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Three's a Crowd/ Pibby's Arrival

Author's Note:

Part 1 of the Pibby Arc

*Twilight's POV*

I was carrying Akari on my back as I waited for the train to come in from the Crystal Empire.

Akari was excited to see her auntie Cadence again.

I spoke "Oh hi Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "It’s not just me here."

I looked to see that Danyelle was right, it was the rest of my friends.

I ask "Why are you all here?"

Lillian spoke "Just making sure nothing goes wrong for your sister/family-bonding time with Cadence."

Nightfall was tickling Blueberry Pie on the belly.

An angered Dren storms past the group since someone had the nerve to take his Zoey.

Danyelle spoke "Seems someone's in a salty mood."

Lillian spoke "Let’s just hope he doesn’t kill anyone."

Yuki spoke "If Eggman has the pink cat, let's just say he's not gonna last long...."

Danyelle spoke "But knowing Eggman, he probably sent out a robo-fake."

Sardon sighs "That won't stop Dren from tearing the fatso a new one... He's that protective of Zoey."

Sonic spoke "I think I have Eggman figured out... He can't handle all of the Mobian Guard or the Tokyo Five at the same time though. So he's targeting the leaders of both groups to weaken the others."

Danyelle spoke "Smart plan, too bad it’ll fail though."

Bridget spoke "I hate fighting though...."

A sudden blast of fire had set half the Everfree Forest ablaze.

Danyelle asks "What the floppa was that?!?"

Sardon spoke "Don’t tell me that was Dren so soon."

Danyelle spoke "Dren's not a firebender...."

Dren beats the tar out of Eggman.

Dren growls "If you ever come near my kitten again, I'll rip out your eyes and shove them down your throat so YOU CAN SEE MY CLAWS TEAR YOUR CARCASS OPEN!!!"

Danyelle spoke "oh jeeze.... Dren has snapped..."

Bridget spoke "This is why me and Sardon refer to Dren as a yandere sometimes."

Corina spoke "But he never went overboard and actually killed anyone."

Gadget spoke "True."

Renee spoke "Oww... I felt a kick...."

Gadget spoke "Easy there, babe. Calm down."

But then Renee started nuzzling Gadget, who started nuzzling back.

Yui spoke "Something's wrong with my dad!"

“Yui?” I noticed.

Cadence soon arrived.

Yui spoke "My dad is sick..."

“Sick?” I asked in confusion.

Kurama scoffs "Blue flu or something..."

Pandora spoke "Kyubi-boy’s right about that."

Kurama spoke "don't scare me like that."

Pandora spoke "Not to mention Sumarda and Cronile are coming over for a visit."

I spoke "I don't think it's a good idea for them if Discord's sick."

Pandora spoke "Don’t worry, they put up health barriers around their bodies, like I did for Yui and myself."

I spoke "Maybe it would be wise to have the Equians and Mobians vaccinated, just in case."

Pandora just snapped her fingers. “Done and done. With additional health barrier insurance.”

I spoke "Better safe than sorry."

Flowerstep was sneezing.

Fluttershy spoke "Um, maybe I should stay here and help take care of Flowerstep."

Danyelle spoke "Good idea Fluttershy."

I spoke "Cadence!"

Discord soon shows up but something was off about him.

Sumarda asks "What’s wrong, cuz? Feeing blue?"

And it turns out that Sumarda and Cronile showed up too.

I soon had a mask on for safety reasons.

Sumarda asks "Uh, hello? Health barriers on everyone here to protect themselves from Discord’s “sickness?”

I spoke "But that won't work against horn flu and feather flu."

Akari was soon sneezing since her horn was puffed up like a blister.

“Speaking of which.” I added.

Danyelle spoke "Seems horn flu only affects alicorns...."

“It happens like a seasonal allergy in a horn.” I explained.

Danyelle spoke "Non alicorns aren't affected...."

Danyelle sneezes, causing Fluttershy and Flowerstep to end up someplace cold before reappearing.

Fluttershy and Flowerstep both stammer "So c-c-c-c-c-cold!!! *Shivering with teeth chattering*"

Danyelle groans "Things couldn't be worse...."

Pinkie and the Tri-Pies spoke "Don’t jinx it!"

Half of Danyelle's left wing was featherless.

Danyelle groans "Oh come on! My wing’s molting now?"

I spoke "You might want to get indoors before you start losing fur."

That seemed to have freaked Danyelle out since she ran right to her house.

Lillian was also molting her feathers for some strange reason.

Lillian spoke "Maybe I should head back inside too."

Nightfall was going through her first molt which was irritating her.

Nightfall groans "Ugh… Same here."

Nyx spoke "First molt is always the worst...."

Iris spoke "Yeah...."

I groan "What do you want Discord?"

Discord spoke "I am in dire need of help."

I spoke "Oh fine..."

Sumarda spoke "Well, since this is happening, me and Cronile are gonna be staying with RD, Soarin and Fleetfoot for a while."

Rainbow spoke "I'm staying on the ground since I don't think a cloud home is safe for a young foal yet."

