• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 19,206 Views, 2,156 Comments

Unexpected Confessions - Dianwei32

Rarity and Rainbow Dash both confess their love for Fluttershy at the same time. Shenanigans ensue.

  • ...

Cheering Up

Unexpected Confessions

Chapter Ten

Cheering Up

Twilight and Applejack walked south along Ponyville’s main street toward Town Hall, the latter staring at the ground while the former tried to make small talk. “So you’ve never been to Dine n’ Dash’s food cart over in the food court?” Twilight asked.

“Me and the family don’t exactly eat out a lot.” Applejack kicked a loose rock in the road. “Ah been there a time or two, but Ah ain’t familiar with it.”

“There’s all kinds of food over on the edge of town.” Twilight tried to stay upbeat as the pair passed Town Hall. “There’s restaurants, snack bars, and of course Dine’s food cart. He makes the best hay fries in Ponyville. I don’t know what he does to them, but they’re addictive. Oh!” The unicorn perked up, tapping a hoof in the dirt as she walked. “Remind me to get an order of them to go for Spike. He would be so mad at me if I went to Dine’s cart and didn’t bring him any.”

“Uh huh.” Applejack mumbled, her gaze never leaving the dirt.

She’s really broken up about Rainbow Dash. Twilight bit her lip, casting about for another topic of conversation. A flash of pink passed through the edge of her vision. She looked over, searching for the source. The building across the street was a small Prench restaurant which had all its windows covered in curtains. After scanning the other side of the road for a moment, she gave up and went back to trying to cheer up her friend. “So, how’s Applebuck Season going this year?”

“Fine.” Applejack replied flatly as they approached the food cart.

“Hey there, Sparkle. How’s it goin’?” Dine n’ Dash called out. He was a gruff-looking earth pony stallion, a grease-covered apron hanging from his neck. His light grey mane stood out against a dark brown coat. “The usual?”

“Yes please, Dine.” Twilight chirped. She was such a regular at Dine n’ Dash’s food cart that she rarely had to place an order anymore. As soon as he saw her, the cook knew she wanted an oat burger with cheese and extra pickles with a side of hay fries, and a separate order of hay fries, extra crispy, to take home to Spike.

“Comin’ right up. What about you, miss?” He reached down and picked up a spatula in his mouth, flipping an oat burger onto the grill.

“Ah don’t know.” Applejack lifted her head, glancing at the menu plastered on the front of the cart. She cocked her head to the side as she reached the bottom of the menu. “What in the hay is this one? ‘The Ursa Major. Warning: Not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach.’” She arched an eyebrow after reading the description.

Dine dropped the spatula and smirked. “Oh, I don’t think you want that one, miss.” He shook his head. “I’ve been selling that burger for almost ten years now, and I’ve only ever seen three ponies finish it.”

“Is that a challenge?” Applejack bristled, a slight feeling of offense rising in her chest. “Just what exactly comes on this darn burger that makes it so special?”

“Well, it starts with a special blend of oats that comes all the way from Neighjing. They’re the spiciest oats known to ponykind. I use those oats to make a burger that’s a full pound, as opposed to the regular quarter pound.” He paused, his eyes flashing momentarily to Applejack’s cutie mark, a grin spreading across his face. “Then I take the patty and soak it for twenty four hours in the highest proof Apple family hard cider I can get my hooves on.”

“The One-Fifty-One?” Applejack supplied, a proud smile creasing her features.

“That’s the stuff.” Dine nodded. “After I cook it up, I top it with the typical stuff: lettuce, tomato, onions and pickles. Then comes the kicker. A special sauce from Stalliongrad, the hottest stuff in Equestria. If you can finish it in under forty five minutes, your order’s on the house. But like I said, I’ve sold it for almost ten years, and only three ponies have managed to finish it.”

“Really? Only three?” Twilight cocked her head to the side. “Who were they?”

“The first one was a big, red earth pony stallion.” Dine scratched his chin with a hoof. “Not much of a talker, that one.”

“Mac?” Applejack guessed, a smirk on her face. Of course her brother would be one of the ponies that finished it, what he lacked in conversational skills he more than made up for at the dinner table.

“Yeah, that’s the one.” Dine n’ Dash squinted for a moment before stomping a hoof. “That’s it! You’re Applejack, Mac’s sister. Sorry, I had a feeling I’d seen you around, but I couldn’t remember your name.” He paused to clear his throat. “Anyway, the next pony to finish it was Pinkie Pie.”

“Pinkie Pie?” Twilight asked skeptically. “I can’t believe... you know what? Scratch that, I can definitely believe Pinkie could finish it. Who was the last one?”

“That mail mare. The grey one with the crossed eyes.” Dine scratched the back of his neck with a hoof. “I still don’t know how she did it.”

“Derpy?” Twilight blinked in surprise. “The mail mare that’s always delivering the wrong mail to everypony?”

“That’s her, all right.” Dine shook his head. “Not only did she finish it, but she ordered another one to go.”

“Well, shoot. You best be ready to make that four. Ah certainly ain’t gonna let Mac beat me. Ah’ll take one.” Applejack shot back.

“Are you sure, AJ?” Twilight eyed the massive oat patty warily as Dine n’ Dash lowered it onto the grill. “It looks really... big.”

“Heck yea, Ah’m sure.” Applejack puffed out her chest. “Ah’ve only met two ponies who can eat more than me, and those are Pinkie and Rainb-” She stopped mid-word, her chest deflating slowly and her head falling back toward the ground.

Oops. Twilight bit her lip. I didn’t picture Rainbow as a big eater, but she probably does burn a lot of energy flying... She shook her head. Focus, Twilight. I need to fix this.

Dine n’ Dash looked back and forth between the suddenly dejected farm-pony and the worried unicorn. “Well, if you don’t think you can handle it...”

Applejack looked up, a competitive fire rekindled in her eyes. “Just cook the burger.” She walked off to sit down at a nearby table.

“Thanks for that.” Twilight whispered, trotting closer to the cart.

“Don’t mention it.” Dine glanced over to where Applejack was sitting, staring at her hooves. “What’s her problem, anyway?”

“Um...” Twilight shifted uncomfortably on her hooves, unsure of how to answer. “Love troubles.” She reached back and pulled the sack of bits out of her saddlebag. “I’m trying to cheer her up, but it’s been more difficult that I thought it would be. So, how much do I owe you?”

“Not yet, Sparkle.” The cook waved a hoof. “We’ve gotta see if Applejack can take down the Ursa Major. If she can, then it’s on the house. For now, you just try and make your friend feel better.”

“Really?” Twilight blinked in surprise. “Okay... thanks, Dine. You’re the best.” She put the sack of bits back in her bag and went to sit at the table, dropping her saddlebag next to her. The pair sat in silence, with Applejack staring at the dirt and Twilight trying to come up with a suitably mundane topic to talk about. After a while she gave up, opting instead for a direct approach. “Are you okay, Applejack?”

“Ah’m fine.” Applejack huffed, crossing her forelegs. “It’s not like the mare Ah love is probably cuddlin’ up with somepony else right now.” She slumped down and let out a sigh. “Sorry ‘bout that, Twi. Ah shouldn’t be burdenin’ ya with this. It’s not yer problem to deal with.”

“Oh, it’s okay. I don’t mind.” Twilight waved a hoof dismissively. A thought popped into he head. No. Whatever you do, don’t ask that. It will only make things worse. The silence billowed between them. Applejack looked down, studying her hooves under the table. Twilight cast about for some mundane topic of conversation, anything other than the thought that had planted itself in her mind. After half a minute of silence, she gave in. “Actually, I’ve been a little curious... why Rainbow Dash? Don’t take this the wrong way, but what do you... like about her?”

Applejack shook her head, moisture pooling in he eyes. “No. It’s fine, Twi. Ya don’t need to do this. Ah’ll be alright, Ah just need a little time.”

“Come on, AJ.” Twilight scooted closer around the table. “I told you, I’m here for you. Maybe talking about this will help. It has to be better than just holding it in and letting it fester.” Listen to yourself... At least she had the guts to come out and say it. She watched as Applejack wiped the half-formed tears from her eyes. Then again... she didn’t have to worry about making things worse.

“Well, if ya wanna talk about it that much, Ah will.” Applejack looked up, admiring the sunset. “It sounds mighty shallow, but the first thing Ah noticed ‘bout Rainbow was... well, her figure.” Her cheeks flushed a dark red. “The girl’s fit as a fiddle. You’d be hard pressed to find an ounce of fat on her.” She paused, clearing her throat. “Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty else Ah love ‘bout her, but she’s certainly easy on the eyes.”

“You look good, too.” Twilight replied without thinking. She glanced down at the table, frowning slightly.

“Thank ya kindly Twi. If’n Ah had a bit fer every time Ah heard that... well, Ah wouldn’t have enough to buy one of them burgers. Ah ain’t exactly got what ya would call a flatterin’ figure. Shoot, just look at mah legs.” She stood up and turned her back to Twilight, displaying her hind legs. “Ah got legs most stallions would envy.”

Whatever you do, don’t look. Twilight kept her gaze on the table. Do. Not. Look.

The farm pony glanced over her shoulder and noticed her friend staring at the table. “Ah’m bein’ serious, Twi. If’n ya only saw mah flank and legs, it’d be pretty easy to mistake me fer a stallion.”

Twilight looked up from the table slowly. Don’t stare at her rump. Don’t stare at her rump. For the love of Celestia, don’t stare at her rump. Her eyes drifted over the powerful legs in front of her, watching as the sinewy muscles bunched and flexed just under the skin as the farm pony displayed her heavily muscled legs. She chewed on her lower lip to keep herself from making several undignified noises. Her gaze darted upwards for a brief instant, passing over her friend’s toned flank before whipping back to study the table again.

“But Dash...” Applejack let out a whistle, turning back and taking her seat. “That girl’s built like some kinda jungle cat.” She looked over to Twilight and saw her slumped over the table. “Don’t take it the wrong way, Twi. You ain’t half-bad lookin’ yerself.” She gave an exaggerated wink. “Ah reckon you’ll make some stallion mighty happy one day.”

I don’t want to make ‘some stallion’ happy. I want to make you happy. Twilight fumed silently. Her eyes drifted down to her own body. Still, going to the gym every once in a while wouldn’t hurt. She cleared her throat. “Ahem. So... what else is there?”

“Well, Dash is a heck of an athlete, and Ah admire that ‘bout her.” Applejack gazed off into the distance. “You remember the Runnin’ of the Leaves a few years ago, when Rainbow and Ah raced? Ah figured Ah’d be able to just wear her out and wait ‘til she ran outta gas, but that girl’s got endurance that gave me a run fer mah bits.” She smiled as memories of the event played out in her mind. “Although, you did beat both Dash and me. Ah never woulda guessed that one. Yer whole plan of pacin’ yerself got ya fifth place, after all.”

“Oh, um, thank you.” Twilight felt warmth spread through her face and hoped it did not show through her coat. Quick, say something before she notices. “Hey, um, speaking of the Running of the Leaves...” Shoot, what about it? “I know it, uh, was a few weeks ago...” Duh! It happens every year, and we run it every year. Bingo! “But, um, I was hoping to do some... training for the next one. Do you think that, maybe, you could help me train?”

“Oh, uh, sure.” Applejack blinked for a moment. “Ah never really had ya pegged as a racer, but if ya did so well that one year without any trainin’, ya might be able to win the whole thing with a little work.” She paused, putting a hoof to her chin. “If yer free, we can get started tomorrow. We’re ahead of schedule in getting’ things ready for the summer harvest, so Ah can take an afternoon off.”

“Okay, I’ll swing by a little after lunch.” Twilight responded. Excellent. This way, I can spend some more time with her.

“Now, we can’t go forgettin’ ‘bout Dash’s loyalty.” Applejack continued. “No matter what happens, you can rest assured she won’t let ya down.” She shook her head, laughing at a memory. “Granted, it don’t mean she’ll always be there on time, but that girl would move heaven and earth to be there fer a friend.”

Twilight’s heart sank as she listened. I can’t beat Rainbow at loyalty. She’s the Element of it, after all.

“Here ya go.” Dine trotted over to the table, dropping their food on the table. He patted Applejack on the back. “Remember, you’ve got forty five minutes to finish this bad boy if ya want it on the house. Good luck, you’re gonna need it.”

Applejack stared at the mammoth monstrosity before her. The oat burger spilled over the edge of its bun, and an ominous red sauce dripped from it onto the table. She picked up a small dab of the sauce on her hoof and cautiously licked it off. Her eyes shot open and she immediately began coughing. “Sweet Celestia.” She wheezed. “That’s got a kick like a mule.” She picked up the burger with two hooves, taking as big of a bite as she could. She squeezed her eyes shut, taking several deep breaths through her nose before chewing.

“You okay there, AJ?” Twilight asked, already noticing a light sheen of sweat forming on her friend’s forehead. She floated a few hay fries up to her mouth, taking a quick bite as she watched the orange mare try to finish her first bite.

Applejack nodded and kept chewing. After several seconds, she swallowed. She opened her mouth and exhaled, as though expecting flames to pour out. “Sweet Celestia of Equestria.” She took off her hat and tried to fan her tongue. “Feels like Ah just ate a hot coal. Ah need somethin’ to drink.”

