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Sweet Sugarcube Fun!/ Blast from the Past

*Pound Cake's POV*

Hahaha! It's been one great time after another. Silver Moon, Comet Skies and I have been talking about what gems to get the Tri-Pies since we were thinking about proposing to them soon. Silver Moon decided to get Blueberry Azurite, Comet Skies decided to get Cherry Quartz, and I decided to get Raspberry Garnet.

"Okay, since they're triplets, we need to make it very special by proposing to our respective marefriends at the exact same time, you two got it?" I asked.

Silver Moon spoke "You bet I get it, Pound!"

Comet Skies spoke "We hear ya loud and clear!"

"Alright then..." I started off as my two friends and I each put on of our front legs together at the center before the three of us declared, "Operation Fruit Pie Gemstone is underway!" Before the three of us split up to find our gemstones.

Geo spoke "Hey Pound Cake."

“Hey Geo! How’s it going, friend?” I smiled.

Geo spoke "Good despite the fact that my wolftaur uncle got into the cookie jar... again..."

“Heh, things never change, do they?” I chuckled before I noticed a familiar Slinkwing here too. It was Goomeleon, one of the friends I met during my stay with my sis and parents at Sumarda’s Chuddle Hotel, and Pumpkin’s boyfriend. “Hey Goomeleon!”

Goomeleon spoke "H-Huh? Oh hey Pound! Good to see ya."

“You too!” I smiled. “So what you hear for?”

Goomeleon spoke "Um… Well, I’m looking for an Orange Aventurine."

“Why?” I asked.

Goomeleon spoke "I’m… *Blush* Planning on proposing to my sweet pumpkin soon."

“Whoa! Really?” I gasped in surprise as Goomeleon nodded. Wow! He’s planning to propose to my twin sister! I hugged him as I said, “Congrats, Goo!”

Goomeleon spoke "Hehe, thanks."

“Oh! By the way, Geo, you have any Raspberry Quartz?” I asked Geo.

Geo spoke "Ask Breakfang."

“Okay.” I said as I went off before noticing Sumarda here, working on a project and building something as I kept going and found Breakfang. “Hey Breakfang, is there any Raspberry Quartz here?”

Breakfang was digging in the soil.

“Um…” I wasn’t sure what to say until Breakfang brought her head out of the ground.

Breakfang asks "What's up?"

A loud crash was heard.

Pinkie asks "Did you hear that Twilight?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

The source of the crash was Belladonna, who fell from a portal.

Belladonna spoke "I really gotta watch where I make those portals."

Danyelle spoke "Last thing we need is a merc with a foul mouth... Shadow is bad enough as is...."

Belladonna asks "Anyway, *Smile* I gotta tell you and the others something. Could you bring in the Mobian Guard and rest of the Pony Guard?"

Breakfang found a Raspberry Quartz. “Like this?”

“Yep. Thanks, buddy.” I smiled as I went back to Geo.

Danyelle asks "First gen, second gen, third gen or fourth gen?"

Belladonna spoke "Huh, good question. I would say all four, but that might be a bit much."

“Think you could get this Raspberry Quartz ready for my proposal to Raspberry?” I asked Geo.

Danyelle spoke "The rest of Twilight's family is over at the Brighthouse."

Anzu spoke "I got it."

Danyelle spoke "Thanks, Anzu."

“Sure thing, Pound.” Geo answered as he started working on the leg band with the Raspberry Quartz for my marefriend.

Anzu yowls loud, calling the first three generations of the Pony and Mobian Guard together.

Geo spoke "That sounded like Anzu."

“Huh, must’ve been calling for something.” I noted before Geo was soon done with the proposal band for Raspberry as the Raspberry Quartz was the jewel of it. “Thanks, Geo.”

Geo spoke "No problem, PC."

I flew by before I noticed Sumarda having finished with her construction as Sugarcube Corner was rebuilt and improved. I checked it out as I saw the rooms, hallways and stairs being bigger. I couldn’t help but chuckle since I knew how and why, and I couldn’t really blame Sumarda for that since my parents, Pumpkin and I did learn a new trick or two from our stay at the Chuddle Hotel.

Sumarda asks "Whaddya think?"

“Perfect.” I smiled. “Thanks.”

Sumarda spoke "You’re welcome, Ten Hun Pound."

Hehehe, Ten Hun Pound. Been a while since I heard that nickname as Sumarda and I went to auntie Pinkie and the others. Pumpkin and I call Pinkie Pie our aunt since she foalsit us when we were foals.

