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Daring Don't

*Rainbow's POV*

Danyelle was flying over to my place with Chaser following since the two had news for me.

Chaser spoke "Dash! You won’t believe this! Not in a million years!"

“What is it?” I asked.

Danyelle exclaims "The next Daring Do book just became combined with the Brave Barzard series and the first crossover book will be released in four months from today!"

Lillian spoke "I hate to burst your bubble here you three but the latest Daring Do-Brave Barzard book got delayed another two months."

“Two more months?!/Two more months?” Me and Danyelle gasped in shock, while Chaser asked that in surprise.

Danyelle spoke "There's no way in Tartarus I'm waiting another two months for the next book!"

“We’ll never make it!” I agreed as both me and Danyelle fell flat on the ground.

Chaser spoke "I can be patient."

A pair of changeling foals tackle their father.

Chaser spoke "Oh, you little…"

Chaser started tickling his kids, making them laugh.

Clarity chuckles as she trotted past.

Clarity asks "I’m guessing the two biggest fangirls aren’t taking the news well?"

Lillian spoke "Nope."

But then me and Danyelle got back up with scowls on our faces.

Danyelle growls "How would YOU know about them?!"

“We’re the series’ biggest fans!” I agreed.

Lillian spoke "Twilight and I introduced you to the books though."

Clarity spoke "So that basically makes them just as big fans as you two."

I scoff "You're one to talk dog bitch."

Danyelle, Chaser and Lillian back off suddenly.

I didn’t see Clarity’s ears twitch.

Clarity growls "What? What did you say? Did I just hear that right?"

Danyelle spoke "She's so in for it now...."

Lillian spoke "Yeah..."

I spoke "You heard me dog bitch."

At first, she said nothing, making me think I took it a bit too far. Before…


Danyelle shouts "RUN SKITTLES!!!"

That name always gets me riled up, more than Rainbow Crash. “What’d you just call me?!”

Lillian spoke "For Faust's sake, she's trying to save your sorry tail!"

Twilight spoke "Rainbow Dash! Crystal Clarity! Queen Danyelle! THAT IS ENOUGH!!!!!"

That made us all freeze.

Danyelle knew how scary Kurama can get when he's mad enough.

Twilight spoke "You three shouldn't be fighting over something so silly as name calling. And Rainbow, I know how upset you are but you have to be patient."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry Dash."

I only scoffed before Twilight started talking about A.K. Yearling before I realized something. “Where she lives?”

Danyelle's ears twitch before bursting out laughing.

Twilight spoke "Uh… Yeah."

Lillian asks "Why are you asking, Dash. And what’s so funny, Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "I haven't seen hide nor mustache hair of Eggman since Ben sent him flying with the roar."

Blaze walked over with a pair of robots following her.

Blaze spoke "Hey guys."

A shooting star streaks across the sky before crash landing in the lake.

A Mobian lioness coughs and splutters as she crawled out of the lake.

The lioness splutters "ugh...."

She passes out shortly after.

I spoke "Oh jeeze! It's a lion!"

Danyelle spoke "But something’s telling me she’s completely new to being a Mobian."

Lillian knocks Chaser out.

Lillian retorts "Didn't your mother tell you not to stare at a female that doesn't have any clothes on?"

Danyelle spoke "Lillian, creatures from Equis don’t usually wear clothes."

Lillian spoke "That's no Equian lion though...."

Danyelle spoke "I know."

The lioness groans "so hungry...."

Lillian asks "Any meat on you?"

Danyelle spoke "We could ask Fluttershy for some fish, it's what I eat though."

Lillian spoke "Got it."

After getting some clothes onto the now dried Mobian and fish into her stomach, I head off with my friends to AK Yearling's place.

Menhit asks "Now what?"

Danyelle asks "What do you think Twilight?"

Twilight spoke "I think we should respect A.K. Yearling and Venture's privacy."

I scoff "But something is causing them to delay the book!"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah! We need to find out why!"

Menhit spoke "Maybe we should ask politely."

Rarity spoke "She has a point Rainbow."

That made me and Danyelle groan in annoyance.

Menhit spoke "The last thing any of us need is my asshole dad showing up and causing trouble..."

Blaze asks "Uh… who would that be?"

Danyelle growls "Apedemak... He's a freaking womanizer..."

Lillian just scoffed in agreement.

Danyelle growls "Last time he flirted with me, I kicked him hard in the one place where it really hurts on a male."

That made everyone else, even me, wince.

Menhit chuckles "He deserved it though."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, he left me alone after getting humiliated so badly."

Danyelle and Menhit did a fistbump.

Menhit spoke "It's bad enough that my dad hates my boyfriend. He's a stupid potato..."

Apollyon chuckles "Stupid potato huh?"

Menhit excitedly spoke "Polly!"

The two share a nuzzle.

But for some reason, Danyelle and Lillian were covering their eyes.

I ask "What is with you two?"

Danyelle scoffs "You seriously didn’t notice?!"

Lillian asks "Rarity?"

Menhit spoke "Seriously? You forgot that only female Mobians wear clothes!"

That made Danyelle and Lillian blush out of embarrassment.

Rarity spoke "Plus Danyelle's words were "Last thing any pony needs is a female Mobian waking around with no clothes on"."

Danyelle spoke "Oh right, I remember saying that."

