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Celestia's Origins

Author's Note:

Happy Birthday to RainbowRaptor1

*Lillian's POV*

I ask "Isn't it odd that no creature knows where Celestia and Luna came from?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Twilight spoke "Definitely. And it’s only been at least a few weeks since Donnie and the others got that Moon Buggy."

Pyre spoke "I am rather curious as to where my wife and sister in-law are from."

Jet suddenly rode in on his Extreme Gear. “Come on! I bet they’re from somewhere as hidden as Babylon!”

Danyelle pops up from somewhere, spooking Luna.

Luna spoke "Don’t do that!"

Jerome laughs "You kinda had that one coming."

Corina had hidden in a cloud since she had pranked Knuckles.

Jet chuckles "Hehehe, oh what am I gonna do with ‘er?"

Jerome chuckles "Mom is crazy."

Jet asks "So, how’s you and Nova?"

Jerome blushed at that. “Um… Well…”

Nova was in her gryphon form due to embarrassment.

Jerome spoke "*Blushing* Nova and I were planning to book a suite in the Chuddle Hotel for something. And she wanted to give me a surprise."

Jet spoke "Whoa, guess you two lovebirds are gonna be real stuffed like turkeys."

The two lovebirds blushed at that.

A random Mobian turkey whacks Jet on the head.

Jet spoke "Gah! That was just an expression!"

I spoke "Jeeze Jet, you should pick your words carefully. Even I know better than to call Danyelle a certain name that pisses her off."

Twilight spoke "Wait a minute, since Sumarda started visiting, she was quiet for a while, like she was thinking about something."

Danyelle spoke "My guess would be that she had locked up a female turkey in prison."

“Wait, she told you why?” I asked in confusion.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, the Turkey called herself Sumarda’s arch-nemesis, Butterball the Stuffing Turkey She doesn’t really like Thanksgiving much since ya can tell why, so she decided to do the stuffing to others, leaving them immobile. I don’t even know how she does it, but she can make food exactly like Sumarda can. Anyone from her dimension that goes into the our world or the EG world can become a Mobian, beastman or anything else until they come back to Sumarda’s dimension."

Leaflymon spoke "That doesn't apply to Digi-Pokémon though. A few days ago, WereLycanmon got his tail set on fire by Blazedramon."

Danyelle asks "Again?"

Leaflymon giggles "Yeah, those two are a lot like the flamebrain and the ice brained stripper."

Danyelle spoke "Hmm… I wonder how Agumon and Biyomon are doing? Same with Veemon and Meicoomon, Patamon and Gatomon, Palmon and Gomamon, Guilmon and Renamon, Terriermon and Lopmon, and Shoutmon and Lunamon."

A shadow fell over Kyle's eyes since he missed his mother so much.

Jet took off on his Extreme Gear to the skies.

I ask "Where he going?"

Danyelle asks "Should we follow him?"

I spoke "Not all of us have wings furbrain."

A male spotted hyena Mobian spoke "Well if it isn't Kion and his ragtag group."

“Janja.” I sighed with a facepalm.

Janja spoke "Cool it birdie, I'm not evil anymore."

“I know that.” I responded.

Sunny had punted Ein through a wall.

“Some things never change.” I said.

Celestia spoke "Though I am rather surprised with Opaline though."

Pyre asks "Say Tia, where did you come from?"

Celestia seemed hesitant at that.

Leilani spoke "I'll answer that one, I was from a far off place called Skyros. It was mostly a Pegasus city but I was the only unicorn there."

“Huh?” I asked in confusion.

Leilani uses a memory spell to show me and the others images of her hometown.

Young Leilani spoke "*sigh* Nopony talks to me, it's because I'm the only unicorn in a city of Pegasi."

Leilani spoke "*unheard by her younger self* That's what I looked like long before I became an alicorn. This was also the day I met White for the first time."

The younger Leilani bumps into a white furred Pegasus male with a dark navy mane.

Young White spoke "Oh, sorry about that."

Young Leilani stammers "I w-wasn't paying attention..."

Leilani spoke "White wasn't like the other Pegasi. He was funny, a painter too. We hit it off right away. After I had lost control of my magic, White and I both became alicorns."

Young Leilani gasps "I am so sorry!"

Young White spoke "I'm not mad Leilani. It was an accident."

Several Skyrosian Pegasi bow down to the first two alicorns.

Leilani spoke "Three years later, I had Celestia."

An infant version of Celestia was on her mother's back.

That is so cute!!!

Celestia was blushing like mad.

Leilani spoke "Then a few years later, I had Luna."

Young filly Celestia was playing peekaboo with an infant Luna, causing the little alicorn to giggle.

Now Luna was flustered.

OOOH!!! I can’t handle this much cuteness!

Danyelle spoke "It’s almost too cute!"

Leilani spoke "After I lost White because of Tirek 8240 years ago, I had to raise my daughters on my own. It wasn't until 111 years before Luna's fall to darkness when they got their cutie marks."

“W-What?” Twilight, Danyelle and I gasped.

Whitetwo spoke "It's all true... I remember everything the original White had remembered."

Leilani spoke "And you know the rest."

Jet screams "GAH!"

We saw Jet coming down after what looked like crashing into something.

Whitetwo asks "What the...?"

A black-purple portal opened in the air where Jet “crashed” before we saw Ozul from the MCAP-verse pop his upper half out of it and reached out, only to touch something as some kind of barrier appeared.

Sonic flew up to check the barrier.

Sonic asks "How did this get here?"

