• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 19,206 Views, 2,156 Comments

Unexpected Confessions - Dianwei32

Rarity and Rainbow Dash both confess their love for Fluttershy at the same time. Shenanigans ensue.

  • ...

Coming Clean

Unexpected Confessions

Chapter Eight (Part One)

Coming Clean

Applejack took off her hat, placing it on the table and running a hoof through her mane. She watched as Twilight trotted into the kitchen and lit up her horn. In a matter of seconds, she had lit the stove top, placed a full kettle of water on it, and prepared a set of cups with tea bags. The farm pony shook her head, an amused smile on her face. “Sometimes Ah watch you and Rarity and the things y’all can do with yer magic, and I wish Ah were a unicorn mahself.”

“It’s not all it’s cracked up to be.” Twilight tried to deflect the compliment, blushing again. “Besides, I envy earth ponies like you who can do everything by hoof. Without my magic, I doubt I could make breakfast for myself in the morning.” She came back into the main room and sat down across from her friend. “I think being a unicorn would hurt the whole farming business, too. I can’t count the number of plants I’ve tried to grow that ended up dying. Heck, I’ve even had a plastic plant that just kind of... fell apart after a few days. I don’t exactly have an overabundance of agricultural acumen.” Twilight’s blush deepened as she realized she had started using unnecessarily big words. “Ahem, sorry. What I meant to say was, I don’t exactly have a green hoof like you do.”

“Well, Ah suppose not everypony can be as talented as me and mah family when it comes to growin’ stuff.” Applejack examined a hoof disinterestedly for a moment before the pair devolved into a fit of giggles. Her mood changed drastically as she remembered exactly why she came to the library. She cleared her throat and steeled herself. “Back to the matter at hoof. Ah assume you’ve talked to ‘Shy recently?”

“Oh, um, yes.” Twilight furrowed her brow, trying to figure out where the conversation was headed.

“Well, then ya know ‘bout her little... situation with Rarity and Rainbow Dash, right?” Applejack paused and waited for a nod from the lavender mare. “Well, a few days ago, Dash came to me askin’ fer advice on how to go ‘bout winnin’ ‘Shy over, and Ah kinda gave her some... bad advice.”

The tea kettle whistled from the kitchen, and Twilight magically lifted it without even looking back. The kettle floated into the main room of the library, followed closely by the two cups. “Bad advice? Like, on purpose?” She cocked her head to the side, as though trying to puzzle out how to fit a round peg into a square hole. Meanwhile, the cups settled in front of each of the two mares and the tea pot filled each cup with hot water before gliding to rest off to the side. After a moment, Twilight gave up and shook her head. “Why?”

Applejack swallowed and stared intently at her cup of tea, feeling a rush of heat in her face. “This is where it gets personal.” She looked up and locked eyes with the unicorn. “Before Ah go on, Ah need yer word that what Ah’m ‘bout to tell ya won’t leave this room. Ah don’t need a Pinkie Promise.” She cut across Twilight’s attempt to make the aforementioned vow. “Just a regular promise will do. Yer word that mah secret is safe with you.”

“Of course, AJ.” Twilight replied. She reached across the table and laid a hoof on one of the farm pony’s hooves. The unicorn felt her heart rate pick up at the contact, but tried to ignore it. “I would never dream of breaking your trust in me. I give you my word that your secret is safe with me.”

“Thanks, Twi.” Applejack smiled, feeling some of her burden lifting. She spent a moment in silence before she realized she was staring into Twilight’s eyes. She quickly averted her gaze back down to her cup, fiddling with the submerged tea bag. “Here’s the thing. Ah gave Rainbow bad advice on account of... Well, ‘cause Ah love her.”

Twilight felt her stomach drop as Applejack’s admission passed her friend's lips. She... loves Rainbow Dash? She wondered to herself. Her mind flashed back to Fluttershy’s visit and the timid mare’s stammering, disjointed denial that anypony liked her. I thought, or rather I hoped, that... it doesn’t matter anymore. Applejack obviously doesn’t- She was pulled out of her thoughts by an orange hoof waving in front of her face.

“Ya alright there, Twi?” Applejack asked, putting her hoof back on the table. Her expression one of concern tinged with pain. “Ya kinda zoned out on me. Everythin' okay?”

“Oh, of course.” Twilight answered automatically before catching herself. “No, wait. I mean, of course not. You’re in love with Rainbow Dash-” Saying the words left a bad taste in her mouth. “-but she’s in love with Fluttershy. Did... did you tell Rainbow that you love her?” She asked tentatively.

“Yea.” Applejack sighed, picking up her hat from the table and clutching it to her chest. “She was mighty understandin’ ‘bout it, but...” She drifted into silence as tears glistened in her eyes. “She don’t feel the same. She’s got it bad fer ‘Shy, so Ah told her Ah’d stay outta their way.”

I’ve never seen Applejack this... vulnerable. Twilight felt an urge to to do something to comfort her friend. She needs me, but I don’t know what to do. A hug? A pat on the back?

Kiss her!

Her muscles tensed as the suggestion flew unbidden through her mind. What in the hay? Now is really not the time for that. She needs a friend, not some... rebound fling! Twilight dismissed the thought as quickly as it had arisen. She stood up and walked around to the other side of the table, sitting next to Applejack. “AJ, I... I’m sorry.” Really? That’s the best I can do? ‘I’m sorry?’ She reached out and laid a hoof on her friend’s back, only to have the farm pony turn and throw her forelegs around Twilight’s neck and bury her face in the unicorn’s shoulder.

Twilight sat dumbfounded for a moment before she belatedly brought her own forelegs up to return the embrace. She nearly jumped as she felt small blots of moisture soaking her coat on her shoulder. Wait, she’s... crying? She reached up and began stroking Applejack’s mane.

