• Published 11th Feb 2023
  • 1,160 Views, 80 Comments

The Tales Of Spike - Neverland - Spyro_Story

This is a story of a little purple dragon who's in the another world called Neverland.

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Chapter 10: Skull Rock

It's a beautiful day at the sea since the cloudy day disappear. A huge sneeze coming from Spike and the rest of his friends in the canoe boat down there."*Sniff* Sorry." Spike apologized. "I've must've catch cold when I was in the water."

"Here, have this." Tiger Lily said while giving Spike a bottle. He took a gulp when he drank, but his face turn green, feeling like he'll throw up because the drink taste awful. "I know it is not pleasant flavor, but it helps you stop your sickness."

"Thank... you." Spike barely said when he feel disgusted, but he still drinking it. "What kind of stuff is made out of?"

"You do not want to know." Tiger Lily answered.


The Pirate Dogs ship were on sail to Skull Rock. Through the telescope, the pirate dog spotted a canoe boat which appear who's on it was a tribe's princess and a baby dragon there. He rushed to speak the captain about it. He sees Captain talking with Mr. Smee and said. "Captain Hook, I saw the boat in the far distance in front of us." One pirate dog said.

"Then it must be Tiger Lily and her little friend Spike, they've must've headed to Skull Rock to get the second shard before us." Captain Hook guess correctly said.

"H-how are we gonna get their, before they got their first captain?" Mr. Smee asked.

"It's quite simple Mr. Smee, we wait." Captain Hook answered, causing the other pirate dogs confuse look on their faces. "Shocking I know, but what if i tell all of you that they will find the shard for us first. And then, we take it from them." The pirate dogs completely understand him now.

"But what if we fail?" Mr. Smee questioned but he knew he shouldn't asked because the pirate dogs, even Captain Hook glare at him for what he said.

"Smee, let me remind you that FAILURE is not an option, never question it again, understood?" Captain Hook said and Mr. Smee nodded in nervous at him. "Good, now set sail to Skull Rock."

"Aye, aye Captain!" All the pirate dogs saluted him. The ship moving forward to head to Skull Rock to claim the shard before they do.


Tiger Lily, Spike, and Sparx nearly there to the Skull Rock while they were pedal their boat. However, they only see the fog. Which it could only mean one thing, they've made it to the Skull Rock. It is the most scariest place has ever seen in Spike's life. This place have skeletons everywhere where they hanging on cages, skulls on spears, and a warning signs say 'turn back or your fate is sealed & beware', no wonder why this place is called Skull Rock. "We're finally their Spike... Spike?" Tiger Lily said and caught her attention of seeing Spike shivered in fear, especially Sparx when he hold tightly on Spike's head. "Come, there is nothing to be afraid."

"Easy for you to say, I'd rather stay on the boat." Spike said.

"You'll be safe once you're close with me." Tiger Lily convinced to him until she say. "There are gems inside for you to eat."

Spike popped up really quickly when he hear a magic word from her and said. "Really, well in that case, we're ready."

"Great, but before we go in, you will need this." Tiger Lily said while passing him a dagger once belong to someone else she know.

"Um thanks but, I don't want to use it to hurt anyone." Spike refused to have it.

"It is true, but you need it also to defend yourself." She said. Spike have to admitted that Tiger Lily got a point so he grabbed it and strapped on his hip with a belt. "Are you two ready?" Both Spike and Sparx nodded to her. So they began to enter the mouth of the Skull Rock to get the second shard and get out of their as quickly as they can.

The inside of the it was so dark to see where they suppose to go. However, Sparx lighted up himself in the dark to see everything and. "Thanks little buddy." Spike thankfully to his dragonfly friend. They now can see what this place looks abandon for years like no ponies is home. "What happen to this place?" He asked.

"No pony knows it's dark past, the elders in my tribe once told the Skull Rock is a symbol of curse for those who dare stepped on." Tiger Lily answered. "I never thought I'd be coming back here after all these years."

"Wait, you've been here before?" Spike asked.

"Yes, it was a long time ago." Tiger Lily answered while they keep moving on.

"So how can we find the other shard somewhere in a place like this?" Spike asked while looking around.

"I believe the answer you're looking for is right in front of us." Tiger Lily said while she showing him when she stopped. His eyes widened really big and gasping up really much, because there are a huge pile of treasures filled with gold, jewelries, and gems right before his eyes, even Sparx make a same look as Spike did. "Let us quickly find the shard, and then we leave this place." She said and Spike and Sparx nodded to her.

So they began to spit up to do a digging out the golden coins and look every carefully when find the right one. Spike spotted a delicious gem down there and started to eat and dig at the same time. By the time he's eating, Tiger Lily said in curious. "Does it hurt when you ate those?"

