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Big Fat Love/ Revenge of the Black Arms

*Appleheart's POV*

I kept to myself since the mare I've loved was taken by someone else.

A mare asks "Are you okay?"

I don’t know how, but a kirin-pegasus mare found me.

Ears pin back, I spoke "No, Ah'm not... Ah'm upset that Cherry Pie chose Comet over me! Ah've been in love with her since Ah was a cub!"

the mare asks "Oh… But at least you two are still friends, right?"

The mare smiled, but… I suddenly saw her as Cherry Pie for a second there.

I groan "She never even talks to me anymore..."

the mare asks "I’m sure she thinks about you. Where were you?"

I spoke "Ah was helping my adopted mother with the farm."

the mare asks "Did anything happen?"

“I-I was suddenly kidnapped by Heartless, I managed to fight them off. I tried to find my way back home, but…” I stopped myself at that.

Rustfur was running through the streets after a random dragon that had taken hir favorite ribbon.

The mare spoke "I’m sure she still cares about you."

But then my stomach growled.

I spoke "Ah'm gonna git something ta eat."

I got up before heading off to Sugarcube Corner.

But my stomach growled again as I really felt weak.

Rosewish called out Cherry Pie's name since the ponykat was at the cake shop.

I went into Sugarcube Corner, only to my surprise, to see Mr. and Mrs. Cake each as 1,000 pound obese earth ponies. But now that I think about it, the place did look a little bigger than I remember.

But then a door suddenly appeared on the wall as it opened as I saw Cherry come out of it, and she was surprised to see me.

Cherry asks "Hearty? Is that you?"

I spoke "Yeah... It's me."

Cherry spoke "No wonder we didn't start the celebration yet... I always felt like something was missing... But... All of us thought you were killed by the Heartless."

I laugh "Ah'm tougher than Ah look."

From Cherry's perspective, there were quite a few good muscles under my skin.

But then my stomach growled ravenously.

Cherry asks "Whoa… You’re that hungry?"

I spoke "Ah haven't eaten a darned thing since Ah made mah way back ta Ponyville. And to mah surprise, yer married ta a stallion Ah know nothing about..."

Cherry spoke "I’m really sorry about that. But you can join in, if you want."

I spoke "Ah should've asked this right after we got outta limbo... But since Ah didn't... Ah wish you the best of luck with your husband..."

Cherry asks "*Grabs me* Wait a cotton candy-licking minute! You’re a Chakat, right?"

I ask "Yeah, so?"

Cherry asks "That means you’re a hermaphrodite, right?"

I spoke "All chakats and their subspecies are. Cuss, even Rustfur is a herm as well even though shi's a yak-chakat hybrid."

Cherry spoke "*Talks to apparently nothing* Shi’s as dense as Ash, folks. *Then to me* I’m saying you can swing both ways!"

I spoke "Yer just like yer ma, totally random."

Cherry spoke "Same with my sisters, now come on, ya silly kitty."

I ask "But what would yer husband say?"

Cherry spoke "Oh Comet will be totally fine!"

The mare spoke "Heehee, she's right about that. My big brother has always been accepting of others."

We turned around to see that mare I met before.

Cherry spoke "Aster Smoke! It's so good to see you again!"

I chuckle "Well, Ah do have 220 years of pent up energy ta deal with."

Cherry spoke "Not to mention you need a whole lotta food."

My stomach growled again as if confirming that.

I spoke "Plus Ah'm extremely horny right now."

Using a warp ring, I head to the hotel with Cherry and Comet.

Cherry giggles "Heehee! You better be ready for the land-sea-sky combo sugar rush showtime mountaintop suite."

Comet spoke "That's right, 'cause we won't be alone in there, and the nine of us are gonna have the time of our lives that we'll remember forever."

Hehe, sounds like a challenge, I'll take it as I said, "Rain or shine, bring it on!"

We went inside, seeing Blueberry and Silver Moon, Goomeleon and Pumpkin Cake, Pound Cake and Raspberry.

Cherry spoke "Sorry to keep you all waiting, let's bring out the food and chow down! Then we'll have some real fun!"

Then there was a ginormous table, filled with waves of delicious food of all kinds as I felt like mah mouth turned into Neighagara Falls!

I spoke "Ah'll try mah best from jumping the other mares though."

Cherry spoke "Heehee, just wait until after we're done eating, kitty cat."

Ah realized that everyone else in the room were in their anthro forms.

I spoke "But Ah need it now...."

Cherry asks "Can't have fun on an empty stomach, can we?"

My stomach growled as I admitted Cherry had a point.

I had my tail tucked against my rear.

We then dig in, eating tons and tons o' food real quick, not even carin' if we were gainin' weight. The food was so good! It was only an hour later, and we were already huge, each as big as a universe, still able to move like healthy beings while the room was stiff bigger than all o' us. We finished our seemingly endless meal with Cherry, Comet and I drinking cherry juice, Blueberry and Silver Moon drinking blueberry juice, Raspberry and Pound Cake drinking raspberry juice, and Pumpkin Cake and Goomeleon drinking pumpkin juice, all four drinks having lemons in them.

Pumpkin spoke "Ah, that hit the spot, and it's just about showtime."

Curtains suddenly appeared as they opened, revealing a ginormous crowd of immensely obese adult citizens of Blobtopia. Suddenly, I felt really excited as the stomachs of all nine of us started gurgling. I looked at Cherry to ask her a question.

I ask "What did she mean by that?"

Cherry spoke "Heehee, you're about to find out."

The nine of us suddenly started getting even more fatter by the second as Cherry started looking more red, Blueberry looking more blue, Raspberry looking more pink, and Pumpkin looking more orange than normally. But then Comet and Ah noticed our color becoming the same red Cherry is becoming, with Silver Moon looking blue exactly like Blueberry, Pound Cake looking pink exactly like Raspberry, and Goomeleon looking orange just like Pumpkin Cake.

Blueberry spoke "Heehee! Silver Moon and I are being filled with blueberry juice!"

Raspberry spoke "Heehee! Pound Cake and I are being filled with raspberry juice!"

Pumpkin spoke "Heehee! Goomeleon and I are being filled with pumpkin juice!"

"And you, Comet and I are being filled with cherry juice!" Cherry finished as I started to lose control o' myself.

*Sunny's POV*

A warning howl rang loud since Midnight had been on high alert.

I ask "Grandma! What is going on?"

Twilight spoke "A lot to explain."

Kurama spoke "I feel bloodlust in the air..."

I suddenly felt some kind of energy building in me.

Honey growls "It feels like that Singularity jerk..."

Matatabi asks "Anyone else feeling a familiar energy?"

Twilight spoke "It could be coming from the MCAP verse or the Redux-verse..."

But then a gigantic Black Arms Titan suddenly appeared.

Sonic spoke "Might need the Chaos Emeralds for this."

Midnight sank his fangs into the back of the titan's neck, ripping it out.

Twilight gasps "That's the same killing blow I used on the titans in Eren's world!"

The Black Arms suddenly exploded before another one appeared.

Twilight transforms into Twirama before sinking her fangs into the titan's neck, ripping it out.

Danyelle was in Danyterasu form as she rips a titan apart.

But then more are appearing than the giant beasts were beating.

Sonic spoke "Definitely need the Chaos Emeralds."

Sonic brought out the chaos emeralds and turned into Super Sonic.

Blaze was in her super form as well.

Burning Blaze spoke "A family that stays together, fights together!"

Tails showed up with some kind of ray gun. "Nice, but we might need more backup, or should I say, Super Backup!"

Danyterasu howls loud, calling in all of the Smashers to help fight.

Tails suddenly zapped himself, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, Silver, the Chaotix, Rouge, Big and Cream, as they suddenly went Super.

Roll and Megaman were also in super forms.

Super Roll spoke "NOW WE'RE TALKING!!!"

Tails: Good thing I built this ahead of time and installed the upgrade into Omega.

Omega: Ultima Extermination Mode initiated. Victory; inevitable.

Omega suddenly transformed into some kind of Ultima Mode.

Aphmau was in her goddess form as she flew about, slicing the titans to ribbons.

More titans started appeared before Tails zapped me and some of my friends, somehow getting us into Super Forms.

Bluestar screeches loud, causing meteors to crash down on all of the titans.

Danyterasu spoke "No matter how many we cut down, they just keep coming!"

But then wyvern-like Black Arm titans started appearing.

Hawkbreeze glares hard at the wyverns, causing them all to freeze up.

But then the wyverns' eyes glowed red as they moved again.

But due to how intense the Stare was, the wyverns couldn't move at all.

But then energy rings started coming out of their sides as a form of defense.

Danyterasu howls loud, alerting Flutterambo.

A portal appeared as Flutterambo jumped out of it. “What now?”

Danyterasu tosses a dead black arm titan to in front of Flutterambo.

Holo pounces on a titan before biting the neck.

Danyterasu spoke "There's your reason."

Flutterambo sighed at that before staring intensely as the wyvern titans froze before she threw smoke grenades onto some of them, when portals appeared and giant missiles emerged from them and hit said wyverns, destroying them. "You drew first blood, not me."

Twirama claws the eyes out of one wyvern while Midnight roars loud, calling in all of the nine-tailed foxes from his father's village.

All of the nekomatas from his mother's village were called in too.

Ginji led the kyubis into battle.

Ocean water suddenly rushed upward before becoming glacier spikes, piercing some gigantic titans and wyvern titans.

Korra gasps "That reminded me of Katara..."

A female Nekomata asks "Huh?"

Korra spoke "Sorry, I was thinking of someone I once knew from 224 years ago."

The female Nekomata asks "You said my name. Do I know you from somewhere?"

Korra spoke "You don't know me but I knew your past life."

Katara asks "Huh?"

Korra asks "Does the name Aang ring any bells?"

Katara spoke "Gah!"

Katara held her head in pain.

Korra asks "You okay?"

Katara spoke "My head…!"

Korra reacts quickly with a healing spell.

Katara spoke "Whew… thanks."

But then knight Black Arm titans appeared.

Twirama groans "WHERE ARE THEY COMING FROM???"

Sonic: *Beating some knights while slicing more knights with their own swords* I think we’ll find out soon enough!

Danyterasu's magic flares up, causing the Arthurian versions of Jet, Knuckles, Shadow and Silver to appear.

Danyterasu spoke "Talk about timing!"

Sonic spoke "Lancelot! Gawain! Galahad! Lamorak!"

Blaze spoke "I don't see my counterpart though."

Perci spoke "FOCUS MOM!!!"

Tails zapped the four knights before they were completely engulfed in golden armor.

Danyterasu roars "SUMARDA!! HELP!!!!"

But then a giant female obese Draconequus dropped in, belly-flopping on a group of Black Arm titans, squishing them. “You called?”

A portal opens up before MCAP Twilight flew out of it with at least 20 other alicorns following her.

MCAP Twilight spoke "Thought you lot would need help!"

Redux-verse Twilight flew out of a warp ring with some of her world's Mobians following.

We saw a Garchomp Mobian with them.

To Zoey's shock, Redux-verse Twilight was in her Cyniclon form as she flew about.

Anzu asks "Mom?"

Zoey spoke "B-but HOW?!? I thought Deep Blue was killed!"

Redux-verse Twilight asks "Calm down, different universe. Remember?"

Sonic soon got a sword through the stomach.

Lance and Perci scream "DAD!!!!!"

Sonic dodged an attack as a Supreme Black Arms titan appeared as we suddenly saw a black comet as big as the moon in the sky.

MCAP Twilight spoke "Oh StarClan no...."

A tentacle reached down to the Supreme Black Arms titan’s head and connected.

A voice spoke "This shell was once my prison. Now it shall be the avatar of my return. All shall perish. All shall return to order. To oblivion."

But then the titan roared as five arms emerged from its back.

Danyterasu spoke "TWIRAMA! NOW!!"

