• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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Cloud Nap

Blue sky. Blue water. White clouds.

What more could a pegasus ask for?

The storm and thus the Stormlands had been left behind, though Rainbow could still see the massive swarm of dark clouds and bad weather if she actually looked behind her. Ahead was nothing but a nice, calm looking, ocean and a blue sky with a bright sun shining down on her. Since most of the day had been taken by flying through that storm though she was pretty sure the sun would be going down soon.

Once darkness came she was going to take a quick rest before waking up even earlier tomorrow morning to put the ocean fully behind her. She was estimating that only a bit over twelve hours from now and she’d be hitting the southern coast of the continent. Then maybe she could take another rest, just because it would mean so much to finally be back. If she found a small town or something to stop in—tell any locals about who she was and where she had been—that would be nice. Although if nothing had changed since the last time she had been in this part of the world she was pretty sure only Klugetown was ahead of her now. Ugh.

Well, that place definitely felt like it could be an exciting place to stop. Maybe she’d find something fun to do there, or another bad guy to stop. Seemed likely with what she new about the creatures that lived there.

Rainbow Dash grinned. The last leg of her journey was still looking fun.

She sped up and flew a little faster, now able to make better distance since she was no longer fighting the wind and rain of the storm. Every second of daylight was going to be used to its fullest. She wanted to hit the next part—the final part—of her trip quickly. Especially since by the time she woke up next morning, probably before even dawn, she’d be hungry and want something to eat. The sandwiches were only good enough to last about a day.

Rainbow glided high in the sky, sunlight reflecting off the water below. Shimmering. Seagulls flew both above and below her, and she bet if she went lower she’d spy all sorts of fish and other sea creatures in that clear blue water. A nice day. The first she had seen since before the Stormlands.

And honestly considering how much she hated the cold and snow she would say it’s been even longer since she had a truly nice day like this.

She flew on like that for over another hour while the sun above slowly crept along and down to the horizon. The color of the sky steadily changed from blue to a dusky orange and then got darker still. Even as evening approached she could still see a lot better than when she was back in the storm, the steady light still peeking over the horizon along with the stars and moon coming out made for a pretty sight. Rainbow Dash kept going on and on for a while still until it was actually nighttime. All the seagulls that had been flying with her were gone and there was no sound in the world except for the steady cool breeze of the wind. More and more stars came out and soon the moon was directly overheard. Shining down on her just like the sun had been not long ago.

At least Celestia and Luna were as on point as always.

A small yawn came to her, which was a bit of a surprise since she usually felt like she could go on for days without getting tired. Maybe because of how nice things were out now it had lulled her into a more tired, sleepy, mood.

But the yawn was perhaps a signal that maybe she should stop and make that bed of clouds already. She knew she had already made good progress over the ocean at this point. Tomorrow, barring any horrible disasters, and she’d hit the Stony Shore fairly early in the morning. Resting, getting a long and well-deserved night of sleep, and she’d be full of energy when she woke up—in a good enough mood to conquer the world and whatever it could throw at her.

So she flew up a little higher towards some of the low, but still very puffy, clouds that were nearest to her.

How many times in her life had she taken a nap on some clouds?

How many times had she made a little bed of clouds, or busted some up for the weather service? It was beyond second nature to her. She didn’t need to think, her body pretty much acted on its own as she pushed the fluffy bits of cloud together and made something that would be comfortable to sleep on.

A big circular bed of clouds soon formed—bigger than she needed but why not go big? It was a Rainbow Dash way of doing things.

She plopped down onto her back and looked up at the starry sky.

It wasn’t cold. Despite being night it wasn’t cold at all. Things were pretty mild in the sky above the ocean, proof she was far enough away from the south pole. Proof she was closer to the warm, sometimes scorchingly so, southern part of the Equestrian continent. It made things quite comfortable up here. It would make it easier for her to fall asleep when she finally got tired of looking at the stars and closed her eyes. That wasn’t just yet though, Rainbow Dash was enjoying the peace and quiet right now after so many previous nights were compounded by the steady sound of rain and wind.

The sky was so beautiful.

She’d never be caught saying that out loud where any of her friends could hear.

Rainbow Dash exhaled and then breathed in deeply, a smile stretching across her face. “I’ll be seeing you soon.”

Eventually she looked away from the stars and turned onto her stomach before curling up into her usual napping form. Exhaling through her nose once more she closed her eyes—her mind still going a mile a minute and thinking about any number of things, but knowing that she needed and deserved a bit of rest. Tomorrow was a big occasion.

Rainbow Dash was still smiling, still in a great mood. She knew her dreams would be full of the smiling faces of her friends.

With those pleasant thoughts she forced herself to calm down and slowly drifted off to sleep.

She was right about the dreams, but they also happened to be filled with her flying around and fighting monsters. The best kind of dream.

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