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Mario and Sonic at the Equestrian Games

*Lillian's POV*

After Danyelle had pranked Sumarda, I was on the train to the Crystal Empire for the Equestria Games. I was one of the trio that represented Mobius since Danyelle had asked me.

Blaze was doing some stretches as she was preparing to take part in the games.

Sonic spoke "Hehe! You excited? Because I have a feeling some friends of mine are gonna compete in the games."

Twilight was carrying Akari with a foreleg.

Twilight spoke "But the Equestria Games have always been for ponies."

Doing some wing stretches, Danyelle spoke "I talked Shining Armor into letting other species take part."

Breakfang and two of Danyelle's Diamond Dog followers were sparring since they were training.

Since they had undergone the transformation, Firefly and Chaser were practicing as well.

Zoey and Dren were sparring since they were representing the Japanese Mobians while Corina was working on wing stretches.

Sonic spoke "You know, enemies of mine competed in events like this."

But then, as if on que, Eggman’s ship appeared, followed by a strange ship with propellers on the masts and the head of a strange creature. And then a green metallic well rose out of the ground.

Danyelle chuckles "Well if it isn't Mario and Bowser."

“Who?” I asked.

Danyelle facepalms.

Danyelle asks "Seriously Lillian? You never played any of the Mario games?"

I instantly remembered as I rubbed the back of my head while I blushed in embarrassment.

Danyelle chuckles "It's okay Lillian."

“Sorry, I forgot. A lot happened since I became a Mobian and arrived in Equestria.” I apologized.

Danyelle giggles "Yeah. Heehee. You were in complete fangirl mode when you met Sonic and his friends."

That made me blush as red as an apple.

Pibby was resting on a pillow.

Pibby spoke "I'll be watching you all compete though."

Danyelle spoke "Oh right, there's been a few restrictions been put in place. Pregnant females can't take part in any of the events."

Rainbow spoke "Bold will be in Danyelle's care while I compete."

But then when I looked back at the warp pipe, I saw multiple people and creatures jumping out of it, while I saw multiple koopas jump down from the battleship.

Twilight spoke "Word spreads fast...."

Danyelle teleported straight onto Bowser's airship.

Danyelle spoke "Greetings Bowser, it's been a while since we last saw each other. I am Alpha-Queen Danyelle."

Bowser just laughed. “Alpha-Queen? Yeah, right. And what makes you say that?”

Danyelle's ears flatten in annoyance.

Danyelle spoke "I'M NOT LYING!!!"

But Bowser soon saw a strange mark on Danyelle's left arm.

Bowser scoffs "Hmph… Friends with Sonic, hmm?"

Danyelle rips off a plank of wood with magic before breaking it on Bowser's head, causing the royal Koopa to go cross-eyed.

Danyelle snarls "He's my adopted brother!"

Bowser growls "Grr…! Great, another Tails."

Danyelle's wings flare out in anger.

Danyelle snarls "One more insult thrown at my family and I'll rip your dick off!"

Bowser growled with smoke coming out of his mouth and nose. “I’ll enjoy beating you in the games!”

Danyelle spoke "I'm not competing though, Celestia wants me to sit with the other nobles."

Bowser just growled in disappointment.

Danyelle spoke "But somedragon offered to compete in my place."

Back on the train, Lucy was blocking Blaze's punches with her wings.

Soon enough, the two airships are parked outside the Empire as the teams exit the train.

Gilda was with Ezekiel and their three children. Guto was a Mobian gryphon, Gina was a normal gryphon and Grace was a gryphontaur.

Gilda spoke "Hey Rainbow!"

Rainbow asks "Hey, G! Ready for the games?"

Gilda spoke "Oh, you know it, Dash!"

The two rival-friends butted heads against each other with competitive smirks.

Ezekiel spoke "Gilda, we're sitting with the other royals though."

Gilda just growled, knowing Ezekiel was right.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Maybe we could challenge each other after the games, G."

Gilda spoke "No interruptions from that crazy friend of yours."

Twilight spoke "Hello Queen Gilda."

Gilda spoke "No need to call me Queen, Twilight."

Twilight spoke "But you are royalty though."

Rainbow asks "What are your kids' names?"

Gilda chuckles "Their names are Guto, Gina and Grace."

Grace was hiding behind her father.

Rainbow spoke "Whoa! That kid’s a gryphontaur! Awesome!"

Danyelle's voice was heard saying "SIT GIRL!!"

Twilight was soon face down in the ground.

That made Gilda and Rainbow burst into laughter.

Even Bold started to snicker.

Guto was chuckling while his two sisters giggle.

Ezekiel spoke "Hehehe. I don’t think that’ll never get old."

Danyelle glides down from Bowser's airship.

Danyelle spoke "Nnope."

“I’m guessing Bowser is participating?” I asked.

Danyelle growls "He insulted me so I beat the tar out of him..."

“But something tells me that won’t keep him down.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "There are some things I'd rather not say in front of young ears. Anyways, we should head to the stadium."

“You’re right, let’s go.” I agreed.

Danyelle, Twilight and the other royals head off to where Celestia was as the participants head to the field.

Celestia was talking with Cadence.

Danyelle spoke "Hello Celestia."

An alicorn filly was on Celestia's back.

Cadence asks "Had more fun with Uncle Pyre, Auntie Celestia?"

Celestia spoke "It's been one alicorn after another lately."

Cadence giggles "It’s like it’s mating season for alicorns. Heehee!"

Celestia spoke "Not in front of Ivory Dawn...."

Cadence giggles "Apologies, auntie. I can’t help myself when it comes to love."

Twilight spoke "Cadence!"

Cadence spoke "Still Twilight, I'm still surprised that I'm an auntie myself."

Twilight giggles "I was shocked when Akari was born, I didn't expect her to be an alicorn. I was just a unicorn back then... And heck, I told Shining off when he threatened to kill Flash."

Twily was sitting between Celestia and Luna.

Twilight asks "You okay Spike?"

Spike spoke "Um… Yeah… I think so."

Pibby spoke "It's okay to be nervous."

Cadence asks "Twilight, who's that alicorn?"

Twilight spoke "Oh, this is Pibby. She’s from an alternate Equestria."

Twily spoke "I'm also from a different Equestria but I'm from the future."

Cadence was starry eyed when she noticed that Pibby was expecting a foal.

Cadence gasps "You’re having a baby?! And you’re still a teen?"

Pibby spoke "Yeah, my adoptive mother blew a gasket when she found out...."

A soft kick was felt from in Pibby's belly.

Pibby spoke "But I'm holding off the marriage until my boyfriend is of legal age."

Cadence just giggled in excitement.

Pibby spoke "He's only 14 though so I'm gonna wait a few years."

Cadence gave a nod of understanding.

Back at the games, I saw another team, made of strange creatures that Danyelle and some of the others encountered. What were they called again? Oh yeah, Mixels. One of them was black, the second one was orange, and the third one, who seemed to be the leader, was green.

Bold was with Danyelle since his parents were competing.

I walked towards the green Mixel. “Um… Could you tell me your name? I’m Lillian.”

The green Mixel spoke "My name is Glomp, and I’m the leader of the Glorp Corp Mixels. I’m also one of the three representing the Mixels for the games. That orange Mixel is Tentro, a member of the Flexers, and the black one is Seismo, a member of the Cragsters."

Lucy spoke "I'm Lucy Dragneel, one of the three dragon reps for the Fairy Tail guild. The others are Natsu and Gajeel."

Glomp spoke "Nice to meet ya."

Seismo spoke "Me hope Equestria Games fun."

Tentro spoke "I’m sure we’ll have plenty of fu-yu-yu-yu-yu-yun."

Sonic chuckles "Like wise."

Apollyon was among the Mobian participants since he had challenged Bowser to a wrestling match.

Menhit was up in the area with the other nobles and royals.

Then I saw Mario approach Sonic. “Hey, Sonic! Long time, no see.”

Sonic spoke "It's been a while Mario."

Blaze and Lance were with Danyelle.

Mario spoke "I see Blaze is here too."

Sonic asks "So, you’re competing?"

It was soon clear to Mario that there was a young hedgecat sitting next to Blaze while a trio of young females were with Danyelle.

Apollyon spoke "You're going down flame breath."

Bowser scoffs "Hmph! I’d like to see you try, singe fur!"

Apollyon roars loud at Bowser.

Bowser roared back.

Danyelle thinks "Was that a no-mane's challenge roar?"

Apollyon roars louder than Bowser did.

Bowser then roared just as loud.

Shining Armor pulled the two males away from each other with magic.

Shining scolds "Cork it you two! Do you want a roar in the face from Twilight?"

That made Bowser laugh while Apollyon backed away.

A sharp snarl was heard from Twilight since it was aimed at Bowser.

Bowser just didn’t think it would be worth his time as he let out a scoff. “I’ve got events to win. I shouldn’t be wasting time here with you losers.”

Twilight teleports suddenly before reappearing in front of Bowser in her full Blue Flame Twirama form while snarling at him.

Blue Flame Twirama snarls "I challenge you to a fight! If I win, you surrender your position as king!"

Bowser didn’t know what to do. But he knew this would be a tough choice. “Grr… Hmph!” Bowser simply turned his back. “If that’s the risk of me losing, I’d rather be thrown into lava than take that chance.”

Blue Flame Twirama smirks a bit before teleporting with Bowser to a volcano in the dragon lands.

Holding Bowser by the tail over the lava with a forepaw, Blue Flame Twirama snarls "I'm warning you now. Anger my friends and fellow royals again, I will rip out your eyes and shove them down your throat so YOU CAN SEE MY CLAWS TEAR YOUR CARCASS OPEN!!!"

Bowser saw the fire in her eyes and smirked. “Heh. Not bad for a Princess. It’s not everyday you get the respect of the Koopa King.”

Blue Flame Twirama chuckles "I owe it to Matatabi and Kurama for this form. Without them, I would be just a normal alicorn."

Blue Flame Twirama sets Bowser back down on the ground.

Blue Flame Twirama spoke "Well, we better get back."

The eleven tailed fox teleports with Bowser back to the Crystal Empire, just as Spike had melted a frozen cloud since someone had caused it to happen.

Twilight asks "Is everything okay Shining?"

Shining Armor spoke "I'm not sure what happened myself, but Spike saved the day again."

Twilight chuckles "Plus I gained Bowser's respect when I had threatened to throw him into lava."

Mario spoke "Bowser's not much of a bad guy, even though he keeps trying to kidnap Peach and take over the mushroom kingdom."

Twilight spoke "I doubt he could attempt to take over my kingdom since I don't even have one."

Danyelle was whispering in Celestia's ear since it had concerned Tirek.

Bowser somehow felt a chill run down his spine, sensing a familiar presence coming in the future.

Twilight felt a chill down her spine.

Kurama spoke "Something tells me that we might be in for a fight next week...."

Matatabi spoke "Definitely."

Twilight spoke "But then I have a feeling that me and my friends will have to visit Sumarda’s dimension after that."

Kurama spoke "I know but being on two legs is weird..."

Twilight spoke "That's not what I'm afraid of."

Sonic spoke "We'll have to evacuate the non fighters and pregnant females to Sumarda's dimension since I have a bad feeling that someone might hurt them...and since Nightfall is pure magic.... Let's just say we don't want a mad hawk on our hooves and hands...."

I heard that. "You know I can hear you."

Meanwhile, a pothole opened in Equestria, with the Anthro wolfhound and rabbit that was seen from Acme Acres walked out of it.

The anthro wolfhound spoke "I don't think we're in a different time period."

The anthro rabbit spoke "You're right, we have gone through time and space, going into a whole different world!"

Danyelle spots the two.

Danyelle asks "Who are you?"

Sam spoke "Oh, sorry. My name is Sam. And this is my best bud, Max."

Max spoke "But if you’re a criminal, then hands up!"

Danyelle's ears pin back.

Danyelle spoke "I'm not a criminal, I'm just a nekomata-gryphicorn hybrid. And please don't arrest my Changelings, they're good."
