• Published 11th Feb 2023
  • 1,160 Views, 80 Comments

The Tales Of Spike - Neverland - Spyro_Story

This is a story of a little purple dragon who's in the another world called Neverland.

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Chapter 9: Lagoon

The river flow down the stream in the middle of the dark cloudy day, a canoe boat appears down the stream with a mare, baby dragon, and dragonfly. Tiger Lily was stroking a water to move a boat, Sparx was just flying around, and Spike's bored himself until his stomach growl for hunger. He grabbed an apple under his seat and took a bite of it. However, he sighed because he remembered and caught Tiger Lily's attention. "Is something wrong Spike?" She said.

"Oh nothing, it just that apple reminds me a friend of mine who makes lots of delicious apple pie." Spike answered.

"I see." Tiger Lily started to get curious. "So, tell me more about your friends, what were they like in your world?"

Spike has started said to her same as he told to Sparx. "Okay, first is Twilight Sparkle, she's my sister who likes to read books especially ancient books. She's much of bookworm than anypony, and she was once a unicorn and became an alicorn to be the princess of friendship." Spike said.

"A princess, like me?" She said.

"Yeah like you, expect you don't have magical horn and wings." Spike said. "Anyways, second is Rarity, she's a fashion designer and a totally gorgeous. My heart never stop beating hard when she needed my help. Third is Rainbow Dash, she's the most fastest pegasi in the Equestria. She always wanted to be a wonderbolt, but her dreams finally come true."

"Wonder... bolt?" She said in confusion.

"Uh don't worried about it." Spike said. "Fourth is Fluttershy, she's a caretaker to any animals but a bit nervous to anything and any places. But sometimes she's brave. Fifth is Pinkie Pie, she like to party and turn everypony frown upside down especially on every birthdays and holidays. Sixth is Applejack, she's a farmer who has lots of apple trees. I remember she saved me from Timberwolves and I saved her too. Last but not least is Starlight Glimmer, she's a apprentice to Twilight and a good friend, she used to be evil when stole everypony's cutie mark and try to change the past by using time magic. Thank's to Twilight, she changed her mind and taught her the ways of friendship." He finished.

"Incredible, I don't know much about them, but they sound like a magnificent friends." She respected to Spike.

"How long are we there to the lagoon?" Spike asked, looking at front side of the river.

"We're nearly there." She answered. They heard the sound of the waterfall, which means they've made it the lagoon. It was a sight for them of this place but its springs were foggy. It is hard for them to see everywhere and everything.

Suddenly, Spike looked down and saw something moving down in the water. "Uh Sparx, Tiger Lily, did you all see that?" He said to them, but Sparx shook his head side to side.

"I didn't see anything." Tiger Lily shook her head too. But she heard so far from it, a ticking sound. "Spike, do you hear something?"

Spike and Sparx try to listening the sound what Tiger Lily say, until they now hearing it. "Yeah, it sounded like..... clock?" Spike said.


what jumped over the canoe boat and into the water, was a massive crocodile. Bigger than a tree, dark green and brown scales, scars everywhere, and meaner than ursa miner. The others were very scaredy shock by its appearance, the crocodile's circling around them.

"SWEET CELESTIA!" Spike shouted. "Was that a giant crocodile?!"

Tiger Lily grab some sticks and lighted them on fire with flints. "Here keep waving it, it's afraid of the light, we need to find the way out of lagoon." She said while she give Spike a torch and Sparx light up too. They began to keep distance from a crocodile and looking for way out. The crocodile start to swam straight toward the boat, ready to chomp it.

But luckily, Tiger Lily move the torch and blinded the crocodile's eyes. It swam back and making for its next move, They do their best to defend themselves from it. The worst part is, the crocodile goes down deep, making them think it retreated. "Where did it go?" Spike asked in nervous.

"I don't know, but we need to keep our distance." Tiger Lily said.