Twirama spoke "RIGHT!!!"

The two combine together to form Divine Danyterama.

Despite his injury, Sonic spoke "We won't let you destroy our lives!"

Red and black energy started swirling around Sonic before he gained a stronger aura as his eyes turned blue.

Divine Danyterama roars loud before several portals open up as various Twilights flew out from them.

Huntverse Twilight spoke "UNITED WE STAND!!! DIVIDED WE FALL!!!"

To the surprise of both OC-verse and Redux-verse Sonic, Soni and Moeru had come to help!

All of us attacked the enemy as it knocked out a weapon before Eggman in his Eggmobile flew in as a large wire from the vehicle grabbed the weapon by the back, getting ready to use it.

Divine Danyterama charges up a huge Tailed Beast Bomb along with a Kamehameha that was laced with Chaos energy.


Sonic charged forward as the fusion fired, knocking the supreme titan into the air, lining it up with the Black End.

Eggman spoke "Sonic! It’s now or never!"

Sonic nodded as he went into the weapon with Eggman lifting the weapon up.

Sonic chuckles "Looks like I’m going all-out after all."

Sonic started getting covered in black and blue energy until he was entirely black and blue with white eyes and blue glitchy squares on his body. Eggman aimed the weapon before it was perfectly aligned with the Supreme Black Arms titan and the Black End. He then fired, sending Sonic flying in a chaotic pattern as he tore through the titan and roared as he pierced right through the comet, causing both enemies to explode. Sonic soon fell to the ground with shooting stars passing in the sky as all of us transformed went back to normal.

Sonic spoke "Well… that was fun."

Blaze clung to Sonic while minding the stab wound.

Blaze spoke "Sonic you big dummy!"

Sunny spoke "This will make one heck of a story to tell the grandkids..."

Sonic spoke "I’m gonna be okay, Blaze."

Shadow spoke "*dryly* That wound says otherwise Faker."

Sonic: Hey, it’ll get better, Shadow.

Danyelle sears Sonic's wound shut with her firebending.

Danyelle spoke "You're lucky I can use my flames to seal wounds shut... And shut up Jotaro."

Jotaro: Tch. Good freakin’ grief.

Jacklyn bites her grandfather on the tail.

Picking Jacklyn up, Renaldo spoke "Sorry about Jacklyn, she's at that teething stage."

Jotaro wasn’t fazed by the bite at all. “I’ve had worse.”

Pinkie spoke "Huh, I wonder how my girls are doing."

Renaldo spoke "I won't say the m word if Iggy's nearby... I'd rather not have my fur ripped out."

Danyelle spoke "I heard rumors that Cherry Pie accepted a chakat."

Pinkie: Wow! That’s awesome!

*Cherry’s POV*

Ooh… I’ve never felt so huge and full… Showtime was over, and Blueberry and Silver Moon, Goomeleon and Pumpkin Cake, Pound Cake and Raspberry, Appleheart, Comet and I were as each as big and heavy as nine universes, being incredible and unbelievably obese. Silver Moon, Goomeleon, Pound Cake and Comet Skies were fast asleep, while myself, my two sisters, Pumpkin and Appleheart were still wide awake.

Appleheart spoke "*Belch!* Ah’m stuffed and filled."

“Heehee, yeah. We gotta find a way to thank Sumarda for letting us have this much fun with each other.” I said as Appleheart, Blueberry and Raspberry nodded in agreement.

Pumpkin spoke "I think I know how since I do it as a side-gig sometimes."

That caught the attention of me, my sisters and Appleheart.

Appleheart spoke "Ah could have sworn Ah heard Percival screaming earlier..."

Raspberry spoke "I'm sure everything's okay, Appleheart."

Blueberry asks "Anyway, what's your idea, Pumpkin?"

Pumpkin reached her arm into between her chest before bringing out a miniature door as she placed in on a stone wall before the door became our size as she opened it. "Follow me and find out."

Pumpkin went into the door as Appleheart, my two sisters and I followed her, appearing now in a new room as five seats appeared, just our size.

"Where are we?" I asked as we took our seats as Pumpkin brought out ten cups, each connected to two suction hoses connected to a machine on the ceiling.

"Well, we are gonna help Sumarda. And this should help her with her drink department." Pumpkin answered as she took her seat besides us as she gave each of us two cups.

Appleheart growls "Now isn't the time! Maretime Bay had been attacked!"

But then Sumarda appeared. "We already took care of that, Appleheart, and guess what; no casualties."

That calmed down Appleheart enough as Sumarda vanished.

Appleheart spoke "Ah can't take it anymore! Ah need relief and Ah need it now!"

Appleheart put the two cups onto hir chest before shi sighed blissfully, relaxing immediately as we saw the cups pumping.

Pumpkin asks "*Puts the cups on her chest as they started pumping too* Wow, already figured out how they work, huh? *Blissful sigh*"

My sisters and I put the cups on our chests too before sighing in bliss as all five of us were relaxing in pleasure without a care in the world while the cups were pumping. The hoses and cups were pumping milk from all five of us, while also pumping cherry juice from me, apple juice from Appleheart, blueberry juice from Blueberry, raspberry juice from raspberry and pumpkin juice from Pumpkin Cake.

Appleheart sighs "This... is... amazing... *Blissful and pleasured sigh*"

Raspberry spoke "This might also help orphaned chakats too."

Blueberry asks "And any other orphaned creatures, not to mention it helps bring out fresh fruit juice for anyone if they wanna drink 'em. Anyone else here thinking to join Pumpkin on this side-gig from time to time?"

"Yeah." Appleheart, Raspberry and I agreed fully.

Appleheart spoke "But there's a special enzyme found only in chakat milk though. It has no effect on non-chakats."

"Really? What is it?" Pumpkin, my sisters and I asked in interest.

Appleheart spoke "Ah'm not tellin'."

“Come on, tell us!” My sisters and I pleaded.

Appleheart spoke "Nnope, Ah'm still not tellin'. And don't bother givin' me the Rockruff eyes."

Pumpkin asks "*Smirk* Hmm… How about this?"

Pumpkin pressed a button on her seat as gloved hands appeared and started massaging our chests, making us moan while milking us even more.

Pumpkin asks "*Moaning* Maybe you can tell us now?"

Appleheart squirms a bit but shi kept a tight lid on the enzyme.

But due to the ecstasy Appleheart was in, something else on hir body made itself known.

Appleheart spoke "*groan* Not now...."

Pumpkin pressed another button as more hands appeared and started massaging our bellies along with the ones massaging our chests, making us moan even more while increasing our milking speed, upping the ante.

Pumpkin asks "*Moaning more* Wanna tell us now?"

A familiar voice spoke "If shi doesn't want to talk, you shouldn't force hir."

We looked around to see a female Pegasus pony anthro in here with us, just as big, heavy and obese as the five of us are, relaxing in a chair while getting milked too as Pumpkin pressed a button, making the hands vanish.

Appleheart groans "Great, I can't work this mess off... Now I know what Birchtooth went through 224 years ago..."

"Hmm... From how it looks, I may be able to help." I smirked as I got off my seat and walked over to Appleheart with my whole body jiggling with every move I make. "And besides, the two of us can massage each other at the same time when you're like that."

The ground shook a bit as Yona and Birchtooth were chasing Sandbar about the hotel.

Pumpkin asks "Wow, those two are that hungry for him, huh?"

Appleheart and I didn't pay attention to any of that as Appleheart got up with hir super-soft and super-squishy body jiggly with every move shi makes as I lied down and she lied on me, our big fat jiggly and cherry juice-filled bodies squishing against each other. "*Lustful smirk* Let's have some fun with each other while being milked, Hearty."

Rustfur spoke "my parents are mad at my stepdad."

We saw Rustfur in the room with us, in the same situation as we were in, being as big and fat as us while being milked as well.

Pumpkin asks "What happened?"

Rustfur spoke "Sandbar took my mom's ribbons."

That reason was a bit silly.

Rustfur spoke "Yeah but it's funny."