“Oh, I know just the thing.” Twilight lit up her horn and wove a quick teleportation spell. She scrunched up her face in concentration as her magic flared brighter. Come on... adjust the leylines... account for distortion, and... A blinding flash lit the air, leaving behind a glass of milk. She smiled as Applejack arched an eyebrow at her. “Hey, milk is much more efficient at counteracting the spiciness from capsaicin than water is. Go ahead, take a sip. If you still don’t think it’s better, I’ll get you a nice pint of Apple Family Hard Cider from Dine’s cart.”

Applejack rolled her eyes and picked up the glass, taking a small drink and visibly relaxing. “Fine, you win this round, Twi.” She put the milk down and picked up the burger again. “Now sit back and watch me work.”

The next half hour passed with Applejack trying to take down The Ursa Major and Twilight barely containing fits of giggles whenever her friend got an especially large bite of the spicy red sauce and turned as red as Big Macintosh before she could gulp down some more milk.. One snort of amusement forced its way out. Oh no. Twilight froze. I laughed at her. I hope I didn’t offend her, I wouldn’t want her to- She stopped as she saw Applejack smile through her coughing fit, an occasional short laugh mixed in her her wheezing coughs. Whew. The unicorn relaxed, tittering lightly. After swallowing the last bite, the orange mare fell over, laying in the dirt and clutching at her stomach.

“Well, I didn’t think ya had it in ya. Guess this one’s on me.” Dine strolled over to the table, a grin plastered on his face as Applejack rolled on the ground. He reached around and grabbed a bag from his back, dropping it on the table. “Here’s Spike’s hay fries. Tell the little guy I said ‘hi’.”

“Thanks, Dine. Will do.” Twilight smiled before turning back to her friend. “You okay down there, AJ?”

“Ah’ll be-” Applejack pressed a hoof against her mouth and hunched over. After a moment, she finally rolled over and stood up. “Ah’ll be fine. Ah just need a minute.” She pulled her hat off and fanned herself. “If’n you’ll excuse me, Ah need to visit the little fillies room.” She quickly trotted off in the direction of a nearby restroom.

Twilight sat at the table, trying in vain not to laugh. A moment later, her ear twitched as a shrill beeping sound drifted over to her. She turned to follow the direction of the sound, and saw mass of ponies stampeding out of the small Prench restaurant down the street. At the rear of the pack, a familiar-looking unicorn and pegasus exited the building, trotting off to the side to get away from the congregation of displaced diners.

Are those... Rarity and Fluttershy? She couldn’t be sure with the dresses they were wearing. Twilight decided to get a closer look, trotting across the street and angling around behind the pair. Why would they be at a fancy restaurant? She ducked into a nearby alley, peeking out over a barrel. Hmm... it’s definitely them. Fluttershy did mention that Rarity likes to go out after the spa sometimes. Wait a second... She squinted. Why are they wet? Right, fire alarm. She scanned the small crowd standing outside the restaurant, many of whom were wringing out their manes or clothes.

Across the road, Rarity leaned in and nuzzled the pink-maned pegasus, holding the contact a little too long to be purely platonic. Twilight jerked backward in surprise. Wait, what? She watched in confusion as Fluttershy hugged the unicorn with a wing, then reared up on her hind legs, narrowly avoiding falling over. Is Fluttershy drunk? Twilight rubbed a hoof across her eyes. When she looked back up, the pink-maned pegasus was inexplicably lying in the dirt, clumsily trying to get back up.

What’s going on here? Twilight ducked back into the alleyway, running through a mental checklist. Fancy dresses. Expensive restaurant. Alcoholic drinks. This has all of the hallmarks of a date, but Rainbow Dash said Fluttershy picked her. She stomped a hoof in the dirt. I need more data. She edged out of the narrow space, but did not find Rarity and Fluttershy where they had been. She scanned along the road quickly and spotted them heading away from her.

Shoot! She trotted out from the alley and after her friends, sticking to the shadows in case one of them looked back. Rarity walked behind Fluttershy, her eyes hypnotically following the other mare’s swaying flank as they swerved along the street. Twilight dove behind a flower bed as the cream-colored pegasus stopped in the road to say something. The lavender unicorn peeked around the edge of the flower box to see the pair staring up into the night sky. Ugh. I wish I could hear what they were saying... but if I get that close they could see me. She stood up and kept following the pair. They’re headed for Carousel Boutique. She ducked into an alleyway as they approached the shop.

