• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 19,205 Views, 2,156 Comments

Unexpected Confessions - Dianwei32

Rarity and Rainbow Dash both confess their love for Fluttershy at the same time. Shenanigans ensue.

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Dressing Up

Unexpected Confessions

Chapter Eight (Part Two)

Dressing Up

Fluttershy lay still, trying to catch her breath and basking in the warm afterglow. That was... was... I don’t even have words to describe how wonderful that was. She settled down lower into the tub, soaking in the remaining heat of the water. After a moment, she grabbed a bar of soap and washcloth, absentmindedly washing herself. When she was done, she noticed a muffled, yet insistent, thumping drifting up to her bathroom from downstairs. Oh, right. Angel. She remembered with a slight smile, reaching down to pull the drain plug. She slowly lifted herself out of the bathtub, taking time to stretch her legs and wings.

She reached out and grabbed a towel to dry off, taking care not to mess up her newly-preened feathers in the process. Once she was dry, Fluttershy draped the towel over her head before flipping it back and expertly wrapping her wet mane in the towel. She cantered out of the bathroom and pulled open the bedroom door to head downstairs.

The thumping noise rose in volume as Fluttershy made her way down the stairs, stopping as she approached the front door. She unlocked the door, pulling it open to reveal Angel Bunny on the other side. The rabbit glared up at her with loathing, as though trying to say “What in the hay was that about?”

“I’m sorry Angel, but momma needed some alone time.” Fluttershy explained as she turned away from the door. She stopped as she found the small rabbit in front of her again, scowling at her with a raised eyebrow and waiting for a more in-depth explanation. The nurturing mare reached down and scratched behind his ears. “Now, don’t look at me like that. It’s nice outside, you should be out there hopping around and enjoying the weather anyway.” She trotted past him, making her way back upstairs to the bathroom.

Fluttershy walked through her bedroom, humming happily. She passed through the doorway into the bathroom and shook the towel from her mane. Maybe now I’ll be able to make it through dinner without jumping all over Rarity. She thought to herself, giggling quietly. She slid a hoofbrush onto her leg and began running it through her mane, singing tunelessly as she worked. She tried to imagine what dinner would hold, picturing a small and dimly lit restaurant in her head. A bottle of wine sat on the table. Ugh. No, no wine. She thought as she felt her stomach flip at the mere thought of alcohol. In her mind, the bottle of wine disappeared from the table, leaving only her and Rarity. Her eyes shot open as she felt a familiar tingle between her hind legs. Okay, that’s enough of that.

Fluttershy threw down the hoofbrush and went back into her bedroom, opening her closet. She carefully removed the dress Rarity had made her and laid it on the bed, eyeing it warily. Hmm... Last time I had Rarity’s magic to help get it on. She moved behind the heap of silk and lifted one side of the skirt. It shouldn’t be that difficult to do by hoof. She thought, ducking her head into the voluminous skirt and trying to wriggle the dress around her.

Several attempts later, including no fewer than three occasions in which she tried to put her head through a wing or foreleg hole, Fluttershy threw the dress across the room in frustration. She glanced over to an antique clock on her nightstand, seeing the time was just past seven thirty. She briefly considered giving up on the dress and simply leaving for Rarity’s home, hoping that the seamstress would have an extra dress or two lying around she could wear. A knock from the living room broke her concentration. She shot one final glare at the offending garment and trotted down the stair case.

“Who is it?” Fluttershy called as she reached the living room.

“It’s me, darling.” Rarity responded through the door.

Fluttershy pulled the door open, a sudden worry coming over her. “Rarity? I thought I was supposed to meet you at your house. I’m not late, am I? I thought you said eight, and so I-” Her apology was cut short by a kiss that washed away any feelings of anxiety she had. She melted into the contact, leaning forward unconsciously and causing the unicorn to smile through the kiss.

After a moment, Rarity pulled away, a light tinge of pink in her cheeks. “Please stop worrying, love.” She cooed, leaning forward again to nuzzle along Fluttershy’s neck. “You are correct, I initially planned to meet at eight at the Boutique, but then I remembered that sometimes non-unicorns can have trouble with dresses, especially pegasi trying to get their wings through the wing-holes. The whole process can be a bit... tricky, so I came over to help.” She stepped around the flustered pegasus, making her way over to the stairs leading to the bedroom.

Fluttershy belatedly pulled herself out of her daze. She closed the door and turned to follow her marefriend up the stairs, trying to keep from staring at Rarity’s flank and failing miserably. Remember, sleeping with her on the first date is bad. She reminded herself. Her mind flashed back to her fantasy from earlier for a brief moment. Although... I don’t know how something like that could ever be considered ‘bad.’

Rarity entered the bedroom, only half-surprised to see her friend’s dress in a heap on the far side of the room. She brought her magic to bear and lifted in the garment in an aura of telekinesis. She was magically pressing the material, removing any wrinkles or creases, when she caught a faint scent in the air. She wandered closer to the bathroom, seemingly the source of the aroma. What is that? She mused silently as the dress continued smoothing itself. Ah, of course. The bath herbs I gave her. Although, there’s something else as well. It smells almost like... No, it couldn’t be. I cannot imagine Fluttershy doing something like... that. Her mind sought to prove her wrong, instantly filling with images of her friend lying on the bed in several compromising positions. The alabaster mare inhaled the air deeply, identifying the musky smell of arousal and confirming her suspicions. Oh my, the mere thought of Fluttershy doing... that. It’s... It’s... rather enticing, actually.

Rarity’s train of thought was interrupted as the pegasus in question entered the bedroom. Oh, I cannot simply come out and ask her about such a sensitive subject. She thought, biting her lip. I also must know the answer... maybe I can wheedle it out of her, subtly of course. “So, did you enjoy yourself after our visit to the spa?” She asked, making sure to keep an affectedly calm tone. She could not help but notice the color drain from her friend’s face.

“Oh, um, well... you see, I just-” Fluttershy stammered, unable to form a coherent thought. Her mind played scenario after scenario of Rarity discovering just what she had done after getting back from the spa and storming out in disgust. She felt the paralyzing, icy grip of terror closing around her heart, but expertly smothered any physical reaction under a layer of false tranquility.

“I must say, Sweetie Belle and her friends were quite the hoofful, as always.” Rarity continued, trying to make small talk to ease her fillyfriend’s more than apparent tension. “Though I appreciated your offer of help, I felt it was more important for you to have some small time to relax before dinner.” She levitated the dress to lay across the back of a chair. She was about to let loose another round of thinly-veiled innuendo when she heard a thud from behind her. She curiously glanced over her shoulder to see Fluttershy passed out on the floor.

Oh sweet Celestia, what have I done? Rarity turned as quickly as she could, reaching down to shake the unconscious pegasus. “Fluttershy, dear? Please wake up.” Nice going, Coltanova. She silently berated herself. A sigh of relief escaped her as her stunned friend stirred, blinking slowly.

“What happened?” Fluttershy asked, taking in her new vantage point from the ground. “Why am I on the floor of my bed-” She stopped as she remembered what had happened before she fainted. “I-I can explain. It... it’s not what it looks like.”

“Come now, There’s no need for that.” Rarity countered, flashing a playful grin.

Tears welled up in Fluttershy’s eyes. “Oh no. You must think I’m horrible. I’m nothing but a disgusting pervert.” She scrambled to her hooves and flung herself on the bed, burying her face in the pillows and sobbing softly.

Congratulations. You managed to make her cry before your first date. Rarity cursed herself in her head. You haven’t even made it to dinner yet and you’ve already ruined everything. She stood from the floor and stepped over to the bed. “I assure you, I think nothing of the sort, darling.” She replied soothingly as she sat on the bed and began stroking her distraught marefriend’s mane. “Such... activities are completely normal. Healthy, even.”

“You’re just saying that.” Fluttershy looked up, her expression still one of hurt.

“Not at all, love.” Rarity leaned down and planted a light kiss on the other mare’s forehead. “In fact, if we are being completely honest, I must admit that I... had a very similar experience at my own home after Sweetie and her friends left.” She admitted, a furious blush darkening her cheeks.

“Really?” Fluttershy asked, all traces of pain replaced with surprise and curiosity. “Oh, um, if you don’t mind me asking, that is.” She quickly amended, ducking to hide behind her mane.

