• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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The Explosion Mare

A powerful explosion tore apart the relative quiet of Two Hump Oasis. Ponies, camels, and all sorts of other creatures turned their heads to see a fireball erupting near the middle of the oasis and a great plume of smoke already rising to the sky. Many were confused and frightened over what had just happened. But many more knew exactly who was responsible. Quickly, most creatures started running away from the burning explosion, with only the most foolish staying to watch.

Rainbow Dash lied on the ground with her mouth wide open in shock and black soot covering her face. Wrapped around her midsection were the legs of Miss Valentine, who had only managed to pull her away at the very last millisecond. Around her, Coin Flip, Birdseed, and Daring Do were all picking themselves up and trying to figure out what had just happened.

In front of her, a smoking crater sat right where she had been standing, the sand still on fire with enough heat to make Rainbow sweat.

Cough! Valentine coughed and helped Rainbow Dash up. “W-We need to get out of here...”

“Who—what?” Rainbow Dash muttered, her ears still ringing from the force of the explosion.

Rainbow! We have to-”

“You’re still alive?” A voice came from past the smoking crater and shortly after the mare responsible for it stepped through it. Right through the heavy smoke, right over the burning flames as if they weren’t there. Her shadow appeared at first before she fully emerged, the tip of her horn crackling with barely contained energy. “I can’t have that. You have to die. I have to kill you.”

She tilted her horn down at Rainbow Dash but before another explosion could erupt, Miss Valentine flung a hoofful of sand at her face. The mare couldn’t close her eyes in time to avoid all of it getting in them and she began trying to rub her eyes to clear them. Her horn sparked and she shot off a random explosion right in front of her for safety that blew sand everywhere but otherwise didn’t hurt anyone. Valentine took the moment to grab Rainbow by the hoof and lead the two of them away.

“Everyone, come with me!” Valentine yelled while everyone gathered their wits.

It was the only rallying cry they needed. The other three soon joined up with the running Rainbow Dash and Miss Valentine and they quickly hid behind a small, nearby, building.

“Who the hay was that?!” Birdseed yelled.

“Be quiet!” Daring Do shushed him.

“Her name is Supernova,” Valentine answered as they all caught their breath. “She’s a mercenary, she kills for money.” She raised a scarlet eyebrow at Rainbow Dash. “You must have made someone very mad for them to send her after you.”

Rainbow Dash—finally back to her senses—cleaned off her face. “But I haven’t done anything! Nobody in this desert even knows who I am!”

Valentine shrugged. “Someone still wants you dead.”

A sudden explosion blew apart a building just a few feet away from them, sending debris all over.

Coin Flip gulped. “Umm...”

“She doesn’t seem to care about collateral damage either...” Daring Do said.

“Then I can’t just stay here!” Rainbow said and flew up. “I’m taking her out before she can blow up a building that actually has someone inside!”

“Rainbow, don’t!” Valentine tried to stop her but to no avail.

Rainbow Dash flew up over the roof of the building and looked down to find Supernova. The yellow unicorn was standing in an open area, her horn still sparking and crackling with ready to use magic. Once she saw her target pop up into sight, her eyes narrowed and the magic around her horn grew more intense. Rainbow Dash was undaunted. If this mare was after her, and she didn’t care who got in the way, then Rainbow Dash had to stop her. With a powerful flap of her wings she flew directly at the unicorn.

Supernova unleashed her magic the second Rainbow Dash did so, and now that Rainbow Dash was focused and alert, she saw the sparking flames that signaled a new explosion was an instant from erupting right in her face. So as fast as she could she darted to the right, trying to avoid the explosion, confident that she was fast enough to dodge and wind her way through anything this mare could throw at her. The blast came just a split second later, a huge fireball erupting in midair.

It was more powerful and faster than Rainbow Dash had anticipated. Heat and pressure washed over her and the shockwave from the blast sent her careening out of control to the sand below. Rainbow Dash tried to right herself in time but still ended up crashing into the sand.

“Ugh!” She spat some sand out and sat up… just in time to see Supernova powering up her horn and getting ready to blow her to smithereens. Rainbow’s eyes went wide-

A throwing knife came whizzing through the air to Supernova’s right, going right for her head. The unicorn turned her horn and fired a smaller explosion at the knife, completely blowing it up before it reached her.

From the direction the knife was thrown, Miss Valentine stood, staring down Supernova through her sunglasses.

“The Red Hornet?” Supernova raised an eyebrow. “Why are you with this pony?”

“I’d rather ask you why you’re trying to kill her,” Miss Valentine asked back.

“Yeah!” Rainbow said as she stood up fully. “Who the hay asked you to kill me? I don’t even know anyone in this desert!”

Supernova’s pupils shrank down to pinpricks and she stared at Rainbow Dash. There wasn’t any anger there. It was an expression of total fear and abject terror. “I-It doesn’t concern you! Just die! You just have to die!”

Her horn sparked and Rainbow Dash flew to the side right as a column of explosions erupted right where she had just been standing. For dozens of feet behind her the sand was torn apart by fiery explosions and it only ended when the column impacted a building and completely blew it to pieces as well.

“Seriously?!” Rainbow Dash grit her teeth as she flew from the blasts and zigzagged through the air to try and keep Supernova from getting a lock on her. Fireballs kept erupting everywhere around her, knocking her around and leaving her surrounded by smoke. The fires hardly perished either after the explosion finished—the air continued to burn and smoke for some time after.

At the same time, another throwing knife came right for Supernova’s head. She saw it coming though and hopped out of its way, turning her sparking horn towards the scarlet pony that had thrown it.

