few stands of the other mare’s mane sticking to her damp coat. “You’re running low on shampoo, love. I’ll be sure and pick some up at the spa for you while I’m out today.”

Fluttershy leaned back, resting her head on Rarity’s neck. “I’m sorry, Dashie.”

NO!” Dash flailed as she woke from the nightmare, rolling off of the edge of the bed and sending her tumbling to the floor. Her eyes flew open, taking in the sight of her bedroom from ground level. She stood up slowly, her head still fuzzy from sleep and the sudden meeting with the floor. She felt a wave of panic rise up as she looked at the clock, which read nine o’clock. She was late. “Son of a—” She snorted angrily before turning and galloping down the hall towards the front door.

“And I was actually gonna be on time for once.” She shook her head as she ran. Reaching the entryway, she grabbed her weather goggles from a nearby table, dove out of a window, and angled toward the weather team office.


Later that day

“The day has finally arrived.” Rarity paced as she spoke aloud to the emptiness of Carousel Boutique. “Today is the day I tell Fluttershy that I love her.” She paused in her pacing to glance around the shop, ensuring she was in fact alone. Once she was assured of her privacy, she trotted over to a table near the door, where a note sat after being delivered by a robin earlier. Lifting it with her magic, she reread it for the third time in as many minutes, though the words were the same as they had been each time before.


Sorry. Teensy little problem at home.
Can we meet at four?


Most of the words were smudged or sloppy, and it had obviously been written quickly. Rarity was more than willing to accommodate Fluttershy’s requested time change in their spa appointment, but she didn’t know what to do with herself in the meantime. Aloe and Lotus will certainly have their work cut out for them this week. She thought to herself. I haven’t been this tense and nervous since... well, I don’t think I’ve ever been this tense and nervous.

Letting out a sigh in a futile effort to bleed off some nervous energy, she trotted over to an equinnequin sitting near a window to work on the dress draped across it. The soft yellow cotton hugged the slender dress form, ending in a short skirt. I never figured Fancypants and Fleur as campers, but to each their own. Circling the outfit, she ran a critical eye over it, occasionally sneaking peeks at the clock.

Craning her neck up, Rarity stretched as tall as she could, trying to get a good look at the back of the dress. Try as she might, the equinnequin for Fleur’s body type was simply too tall. She huffed in irritation and slid the garment off of the form with her magic, carefully laying it on the ground so that she could examine the stitching along the back. The color of the fabric brought her mind back to Fluttershy, and she could almost see the pegasus’ pink mane spilling across the shoulders. A smile flitted across her lips, but was quickly smothered as she noticed a glaring flaw in the dress.

Honestly, Rarity, how could you forget wing holes? It would be terribly uncomfortable for her to have her wings trapped. Shaking her head, she floated a pair of scissors over and deftly cut a pair of neat holes in the back of the fabric, then grabbed a needle and spool of light pink thread to sew a quick border around them. There we go. Her smile returned as she picked up the dress, but her brow furrowed as the forelegs unfurled much longer than they should have for Fluttershy’s form.

What... no. No no no! Foolish, scatterbrained, idiot! This wasn’t for her! Rarity looked down in chagrin at the beautiful new dress, now completely unsuited to the client. For a brief moment, she considered ripping the dress to shreds in order to vent her frustration with herself, but she knew doing that would only create a mess for her to clean up, so she tossed it across the back of the equinnequin it had been on and trudged over to her desk. Grabbing a piece of parchment and quill, she scribbled a quick note to Fancypants explaining that his order would be a day or two late. She knew he wouldn’t mind, but she still felt bad about the delay.

Rarity glanced at the clock again; it read a quarter to four. “Close enough.” She pulled open the door with her magic and galloped out of the shop, stuffing the note in the mailbox as she passed it. After a few blocks she forced herself to slow down. “A lady does not hurry.” She tried to explain to herself. For a while, she attempted to walk at a leisurely pace, but her nerves and excitement got the better of her and she eventually settled for a light canter.

