• Published 24th May 2022
  • 2,186 Views, 588 Comments

Unicorn Attack! - milesprower06

Hitch Trailblazer comes out of the Maretime Bay PD to do his afternoon rounds with his deputy only to find the populace in a panic. Quickly finding the source of the hysteria, it's time to put Canterlogic's defenses to good use...

  • ...

Crash Course

If Sunny was quite honest with herself, she was becoming quite tired of this roller coaster ride of the opening days of a reunified Equestria. Because it seemed like every single time they hit a high, they'd dive right down to another low yet again.

Like now, as she stood in front of Hitch's desk next to new business partner Fifi at the police department as the sheriff filled out an incident report, after Fifi's first fruit delivery ended disastrously as she herself landed safely, but then the cart she had been pulling kept it's momentum, bounced over her head, and right into the sunglasses kiosk that had been right next to Sunny's smoothie cart. The damage had been substantial.

"I'm glad nopony was hurt," Hitch began as he finished up the report. "Property can be replaced; ponies can't. But I am becoming concerned with airborne pegasi within town limits."

"What do you mean?" Sunny asked.

"I mean this is hardly the first flying incident or accident report I've had to fill out. Just because pegasi can fly again doesn't mean they've been able to fly safely," Hitch told her.

Fifi must have seen the incredulous look on Sunny's face, because she spoke up before the earth mare could.

"Please don't give the sheriff a hard time, Sunny. He has a very good point. Zephyr Heights hasn't been able to offer anything in the form of formal flying lessons. I've already agreed to pay for the damages in full to the kiosk owner, but I'm not sure I can make deliveries to you on time before the fruit spoils if I stay on the ground. All of my other deliveries are local to Zephyr Heights. I know we've just started this business partnership, but maybe it's best we put it on hold until we can figure this out."

Sunny couldn't hide the look of disappointment from showing on her face.

"Alright, Fifi. If you think that's best," Sunny replied in resignation.

"Like I said, it's not the first, and unless we do something in the meantime, I doubt it will be the last. I'm wondering if we should designate a landing area outside of the town, and declare all of Maretime Bay a no-fly zone for the time being," Hitch said.

Sunny's mouth dropped open in disbelief.

"Hitch, are you kidding me? You can't be—"

"He's right, Sunny. Ponies are getting hurt. It's the right choice until we can fly safer," Fifi said.

Not finding the words to say, Sunny simply signed the incident report where Hitch had requested, before sliding it over to Fifi before the two mares left the station.

With that piece of business taken care of, Hitch reached for his new smartphone. He wasn't close to figuring out all the bells and whistles yet, but he had gotten the basic functions down as he scrolled down his short list of contacts, found the one he was looking for, and pressed the video call button. There was a ringing tone for several moments before the screen showed a... View of a ceiling high above.

"Oh, how does this thing work?" Came the voice of Queen Haven of Zephyr Heights.

"I think you look at the screen, Your Majesty," Hitch replied.

The screen shifted away from the ceiling, and after a few moments, the face of the pegasus ruler came into focus.

"Ah, much better. Sheriff Trailblazer, to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?" Haven asked.

Hitch smiled softly at the knowledge that there were even pegasi who hadn't quite mastered these smartphone devices yet.

"Unfortunately, some unpleasant incidents, ma'am. We've had quite a few accidents from flying pegasi not being able to land safely. I was just wanting to touch base with you and make sure there weren't going to be any problems if I were to declare Maretime Bay a no-fly zone," Hitch told her.

Queen Haven sighed, but gave the sheriff an understanding glance.

"Absolutely no problem, Sheriff. I'll even put out notices here on our end that flight is to stop over Maretime Bay's limits. Whatever issues you're having over there, I'm sure our issues are even worse. There haven't been any life-threatening injuries yet, thank hoofness, but our emergency rooms have been nearly beyond capacity ever since flight magic returned," Haven told him.

"Fifi told me that Zephyr Heights hasn't been offering formal lessons. Are there any plans to?" Hitch asked.

"Yes, but sadly, those plans aren't exactly taking off. Pegasi haven't been able to fly in generations, so you can understand that there's not much surviving material to go off of. In fact, I'd say the pegasus that would be most suitable to handle that would be my oldest, Zephyrina. Or, well, you probably know her as Zipp," Haven replied.

"If she's interested in training lessons, I would gladly give her whatever outdoor space she needs," Hitch said.

"Sheriff, if you can convince her to do that, you'll have to tell me your secrets," Haven told him.

"What do you mean?" Hitch asked.

"I mean that in all my years, I've never known Zipp to do something willingly because she's asked or told to. She's always gone her own way. I've only been able to have her attend royal events by being quite stern with her, but that's likely only a visage for a mother, and not a friend. I'm sure that pegasi don't want a teacher that feels coerced into teaching. I feel Zipp would only do it if she wanted to."

Hitch nodded in understanding.

"Alright, thank you for your time, Your Majesty. Best of luck."

"You as well, Sheriff. Good day."

Author's Note: