• Published 11th Feb 2023
  • 1,160 Views, 80 Comments

The Tales Of Spike - Neverland - Spyro_Story

This is a story of a little purple dragon who's in the another world called Neverland.

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Chapter 2: Dragonfly

In the middle of the day at the beach, Spike's walking side to side desperately. He rubbed his head with both hand, trying to think and said to himself. "Okay Spike focus, what's the last thing I remember?" But then, he remembered now. "The girls went to the Gala, I was reading my comic book, got hungry for gem treats, headed to Everfree Forest, chase down by three Timberwolves, fell down on the ledge, and..." His words cut off as he remembered the last part. "That light crystal."

"So, I must be in another world or something." He said in depression. He lay down his body to the sand, looking at the sky as he feels like he's losing hope to go back home. But that moment, he sits up straight and said. "No! I'm not giving up. There has to be way back home, I just have to. But how?" He looked back at the jungle, thinking that he should go to the destination. So he walked toward the trees, until a strange small sparkling light from above watching a purple dragon. It was curious and decided to follow him.


Spike kept walking and walking throw the trees and bushes trying to figuring way. But sadly, he ended up lost. "AUGH!!! How am I gonna find my way back if I don't know where I am!" He complained to himself.

However, he heard a sound of sparkling everywhere that he doesn't know where it come from. Finally he sees a small bright yellow figure from above, he believes it was following him. "Whoa! What is that?" He shocked. A small light figure moved back like it was scare. "Hey it's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you." He calmed. A light figure coming down toward the purple dragon, knowing that he's not a threat.

As it get closer to Spike, it reveals itself that it was a dragonfly. "Wow, you're a dragonfly and I'm a dragon too." Spike surprised.

Dragonfly said. *Squeaking* as in, 'Of course, but we're different kind.'

Spike is shocked when he heard what the dragonfly say to him. He respond. "I can understand you."

Dragonfly said. *Squeaking* as in, 'You do? Hu, that was unexpectedly surprise.'

"Yeah." Spike agreed. "I mean, it's pretty neat."

Dragonfly said. *Sqeaking* as in, 'So what is your name anyway.'

"I'm Spike the dragon from Equestria." He introduced. "And you are?"

Dragonfly said. *Squeaking* as in, 'Hi my name is Sparx with an *x*, nice to meet you Spike.'

"Nice to meet you too Sparx." Spike said. But he'll tell Sparx a question. "Um, what is this world am I on exactly?"

Sparx answered. *Squeaking* as in, 'Well, this world is called Neverland. Are you not from around here.'

"Neverland, uh." Spike said. "So I am in another world. Um Sparx, do you know where to find a town or someplace?"

Sparx was thinking to know where. Luckly, he knows one. He said. *Squeaking* as in, 'I know the place to go there, Tribal Territory.'

"That's great." Spike said. "But are they friendly?"

Sparx said. *Squeaking* as in, 'Of course they are, I promise you that.'

"Hm... alright then." Spike agreed. "Lead the way little buddy."

And so, Spike began to follow Sparx to the direction he know through the trees.

**An hours later**

The sun went down on the horizon, Spike's starting to feel tired and hungry after a journey. However, Sparx sees Spike emotions, so he too is hungry until he spotted a fruits on top of the trees. A few minutes later, both of them finished their appetites. Spike grabbed one of leafs to make a pack for the fruits. Now they're started again to go the same direction.

**Another few hours later**

The sky went dark until the moon rises in the horizon. luckily for them, Spike can see everything in the dark with his dragonic eyes and Sparx still glowing as always. They realize it's late and needed rest for tomorrow. So Spike spotted a small cave to rest there. Spike gathered all the sticks and leafs to breath green fire on it.

For a while, Spike's laying next to Sparx who's on top of the rock. A dragonfly looked at Spike looking sad. Sparx said. *Squeaking* as in, 'what's wrong Spike?'

"Oh, its nothing Sparx." He said looking back at Sparx. "I just miss home and friends back to Equestria that's all."

Sparx said. *Sqeaking* as in, 'don't worry Spike, you'll see them soon once we find a way to send you back, I hope.'

"Yeah, you're right." Spike agreed. " thanks buddy." He yawned when he feels sleepy. "Well, we're gonna wake up tomorrow morning, good night Sparx."

Sparx respond. *Squeaking* as in, 'good night Spike' he sleeps while turned down his glow.

Spike looked at the night sky seeing one star he familiar. He pictured Twilight and her friends. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Starlight. He smiled in tears believing he'll go back to them. He said in whisper while closing his eyes. "Good night girls."...


***Equestria, Ponyville 2 A.M***

A train arrived to Ponyville Train Station from canterlot. The mane seven stepped out the train looking all messy. Their manes messed up, ruined dresses, and covered in dust and stains. But they all laughed about it while they walked down the train station.

"Ah told y'all it went crazy disaster." Applejack said. "This is what happens when y'all listen to me."

"Then you are right after all." Twilight agree with Applejack. "This was the worst gala ever... again."

The others nodded agreement with Twilight. Pinkie Pie jumped in front with a smile and said. "But at least I know what flavor to that super duper gigantic cake, and it was cherry, tasty too." Others chuckles for Pinkie.

They finally reach Ponyville and ready to depart. But first, Twilight was thinking for the morning. "Girls, I was thinking." She said. " we could have breakfast at the castle, how's that sound?" The girls agreed with Twilight's idea.

"Oh what a splendid idea darling." Rarity said. "A breakfast would be simply divine, just for the seven of us."

"Um, Rarity?" Fluttershy said softly. "Its eight of us, because Spike's gonna be with us." Rarity accidentally forgot about Spike.

"Speaking of Spike." Applejack said. "We do promise him to tell what happened at the Gala." The other nodded.

"Yeah, I'm guessing he's gonna laugh at it." Rainbow Dash said. "But don't tell him about what I did a crazy stunned I pull, it would be embarrassing."

Anyways, the plans was settled. Now they departed to their homes. Applejack head to the farm, Rainbow Dash head to Cloudsdale, Rarity head to Boutique, Pinkie Pie head to Sugarcube Corners while hopping, Fluttershy head to cottage, and Twilight and Starlight head to the Castle.


Twilight and Starlight finally reached the castle, the alicorn use her magic to open the big door. They went inside and going upstairs.

"Phew, what a night." Twilight said. "Have a good nap Starlight."

Starlight respond. "You too Twilight."

The two of them separate to head to there rooms. But first, Twilight had to check on Spike if he's sleeps well. She approach to his room and use her magic to open the door slowly and quietly. When her head enter his room, a shock from her face when spike is not on his bed. She entered to see if he's their but he's not.

"Spike? Spike?!" She said in worry. "SPIKE, WHERE ARE YOU?!"

To be continue...