Within a few minutes, Rarity reached the spa. She pushed the door open and glanced around the empty waiting room, even Aloe and Lotus were nowhere to be seen. She’s not here yet, that’s fine. You are a bit early after all. She tried in vain to calm herself. When that failed, she trotted over to one of the chairs along the wall and sat down, levitating a copy of Equestria Weekly over to read. She opened the magazine to an interview with Photo Finish, but found herself glancing at the door every few seconds.

After several minutes that felt more like hours, Rarity almost jumped out of her seat when the spa door opened and Fluttershy entered. “Darling! It’s so nice to see...” Her words drifted off as she got a better look at her spa partner. Fluttershy was covered almost head to hoof in mud and had a number of twigs stuck in her mane and tail. Rarity cleared her throat and brought her magic to bear. “I take it there was quite the emergency with your animals?”

“Oh, um, yes. Sorry.” Fluttershy waited as Rarity used her magic to remove the mud from her muzzle. “You see, Mister Badger broke his paw and couldn’t dig out his burrow after a tunnel collapsed. Normally it wouldn’t have been a problem, but Misses Badger and their children were on the other side, so I had help dig a new tunnel.” She winced as Rarity pulled a particularly tangled twig out of her mane. “I’m so sorry that I had to move our spa date back. I hope it didn’t cause you any trouble.”

“None at all, dear.” Rarity smiled reassuringly. “I had an order that I needed to finish, and it gave me just the amount of time I needed.” Never mind the fact that I happened to completely ruin that order. As her magic flowed along her friend’s coat, Rarity could feel the silken texture as though she were running her hooves through it. She did her best to suppress a shiver from running down her spine, but could do little to contain the heat slowly building in her haunches. Come now, Rarity. Control yourself. She scolded herself silently. You are simply cleaning Fluttershy’s coat. There is nothing even remotely intimate about that, even if you can feel every curve of her exquisite body as you slowly work your way down to her... She paused as she felt an involuntary twitch in her tail. I think we’re done here.

Rarity shifted her magic away from her friend and pulled open the door. She floated the ball of mud and twigs she had removed from Fluttershy’s coat outside and let it fall to the ground unceremoniously. She turned back and cleared her throat. “Feel better?” She asked, moving back to sit in her chair.

Fluttershy let out a contented sigh before she walked over and sat next to Rarity. “Thank you so much, Rarity. I feel a lot better now, and that felt... nice.” She blushed slightly and ducked behind her mane, occasionally glancing at one of the magazines on the table next to her.

An unexpected voice caused both of them to jump slightly. “Ah, Miss Rarity, Miss Fluttershy. It is so good to see you.” Aloe had appeared behind the reception desk from a side door. “We were afraid that you were not going to make it today.”

“Yes, well something came up with one of Fluttershy’s animals, so we agreed to move our... appointment back a few hours.” Rarity explained, trying her best to sound nonchalant. “Now, though, the usual please.” She and Fluttershy stood and moved toward the sauna, the door opening in an aura of blue magic.

“Of course, of course.” Aloe smiled and waved them into the sauna. The alabaster mare trotted into the room after her partner and closed the door. She used her magic to add some water to the hot rocks, sending a burst of steam through the enclosed space.

Rarity sat down on one of the benches near Fluttershy, who was currently basking in the warmth with her eyes closed. Following suit, she closed her eyes and felt the tension and nerves melting off of her. Opening her eyes again after a moment, she glanced at the mare next to her, feeling a smile creep onto her face. I could spend the rest of my life like this. Already, she could feel the steam wreaking havoc on her coiffure and causing the barest hint of wrinkling in her hooves. Well, maybe not exactly like this, but with her, at least.

