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Leap of Faith

*Applejack's POV*

After cleaning wounds, rescuing Applebloom, meeting Maud and Sweetie's apology, things were peaceful once again. Or so I had thought. Those two scoundrels had come back to town.

“What are they up to now?” I growled.

Crosswind spoke "We should go check."

Buck Wheat spoke "Maybe Ah should come. Ah don’t know this Flim and Flam, but if it concerns mah family, Ah’ll come along."

Crosswind spoke "Ah'll keep an eye on Appleseed and Golden Apple though, they're still young."

But then Crosswind suddenly giggled.

I asked "What's gotten into ya Cross?"

Crosswind spoke "Oh, nuttin’."

Shi certainly wasn’t gonna do anything prank-like. Maybe shi thought o’ somethin’ funny?

Pibby trotted over.

Pibby spoke "Hi."

“Howdy Pibby. Need help with somethin’?” I asked.

Pibby spoke "Yeah, I'm looking for a part time job."

“Well, what’s yer talent?” I asked.

Pibby spoke "Well, I like teaching others..."

“Hmm… Maybe y’all can help Ms. Cheerilee at the Ponyville School, Pibby. It’ll definitely help mah little sister and her friends.” I suggested.

Pibby spoke "Given that there's 17 in the Crusaders, I doubt Ms. Cheerilee can handle all of them at the same time.... *chuckle* They're a rowdy group."

Then Jewel showed up. “And least me, Blu, daddy, Aunt Mimi, and my cousins helped those three connect to their roots.”

Pibby spoke "Oh wow, I've never seen a spix macaw Mobian before. They're practically extinct in my world."

Jewel asks "Extinct?"

Danyelle spoke "It means no longer around."

And I could tell that Jewel didn’t like that one bit.

Danyelle spoke "Dinosaurs are one big example..."

Pibby's right ear twitches.

Pibby asks "Uh Applejack, what is your grandma doing?"

“Ah’m not really sure, last time Ah saw her was at the farm.” I answered.

Pibby pointed with a wing over towards a group of ponies.

“Don’t tell me she’s there.” I dreaded.

Danyelle spoke "Eyup..."

That made me worried as I rushed over to the group, but not before seeing a spooky scarecrow that I passed by.

Danyelle and Pibby both had worried looks so they followed me.

Danyelle growls "Well if it isn't Flim and Flam...."

Pibby was wary since she didn't know the twin stallions.

I ask "Granny?"

Granny Smith asks "Yes, Applejack?"

I ask "Why are you drinking that tonic?"

Pibby sniffs the tonic after grabbing a bottle with her magic.

Pibby spoke "Something’s not right here."

Bunbun asks "What do you mean Pib?"

Pibby spoke "*Sniffs the tonic* It smells like snake oil to me."

Danyelle spoke "I agree..."

Bunbun asks "What should we do?"

Pibby asks "I don’t know. Danyelle? AJ?"

I spoke "Best to let it play out."

Pibby asks "Why?"

Danyelle spoke "No idea.... Oh wow Pinkie, you're heavier than normal."

Pinkie spoke "Hehe… Try having unborn triplets in you."

Danyelle chuckles "Least we know what gender they'll be."

Pinkie groans "My belly’s getting bigger and bigger…"

Danyelle spoke "Least you've got help from the other mothers."

Pinkie spoke "Heehee… Yeah. But I’m not doubting about what Sumarda said about them being due any day. It’ll be huge."

Danyelle spoke "And once Twilight finds out that she's going to be an aunt, she'll freak out..."

Pinkie asks "Wait, what?"

Danyelle chuckles "I have clairvoancy, remember? I can see things that have yet to happen. But you can't tell Twilight about it though."

Pinkie Pie spoke "You got it! I-Gah! Pinkie Promise! I just felt three kicks at the same time…"

Danyelle chuckles "Feisty girls."

Pinkie spoke "Hehe… Yeah. But if my tummy gets a lot bigger, I honestly don’t know how I’ll be able to walk."

Danyelle spoke "Maybe lay off the sugary foods for a while though."

Pinkie Pie spoke "I don’t think I’ll be able to though."

One of the triplets kicked hard.

Pinkie yelped "Owie! See what I mean?"

Danyelle spoke "I know the feeling... Irene was just as feisty."

Pinkie spoke "Besides, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stay away from sweets."

Danyelle chuckles "Just go easy on the sugar then."

Pinkie spoke "I’ll try."

Danyelle spoke "They'll thank you for it if you eat healthy food."

Pibby asks "I agree, right Applejack?"

I spoke "Eyup."

Danyelle spoke "I still don't trust them, not after that time they nearly ran you out of town..."

I ask "What in tarnation are you two up to?"

Flim spoke Why, nothing of any trouble at all."

Flam spoke "We’re just helping folks with their personal problems."

Danyelle's ears pin back.

Pibby scoffs "I doubt the tonic can fix my blind eye."

Flim spoke "Oh no no no no. It boosts confidence."

Flam spoke "It might not be a cure-all tonic, but it makes you more confident."

Pibby's ears pin back, knowing that the two were lying but she kept quiet about it.

Pibby spoke "Like I'd drink that..."

Bunbun spoke "Probably smart."

Danyelle spoke "And it smells weird...."

I spoke "Once a pair of con artists, always a pair of con artists. Ah'm trusting Dany's word on this matter."

Pibby spoke "I wouldn’t be surprised if this shattered teeth after a quick chug of it. That’s what he told me what happened to Squeaks after drinking some Snake Oil."

“Who?” I asked.

Bunbun spoke "Yeah, I agree, Pibby. I just hope we can save him."

Pibby spoke "Thanks, Bunbun. Oh, sorry if you guys are confused. I was talking about another rabbit friend of mine, Bugs Bunny, and one of his best friends is a squirrel named Squeaks."

Danyelle spoke "I happen to be one of Bugs's friends though."

Pibby "Wait, you know Bugs Bunny?"

Danyelle spoke "My world's got all sorts of Mobians, ranging from echidnas to cats and even a dragon or three."

Pinkie exclaims "Wowee!"

Danyelle chuckles "I travelled a lot when I was younger. But there was one that got on my nerves a lot....."

Pibby asks "Gogo from Wackyland?"

Danyelle spoke "No.... I'm talking about Elmyra.... *shudder* She scares me..."

Pibby and Bunbun both spoke "Don’t remind us!"

Heh, those two are huggin’ each other real cozy-like.

Danyelle chuckles "What's the matter Pibbs? Scared of someone?"

Pibby spoke "Elmyra is a nightmare! Even before she became corrupted!"

Bunbun spoke "She’s puts deadly affection to a whole new meaning!"

Danyelle spoke "My world should be free of corruption now so maybe we can go check."

After I had told the honest truth that the so called vitality tonic was fake, Flim and Flam were chased out of town by Danyelle.
