• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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Time to Work Together

It was actually only an hour later that same night that Rainbow Dash, the rest of the resistance, and the rescued ponies were gathered in the largest part of the resistance’s underground base. Red Wing had some important things to explain and they had to move fast, they had no idea how the Inquisitors were moving up above or if they were already looking for where their enemies had gone. Rainbow looked around at the former prisoners and saw a lot of frightened faces and emaciated bodies. They hadn’t been treated well in the prison, that was for sure, and even being rescued didn’t completely fix their mental states.

“I’m glad to see all of you here now, but we aren’t exactly safe yet,” Red Wing said to everypony. “The second part of the plan was always to leave Gentle Creek as swiftly as possible after the prison break. We can’t stay here anymore. While the break was being planned, everything important was gathered for swift removal from our base here. There’s a secret tunnel that we’ve been building in here that goes underneath the river and all the way into the forest to the east. That’s our exit point.”

“Some of you may be wondering where we’re going now-” Brass Hoof cut in. “We’ll get to that as soon as we’re safely out of Gentle Creek. For now the Inquisitors are surely regrouping and getting ready to tear the city apart as they look for us. We have a lot of supplies to bring with us and everypony will need to play their part again.” Her eyes looked at the recent rescues. “As for you all, it’s your choice after leaving Gentle Creek whether to come with us or go elsewhere. Obviously returning to Gentle Creek will be out of the question for any of you, you have to at least come with us to the forest. But we won’t force you to do anything after that.”

Rainbow could see in the eyes of the former prisoners that there likely wasn’t a single one that would stay with the resistance. They were too scared, too scarred. They just wanted to be free and live in whatever quiet peace they could find now after being rescued. Brass Hoof and Red Wing likely realized that as well but were still giving them the opportunity to fight back.

“That’s all that needs to be said for the moment so let’s get out of here. The fight has only just begun,” Red Wing said, his sharp eyes narrowing.

Vox stood in front of the large hole in the converted courthouse a sopping mess. She had a blank expression on her face as water dripped from her mane and face onto the ground. While the local forces were busy looking for the ponies who had done this, she and the original Inquisitors she had brought with her from the capitol were staying here. That group was standing awkwardly behind her, unsure of what they were going to do.

“Um, Head Inquisitor?” Dotted Easel bravely ventured forth. “What are we doing?”

The ears on Vox’s head flicked up but she didn’t turn to face Dotted.

“You know Dotted, it’s a good thing I’ve always liked you,” Vox said. “Cause a lot of times I hear a voice in my head telling me to break that little stupid painter neck of yours. But then another voice tells me that would be a waste because you’re always such a great source of amusement for me. So shut up for a moment.”

She finally turned around, without one of her usual smiles on her face, and looked at the other Inquisitors. “We’re going back to the castle. We’ve been gone for too long and wasted too much of Dreamweaver’s time being out here pointlessly.”

Dotted Easel wisely didn’t comment on how this was a complete reversal of what Vox had been saying before.

“At least we finally know what happened with Red Wing and the forces loyal to him. But they’re irrelevant. Dreamweaver and I have never cared—from the beginning the castle is all that’s really mattered. Everything else is just extra,” Vox shrugged.

She looked up at the dark sky and a grin slowly tugged up her lips. “That Rainbow Dash though… she’s different. I’m not finished with her just yet.” She glanced down back at the Inquisitors. “That’s another reason we’re going back to the capitol. I need to tell Dreamweaver about a certain pegasus, and it’s clear by now that if we just wait back there that eventually she’ll come to us anyways. Let her do whatever she wants until then.” A sigh escaped her lips. “I just wish I had some ponies to occupy my time with on the trip back. Too bad all the prisoners got rescued.”

Vox laughed and walked past Dotted Easel, patting her on the back. “Well I’m sure I’ll find somepony to entertain me.”

Dotted shuddered.

A long and dark tunnel ran deep underground, going from the bottom of Gentle Creek to a forest in the east beyond the river. It was clearly a newly finished tunnel with a lot of it held up by nothing more than some wooden beams. Dirt fell from the ceiling and moisture dripped all around them. Likely it wasn’t actually that safe to travel through here but the resistance really had no other choice. Most of the ponies were carrying bags of food, boxes of other supplies, and she saw Brass Hoof and her group carefully transporting the remaining powder kegs.

The tunnel wasn’t very big either so they were all clumped together and had to take things slow. Naturally that was making Rainbow Dash hate every minute of it, even though she was up near the front with Red Wing.

“So how much further do we have to go?” She ended up asking him.

