• Published 24th May 2022
  • 2,196 Views, 592 Comments

Unicorn Attack! - milesprower06

Hitch Trailblazer comes out of the Maretime Bay PD to do his afternoon rounds with his deputy only to find the populace in a panic. Quickly finding the source of the hysteria, it's time to put Canterlogic's defenses to good use...

  • ...

Heart of the Matter, Part I

Phyllis carefully gave the china display cabinet under her front windows a final wipe with her dusting cloth, then tossed it into the bucket next to her with the rest of the cleaning supplies. She glanced through the gap of the barely closed curtains, seeing a couple pegasi and a unicorn trot down the street with an earth pony.

With a heavy sigh, she left the bucket of cleaning supplies where it sat on the carpet, and went over to her recliner, sinking into it, glancing over at the clock, wondering if she should get lunch started soon. Perhaps put on some music too; the silence in here could get maddening at times.

The former CanterLogic CEO was about to go to the kitchen to see what groceries she had left before the sheriff's next delivery when there was a knock at the door. She was immediately intrigued, she was fairly certain that Hitch had informed the town that there were to be no visitors to her house. Getting up from the recliner, she crossed the living room into the small foyer, and opened the door, and her eyes widened upon coming face to face with her son.

"S-Sugarcube... Hi," Phyllis greeted.

Sprout gave his mother a soft smile.

"I thought you might like some hay and swiss dips for lunch," the red stallion offered, holding up a large paper bag.

The smell was quite inviting.

"But of course, come on in, hun," Phyllis replied, stepping aside and letting the deputy step inside as she tried to internally figure out what he was doing here, after so adamantly dismissing her more than a week ago. She followed him into the kitchen, where he set the bag down on the table, reached into it, and produced two wrapped hay and swiss cheese sub sandwiches, along with two cups of steaming hot dark broth for dipping. For her part, she went and poured two glasses of iced sweet tea, bringing them to the table.

"Well," Phyllis began as she took a seat at the dining table across from Sprout. "No sense in beating around the bush, I'm rather surprised that you're here, after... After, well, you know."

"Yeah, I know," Sprout said, sliding one of the sandwiches and dip cups over to her. "This is my first day back on duty. For the last two weeks, the absolute worst part of my recovery was how mind-numbingly lonely it got while everyone else went about their day. So this morning I realized that keeping you in here with absolutely no visitation probably isn't the best way to encourage rehabilitation."

Phyllis smiled at her son as he took his first bite of lunch.

"You're right about that... The loneliness. I've deep-cleaned this place more than ever before just to keep myself occupied," she commented.

"I was about to say, this place is spotless. I'm not gonna have to wonder where things are in my room, am I?" Sprout asked.

"No, I haven't touched anything in there, sugarcube," his mom replied.

With that, she dipped the sandwich into the hot broth, and took her first bite. It was divine, and easily the best thing she had eaten in days.

"Absolutely delicious, sweetheart. Thank you," Phyllis began. Sprout gave her a smile behind his full mouth. "So, how is everything out there with unicorns and pegasi everywhere?"

"Well, not the smoothest of sailing, but we're managing as best we can. We're trying to find somepony to have formal flying lessons for the pegasi, because Zephyr Heights has been overwhelmed with flight injuries, and we don't want that to happen here. Other than that, not too many complaints, well, except for Posey, of course, and Hitch told me he'd deal with that before we went on lunch break."

"So Hitch knows you're here?"

"Yeah. Not really looking to do anything behind his back on my first day back on the job," Sprout told her.

"Oh, I wasn't insinuating that, I'm just glad that you wanted to come see me, and that he let you come see me," she replied.

"Yeah, well, I gave him my reasons, and he agreed," Sprout replied.

After her next bite, Phyllis took a deep breath before looking at her son again.

"I'm sorry, Sprout. I really am. I know that's probably not worth much right now, but I still had to say it," she told him.

He swallowed his current bite, and paused before taking another.

"I had a feeling you would be, but it's nice to hear you say it, mom. Things are a bit unexpected right now, but it's also exciting. Take this for example..."

Sprout dug into his saddlebags and came out with a small hoofheld device, and set it on the table.

"This is a smartphone. The pegasi make them in Zephyr heights. It's a mobile phone, but also so much more... It's a camera, a list of contacts, apps that can show you the weather, increase your productivity. One of the most popular things to do is livestream," Sprout explained.


"Yeah, it's like broadcasting footage from the phone's camera instantaneously. It's tricky to really explain clearly, but Sunny has decided to turn CanterLogic into a public access studio for Maretime Bay, because boy is livestreaming taking off. Oh, um, did you know that? They signed the building over to her," Sprout asked.

"Yes, I caught wind of that. It's my own fault, and I have to take responsibility for it. I know she'll turn it into something amazing. I probably won't recognize the place when I get out of here," Phyllis commented. "Or any of Maretime Bay..."

Sprout took a swallow of sweet tea.

"Well, I don't want to comment about something like that when I have little to no authority on it. I'm not going to go and give you false hope over possibilities of sentence commutation or anything like that. All I'll say is this; if you promise to give this reunification, this new Maretime Bay, a real, honest shot, then I promise to keep coming over for visits. Deal?" Sprout asked, popping the last bit of sandwich that he had left into his mouth.

Phyllis smiled warmly at him.

"Deal, sugarcube."

Author's Note: