• Published 24th May 2022
  • 2,187 Views, 588 Comments

Unicorn Attack! - milesprower06

Hitch Trailblazer comes out of the Maretime Bay PD to do his afternoon rounds with his deputy only to find the populace in a panic. Quickly finding the source of the hysteria, it's time to put Canterlogic's defenses to good use...

  • ...


The moment Sunny caught her breath, she aggressively wiggled out of her sleeping bag, got to her hooves, yanked the front zipper of the tent flap up, and nearly tackled Hitch in annoyance.

"Tip-hoofing up to a tent in the middle of the night? Are you kidding me?!" Sunny asked incredulously as Hitch stumbled back to avoid falling into the dirt.

"Well, excuse me for wanting to make sure it was actually you!" Hitch shot back.

Sunny rolled her eyes as Hitch turned to pick up his lantern, and Izzy's head popped out of the tent flaps.

"Good evening, sheriff. Late evening at that," the unicorn greeted, stepping out of the tent after Sunny.

"So just what are you doing out here?" Sunny asked as her annoyance with the late night interruption began to wane.

"I figured I'd tag along, make sure nothing happens to you," the stallion explained.

Sunny stared in surprise.

"Seriously? Leaving town wasn't enough for you?" Sunny asked.

"Come on, you're my friend, Sunny," Hitch replied.

"Yeah, 'the last real friend I've got in that town,'" Sunny shot back, mocking what Hitch had told her moments before Izzy came into town. "So you think Maretime Bay is not going to need their sheriff with how panicked and paranoid Canterlogic has made the populace?"

"Don't worry, I left Sprout in charge until I get back," Hitch told her, and only once the words left his mouth did he realize how ridiculous that sounded.

"You just used 'don't worry' and 'Sprout' in the same sentence. Are you hearing yourself right now?" the earth mare asked.

"Oh come on, Sunny. Three is better than two for traveling!" Izzy offered.

Sunny went over it in her head, and didn't want to disappoint her new friend, or her old one.

"On one condition. Anything and everything we do is a group decision. Your jurisdiction ended at Maretime Bay's city limits. Are we clear?" Sunny asked him.

"Clear." Hitch replied immediately.

"Alright, in that case, I'll help get your tent set up so we can all get back to bed."

"Sunny, I was in the Colt Scouts."

"And I was in the Filly Scouts, and got the tent badge. Sooner you're set up, the sooner we're all back in bed. We've got an early start tomorrow."

"Alright, you win, let me get it unpacked."

Sprout was up dark and early the next morning, showered and ready for work even before his mom was up. With his mane freshly slicked back, he stepped out into the early morning, and made his way to the precinct, before there was barely a soul on the downtown streets, save for some of the businesses that were some of the first to open.

'Alright, Sprout. Keep everypony calm, maintain the peace, be a pillar of strength. Think you can do that?' Hitch had told him last night.

He was rather surprised that Hitch was going to go after Sunny now that she and the trouble she routinely caused was out of Maretime Bay, but he certainly wasn't going to let this opportunity pass up. He'd prove to Hitch that he could be depended on for the very rare times he left town for a day or so, usually to accompany a Colt Scouts camping trip. Right now, he was hoping that the town would remain calm thanks to what Hitch had told them yesterday, that the unicorn was being escorted out of town and told to not come back. Other than that, he figured it was going to be patrolling and checking for litter. 'Calm and clean', was the approach he was going to take.

By the time he was settled in the precinct, he figured he could get paperwork in order before his favorite pizza place opened for an early lunch, opting for a chocolate-covered granola bar to hold him over until then. To pass the time, he made sure his desk was cleaned and organized, because it was by far the most cluttered space of the entire office area.

Maybe if he pulled this off, he'd get his own calendar.