• Published 24th May 2022
  • 2,186 Views, 588 Comments

Unicorn Attack! - milesprower06

Hitch Trailblazer comes out of the Maretime Bay PD to do his afternoon rounds with his deputy only to find the populace in a panic. Quickly finding the source of the hysteria, it's time to put Canterlogic's defenses to good use...

  • ...

Secret's Out

By the time Sunny and her friends had returned to Izzy's cottage with both crystals, they had managed to wrap up singing praises about Pipp's miraculous performance on Alphabittle's dancing game and coming away with the victory.

"Too bad we didn't get that on livestream, eh sis?" Zipp said, nudging her sibling as they entered back into the unicorn's tree house.

"It definitely proves one thing; Zephyr Heights has an absolutely criminal shortage of dancing games," Pipp replied.

Sunny removed her saddlebags as she sat down and leaned against the wall next to one of Izzy's painted wooden end tables. She reached into the left bag and pulled out both crystals, setting them down on the wood surface separately as the others gathered around.

"So do we just... Put them together?" Izzy asked.

Sunny took a deep breath, then reached a hoof up to gently slide the unicorn crystal down into the 'wings' of the pegasus crystal. They fit perfectly like two puzzle pieces.

But absolutely nothing happened after that.

"Is something supposed to happen?" Pipp asked.

"Yeah, my horn doesn't feel any more magical," Izzy added, gently poking at her horn. Even Zipp unbuckled the decorative saddle that Izzy had made to conceal her wings, letting it drop to the floor before giving her wings a few test flaps, finding herself just as grounded as before.

"Well, I think that means that Hitch's theory is probably the best one to go off of," Sunny said, trying her best to hide the disappointment in her voice.

"What theory?" Zipp asked.

"While you were up in the castle, we were down in that station, discussing what these crystals could possibly do. That broken center window? The one that we climbed out of to get out of Zephyr Heights? That could have depicted an Earth Pony crystal, if there is one."

"Well, I spent quite a bit down in that station. I've never found any traces of that window, or what may have been on it, but... It makes sense," Zipp said, fluttering her wings again. "Three pony kinds, three windows, three crystals. Unity."

"But, where do we even start to look for it?" Pipp asked.

Sunny was about to answer when she saw the wide-eyed expression on Hitch's face as he looked back at her. He slowly raised a hoof, and pointed to the window behind her. Sunny turned to look, and shot up to her hooves with a short scream, as she was startled by Alphabittle who was now peering into the interior of Izzy's cottage, and had an all-too-clear look at Zipp's exposed wings.

"I had a pretty good feeling something was up," his muffled accusation came through the window, before he trotted to the left over to the front door. It opened long before Izzy could get there to lock it, and he barged in.

"Izzy Moonbow, what have you done? I told you it was a bad idea to leave Bridlewood, and now you've brought... Pegasi into the forest!" Alphabittle said, pointing at Zipp and Pipp, before looking over at Sunny and Hitch. "I've never seen these two around before, so I'm guessing they must be earth ponies!"

"Yes, we are," Hitch said, him and Sunny stepping up to stand defensively between Izzy and the intruding, towering unicorn, with the two pegasi siblings quickly following suit.

But with or without the four-pony barricade, Izzy was undeterred.

"Alphabittle, do these earth ponies smell? No. You're close enough to realize that yourself. And these pegasus sisters? They haven't taken an ounce of sparkle, either. And I can see sparkle, Alphabittle. Sunny's is lavender, Hitch's is silver, Zipp's is a really cool glow-y hot pink, and Pipp's is aquamarine! I left because I wanted to see Maretime Bay. Did it go exactly how I thought it would? No. Not by a long shot. But I got what I went there to get. I got my first friend, and that quickly turned into three more friends."

The lilac unicorn took a breath.

"Alphabittle, everything we know about the other tribes is wrong."

"Then what do you want with my crystal?" Alphabittle asked, only slightly softened by Izzy's speech.

Sunny took a step forward.

"We know that nopony has magic. The pegasi can't fly, and unicorns can't use their horns," Sunny told him.

"Um, I still say I could have chiseled down that tree," Izzy interjected.

"My point is, nopony knows what happened to Equestria's magic. We're trying to figure out how to bring it back."

Sunny stepped over to the table where the crystals rested, and picked them up, coming back over to the hulking unicorn stallion.

"See? See how perfectly they go together? The crystals are meant to be united. Just like the tribes are. It was something my dad believed in, and it's something I believe in; and it's a belief that has brought me four amazing friends from across Equestria in just a matter of days."

The stallion looked down at the crystals the earth mare held, and saw that she was correct; the crystal that was part of his collection barely an hour ago was perfectly nestled into the two sides of the crystal that she had put up as collateral for the dancing challenge.

"How about it, Alphabittle?" Izzy asked. "Couldn't you just imagine a Bridlewood without jinxies? A Bridlewood full of magic?"

Alphabittle looked across at Izzy's companions standing between him and her, then back to Sunny.

"You really think you're not wasting your time? That combining some crystals together is going to bring back magic for everypony?" He asked her, looking her in the eyes.

"I think we're ready to try," Sunny replied, matching his leer, even more confidently as she had at the bar.

"Then I sincerely hope you find the answer. Because if you don't, please be courteous, mind the warning signs, and keep out."

With that, Alphabittle turned on his hooves, and left through the open front door before kicking it shut, heading back deeper into the forest.

Sunny let out an exasperated sigh.

"We say we're trying to bring magic back, and that's still how he treats us," she mused, turning back to her friends, going back to the table to return the crystals to her saddlebags.

"Sunny, I think a lot of ponies are going to be stuck in their ways until we prove otherwise; until we prove ourselves right," Hitch offered. "So what's the next step? You said if there was an earth pony crystal, that your dad would have known something about it?"

Sunny took another breath as she closed the flap on her saddlebags, then turned back to her friends, who were all looking to her.

"I've spent months and months going through all the research my dad has stacked up over the years, and there are still stacks more. But yeah, I think you're right; if there's any mention of an earth pony crystal, it'd be somewhere there. So that's where we'll go next. Back to Maretime Bay."

"You don't think we'll cause another game of hide and seek, do you?" Izzy asked.

"Eh, I think the lighthouse is far enough outside of town that we can probably slip in unnoticed," Hitch offered.

"Then it's settled," Zipp said confidently. "To Maretime Bay."

Author's Note: