• Published 11th Feb 2023
  • 1,160 Views, 80 Comments

The Tales Of Spike - Neverland - Spyro_Story

This is a story of a little purple dragon who's in the another world called Neverland.

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Chapter 17: Battle Of Neverland part 1

In the afternoon was a tragic day on the two peak mountains, Captain Hook got the Neverstar at his grasp, Tiger Lily, Tinkerbell, and Sparx were captured, and Spike... has fallen to his demise. "C- Captain you... you killed him." Mr. Smee said when he looked down.

"I do it, because this is what happens to those who rejected my deals Mr. Smee, I do not take loose ends." Captain Hook said while he walks to Tiger Lily and then placing his hook under her chin to lift her head up. "First Peter Pan, and now Spike. No matter where they follow you, you've led them to their doom. Take them away, we are going back to the ship." Captain Hook and the pirate dogs are now leaving the mountain along with Tiger Lily, Tinkerbell, and Sparx as prisoners and the Neverstar.

At the farthest down to the cliff where Spike is, the baby dragon was unconscious to the stone slab. However, he's starting to wake up when he is twitching his hand and eyes opened heavy. "Ugggh... hugh... my head..." he barely said until he come to his senses when he gasp and shock. "Tiger Lily, I gotta help my friends and then... wooah!" He gasp in fear when the baby dragon didn't realized that he's in a middle of stone slab which no where to go.

Spike was frozed to keep himself steady not to move a single inch until he'll figured it out how to get out of this situation. "Come on Spike, think." He said to himself. But suddenly, the stone slab is starting to crack slowly. "Uh-oh, this can't be good." But there's hope for him that he noticed is he had a bag that the Elder fairies gave him. The baby dragon reached out to the bag slowly and surely. But the worst part is... the slab is broken and falling with Spike when he screamed.

The bag in Spike's hand just slipped out of him, causing the baby dragon to try to grab it before he reach the ground. "Come on... come on, reach!" He shouted while he almost reached the bag with his finger. However, Spike now finally has the bag at his hand. By the time when he opened the bag, the pixie dust just blow right out on his face all over, causing him to cough and sneezed. But the pixie dust is starting to glow all around him.

To this moment, he is near to the ground when he sees it. Spike couldn't imagine when he end up splat to the ground when he closed his eyes and forearms block, until... his falls stopped. The baby dragon strangely noticed that he couldn't landed and air did not blow on him. He opened his one eyes and now realized he's flying. "I- I'm... flying?" Spike asked to himself until he turns to excitement. "Yeah ahaha, now this is my chance to help my friends." He now fly back up to the peak of the mountain to save them but clumsy to use it magic. By the time Spike got their, he was too late. He knew exactly where they taken them. So instead going after them, he need some help and he knows just the place where he will be.


At the pirate dogs ship, the pirate dogs are celebrating their victory for Captain Hook to have Neverstar by cheering his greatness. Captain Hook wears the Neverstar around his neck as a trophy. He stand up from his seat and speak to all his pirate dogs when they starts to pay attention to him. "My fellow crew, for years we suffered of failing to take over Neverland... but no more. With this Neverstar around my neck, we can claim this world in my own image, starting now. Let us a toast to our victorious." He finished giving them speech when he's back to his seat while his followers are enjoying it.

Inside the ship in the cell room, Tiger Lily was in the cells bar in shackle on her hoof legs. Tinkerbell and Sparx are in the jar together on the table, trying to break free but didn't work. Tiger Lily couldn't say a single word when she got their, she never stop thinking about poor Spike and his chance to return to Equestria. "I am sorry Spike..." She said while her tear runs down to her face.


At the Tribal Land, the natives and the lost colts are around the fire, doing feasting and telling stories. But suddenly, one pony native spotted something flying towards their territorial land. The pony native sound the alarm with a battle cry to alert the other natives. They all prepare their weapons and take their battle stands for whatever it's coming to here. "Hold!" The chief said to his tribe in native language when he recognized small figure and it was Spike who is flying but clumsy when he hits the ground. "Spike the dragon, what has brought to here and... where is my daughter?" He asked.

"Captain Hook got her and the Neverstar." Spike answered, causing every native and the lost colts to gasp to hear what he said. "I could've got their in time to save them, but I didn't. Oh who am I kidding back in my world, I'm just an assistant and baby dragon, not some 'THE' hero that I am."

The native chief took a few step towards the baby dragon and said. "Listen to me young one, becoming the hero is the hardest difficulty to all, but does it mean to you that you given up right now?"

"Now that you mentioned it, you're right, I never give up." Spike said when the chief is right.

"This is the answer I wanted you to remember." The chief said.

"Thank you, your chiefness. But right now, I came here because I needed your help, all of your help to fight back the pirate dogs and rescue them." Spike said to all the natives.

"Then you are right, the pirate dogs have been terrorized Neverland for the last time. Chief Screaming Eagle said when he makes a serious face. "It is time we fight back." All the natives and the lost colts agreeing with the chief by standing on to themselves and ready to battle against the pirate dogs.


The pirate dogs drags Tiger Lily and bringing Tinkerbell and Sparx in the jar to the long branch what holds the jolly roger. They tied them up while Captain Hook walk towards her and said. "It hurts, doesn't it." He lifted her chin up. "But no matter, you shall witness as I take over Neverland by destroying every single land you've known, including your tribe."

The worst moment suddenly hits Tiger Lily by words from Captain Hook when she struggling in anger. "If you ever harm them, I swear i will-"

"Now now, let's not get to hasty my dear." Captain Hook said when he cut off her words. "After all, they all will becoming my slaves when I'm done with all of this, for right now... sit tight and enjoy the show." Captain Hook now walks away and headed up to the top where the wheel turn is along with Mr. Smee following him. "Are all the other six of ships ready Mr. Smee?" He asked.

"Indeed they are captain." Mr. Smee answered.

"Excellent, time for the uprising begins now." Captain Hook said when he removed the Neverstar on his neck and reach out up high with his arm. The Neverstar began to glow to releases its power to spread around all the seven ships with its sparkling dust. The pirate dogs feels the shake on the ship and started to rise up from the water and to all the pirate dog's ship, causing Tiger Lily, Tinkerbell, and Sparx to react in shock.

All flying ships began to moved towards Neverland, reading to load on each canon to fire every land on each spots. "...fire." Captain Hook said to order his pirate dogs. The pirate launched canon ball on every target on land, causing all animals and magical creatures that lived their running for their lives. Captain Hook is enjoy the show while he chuckles, but Mr. Smee feels bad for doing terrible things with them while watching everywhere is destroyed.

Tiger Lily couldn't stand seeing such horrible sights. "You coward!" She shouted to Captain Hook while she struggle.

"HEY!" A young voice shouted to catch everyone's attention, and familiar to Tiger Lily.

Tiger Lily was looking around to find where the voice coming from, until she looked up and spotted at what's in her eyes. "Spike." She said when she sees the baby dragon floating in front of the big ship, causing all the pirate dogs to gasp to see he is flying, even Captain Hook is surprised to see him alive.

"Why is this not possible to get rid of that small weakling dragon?" Captain Hook asked, but he didn't care how Spike survived. "The rest of you, get him." He order his pirate dogs to attack the baby dragon, until Spike just swoops in and releases his green fire to the floor, making the pirates dogs back off.

Spike landed with a slide and save Tiger Lily, Tinkerbell and Sparx by cutting the rope on her and opening the jar that Tinkerbell and Sparx are inside. Sparx immediately swoops out and give Spike a hug on his face, especially Tiger Lily just rush in for a hug at the baby dragon. "Thank goodness you're alright. I thought you were gone." Tiger Lily said.

"It takes more than a simple fall to take me out, but I'm fine thanks to pixie dust." Spike said while passing weapon to her. "Right now, we need to stop the ships before they wiped out Neverland."

"And we will." Tiger Lily nodded and so does Tinkerbell and Sparx.

Spike, Tiger Lily, Tinkerbell, and Sparx now face forward to take face to face on Captain Hook and the rest of the pirate dogs. "Well... I see you're still alive from the fall, I'm impressed dear boy." Captain Hook admittedly underestimated the baby dragon. "But it is foolish to come here all alone to rescuing your friends and face me and my army."

"Actually Hook... you're right. It was pretty stupid of me to face all of you." Spike said until he makes a smirk. "And also, who says I've come here alone."

Captain Hook was confused for what the baby dragon said. Until he suddenly noticed to hear the sound of scream and stomps, coming from over the distance closer to the cliff. The sound came from the native ponies charging towards the ships with a battle cry. "Pirate dogs... TO BATTLE!" Captain Hook shouted to ordering his crew while pointed his sword up high.

The natives are preparing jump off the cliffs to landing on each seven ships, and so they did. Like moth to a flame, two sides are drawn to the battle of Neverland. Tonight... is their last stand.

To Be Continued...