She started to edge her hoof over to where Fluttershy’s was resting, but her courage faltered and she pulled it back to her side. Instead, she merely watched Fluttershy soak in the steam, utterly at peace. Darling, if you had any idea what you do to me... I'd think you cruel to tease me so, but I know you don't mean it. Well, today it ends. After today I will, one way or another, not have you haunting my dreams. She nodded firmly. All was in readiness, and woe to anypony who tried to get in her way. Should the answer be yes, she had several ideas for potential dates. Should the answer be no... Her home was well stocked with ice cream, tissues, and a nice tart merlot to drown her sorrows in.

Next to her, Fluttershy let out a light sigh and began humming happily. Rarity let her eyes drift closed and relaxed in the warmth of the steam. She slowly recognized the tune that Fluttershy was humming and began humming it herself. She felt her muscles begin to unwind and her nerves calm down. After several minutes, Rarity noticed that Fluttershy had stopped humming. She opened one eye to find her spa partner staring at her, only to blush and look away when she was caught.

“Is everything alright, dear?” Rarity asked, a look of concern spreading over her face. She scooted down the bench and laid a hoof on her friend’s shoulder.

“Oh, um, yes.” Fluttershy responded, trying and failing to make eye contact. She briefly chewed on her lower lip, as if debating what to say next. “I just got a little, um, distracted.” She forced herself to make eye contact, her blush deepening. “You have a beautiful voice, Rarity.” She almost whispered.

It was Rarity’s turn to blush at the unexpected compliment. “Why thank you, darling. That means a great deal to me, coming from you.” She smiled slightly and let the hoof on her friend’s shoulder lazily drift down her foreleg. An overwhelming urge to lean over and kiss Fluttershy sprang up in Rarity’s mind, but she contained it, barely. There will be time enough for that later, hopefully. Instead, she got off of the bench and made her way across the room to the door. “I believe I have had enough steam for now. Shall we move on to the massages?” Fluttershy merely nodded and followed her.

As they entered the main room of the spa, Rarity and Fluttershy were surprised to see Aloe and Lotus already waiting for them. The latter of the spa sisters moved toward them as they entered. “Ah, Miss Fluttershy, we have a special treatment for you today.” Lotus smiled and motioned towards her sister. “Aloe has just returned from a special training where she learned how to preen pegasus feathers. We would be so happy if you would be our first customer to receive the service.”

Fluttershy’s eyes shot open in panic. “Ohnothat’sokaythankyou.” She hurriedly mumbled out in one burst. She dropped her head to hide behind her mane, while Aloe and Lotus looked at each other in abject confusion.

Rarity moved closer to her friend. “Whatever is the matter, dear?” She asked in a low voice. “I imagine a nice preening would feel marvelous.” She wrapped a foreleg around Fluttershy and pulled her into a light side hug.

“Um, w-well... y-you see... the th-thing is...” Fluttershy stuttered nervously. She stopped and took a deep breath before trying again. “The thing is, preening for a pegasus is a rather... intimate action.” Her cheeks flushed a deep scarlet. “The only ponies who have preened my wings other than me are my mom... and Rainbow Dash.”

“Ah.” Rarity pulled away slightly. “Well if that is the case, then you do not have to do anything you are not comfortable with.” She leaned in and nuzzled Fluttershy, who relaxed visibly. Rarity turned back to Aloe and Lotus. “Just the usual today, girls.” She removed her foreleg from around Fluttershy and trotted over to one of the massage tables, followed closely by her friend.

Laying down on the closest table, Rarity felt any tension she had left after the steam room melt away under the skillful hooves dancing across her back. Oh Lotus, your hooves are magic, I swear. Once again, she stole a glance at her spa partner, who was smiling contentedly while Aloe massaged her shoulders and forelegs. Hmm... I wonder how good Fluttershy is with her hooves. I’m sure she’s had to massage some sore or strained muscles on her animals, though I— The rest of her thought was lost under a wave of pleasure as Lotus found a final knot between her shoulder blades and pressed into it, slowly unwinding the muscles. Their massages finished, the pair moved on to their final treatment, the mud mask, receiving a generous helping and a tiny dab of the green mixture respectively.