"No, not really." He said while he's talking with gems in his mouth and swallowed. "Dragons have the most strongest teeth to crush every single gems. By the time their done, they devour to recharge their flames like what I'm doing right now."

"Interesting, but be careful what you ate, one of those gems could be the second shard we were looking for." She said in reminder. Spike paused himself from eating the gems, believing he almost ate it. So the best for him is to find the shard first and then eat the rest of the gems he could see.

They've kept looking for minutes to minutes and still didn't find it yet. The frustration has started to get them. "*grunt* Why is so hard to look for it in the middle of the treasures!" Spike said in anger when he kicked the treasures and then sitting on it hard like he lose faith.

Tiger Lily have to agree on Spike, it is very difficult for them. She reach out her pocket to grab a shard and said in calmly. "If you can hear my words, please give us the way to find your remains then you will be hole again, I beg of you." Suddenly, what caught her attention is the first shard is glowing meaning that the second shard is close by, this is the first time she's ever seen. "Spike, come look." She said.

Spike hear her response when he turned his head around. "What is it Tiger Lily?" Spike asked while he and Sparx headed towards her.

"The shard is glowing, it knows the other is near." Tiger Lily answered. She moving her hoof around with the shard. Once they spotted something glow over there, which means it's right there in the far distance.

"There it is." Spike said in excitement and then he ran towards the light, and Sparx following him. By the time he got there in time, he grabbed it and headed back to Tiger Lily. "That's two down and two more to go." He said while he passes the second shard to her.

"Good, now it is time for us to leave." She said while putting the shards in her pocket.

They now headed out treasures place, but something caught Spike attention. He saw a big ball of pearl which it looks very shiny. He picked it up and said. "Wow, it looks amazing, Rarity's gonna love this when I gave it to her." He put it inside his pack as a souvenir and rejoined the others.

They're almost there to the exit the mouth of the Skull Rock. But suddenly, Tiger Lily hears the sound of the foots steps not coming from Spike and herself. She believed that there's someone is watching them and then she stopped. "Hold on Spike." She said while she blocked his way and he got confused.

"What wrong Tiger Lily?" Spike asked.

"We are not alone." She said while she looking around and see all shadowy figure. "I know you all here, come out." She shouted. Who appears out of the shadow and stand in front of them was Captain Hook with a smirk of his face. "Spike, get behind me." She said while pulling out her axe.

"Hello my dear and to you too Spike." Captain Hook greeted to them. "I must say, I am pleased you two have found other shard, now would you be so kind is to hand it over and I'll let you walk freely."

"I'd rather fall than letting have them for evil Hook." Tiger Lily said.

"Yeah." Spike agreed with Tiger Lily. "Besides, there's only three of us and one of you."

"Really, you and what army." Captain Hook said when fourteen Pirate Dogs and Mr. Smee appeared from behind the rocks and draw their weapons to threading a mare, a baby dragon, and a dragonfly. Spike knew he should've kept his big mouth shut. "Did you really think I came here alone? Now last chance, have it both over and I'll spare you all."

"Spike, is your flame within you have return yet?" Tiger Lily said in whisper and then Spike nodded. "Like I told you before, I'd rather fall than letting you have them."

"Hm... pitty." Captain Hook said when he took a step back. "Get them." He said to his pirate dogs and then they began their charge on the three of them.

"Now." Tiger said to a baby dragon. Spike started to breath his green fire on the ground to stop the pirate dogs, Tiger Lily charged back and took down three pirate dogs and they fall to the water. Five more pirate dogs circling around to surround her, she prepared for their next move.

"You four, get that little dragon." Captain Hook said to the pirate dogs. They ran to get a Spike. However, Spike draw his dagger to defend himself.

"Okay you mutts, which one of you goes first." Spike warned those pirate dogs, but they laughed at him. One pirate dog goes at Spike, trying to grab him, but Spike slide under pirate dog and poke at his buttock. Causing the pirate dog to scream painfully when he jump up and landed on his head pretty hard. "Ow, that's gotta hurt."

Tiger Lily had defeated five pirate dogs so easily, now she going after Captain Hook. However, Captain Hook was right their behind her. "You know, this place brought back some memories." Captain Hook said to her. "I remember the time when your flying boyfriend of your rescued you from me. But where is he now when you needed him." Tiger Lily charge towards him with an anger, clanging their weapons multiple times.