Cronile spoke "Oh, I think the five or six of us will have some good fun."

Sumarda and Cronile spoke "Big time!'

Rainbow growls "Not in front of Bold!"

Sumarda spoke "Come on, Rainbow Dash. I didn’t mean it like that. Boop!"

Then Sumarda poked Rainbow Dash’s muzzle.

Rainbow spoke "keep that perverted stuff out of my temporary house..."

Cronile spoke "Okay, that stuff is only for Sumy’s dimension. She and I just do a little mischief."

Sumarda spoke "Yep. And the pranks we pull leave some temporary effects."

Rainbow spoke "I'm so down for a good prank!"

Sumarda chuckles "Heh. You didn’t even notice the prank I pulled on you when I booped your muzzle."

Now that I notice it, Rainbow Dash’s barrel looked a bit larger.

Rainbow Dash asks "Huh?"

Then next thing we knew, Rainbow Dash was gaining weight faster than she could fly, with her head, tail, hooves and wings getting bigger too, and when she stopped, Rainbow Dash weighed at least a thousand pounds.

Rainbow asks with an extremely deep voice. "What did you do to me?!?"

Sumarda groans Oh, come on! Where’s that voice filter?"

Sumarda brought out some kind of device and pressed a button.

Rainbow Dash spoke "*Normal voice* Answer me right now!"

Sumarda spoke "That’s much better. Now don’t worry, your abilities haven’t changed, you just have more blubber. And you’ll still be able to move like a fit Wonderbolt."

I spoke "She's as big as my Blue Flame Twirama form...."

Sumarda spoke "It’s actually smaller, Rainbow Dash is actually as big as a small building."

Cronile spoke "House that is."

A sky blue alicorn mare with a bubblegum pink mane and one blind eye had flown out of a portal before quickly sealing it to stop the corruption from leaking out into the main Equis zone.

The mare groans "Damn it.... I can't fight it anymore...."

The stranger collapses from exhaustion.

I ask "Cadence, do you know this pony?"

Cadence spoke "No."

But when Sumarda looked at the pony, she fearfully gasped.

Sumarda gasps "Oh, you gotta be kidding me!"

Rainbow asks "What the?"

Sumarda spoke "Don’t tell me there’s corruption moving in!"

I spoke "we have to contain it though!"

The stranger spoke "It w-won't come here though... I trapped it in m-my world....."

Sumarda asks "Phew! But, how did that corruption start happening in the first place?"

A beep was heard.

The stranger spoke "I have no clue how it started or where it came from..."

Cronile asks "Uh… Babe? Haven’t we heard that beep before?"

Sumarda asks "Yeah, but is it…?"

The two Draconequi turned around, followed by the rest of us, only to see a tan-coated unicorn teenage colt with a white shirt, sky-blue spiky mane and tail, along with a red cap. And next to him was a light-pink Pegasus teenage mare with a brown smooth mane and tail, wearing golden earrings and a red formal suit.

Sumarda asks "Cam and Ashley? How did you guys get here?"

Ashley spoke "It’s a long story, but we know where this corruption’s coming from. It makes those affected by it black, leaving their teeth and eyes blood-red, right?"

Pibby spoke "I was able to trap it in my world for now but it won't be long before it gets here... and Ashley, it causes those affected to have blank white eyes..."

Ashley spoke "That can’t be good. Sounds like Nightmare corruption is in the mix too."

Cam makes a beep noise.

Ashley spoke "Sorry, my Cam's a man, or stallion of few words. But he can talk normally."

Applejack spoke "Huh, just like Big Mac."

Pibby spoke "It's weird though...."

Rainbow Dash exclaims "Whoa! I can still fly like this?!"

Me and the others looked at Rainbow Dash, who was still being fat a thousand pounds, yet flying like her normal fast self.

I spoke "Sumarda, turn Rainbow back to normal."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Wait! I actually wanna stay like this for a while. I mean, I wanna see what I could do like this, even though it’s not really me."

Sumarda spoke "And it might come in handy if Rarity needs to take measurements for extra-large customers."

I just facehoof before sighing.

Clarity spoke "Nobody told me that there was another demon in town!"

Cronile chuckles "Heh! And I pulled a prank on Applejack."

Applejack asks "Wait, what?!"

Next thing we knew, Applejack started gaining weight, until she was just as big, heavy and fat as Rainbow Dash, with her head, tail and hooves the same size as hers, weighing at least 1,000 pounds, but somehow still able to move like a fit pony.

Sumarda giggles "Hahaha! Good one, Crocy!"

Clarity groans "Can today get any weirder?"

Ashley asks "My parents coming here? But how did you see through my disguise?"

But then somehow, Applejack and Rainbow Dash stared competitively at each other in the eyes.

Rainbow Dash asks "So, up for an eating contest, AJ?"

Applejack asks "Yer on! And after that, how about a battle against each other, RD?"

Rainbow Dash spoke "You got it!"

Clarity spoke "I'm half demon myself though, I can sense if another demon is near."