Ozul spoke "Beats me, but I definitely felt Radiant Elemental energy in that."

Sonic asks "Light magic?"

“Yeah. Whoa!” Ozul yelped as he was pulled back into the portal before he popped his head back out. “For a feline with so many scars, she sure is a powerful wildcat.” Ozul noted with a tiger growl before he was dragged back into the portal as it closed.

Danyelle spoke "Weird..."

Twilight spoke "I wonder how my counterpart is doing these days."

“What is Ozul anyway?” I asked as the others shrugged.

Sonic spoke "I just remembered something! Back before I got my wings, I had punched a different Blueblood in the face. It was just before that world's Spottedleaf had renamed a black furred Abyssinian with ice-blue eyes and a white furred hand."

Twilight and the others all burst into laughter.

I laugh "Now that is funny!"

Then said Spottedleaf appeared through a portal. “Hehehe. No matter what universe, that Blueblood is a royal pain.”

Bluestar spoke "Damn right! He's nothing but a stuck up royal horse pain!"

Spottedleaf spoke "Anyway, I see you met Ozul."

Bluestar spoke "The last time you saw me, I was just a chickub. Now, I'm all grown up and I have a husband plus three adorable children."

Danyelle gasps "NOW I REMEMBER!!! I had been in the MCAP verse when that Twilight had set off the ascension spell, causing her and her friends plus a good handful of her friends to become immortal!"

Spottedleaf giggles "Heeheehee! That’s right, and there was that Alicorn Hunt."

Snowfire asks "Alicorn hunt?"

Spottedleaf spoke "It wasn’t the Huntverse. It was my universe. A lot of hidden and recently ascended alicorns. You wouldn’t believe the adventures."

Bluestar spoke "That's nothing compared to all the bizarre adventures we had. Oh, hey Jolyne!"

Jolyne spoke "Hey."

Spottedleaf spoke "I can find that believable, but eh. Each creatures have their own perspectives."

Jacklyn was on Jolyne's head.

Bluestar asks "So what was in your adventures? Undead? Street Fighting? Mystery Solving? Other paranormal events?"

Spottedleaf spoke "Yes to all that."

Bluestar stammers "Yeahbuthuh?!"

Twilight spoke "And I bet that Golden Ingot guy screams like a filly."

Danyelle laughs "Just like Ein!"

But then Pinkie zoomed by, with the look on her face just screaming birthday party.

Danyelle spoke '*facepalm* How could I have forgotten! It's Raptor's birthday!"

Reshay laughs "Forgetting someowl?"

Dimensio showed up with a smirk. “Or somefox?”

Rei spoke "Long time no see Dimensio."

Dimensio chuckles "Yep. It ain’t just Raptor’s birthday."

Rei teases "So, when will YOU find a girlfriend?"

Dimensio asks "…I don’t know. By the way, how’s my clone doing?"

A pair of teenaged Zorua had tackled their uncle.

Rei spoke "I do apologize for their behavior. They're at that age where they like tackling anyone they see."

Dimensio asks "So I take it that you’re doing well?"

Rei spoke "Hehe, yeah. Still can’t believe I’m a clone of you for this universe."

Dimensio spoke "Oh well, when in Rome."

Dimensio brings out a book-like laptop and was doing something on it.

I spoke "Hey Nico! Pedro! Let's get this party started!"

Nico spoke "Hoho! You got it!"

Sumarda spoke "I’ll get the food!"

Using her magic to write up all the invites before sending them off with her transdimensional fire breath, Danyelle spoke "I sent out invites to all the Smashers."

Dimenso spoke "Heh, nice! But just so you know, they may have changed."

Danyelle spoke "Bowser changed for the better. Which is a load off Mario's back since I am the Nekomata of Redemption after all. I was the one that cheered Shadow back up by finding Maria."

Dimenso spoke "Yeah, but there may be new Smashers."

A male Mobian raccoon spoke "You’re right about that."

We turned around and saw a male raccoon.

Dimenso spoke "*Smile* Hey, Luke."

Sonic spoke "I hate to break it to you but the Master Hand of our universe hasn't announced any new Smashers in three years."

Just as Sonic said that, Danyelle had burped up a letter from Master Hand.

Danyelle spoke "Guess Luke’s one of them, along with someone called Jamie.”

Sonic spoke "Ya might want to recheck that Dany, that's our universe's Luke that was picked."

Luke spoke "Yep."

Danyelle spoke "Wait… It says Luke Dragneel and Luke Sullivan."

Luke (SF) spoke "Oh, that makes more sense."

Lucy spoke "Uh guys, Prince Sonic was talking about my son..."

Luke (SF) spoke "Oh, my bad. Sorry."

Reshay had conked Danyelle on the head.

Reshay spoke "That's MY last name you baka nekomata!"

Danyelle asks "Gah! What?"

Reshay spoke "You have five seconds to run BEFORE I TICKLE YOUR FEET!!!"

Danyelle yowls before teleporting away.

“Can anyone explain what just happened?” I asked.

Tails spoke "Maybe I should explain it... The reason why Danyelle hates having her feet touched is because..."

Tails explains what happened one Hearth's Warming to the others.

Tails spoke "So yeah, Danyelle hates it when others try to grab her feet...Only Ben is allowed to since Danyelle refuses to kick him."

“Oh.” I noted.

Tails spoke "I made that mistake once."

I winced at that.

Aphmau spoke "Ein never learns though, he's been kicked so many times it's hardly funny now."