Flurry was racing Akari through the sky.

A Chaos Blast had sent Pierce flying with a goofy yell.

Soon we were here with the first, second and third gens of Mobian and Pony Guards.

Rainbow Dash asks "So, what’d you wanna talk to us about?"

Belladonna spoke "Well-"

Sumarda spoke "*Smile* Well whaddya know! Radio’s coming here!"

Belladonna asks "Wait-what?!"

We were confused before a demon appeared.

The male spoke "Hello!"

Flurry asks "Uh... hi?"

The male spoke "Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you, sweetheart! *Shakes Flurry’s leg* Quite a pleasure! Especially to be meeting all of you! Excuse my sudden visit, but I’ve seen your battles on picture shows! And I just couldn’t resist, what performances! Why, I haven’t been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929 and Charlie Morningstar’s fistfight against a reporter! Hahahahaha! *Background laughter* So many orphans."

The guy’s sounded like he was talking from a 1900’s radio.

Sumarda spoke "Heehee! Always the entertainer and the entertained, Al."

Sonic spoke "Nice to meet you Alastor. I'm Prince Sonic Ogami, grandson of Princess Luna and Prince Shirou Ogami."

Belladonna asks "Whoa whoa whoa! You never heard of him? The Radio Demon?"

Sonic spoke "I've seen all sorts of crazy folks. Remember, I travelled all over Mobius in my youth."

Belladonna spoke "But Alastor’s one of the most powerful beings Hell has ever seen! In 1933, Alastor was reborn in Hell, seemingly overnight. He began to topple overlords who have been dominant for centuries. That kind of raw power had never been harnessed by a mortal soul before. Then he broadcast his carnage all throughout Hell, just so everyone could witness his ability. Sinners, those who die and end up in Hell, started calling him the Radio Demon, as lazy as the name is. Many have speculated what unimaginable force enabled him to rival our world’s most ancient and destructive evils. But one thing’s four sure; he’s an unpredictable source of danger, a wicked spirit of mystery, and a violent monster of chaos, the likes of which we can’t risk getting involved with unless we want to be erased!"

Sumarda spoke "Belladonna, you’re overreacting."

Alastor spoke "Sumarda is right, dear. If I wanted to hurt anyone here, *Distorted* I would have done so already."

Alastor’s face and hair changed as existence itself started becoming distorted with red glitching before everything was back to normal as Alastor’s face and hair changed back.

Alastor spoke "Now, I assume Belladonna was about to tell you about the news?"

Fluttershy bolted after seeing what just happened.

Twilight spoke "I've fought against the Time Eater once."

Alastor spoke "Aha! Yes, that battle! Truly one for the ages! Know what the purest kind of entertainment is? Reality! True passion! After all, the world is a stage, and the stage is a world of entertainment."

Wow, Alastor’s really a happy face as his toothy smile was still on him.

Twilight spoke "Plus I was one of 5000 some odd Twilights that fought back against Singularity. That was that hardest battle I had dealt with."

Alastor spoke "Ah, another battle for the ages! Multiple realities struggling for survival!"

Alastor noticed Fluttershy hiding in fear.

Alastor spoke "*To Fluttershy* Smile, my dear! You know you’re never fully dressed without one."

Alastor then started wandering around while humming.

Renaldo spoke "Then there was the Pucci war from three years ago."

Alastor spoke "Yes, what delightful ironic entertainment! He yearned for heaven, but could neither go there or to hell, he fell into the endless void, never to rise again."

Carrot Cake spoke "Hi everyone, hope we aren’t butting in."

Cupcake spoke "And we hope you don’t mind our appearance."

Mom and dad showed up, and much to most of everyone else’s surprise and shock, my parents were big and obese. Each of them weighed at least 1,000 pounds, as their bodies were just as fat as the other, with their heads, necks, legs, hooves and tails having gotten a bit bigger too. I couldn’t help but smile, glad that my mom and dad were happy with each other.

Yusei babbles since he was on Shadow's head.

Belladonna spoke "Anyway, you guys have been invited to a party."

That definitely got Pinkie’s attention.

Firestar and a flock of gryphons show up.

Gilda spoke "Don't forget about us gryphons!"

Belladonna spoke "Nice! But if anyone doesn’t wanna come over, that’s cool."

A loud bang was heard since an out of control thunderstorm had broken, causing Tails to curl up into a ball.