The crocodile pop back up, grabbing the canoe boat with its mouth. It tries to crush it very hard to break it along with them. Sparx thankfully, rush in to save Spike and Tiger Lily in the boat by blinding the crocodile's eyes again. It releases the boat back to the water and retreated again. "Thank you Sparx." Spike gratefully said to his dragonfly friend, But it is not over yet while the crocodile still swimming their.

They kept trying to find the exit, until Tiger Lily spotted the exit way of lagoon. "Over there, we need to pedal forward." She said when Spike and her pedalling, but they saw the crocodile swam behind them, so they prepare for its attack. "Get ready."

But the unexpected has instore to them when the crocodile dive down and unseen. "There it goes again." Spike said. The clock ticking sound still but they don't where it is. But out of nowhere was its tail pop up behind them and slam hard on top of the boat, causing Spike to fly and fall into the water when he screams.

"SPIKE!" Tiger Lily shouted in worry, and Sparx rushed towards him.

In the water, Spike's rose up and gasping to breath, looking both ways to find a boat. "Tiger Lily, where are you!" He called out to her but he can barely swim.

"Hold on, I'm on my way!" She shouted while she pedal towards Spike.

Sparx spotted Spike, he's trying to swim but he can't. Sparx's circling around him to protect him from it, but it wasn't enough. Spike just now holding his breath before he goes down. He heard again the sound of ticking, which means it's coming. He spotted the crocodile swimming towards him, he try to swim fast away from it but he's too slow for his size.

The crocodile gets closer and closer to Spike when it opened its mouth with a roar. Spike never thought his fate would end up as its dinner when he covered his eyes.

But suddenly, an unknown light hit the crocodile's eye. It looked around to see what hit it. A three shadowy figures are appears in front of the crocodile and keep hitting it with their lights. The crocodile had no choice but to run away from them.

By the time he hear a ticking sound faded, Spike opened his eyes to what's going on. He sees there are three figures with lights on their fins around him, they appears to be Maremaids. He is very surprised to see them look so pretty. One Maremaid looked at him very closely, knowing that he's young and gentle creature. So both of Maremaids grabbed hold of him and taking him back up to the boat.

Tiger Lily and Sparx were frustrated to where Spike is while she calling out to him, until she some light in the water. The lights getting close and Spike popped up, gasping to catch the air for his lungs. "Spike, you are alright." She said in worry while she grabbed him and pull back in the boat.

"I am, if it weren't for them, I would have been crocodile's meal." Spike said gratefully while both of them looking down at the Maremaids.

"Thank you for saving my friend." She said in thankful, the Maremaids nodded to her and left. After that, the fog was clear out the lagoon and cloudy turned to sunny day, they pedal towards the exit. They finally made it out the lagoon to the sea and their epic quest to the Skull Rock is just getting started.

But the far away behind, the crocodile attempts to follow them, slowly and quietly.


**Equestria, Canterlot**

The mane six were waiting on the Canterlot train station to catch a ride home while they were chatting. Twilight on the other hoof, couldn't stop stare at the Neverstar in the night sky.

Rarity walked in next to Twilight and asked. "Twilight darling, is something the matter?"

"Huh? Oh, yes I'm fine Rarity, thanks." Twilight responded. "I'm just thinking."

"About what, sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

"About Spike, I know we must have faith in him but. What if there is way to travel to Neverland?" Twilight said.

"Yeah, like it would be easy for us to fly up their or some magic you got." Rainbow Dash said.

"The Elements of Harmony, Rainbow you're a genius!" Twilight said to her.

"I am, I mean of course I am, because I'm awesome." Rainbow Dash proud to herself.

"Are you sure the Elements can do it?" Rarity asked.

"Yes, they have the power to do anything, including travel places to places." Twilight answered.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's do this partner." Applejack said.

"Uuuh. And after we bring Spike back, we can throw him a 'Welcome Back From Neverland Party'." Pinkie Pie bounce in with the others.

"That's sounds pretty good idea." Fluttershy said in agreement, the others agree too. The train has arrived and they enter to head back to Ponyville. Twilight was hopping that the ideas of using The Elements of Harmony could work for her sake and Spike's too.

To Be Continued...