“So, how are all of your pets doing, dear?” Rarity looked over in Fluttershy’s direction despite the cucumber slices covering her eyes. “It just now occurred to me that it’s been some time since I had occasion to stop by. Is Angel behaving himself?”

“Oh, um, if you’re sure you want to hear about it.” Fluttershy waited for a nod from her friend before continuing. “Angel is still, well, you know how he can be. I try, but... Oh! Ruby, the robin that brought you my note, just had her eggs hatch, and the little babies are just the cutest little—”

Rarity smiled to herself; she always enjoyed listening to Fluttershy talk about her animals. The passion and enthusiasm that filled her voice was almost intoxicating to listen to. However, something that the other mare had said earlier tugged at her mind, refusing to leave her in peace.

...preening for a pegasus is an... intimate action...

The only ponies who have preened my wings other than me are my mom... and Rainbow Dash.

She tried to brush away the thought and refocus on what Fluttershy was saying—she had moved on to something about her friend, Mr. Porcupine—but she couldn’t get the idea out of her head. Fluttershy and Rainbow... I know they’ve been good friends since Flight School. But could they have been... together? In the darkness behind her eyelids, she saw the pegasi wrapped in each other’s hooves, trading bashful kisses that quickly grew in frequency and intensity. Rarity wanted to shake her head to clear the vision, but knew it would fling mud everywhere, so she grit her teeth and forced the image from her mind. Luckily, Aloe arrived a moment later to inform them that the mud had set long enough and it was time to remove it.

After washing away the mud, Rarity and Fluttershy left the spa, both of them feeling refreshed. As they made their way down one of the many dirt roads in Ponyville, Rarity ran over her plan in her head. Phase one, have a normal spa... trip. Given her plans, she could not bring herself to call it a “spa date.” Phase two, find a reason to accompany Fluttershy back to her cottage. Rarity wracked her brain for some excuse to walk her friend home, but couldn’t come up with anything concrete. Her eyes darted back and forth as she scrambled to recall what the pegasus had been talking about at the spa. One of her animals just had babies... but which one was it again? The porcupine? No, I think it was a bird... a sparrow, perhaps? Before she could figure it out, the two of them reached Carousel Boutique.

“I had a wonderful time today, Rarity.” Fluttershy stopped in front of the door to the shop. “Thank you again for letting me move the time back. Although, it did make it awfully late when we were done.” She looked off in the direction of her cottage, where the sun was creeping towards the horizon of the Everfree Forest.

Rarity opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off by an audible growl from her stomach. She felt a slight blush flood her cheeks in embarrassment. “Well, it seems it is rather late indeed. We managed to miss dinner.”

“Oh no!” Fluttershy’s eyes shot open in worry. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean make you miss dinner.” She slumped down for a moment, but perked back up. “I still have some of Granny Smith’s zap apple jam. You could come over to my house for dinner. Um, if you want to that is.” She looked at the ground and scuffed a hoof in the dirt.

Sweet Celestia, she’s adorable when she does that. Rarity thought to herself. She smiled at Fluttershy and resumed walking towards the edge of town. “That sounds lovely, dear.” The pair made their way out towards the Everfree Forest. They walked in companionable silence, simply enjoying the scenery. There was not a cloud in the sky. As she reached the top of a hill near Fluttershy’s cottage, Rarity noticed that there was in fact one cloud in the sky. A cloud with a prismatic tail hanging off of the edge. Rainbow Dash. She groaned internally.

As the spa partners crossed the bridge in front of Fluttershy’s home, Dash poked her head over the edge of the cloud. “Hey Flutters... and Rarity.” She called down, leaping off of the cloud and gliding smoothly to the ground. “Pretty late to be getting back from the spa, isn’t it?”

“Oh, that’s my fault.” Fluttershy replied, her ears flattened back nervously. “I had an animal emergency and had to push our trip back a few hours.” She moved past Dash and opened the front door. “Then we were so late that we missed dinner, so I invited Rarity over so have some zap apple jam. You’re welcome to stay too, if you want.”