Spike and Sparx on the other hooves, managed to get away from the pirate dogs but two more were stand in their way. Luckly, Spike release his fire ball at them, causing them to jump off and into the water. Spike and Sparx can now see Tiger Lily fighting Captain Hook and seeing five pirate dogs are getting up to fight back. "Oh no, we gotta help, but how?" Spike said while he's thinking until he got one but he's not gonna like it. He reach out a big ball of pearl, making a regrettable face. "Sorry Rarity." He walked to the top and whistle really loud to catch every dogs attention. "WHO WANTS THE BALL?!"

"Me me me me me!" All the pirate dogs shouted while jumping and wiggling their tails.

"THEN FETCH!" Spike shouted while he toss a big ball of pearl to the water and then all the pirate dogs jumped in to water except Captain Hook and Mr. See.

"Fools, don't get distracted, come back here!" Captain Hook said in anger at his maties.

Spike and Sparx rejoined Tiger Lily to face against Captain Hook. "It's over Hook." Tiger Lily said.

But Captain Hook makes a smirk of his face and said to them. "Or is it now?" He snapped his finger to calling out more pirate dogs, they grabbed Tiger Lily and grabbed Spike by the head and closed his mouth for not breathing fire, and Mr. Smee catch Sparx with the jar. "You know my dear, the only way you defeated your opponent in the game, is to outsmart them, but sadly you didn't. Now it's time to claim what belongs to me." He reach out his hand to get the shards on her pocket.


Suddenly, he stopped when his hand twitch so does his too and his ear pumps like a heartbeat when he hears a familiar ticking sound, which it could only mean one thing. "Oh no... Smee, Is that what i think i heard?" Captain Hook said in fear.

Mr. Smee shiverly nodded to Captain Hook and nervously said. "I'm afraid it is Captain, its a... it's a, c-c-cr-"

"CROCODILE!!!" One pirate dog shouted in fear when the Crocodile rise up out of the water with a roar. The pirate dogs running for their lives while they scream, leaving their captain behind with it. By the time when Tiger Lily, Spike, and Sparx are free, they have their chance to get out of Skull Rock.

When the Crocodile keep trying to eat them while crawling, it spotted Captain Hook standing there while he shivers in fear. The Crocodile makes a smirk face when it remembered him and then it ran towards him to eat. Captain Hook began to run away on top from the Crocodile while it keeps chomping him and he screams to call out Mr. Smee's name many times. "SMEEEEEE, HELP MEEE!!!"

"I'm coming Captain!" Mr. Smee said while he pedalling a canoe boat fast to save him.

Captain Hook had stopped running jump out the top and the Crocodile almost chomped him. He is about to landed on the canoe boat but he just landed on water, because Mr. Smee just missed catching him. The Crocodile also jumped out the top. "NOOO!!!" Captain Hook shouted when the hit on top of him.

Mr. Smee looked down and said. "Captain?"

The Crocodile pops up its head and Captain Hook was holding its mouth, trying not let it closed with all his strength. "SMEE, DO SOMETHING YOU IMBECILE!" Captain Hook said in anger at Mr. Smee. Mr. Smee was thinking quick until he got one when reach out and pull out a pepper salt. He blow the pepper to the Crocodile's nose, causing it to sneeze really hard by launching Captain Hook in the air while he scream and this time he landed on canoe boat. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" They pedaled their canoe boat really fast while the Crocodile still chasing them to the sunset.

Meanwhile on the other side, Tiger Lily, Spike, and Sparx made it back to Neverland while they got out the canoe boat on the beach. "We made it." Spike gladly said.

"Indeed we have." Tiger Lily said. "The Crocodile must've followed us their."

"I was just thinking the same thing." Spike said. "But do you think it got him?"

"No, because he always survives and always does." Tiger Lily answered.

"So, what's next?" Spike asked.

"Now, we shall go to the Fairy Forest to obtain the third shard, we should go." Tiger Lily said while Spike and Sparx saluted her. They now began to ventured into the woods to find the Fairy Forest.


**Equestria, Ponyville**

The Mane Six made it back to Ponyville on midnight, a few of them made their way back home to get some rest for tomorrow. By the time Twilight Sparkle came back to the castle, she told Starlight Glimmer everything about Spike's disappearance while they walked in the hallway, Starlight was shocking to hear that. "So let me get this straight, Spike somehow travel to another world we are not heard about it and a magical star take him?" Starlight asked.

"That's correct." Twilight answered.

"Wow, this is incredible." Starlight said until she asked question. "But how will girls get their when it's right up their?"

"Simple, The Elements Of Harmony." Twilight answered. "Once we use their magic, we can travel to Neverland and help Spike."

"Of course, but what if it... doesn't work?" Starlight asked.

"It'll have to work Starlight." Twilight said and then looking up to the stars through the window. "It has to."

To Be Continued...