“We’re still under the river, it’ll be quite a bit longer,” he replied.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Alright, whatever then. I still need you to fill me in on everything you know? I’m pretty sure I proved myself.”

“You did,” a ghost of a smile appeared on his face again before it vanished. “I will tell you everything we know once we’re out of this tunnel.”

“Great,” Rainbow nodded.

The slow journey underground continued on for what felt like (and probably was) miles until the tunnel stopped being so wet and also started to tilt up. At a steady incline they finally reached a zig-zagging staircase built in a room at the end of the tunnel. Practically one by one the ponies all had to walk up it until they reached a trap door at the very top. The unicorn—Star Petal—used her magic to open it up and the resistance found themselves in the middle of a tightly packed grove of trees with a bunch of bushes and branches tossed all around. The outside of the door was covered in dirt, moss, leaves, and twigs to camouflage it. With the natural darkness of Hoofica and the remote location, it’s no wonder it was never found.

Rainbow Dash breathed a sigh of relief and stretched her wings as soon as she was up and out of the escape tunnel, she gave a short flight around the trees and looked around while the rest of the resistance made their way out. Once everypony was up and out of the tunnel she landed back on the ground next to Red Wing. The rescued ponies were staying in one group while the rest of the resistance were checking over their supplies and everything that had been brought with them.

Red Wing looked to Brass Hoof and nodded at the prisoners. “I want you to take care of them. See if any want to stick with us, and give the rest good directions to safer parts of Hoofica.”

“And you’ll be?” Brass Hoof asked, raising an eyebrow at Rainbow Dash.

“Yes. I’m going to fill in Rainbow Dash,” he said.

Brass Hoof sighed and nodded. “Alright then, I’ll meet back up with you later.”

She left and Red Wing gestured Rainbow Dash to follow him to where they could talk more one on one. “I’ll be honest with you from the start-” he said as they walked past some trees. “I can’t claim to know exactly everything that’s happened in Hoofica, or why, or some of the more minute details. I can only give you what I know as a direct witness to the events that took place in the castle in those early days, right before and right after the barrier went up.”

“That’s fine with me, it’s still going to be a lot more than what I know now,” Rainbow shrugged.

Red Wing came to a stop next to a large oak tree and stoically looked at Rainbow Dash. They were alone and a slight breeze blew overhead.

“So most importantly—while the Queen is involved in this she’s not really the one responsible,” Red Wing finally said.

“Right. That pony, Dreamweaver, is?” Rainbow asked.

Red Wing nodded. “That’s correct. I’m afraid I know far less about him than I should but truthfully all you need to know is what he’s done. This all started some time ago, when Hoofica Castle’s physician passed away. Dreamweaver arrived at the castle right around the same time and pledged his services to the Queen as a replacement. Although in truth he wasn’t the same kind of doctor, he’s a psychiatrist. Either way he ingratiated himself with the Queen and spent a good deal of time with her, earning her favor and trust… and more.” He grimaced. “At the same time he also sought to foster good relations with me and the rest of the Royal Guards, offering free psyche evaluations and counseling for any ponies that wanted it. At first things seemed normal.”

“But then the Queen started to reward Dreamweaver with things far above what his station would normally deserve. The highest tower of the castle was given to him to be his private quarters and laboratory—for what I never figured out—and she started spending an unseemly amount of time with him. While at the same time the King retreated into privacy more and more often. He ruled less, saw fewer ponies, and when actually out of the royal quarters he appeared vacant and didn’t respond to others. So because of this the Queen started directly governing in his stead. Which is not exactly the way things work around here.”

Red Wing frowned. “In a way… you could also say this started due to marriage problems.”

“Marriage problems? For real?” Rainbow blinked.

“It’s been no secret across Hoofica that the King and Queen did not have a happy marriage. They have been… unable to produce an heir. And the rumor has it that the fault lied on the King’s side. Even before that the Queen was already practically forced to marry him, it’s… it’s complicated,” he sighed and shook his head. “But either way the King has always done his best to rule well. When he stopped, the Queen unofficially gave Dreamweaver authority over everypony and everything in the castle. Just like that. Loyal Royal Guard I was though, I said nothing yet. Right up until I was told I was being removed as Captain of the Royal Guards and our forces were going to be reshuffled into something new.”