“Sure, sounds great.” Rainbow went to enter the cottage after Fluttershy, but a tug at her tail stopped her. Looking back, she saw the end of her tail gripped in an aura of blue magic.

Before Dash could say anything, Rarity was beside her. “What are you doing here?” She asked, forcing a measure of cheerfulness into her voice. This was an unexpected development, but she was determined to take it in stride.

“I came by to see Fluttershy, and hay, I’m not gonna turn down free food.” Dash shrugged and trotted into the cottage as the magic around her tail faded. The alabaster unicorn followed her inside closing the door with a flare of magic.

“Well, I would appreciate it if you could give us some privacy after you’ve eaten.” Rarity muttered. She made her way around the living room while Fluttershy was in the kitchen. After a few moments, she felt hoof poke her in the side.

“What’s up with you?” Dash stepped up beside her, keeping her voice low. “You want me to leave or something?” She raised an eyebrow while she waited for an answer.

Rarity looked over her shoulder to make sure Fluttershy was still in the other room. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be rude, but yes.” She whispered. “Fluttershy and I have some... private matters to discuss. It would be greatly helpful if you could make yourself scarce.” She disliked being so blunt, but was not willing to risk coming so close to her goal and having Dash ruin it.

“Private, huh?” Rainbow stared at her, a hint of worry creeping into her features. “Well, sorry, but I kinda had something I needed to tell her myself.” She turned to leave, but was stopped by a hoof on her shoulder.

Rarity gave Rainbow a pleading look. “Darling, I really hate to impose, but what I need to tell her is very important, and equally private. Is it truly so much to ask that you give me a moment with her? Surely whatever you need could wait, just until the morning?”

“No, it has to be today.” Dash pointedly looked off to the side. “I can’t put it off anymore, it’s gonna drive me nuts if I do.”

“Maybe you could just come back a little bit later, then?” Rarity pouted, summoning all of her feminine wiles. “I won’t need long, just a minute or two.”

No!” Rainbow had the courtesy to look embarrassed about her outburst, glancing over her shoulder at the kitchen doorway. “Sorry, but it can’t wait. And no, I can’t tell you why.” Her wings ruffled for a moment before she smoothed them back down.

“Dinner is ready, girls.” Fluttershy came back into the main room, a tray balanced on her back. A half-full jar of zap apple jam sat in the middle, surrounded by various breads, crackers, nuts, and slices of fruit to dip in it.

“Honestly, Rainbow, is one minute of privacy too much to ask?” Rarity huffed, her rather extensive temper finally reaching its end. “For the love of Luna, you could simply go outside and say ‘hello’ to the animals that lost your little find-a-pet competition and that would be plenty of time.”

“Girls?” Fluttershy stared at her two friends in confusion, setting the tray down and taking a step toward them. “Girls, what’s wrong? What are you—”

“I just don’t see why I have to leave.” Dash shot back, her wings ruffling again. “I was here first. If anything, you should have to leave so I can talk to ‘Shy.”

“Talk to me?” Fluttershy cocked her head to the side in confusion. “Girls, I’d be more than—”

“Oh, yes, you were here first.” Rarity rolled her eyes. “It’s too bad that Fluttershy wasn’t.” She looked back to Rainbow to find the pegasus glaring at her, so she returned the look. After several seconds of staring at one another, both Rarity and Rainbow Dash acted at the same time.

“Fine!” They shouted at each other. They both ignored the other and turned to face Fluttershy, who nearly cringed under their combined gaze. They both took a deep breath before almost shouting in perfect unison.

“Fluttershy, I love you!”

A deafening silence filled the air for a few moments, then Dash and Rarity wheeled back to face each other. “What did you just say?” They yelled together.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened while her pupils shrank to pinpricks. Her breathing rapidly escalated to the point of hyperventilation, pausing just long enough to say two words.

“Oh, my...” She muttered before passing out