“It’s going to be okay, AJ.” Twilight whispered soothingly. “I’m here for you.” She leaned down and rested her head against Applejack’s neck, doing her best to ignore the unwanted fluttering of her heart.

The pair sat in silence for several minutes while Applejack sobbed quietly. As her tears stopped falling, she took several deep breaths to calm herself and pulled away from the embrace. “Ah’m sorry ya had to see that, Twi.” She wiped a hoof across each of her eyes to dry any residual moisture before clearing her throat. “Ahem. If’n we could keep this whole cryin’ business just between us, Ah’d be mighty grateful.” She stared off to the side, unable to bring herself to meet the other mare’s gaze.

“Of course, AJ.” Twilight flashed a reassuring smile. “It’s not a big deal, though. Everypony needs to blow off steam every now and then. That’s what friends are for. Talking, laughing, and even sometimes a shoulder to cry on... literally in this case.” She stifled a giggle at her comment.

“Ah know.” Applejack replied. Her expression was still worried, but her body language was markedly more relaxed. “It’s just... you know how proud we Apple family ponies are.” She sat up a little straighter. “It’d be mighty embarassin’ fer everypony to know Ah was over here mewlin’ like a foal just ‘cause Dash is in love with somepony else.” She let out a sigh and gazed out the window. Celestia’s sun had almost reached the horizon, casting long shadows across the streets of Ponyville and bathing the world in a fiery orange glow.

“It’s gettin’ pretty late. Ah should probably head on home.” She stood up and stretched out her hind legs to work out some stiffness from sitting so long.

Twilight felt a wave of sadness well up in her chest at the comment. She prepared for another round of self-criticism, but was interrupted by a loud growl from her stomach. “Ehehe... sorry about that.” She muttered sheepishly, a light red tinge flooding her cheeks.

“No no. Ah should be the one apologizin’.” Applejack picked up her hat from where it had fallen on the floor and placed it securely back on her head. “Ah didn’t mean to keep ya from dinner. Ah’ll get out from under yer hooves so you can get somethin’ to eat.” She picked up her tea cup and drained it in one swift motion. “Thank ya kindly fer the tea... and the shoulder.” She walked over to the door and pulled it open.

Twilight bit her lip, feeling a surging desire to ask Applejack to stay. “Wait!” She called, trotting over to stand next to her friend. “Um, have you had dinner yet?” She pawed at the floor, suddenly nervous. “We don’t really get to spend much time together, just the two of us. Would... would you like to get something to eat with me?”

Applejack opened her mouth to decline the offer, but was preempted by a growl from her own stomach. She cleared her throat and rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof. “That sounds down right appetizin’, Twi. Ah gotta confess, Ah’m not too familiar with the dinin’ spots in town. Anywhere you can recommend?”

Twilight felt a rush of giddiness. “Oh, I know just the place. There’s a food cart over by Town Hall that makes great oat burgers and has the best hay fries.” She trotted past her friend, pausing to grab a saddlebag and a sack of bits, and out the library door. A portion of her mind recalled a book she had read some time ago on romantic relationships.

“One of the most typical excursions for a romantically-involved couple, also known as a ‘date’, is to get a meal together, commonly dinner.”

She locked those thoughts away in the corner of her mind. That’s the last thing she needs right now. She needs a friend, not a date. If I can help her in some small way by being that friend, then that’s what I’ll do. She thought to herself as she and Applejack wandered down the road.


Fluttershy galloped into her cottage and slammed the door behind her. She swiped a hoof down, locking the door to prevent any intrusions. She stopped for a moment to catch her breath, which came in ragged pants that had nothing to do with the fact that she had run almost all the way back to her house. She trotted through the living room, weaving her way towards the stairs before a half-eaten carrot flew in front of her. She turned her head to see Angel Bunny tapping a foot with his arms crossed, his expression conveying his question clearly,“Where have you been?”

“Not now, Angel.” Fluttershy said breathlessly. “Momma needs some... alone time.” She turned and continued her trek towards the staircase, only to feel another partially-eaten carrot softly pelt the back of her head. She turned back to face the small rabbit slowly.

Angel stood his ground in front of his hutch, his displeasure clear on his face. His scowl was replaced by a grin of smug satisfaction as his caretaker adjusted her path to come and tend to his needs. A dreadfully familiar smell assaulted his senses as she approached. She had been smelling slightly of pheromones all season, but today the smell was exceptionally strong. She’s still in heat? He wrinkled up his nose, trying in vain to wave the stench away with a paw. Fluttershy reached down and picked him up, cradling him in her forelegs.

“I’m sorry, Angel.” She cooed, before unceremoniously dumping him out an open window and closing it. She knew she should be more concerned with what he wanted, especially with his antics from before she left for her spa date with Rarity. However, her mind was occupied with other thoughts, or rather one single, overriding thought. She trotted back across the living room and up the staircase to her bedroom. She closed the door behind her and moved over the window. Outside, the sun crawled inexorably toward the horizon, but a few hours of daylight still remained. She pulled the curtains closed before sitting on the edge of her bed.

Okay, I can do this. Fluttershy told herself. Everypony does it. There’s nothing to be scared or ashamed of. Regardless of her mental assurances, she still felt a wave of worry and guilt wash over her as she finally released control over her wings, allowing them to unfurl to their full extension. She laid down on the bed and took a deep, calming breath. A thought pulled at her mind, distracting her until she acknowledged it. Hmm... maybe a nice, warm bath would be better for... this. Less cleanup afterward.

Author's Note:

For those of you who have an interest in uncensored material, there is a NSFW chapter in the story It Takes Three to Tango that takes place between this chapter and the next one. In keeping with the current policies of the site I cannot link you directly, but I'm sure that won't stop you if you're interested. (Hint: Check the sidebar.)