Apollyon's ears twitch before he started to growl.

Danyelle was growling as well.

Pinkie spoke "Hey, there’s ponies up there!"

Danyelle growls "And they're not friendly!"

Lillian gasps "They’re already inside the house! It looks like they’re gonna attack A.K. Yearling and Venture!"

Menhit charges in before blasting one thug with a Celestial Lion Roar, knocking him back.

Menhit snarls "Back off!"

But then, something unbelievable happened… In place of A.K. Yearling and Venture, it was Daring Do and Brave Barzard!

I gasp "Somepony or Mobian pinch me! I must be dreaming!"

Firefly, Twilight, Danyelle and Chaser gasp "A.K. Yearling and Venture the Skink are Daring Do and Brave Barzard!"

Apollyon spoke "We have to help them!"

Twilight spoke "Daring Do and A.K. Yearling are one and the same!"

Danyelle spoke "Same with Venture the Skink and Brave Barzard!"

Twilight and Danyelle both exclaim "Our minds are officially blown!"

Lillian was speechless.

I tried to shrug it off. “Come on, I knew it all along.”

Apollyon spoke "Whatever you say... Skittles..."

Grr…! That name again…! “What was that?!”

Twilight spoke "Rainbow Dash, don't start fights you can't win."

Danyelle spoke "It's not his fault that your mane is rainbow colored."

I spoke "I hate that nickname...."

*Some time later*

Danyelle and I were on our own when we saw Daring and Brave.

Danyelle whispers "Got any ideas Dashie?"

“We gotta help them!” I answered.

Apollyon whispers "But what if they work alone?"

Danyelle spoke "He's got a point though."

But I couldn't just do nothing!

Apollyon growls "Let's go."

So Apollyon, Danyelle and I go after Daring and Brave in case they needed help.

But honestly, with me and Danyelle being such big fans, we couldn’t help but being filled with excitement.

Apollyon chuckles "You two are crazy, but nowhere near as crazy as Apedemak is. Basically, you're the good kind of crazy."

I spoke "I'm not crazy!"

Apollyon spoke "Daring Do and Brave Barzard fan club, party of two."

Danyelle growls "Firefly and Chaser like books too..."

Apollyon spoke "Yeah, but you and Dash are bigger fans than those two."

Menhit was heard roaring.


Apollyon spoke "That was...! Menny!"

Danyelle spoke "We have to help her!"

I spoke "I agree!"

Danyelle spoke "Given that Apollyon is twice my weight, I can't airlift him though... Uh no offense dude."

Apollyon spoke "None taken."

I spoke "This way guys."

I lead the two Mobians through the temple.

I soon swoop in and catch Daring just before she fell into the water due to the weights on her legs.

I spoke "Ugh, you can flap too you know!"

Danyelle catches Brave with magic as she flew in.

But then suddenly, a yellow and red, scaled and feathered serpentine dragon showed up.

Danyelle and Apollyon both growl as they shielded the two ponies and Mobian skink.

Danyelle spoke "That's a Quetzalcoatl!"

the female spoke "Uh, that would be my dad. He’s on vacation. I’m his daughter, Qukul."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry, we're sort of busy..."

Apollyon leapt at Qukul's face with a headbutt, knocking the female out.

Apollyon spoke "Skittles! You and the others go on! I'll deal with her!"

“Got it! And don’t call me Skittles!” I responded.

Qukul growls "Okay. Now I’m angry!"

Danyelle heads off with the two adventurers and I while Apollyon dealt with Qukul.


But that confused Qukul. “What are you talking about?”

Apollyon facepalms before sighing "You don't want to know but there is one lion Mobian that is corrupt... I'm trying to stop him."

Qukul spoke "Well, whoever you’re talking about. I’m not with him."

Apollyon spoke "Menhit's dad, Apedemak..."

Qukul spoke "Oh. Still don’t know the guy."

Apollyon spoke "He got kicked in the balls 5 years ago by Danyelle."

Qukul asks "And why exactly?"

Apollyon scoffs "Let's just say he's a flirting womanizer.... and a total asshole."

That made Qukul laugh. “Okay! Now I’m glad I don’t know him! He deserved it!”

The ground shook.

Apollyon spoke "This place is GOING DOWN!!!"

Ahuizotl shouts "STOP THEM!!!"

Menhit bites Ahuizotl on the ass, making him scream.


Twilight and the others flee.

Brave Barzard spoke "Okay, I’ll admit, you two are not that bad."

Daring Do spoke "Guess asking for help is alright every now and then."

I hug Daring.

Daring spoke "Could never have done this without you, Rainbow Dash. I've got a book to finish!"

*Back in Ponyville*

I wrote in the journal. "Just had the coolest adventure with the coolest pony ever. Came this close to blowing it because I got so wrapped up in how awesome she was, I almost forgot about how awesome I was. Good thing I didn't, 'cause it gave me a chance to show her how important it is to put your trust in somepony else."


The Messenger Pony spoke "Package from A.K. Yearling."

I spoke "Sweet! The new book a week before anypony else gets it! [gasps] Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!"

I could not believe it! The next Daring Do/Brave Barzard book had me, Danyelle and Apollyon on the cover of the book with Daring Do and Brave Barzard!

Danyelle was yelling in happiness.