Twilight leaned out from between the buildings, keeping to the shadows. She watched as the pair stopped in front of Rarity’s store. Fluttershy’s voice drifted over, but the words were indistinguishable. Gah! This would be so much easier if I could hear them! She almost smacked herself in the face when she remembered a simple spell that would amplify her hearing. She peeked out of the alleyway and quickly wove the spell together, completing it just in time to catch the end of Rarity’s response.

“-am glad that you enjoyed yourself.” Rarity pulled back from a nuzzle and leaned down to kiss the pink-maned pegasus on the cheek, but a yellow hoof pressed against her muzzle to bring their lips together, a flash of pink visible between their moving lips.

Twilight ducked back into the alley, her mind refusing to acknowledge what she had just seen. They k-kissed, and not just kissed but... kissed. Like, tongues and all. But, Rainbow told Applejack... Fluttershy wouldn’t do that, would she? She leaned forward and pressed her forehooves to her face, groaning as she futilely tried to figure out what she had just witnessed. Her ear twitched as more words floated over to her. The unicorn leaned out from her hiding place to watch.

“Fluttershy darling, you’re drunk.” Rarity shook her head, helping up from the ground.

“I’m not as think as you drunk I am.” Fluttershy replied, waving a hoof and pushing open the door to the Boutique. “Now, wee s-sshould-” The rest of the words were lost as the hearing spell ran out of power. Before Twilight could re-weave it, the pair entered the store and the door closed behind them.

Twilght stood up and walked absentmindedly back the direction she came, her mind trying to follow a thousand different thoughts at once. Okay, so Fluttershy was possibly on a date with Rarity, but they were both drunk, so I can’t be sure. If that’s the case, then logically Fluttershy lied to Rainbow Dash and Rarity. She kicked a rock in the street, sending it rolling down the road. What’s my responsibility in this? I can’t say anything without more information... but I shouldn’t butt into their personal lives. So, I can’t get more information, but if I don’t do anything then somepony could get hurt.

There ya are, Twi.” Applejack called, a slight edge to her voice. “Ah was startin’ to think ya walked out on me, too.”

“Huh?” Twilight looked up, pulled forcibly out of her thoughts. She chuckled nervously as she saw the farm-pony. “Ehehe. Of course not. I just saw... something interesting.” Should I tell her about Fluttershy and Rarity? She sat down and glanced across the street to the restaurant, but only a fraction of the crowd from before was still present.

“Ah guess it’s a darn shame Ah missed it.” Applejack shot back, the edge in her voice growing stronger.

“Look, I’m sorry, AJ.” Twilight fought to stay calm despite her friend’s tone. Okay, now is definitely not the time. “I didn’t mean to make you think I left without you. I thought I would be back before you got out of the restroom.”

Applejack looked ready to snap at her, but stopped herself. She took a deep breath before speaking. “No... Ah’m sorry. It wasn’t fair of me to get all upset. Ah know you’d never leave me out to dry.” She glanced up at the sky, where Luna’s moon and stars shone brightly, and then off in the direction of the farm. “Well, Ah really need to be gettin’ home now. Ah’m sure Granny Smith and Applebloom are worried ‘bout why Ah ain’t back yet.” She paused, a warm and genuine smile on her face. “Ya know, the rest of us sure are lucky to have as good a friend as you.” She trotted over to Twilight and sat down, draping a foreleg across the unicorn’s back and pulling her into a sideways hug. “Ah think we forget that most of the time.”

“Uh, well, thanks for that, AJ.” Twilight stared at the ground. What brought that on?

Applejack turned her friend’s shoulders and adjusted herself so that they were facing each other. “You were such a good friend when Ah really needed one today.” She smiled. “That really means a lot to me. Thank ya, Twi.” She pulled the unicorn into a tight hug, nuzzling her neck against the other mare’s.

Oh my goodness. Twilight froze. Okay, don’t panic. It’s just a friendly hug. She brought her forehooves up returned the embrace. Physical sensations overwhelmed her. Strong legs held her and pulled her close. She felt Applejack’s breath play across her coat as the farm-pony nuzzled against her neck. She almost jumped as she felt the other mare’s heart beating against her chest. She bit her tongue to keep from making any noise. Her friend’s words echoed in her head, sending another spike of guilt through her chest. She thinks I’m only comforting her as a friend. I have to tell her how I feel. This isn’t right.

