• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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Mirror Image

The Trident and cutlass clanged off one another and both pony and griffon lowered their weapons for the moment. They stared at one another, not even keeping a defensive stance. Both were tired and feeling the pain from their wounds more clearly now that a lot of the adrenaline had worn off. It was a far cry from how they wanted this fight to be.

Godfrey took a deep breath. “I guess you still haven’t had enough?”

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at him. “Do you really need to ask?”

“Guess not.”

The two of them stood across from each other during the lull in the fight, taking the time to look around the grand chamber and see the damage they had done to it. The formerly glorious room, and especially the painted tile floor, had so many cracks and craters in it. Rainbow didn’t exactly feel bad about it considering who had made the place—but she was probably going to have to apologize to Senax.

“You’re sad, Rainbow Dash,” Godfrey suddenly said to her.

She looked up at him, frowning. “Excuse me?”

“Look at that thing you have,” he pointed at the Trident. “You’ve gotten the most powerful artifact to be found on the entire Grand Ocean. And the only thing you mentioned doing with it? Keeping it away from people like me. Think of the great things you could do with it. No… you probably can’t even picture that with the way you are. You can’t see yourself doing anything great, still too caught up with caring about others, worrying about them. Worrying about right and wrong.” He scoffed. “It’s tragic a pony like you—who could be so much more—is stuck like this. I get depressed looking at you. I wish you were more like me, but you really don’t have what it takes.”

Rainbow Dash caught her breath for a moment, thinking about his words before she replied. “Great, huh? I love doing great things. I love it when I’ve just gotten finished with something that’s so amazing everyone has to look at me in wonder and say how great I am. Like this trip I’m going on in the first place.” She chuckled and grinned as she looked him in the eye. “But you know what’s really great? You know what’s greater than anything in the whole world? Helping a friend.”

Godfrey rolled his eyes and shook his head. “That might be the most pathetic thing I’ve ever heard.”

“Yeah, I figured you’d say something like that,” Rainbow shrugged. “We’re alike in a lot of ways but that just makes the differences even more obvious to be honest.”

“True enough,” he held up his cutlass. “Want to hurry up and finish this then?”

“Probably should,” Rainbow nodded and lifted the Trident, holding it defensively across her body.

There wasn’t going to be as much of a fight as before by the look of things. They seemed like they’d be staying on the floor too instead of flying again. Both of them were on their last legs, even if neither would admit it to themselves or the other. But they still had more than enough energy and want to fight and finish things once and for all. A few pebbles fell from one of the cracks in the wall of the chamber, clattering to the floor. Behind them, a piece of the banister Godfrey had smashed through finally tumbled over as well and broke on the steps.

Godfrey stepped forward and slashed diagonally at Rainbow Dash’s face. Rainbow stepped away from it to the right and immediately again to the left as Godfrey brought the cutlass back to slash at her again. On the third slash she blocked it and the two held tight in that position.

It was a little slower than than the previous fighting.

That was the warm-up they needed.

Godfrey pulled back his cutlass slightly and then swung much harder than previously, intentionally hitting the Trident and knocking Rainbow Dash back several feet. She skidded to a stop and charged back at him, this time aiming the Trident at his body instead of using it as a shield. The first strike was diverted by his cutlass, and the next one, and the next one after that before he had to jump over a sweep at his legs. He sailed in the air over Rainbow Dash’s head and came down behind her, thrusting the cutlass at the back of her skull. She turned and blocked the thin edge of the blade with the Trident just in time and pushed him away.

“Still not good enough!” Godfrey grinned and began a faster assault on her, swinging his cutlass wildly and trying to cut her to ribbons.

Rainbow Dash held her ground as the blinding attack came at her, the cutlass so fast and sharp that it whistled through the air each time Godfrey brought it at her. She blocked or outright dodged the attacks even as the effort became more of a struggle for her. She was being pushed hard by him—it was a brutal fight now that had lost any semblance of finesse.

“I’ll decide that!” Rainbow Dash shouted at him and turned his cutlass away the next time he stabbed at her, swinging the pommel of the Trident around at his outstretched arm at the same time. It whacked him in the elbow but instead of Godfrey falling back or momentarily freezing from the pain he punched at her with his free talon. It caught her off guard and she found herself knocked back and almost to the ground by the stiff punch to her face.

She stopped from stumbling over in time and glared at him while holding up the Trident for defense. His arm where she had hit him was twitching—it definitely hurt him pretty bad but he had momentarily been able to ignore the pain to land a hit on her too.

Rainbow’s vision after the punch was slightly blurry, and no matter how she blinked it wasn’t getting better. There was a darkness creeping at the corners of her vision that she was doing her best to stave off.

“It’s going to be a real blast trying that Trident out for myself,” Godfrey said as he stalked closer to her. “I’m already picturing it—I’ll get a new ship even bigger than The Scourge too. It’ll be just like my old reign of terror on the ocean, but even better, and soon I’ll conquer it all.”

“Can’t knock you for dreaming big I guess. Just wish you could be a little more constructive with that energy,” Rainbow snorted.

“Meh,” Godfrey shrugged.