“I reacted… poorly to the notice. At the time I still didn’t know what was going on though. That said, things weren’t completely insane in the castle yet and I wasn’t thrown out or imprisoned just yet or anything. So I started going around and finding as many ponies still loyal to me and the King, asking what was going on, trying to figure this all out. Many private meetings were held. It was during one of these meetings that Star Petal—who has always been our top magical expert in the Royal Guards—mentioned that the King’s actions and appearance fit the symptoms of a pony under brainwashing spells. And the Queen and Dreamweaver are of course both unicorns.”

“So you think one of them was brainwashing the King? Just so they could take control easier or whatever?” Rainbow asked.

“Pretty much. Normally I would’ve acted immediately—but a lot of Royal Guards were still loyal to the Queen and might not have believed us. And there was a further problem. A new group that answered to one pony in particular had been formed, partially out of the guards and partially from other ponies.”

“The Inquisitors,” Rainbow’s eyes narrowed.

“With Head Inquisitor Vox leading them,” Red Wing’s face twisted in an angry grimace. “Vox… believe it or not, she used to be a Royal Guard.”

Rainbow’s eyebrows shot up. “I don’t believe it. Seriously?”

“She was always a problem child but I didn’t know how twisted she actually was. She kept it hidden while working under me.” He shook his head. “It’s irrelevant now. The Queen and Dreamweaver gave Vox and the Inquisitors the authority to do pretty much anything. We didn’t have the numbers to openly revolt. Instead I waited to see if there was anything I could do to help the King.”

“Unfortunately I was unable to act in time.”

“The barrier went up...” Rainbow frowned.

“And with that, everything changed completely. There was no more hiding it, Dreamweaver, the Queen, Vox, they had taken over Hoofica. While before that things still passed as almost normal in the castle and the kingdom, right after it became a nightmare of oppression. And the Inquisitors dealt with anypony who spoke or acted out in the slightest.”

“I’m surprised Vox didn’t just toss you into the dungeon or something.”

“I think she found greater amusement in letting me see the current state of things. That was her folly though. I noticed something in particular while in the castle. The Queen and Dreamweaver didn’t have the same black bands around their necks as every other pony did. Another secret meeting with Brass Hoof, Star Petal, and some of our other close allies, and we got to discussing the nature of the barrier. Star Petal assured us that nopony could possibly create such a huge barrier and make it last indefinitely, while also causing other phenomena such as the dark sky. There had to be something behind it, like a magical artifact that amplifies one’s power or some such. And that both the Queen and Dreamweaver had to be the ones who first activated it or used it or whatever, thus the lack of bands on their necks.”

“So we got to thinking… one of them had to have the artifact with them. I knew some of the Royal Guards who were still guarding the King and Queen and working in the royal chambers and one of them told me a very interesting little fact. Apparently not long before the barrier went up, Dreamweaver came to the Queen and gave her a “gift”. I think you can guess what that was.”

Rainbow nodded and snorted in annoyance. “The artifact keeping this barrier up.”

“It turns out it’s some sort of magical crystal. We don’t know where it is exactly though, the Queen could still be hiding it anywhere inside the royal chambers. And as you’d expect—their chambers are quite large.”

“A crystal, huh?” Rainbow Dash thought back to the Crystal Heart, but it had to all be a coincidence.

“Yes. When I learned that though I reacted too hastily. Instead of planning things out better… we stormed in and demanded the Queen to relinquish power, stop brainwashing the King, and destroy the crystal. I thought if we acted first and acted fast enough we could get control and destroy the crystal before anypony could stop us. Unfortunately not as many of the Royal Guards—my own former subordinates—sided with me as I’d hoped. Vox and the Inquisitors arrived shortly after, and we barely escaped the castle with our lives. Some of us got left behind even.”

He lifted a hoof up to his face and exhaled. “Who knows what’s happened to them in the castle’s dungeon...” Red Wing closed his eyes and took a moment to compose himself. “I have no idea what’s been going on in Hoofica Castle since we left. I only know that the Inquisitors have tightened their grip everywhere else as well. The entire kingdom has been stripped of hope and beaten down. The Queen doesn’t even care, she just wants to have fun and sate her selfish desires and make Dreamweaver happy. She became completely infatuated with him. And Dreamweaver himself… I have no idea why he’s done all this or what his end goal is. He’s an enigma. The only thing that matters though is that it was him who’s caused all this, he’s the one behind it all.”

“And that’s the full story to the best of my knowledge,” Red Wing finished up. “Now that you know all that, will you continue to work with us and help us? I—Hoofica—needs all the help it can get.”

Rainbow Dash just scoffed and tossed her mane back while grinning at him. “Dude, do you even need to ask?”

“I suppose not,” this time the smile actually stayed on Red Wing’s face.

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