No! A portion of her mind railed against the idea. She needs a friend, not half-desperate romantic advances.

I’m taking advantage of her! She thinks she’s with a friend, not somepony who’s head over hooves in love with her! It’s not fair to her. Heck, it’s not fair to me. Her train of thought was interrupted as Applejack let out a contented sigh. A shiver raced down Twilight’s spine as the breath swept across the back of her neck.

Applejack pulled away, her smile giving way to a worried look. “Actually, before Ah go, there’s one more thing Ah need to tell ya, Twi.”

“I’m all ears.” Twilight replied, trying desperately to slow her heart rate.

Applejack chewed her bottom lip nervously. “Ya see, when ‘Shy first came ‘round to tell me ‘bout her... little situation, Ah kinda let slip that there was somepony Ah had a crush on, but Ah couldn’t bring mahself to tell her the truth.” She drifted off into silence.

“Okay...” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “So I’m guessing you told her you liked somepony other than Rainbow Dash. Who was...” She stopped as the obvious answer presented itself. “Oh.”

“Yea...” Applejack scuffed a hoof in the dirt. “Ah kinda told ‘Shy Ah had a crush on, well, you.”

Twilight felt her heart skip a beat and a wave of giddiness wash over her. No. Don’t do this to yourself. You know she’s in love with Rainbow Dash. She fought to keep a straight face as the reminder brought her emotions crashing back down.

“Sorry ‘bout that.” Applejack looked up apologetically. “Don’t worry, it ain’t true or nothin’.”

The unicorn felt an icy stab of pain in her chest. “Well, that does explain Fluttershy’s visit the other day.” She replied mechanically, straining to keep her voice level as tears threatened to overtake her.

The farm-pony winced. “She came by already, huh?” Her eyes shot open as her mind replayed the evening, highlighting every action that could harbor romantic undertones. “She... she didn’t say nothin’, did she?”

“No.” Twilight shook her head. “She wanted to know if there was anypony I was interested in.”

“Whew...” Applejack relaxed. “Sorry ‘bout that... again. Ah just didn’t want ya thinkin’ anythin’ funny was goin’ on.” She smiled playfully. “So, is there anypony ya got yer eye on?”

Yes, you! Twilight dropped her gaze to her hooves and bit her lip. I can’t lie about this again. It’s one thing to lie to Fluttershy, but AJ... On the other hoof, I can’t tell her without making things horribly awkward.

Twilight looked up and forced a smile. “No. There’s nopony right now. Just me and my books.”

“Well, don’t worry none. Ah’m sure you’ll find yer special somepony eventually.” Applejack stood up and adjusted her hat. “Thanks again fer everythin’, Twi. Ah’ll see ya ‘round.”

Twilight stood up as well, and grabbed Spike’s order of fries with her magic, placing it in her saddlebag and placing the bag across her back. “Take care, AJ.” The pair parted ways and the unicorn headed back toward the library. Why couldn’t I just be honest with her? I’m taking advantage of her while trying to not take advantage of her. She let out a heavy sigh as she plodded down the road, tears pooling in her eyes. An image of Rarity and Fluttershy passed through her mind. I don’t even know where to start with that. I should talk to Fluttershy about it before jumping to conclusions... but I don’t want to stick my nose in other ponies’ business.

She arrived at the library and pulled the door open. The soft sound of snoring drifted down from the bedroom. Looks like Spike’s already asleep. She walked into the kitchen and placed the bag from Dine’s cart on the counter. She quietly tiphoofed up the staircase, trying to avoid making any noise. Twilight sneaked into her room, a smile spreading across her face at the sight of Spike laying in his basket. She made her way over to the baby dragon and leaned down.

“Goodnight, Spike.” She whispered, kissing Spike on his forehead as a single tear fell from her eyes and landed on his nose. She quickly wiped her eyes and climbed into her own bed before letting her feelings run their course. She cried softly as she went through the day, sniffling every time she was hit by another wave of guilt and shame.

“Oh, Applejack...”

Twilight froze, listening for a snore from the foot of the bed. After a few seconds of silence, she heard a single soft snore drift up. She let out the breath she had been holding and descended back into her tears. She tried to be even quieter, but couldn’t quite contain her sniffles. She pulled the blanket tighter around her, imagining the sheets were strong orange forelegs. Her breathing grew deep and even as exhaustion finally washed over her.

“Applejack...” Twilight half-whispered to the empty room, her eyes sliding closed. “I love you.” Moments after the words passed her lips, she drifted off into a fitful sleep.