“Well... yes, as a matter of fact.” Rarity dropped her eyes to stare at her hooves. “I was rather... excited after our little spa date, and found myself alone when Sweetie and her friends left to go try and earn their cutie marks yet again.” She fidgeted nervously, worried that revealing too much might cause her marefriend to faint again. “I haven’t had many commissions lately, so I closed up the Boutique early and retired to my room upstairs for a... private reverie.”

“Oh... my.” Fluttershy felt her own face flush with heat as inappropriate images of her unicorn friend flashed through her mind. She felt a familiar warmth start to build in her core. Oh no, not again. She squeezed her hind legs together, hoping to stall any physical effects. “Um... I think it’s time that we get dressed. If that’s okay with you, that is.” She suggested, hoping to change the subject.

“Hmm?” Rarity replied, momentarily confused by the sudden shift in the conversation. She glanced at a clock on the nightstand, seeing the time was a quarter to eight. “I suppose it is. Very well.” She reignited her horn, levitating Fluttershy’s dress and pulling her own dress, a simple blue gown with some golden lace trim, out of a saddle bag draped across her back. The dresses floated toward their respective wearers, hovering open to allow them to maneuver their heads and hooves through the appropriate holes.

Once both mares were comfortable in their gowns, Rarity picked up the golden choker in her telekinetic grasp. “Here we are, dear. We mustn’t forget the piece de resistance.” She stepped over to Fluttershy’s side, carefully floating the choker around her neck and clasping it.

Fluttershy repressed a shiver as Rarity’s magic passed over her coat. “Thank you.” She murmured, trying to keep her mind from wandering into risque territory. She leaned over to nuzzle Rarity’s neck, smiling as she heard a contented sigh escape her friend. She pulled away and turned to leave the room. “Are you ready to go? We should probably head out if we’re going to get to... where are we going, anyway?”

“Oh, I would like to keep that a surprise for now, darling.” Rarity flashed a wry grin. “Please do not worry, though. I am quite sure that you will enjoy it.”

“Um, okay. If you say so.” Fluttershy felt a small knot of worry form in her stomach. No. Rarity cares about me. I’m sure that she knows what she’s doing. She made her way out of the bedroom and down the stairs, taking care to avoid stepping on the skirt of her dress. She trotted across the living room, pointedly ignoring a fuming Angel Bunny, and pulled the front door open.

“One moment, darling!” Rarity called from the base of the stairwell. She cantered over to catch up with the pink-maned pegasus. “Before we head out, there is one last thing I need to do.” She flared her horn to life and wove a simple spell, targeting both of their dresses. She saw Fluttershy jump slightly as the magical currents passed through the fabric. “My apologies, dear. I suppose I should have informed you before casting the spell.”

“Wh-What kind of sp-spell was that?” Fluttershy asked, her eyes darting back and forth with the barest traces of panic.

“Just a simple enchantment designed to help keep our dresses clean during the walk back to town.” Rarity moved past her marefriend to step outside. She trotted back and forth a few times, purposefully dragging the hem of her gown in the dirt. Afterward, she lifted the edge of her skirt using her tail to show it was still immaculately clean. “See? One simple little spell and you can forget all about trying to keep your dress clean.”

“My goodness, that’s amazing, Rarity.” Fluttershy stepped out of the cottage and tentatively dipped her own dress to brush the ground. She stared in awe as it came away clean. She looked back to the unicorn. “How does it work?”

“Well... honestly, I am not entirely sure.” Rarity admitted, a light blush coloring her coat. “You would need to ask Twilight about that. I am certain she would be able to explain it in all of its fabulous detail. She is actually the one who taught me the spell, although she used it on books to keep from staining the pages.” She rolled her eyes during the explanation. “All I know about it is that it only lasts for about twelve hours and that it has severely cut down on the amount of laundry I have had to do recently.”

“That sounds nice.” Fluttershy replied as she moved to follow Rarity down the road leading to town. The pair fell into a companionable silence during their walk into Ponyville, occasionally trading bashful glances and smiles. Off to the west, Celestia’s sun was just approaching the horizon.