He leaned in and slashed at her, Rainbow Dash blocking the blade right at her neck. It sent tremors throughout her body and she was visibly struggling to hold it back. Godfrey pulled back and slashed at her other side, where she blocked it again. Sweat dripped from her brow and he was breathing heavier. But it was easy to see which one of them was in better condition, Rainbow Dash would have to do something soon or…

Another series of blinding cuts came at Rainbow Dash that she did her best to parry and dodge—the cutlass at most shaving away a few errant strings of hair from her mane. She edged backwards after one swing and then ran forward, stabbed the Trident into the floor, and used it to pole-vault herself at Godfrey. She was happy to see his eyebrows lift in surprise right before she kicked him in the face and sent him sprawling back to the ground.

As soon as she landed on her hooves she pulled the Trident free and went to attack him once more. She thrust the Trident at Godfrey’s body and intended to end this fight all at once.

It would’ve skewered his heart if he didn’t move or block it. Godfrey growled and brought up his cutlass, catching it between two of the Trident’s prongs and stopping it before it could reach his body.

“Nice one—but not enough!” Godfrey smirked and stood up, pushing away the Trident.

He brought his cutlass up and then swung down at Rainbow Dash with the full power of his body behind the attack. Rainbow Dash had to jump away, not confident that she could fully block an attack like that in her current condition, and watched as his cutlass obliterated the floor tile she had been standing on. He immediately swung it back up at her from the floor but Rainbow parried it with a swing of her own weapon. Bringing it around again he stepped in close and tried to cut through her face but Rainbow Dash held up the Trident and caught the blade on its shaft, between her blue hooves.

The two glared at each other, up close and personal.

“You really think you can beat me, Rainbow Dash? You think you can stop my dreams and ambition?” Godfrey yelled.

Rainbow Dash grunted as he pressed his cutlass further against her, the blade almost reaching her face. “As a matter of fact—yes! I’ve dealt with worse than you, Godfrey. And if it wasn’t me to stop you here and now, who else would?”

She managed to push him away for a brief second before he growled in rage and came at her once more. Rainbow didn’t just sit back defensively this time. Every slash and strike he made at her she met with one of her own. Metal crashed and screamed throughout the chamber as they both put all their strength into this latest trade, both of them sweating, somehow still standing after everything else they had been through.

Rainbow had her eyes narrowed, her face twisted in a snarl. Godfrey’s eyes were red with fury.

“HAAAAH!” They both shouted as their weapons clashed again.

The blade of Godfrey’s cutlass caught just below the neck of Rainbow’s Trident, right under the prongs and around the jewels. The two of them pressed against each other, shuffling in a circle as they tried to overpower the other. Fire burned through their veins. Their muscles raged as both of them put more power into their bodies than they ever had before.

Godfrey tilted his blade down and then just as suddenly swung up with all the strength he had in his body. He hit the underside of the prongs and launched the Trident out of Rainbow Dash’s grip, sending it shooting high into the air towards the ceiling while Rainbow stumbled back, minus her weapon.

The Trident continued shooting up like a rocket before it finally hit the glass dome and embedded itself deeply inside it—sending cracks spider-webbing throughout the entire dome.

Rainbow Dash stepped back, eyes wide, while Godfrey stood over her. He grinned victoriously and raised his sword high over his head, a deep chuckle coming from his throat as he got ready to end things.

“Goodbye, Rainbow Dash. It’s too bad you couldn’t be more like me.” The great pirate prepared to swing it down at her-

A droplet of water hit his wrist.

Godfrey blinked in confusion and looked at the drop of water now running down his arm. He and Rainbow Dash both looked up and saw the glass dome above them, full of cracks, starting to fall apart. Bits of glass were falling from it and more water was starting to leak through.

Seeing he was distracted, Rainbow Dash moved.

She jumped in at him and delivered a swift kick to his chest. Godfrey grunted and doubled over while Rainbow Dash back-flipped and kicked the bottom of his wrist, knocking the cutlass out of his talon and into the air. As it fell, Godfrey recovered and threw a punch at Rainbow that she ducked under while spinning around. When his cutlass passed right in front of her she opened her mouth and grasped the hilt between her teeth.

Rainbow wasn’t facing him. She was still in the middle of her spin. But she could hear another punch coming at the back of her unprotected head. Her legs spread slightly and she tilted her head down while turning, letting herself skid across the floor and just barely under his punch, before fully coming out of her full spin and stabbing the cutlass she held in her mouth towards him.


Their shadows connected on the floor. A small, quiet, gasp of shock came from Godfrey.

He looked down to see his own cutlass stabbing into his chest, held firm by Rainbow Dash. His beak was open in disbelief. The pirate blinked a few times as if it would change what he was seeing. At last the rage came once more to his face as he truly realized what had just happened and he lifted his talons to grab Rainbow Dash.

She twisted the sword and stabbed it deeper into his chest, another inch piercing his body.


Godfrey gasped again, all the strength leaving his body, the air leaving his lungs. Rainbow let go of the hilt and he stumbled back and fell to the floor, sitting on his haunches while his shaking talons tried to reach up to the blade. Whether he was going to try and remove it or hold it steady, neither of them knew.

“You know something, Godfrey?” Rainbow said to him, nothing more than a frown on her face. “You’re right. I’m not like you, I’m better. Have fun down here!”

She turned around and flew towards the stairs leading out of the grand convocation chamber right as the glass dome shattered entirely and thousands of tons of glass and water, and the Trident of Ponyseidon, came crashing down. Godfrey’s eyes widened as far as they could go and he held up his arms helplessly as it rushed towards him.


Rainbow Dash heard the impact and the tidal wave of water that was now surely coming down towards her as well—preparing to fill up the central dome and more. She didn’t look back.

“Bye, Godfrey.”

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