“Bad idea...” Valentine winced.

Before Supernova could fire a spell though, a different pegasus smacked into her from behind and tackled her to the ground. Daring Do landed atop the mare and raised a hoof to try and knock her out with a solid punch—but she soon found herself encased in an aura of yellow magic and thrown directly at Valentine. The two mares smacked into each other as Supernova got out and blasted another explosion at them. Right before it erupted, a green barrier of magic went up to shield them.

The hastily made shield was blown up completely by Supernova’s magical explosion but it dampened the blast enough where the ponies behind it were only thrown away and not blown apart.

Birdseed grabbed Valentine while Coin Flip picked up Daring Do and the four stood together behind the smoke, getting a brief reprieve.

“Not getting paid if you die...” Coin Flip grumbled.

“But fighting that mare is still a terrible idea,” Birdseed said.

Valentine glanced up at the sky. “Tell that to Rainbow Dash.”

The others looked up to see their rainbow pegasus friend recklessly flying right at Supernova once again. Supernova saw her coming and unleashed a crackling explosion at her target—putting extra power into it this time. Rainbow Dash was more aware of how her powers worked now and she managed to dodge better, flying to the left well before the explosion actually erupted, but she still hadn’t taken into account that her opponent could change what she was doing too. The massive fireball erupted in the air right behind Rainbow Dash, flames licked at her tail and wings as the force of the blast rattled her brain and sent her colliding into a tent, collapsing the whole thing on top of her.

“Hah!” Supernova grinned and got ready to blow away the tent and Rainbow Dash together.

Right as she was about to fire off her spell, a rope lassoed her tail and yanked her backwards, making her accidentally fire her spell into the air. Looking back she saw Daring Do holding onto the end of the rope and Coin Flip standing by her. From her sides came Birdseed and Miss Valentine, all of them attacking her together so she couldn’t just focus on one at a time. An explosion sent at one of them would give the others enough time to attack.

Of course, Supernova didn’t have to play by their rules.

Her horn sparked as she tilted it down and an explosion erupted on the ground right in front of her. Birdseed and Miss Valentine were completely blown away while Daring Do fell backwards thanks to the rope snapping. A smoking crater was left where Supernova had been standing but as Valentine picked herself up she knew that the mercenary mare was hardly finished. In fact she probably hadn’t hurt herself at all.

Valentine grit her teeth and yelled. “Everyone! Forget this! We have to grab Rainbow Dash and get away from her somehow!”

“Easier said than done!” Birdseed coughed as he walked around the other side of the crater.

“That’s right,” Supernova said as she stepped out of the smoke. Her coat was a little black in spots but otherwise she seemed considerably resistant to her own magic. Her bloodshot eyes flickered to Valentine. “Red Hornet. You can die first.”

An extremely violent series of sparks and crackling magic flared up on Supernova’s horn as she pointed it at Valentine.

“Well this could’ve gone better...” Valentine muttered.

Right as Supernova was going to unleash it, a green sphere of magic appeared around her horn. The crackling magic erupted in the sphere—breaking it easily—and accidentally shot out in every direction. Explosions tore apart the sand and buildings all around them, including another one right in Supernova’s face. Gashes of fire burned in Two Hump Oasis and practically everything nearby had either been leveled or was burning down.

Valentine looked over at Coin Flip and saw the pot-bellied stallion sweating after performing that feat of magic. It still gave them a better opportunity than they would probably ever get. A lot more smoking craters now covered the area they were in and the smoke was starting to get thick on the ground, it would be tougher for Supernova to find them if they could just get away from her for a moment.

“Come on!” Valentine yelled and waved the others over as she ran towards the tent Rainbow Dash had crashed into.

The other three ran after her, Supernova still not emerging from the inferno yet.

“I don’t know if Rainbow Dash is okay,” Daring Do said as she hustled alongside Valentine.

“Whether she is or isn’t doesn’t change anything, we’ve gotta get out of here,” Valentine said.

“We could just ditch her. That exploding psycho only wants her after all,” Birdseed suggested.

“No!” Both other mares snapped at him immediately.

Valentine growled. “Look, we grab her, make our way through Two Hump Oasis as stealthily as possible, and get onto a sand ship and get out of here.”

“If any have stayed around after all these explosions started,” Birdseed rolled his eyes.

“Believe me, it’s not the first time something like this has happened here,” Valentine said. “We’ll be able to get a ship.”

“Even if she’s chasing us and blowing stuff up along the way?” Coin Flip asked.

Valentine bit her lip. “Maybe.”

The four of them reached the tent Rainbow Dash had crashed into and found the pegasus throwing a bunch of debris off herself and shaking her head. Her eyes were spinning around and she didn’t look like she was entirely ready to start flying again.

“Rainbow Dash, are you alright?!” Daring Do asked.

“I am… not upside-down,” Rainbow blinked and stood up, clumsily stumbling to the side a couple of times before steadying herself. “I’m going to say that’s all I need right now.”

Daring Do sighed in relief. “Come on, we need to go before-”

A gigantic explosion came from behind them, followed by another, and another as Supernova blasted everything in the sand around her into nothingness. Huge balls of fire and columns of smoke rose into the sky while burning sand and debris from buildings rained everywhere. Supernova’s prior apathy towards collateral damage paled in comparison to what she was doing now.

“She’s going to blow up the entire oasis like this,” Birdseed said.

Rainbow bit her lip and glared past all the smoke and craters to where the unseen Supernova was. “We’re not leaving. Not before stopping her.”

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