Danyelle immediately contacts Shifu.

Danyelle spoke "Shifu! We got a MAJOR problem! Tigerclaw is back! AND HE'S MEANER THAN EVER!!!"

But then Tigerclaw showed up.

Alastor asks "Hmm… Do I know you?"

Tigerclaw spoke "Doesn’t matter! I’ll take you out in one fell swoop!"

Tigerclaw prepared an attack before Alastor snapped his fingers on his left hand as a portal suddenly appeared below Tigerclaw before black tentacles came out of it and constricted around him.

Tigerclaw yowls "Whoa whoa whoa whoa! What’s going on?! GAH!!! This hurts!!"

Tigerclaw was screaming in agony as the tentacles were tightening their grip as they were covering him completely. Static was seen in Alastor’s eyes before they went back to normal as he clenched his left hand with a smile and a monstrous aura around him. His smile became sadistic with murderous eyes as he opened his left hand and clenched it again with said hand glowed as the tentacles then killed Tigerclaw, taking away all nine lives at once before they dragged his body and lives into the portal as it closed. All of us were speechless at that as our eyes slowly crept towards Alastor, who still had his narrowed murderous eyes and big sadistic smile before his face became friendly as he turned to us.

Alastor spoke "Well I’m sure down for a party! I could add in some jambalaya!"

Firestar spoke "*faceclaw* I forgot to mention... Tigerclaw's a lot stronger than he used to be... And he has a Stand...."

Tigerclaw snarls "THAT F-ING DOES IT!"

Tigerclaw's Stand grabs Alastor by the neck.

But Alastor was still smiling before two sharp tentacles appeared and pierced Tigerclaw’s stand through his brain and heart before he was completely disintegrated.

But due to how powerful the dark tabby's stand was, even Twiliterasu couldn't stop it.

Tigerclaw laughs "You are all FOOLS!! My Stand is the one that Pucci gave me before he disappeared!"

Tigerclaw activates C-Moon, trapping everyone in unbreakable steel cages.


Alastor scoffs "*Still smiling* Really now?"

A snap was suddenly heard as we saw C-Moon punch Tigerclaw right through the heart as C-Moon’s eyes glowed red with his smile matching Alastor’s.

But C-Moon couldn't be controlled by a demon since it was far stronger than any demon.


C-Moon soon has Jolyne by the neck.

Renaldo yowls "JOYLNE!!!"

Tigerclaw laughs "Unless you want to be cleaning up hedgehog guts, I suggest you back off demon!"

But then C-Moon’s arms were suddenly gone, same with Tigerclaw’s arms as Jolyne fell and landed on the ground with Alastor right behind him.

Alastor laughs "Ahahahahaha! Oh, how I love to see the high and mighty fall. I took the liberty of gaining some powers from locked-up sinners."

Something grew behind Alastor before it seemed to have barfed itself out of its mouth.

Alastor spoke "Since you won’t be heading up or down, you’ll be eaten and sent into an endless void. But I’ll take my time."

The stand then ate itself, disappearing before C-Moon’s legs were devoured by Cream, causing Tigerclaw’s legs to be devoured as well. Tigerclaw was scared out of his mind, having true and utter horror on his face.

But suddenly, C-Moon had evolved into Made In Heaven.

Tigerclaw laughs "You forget... I'M A SUPREME DEMON!!!"

Alastor spoke "Oh, you truly are desperate. The World."

A stand suddenly appeared before-

*Danyelle’s POV*

Alastor just stopped time, freezing everyone but me and him.

Alastor spoke "You truly are the first to make me use my claws. You may be a supreme demon, but I am an overlord."

Alastor let go of his mic as it froze before he delivered a light speed storm of claw slashed that sliced through Tigerclaw and Made In Heaven clean many times over.

Alastor spoke "Not bad on making me put in a little effort. But Lucifer would have defeated you more easily. The clock is ticking now."

Time flowed normally again before Tigerclaw was suddenly cut to microscopic pieces as he was completely and utterly shocked.

Tigerclaw spoke "This… can’t… be…"

Alastor spoke "But I’m surprised you do not know."

Alastor suddenly brought out a black gun with white markings.

Alastor spoke "This should settle you."

Alastor fired twice, hitting Tigerclaw dead-on as the supreme demon screamed in complete and utter pain and agony. “How can you do this to me?! I’m supposed to be invincible!” Tigerclaw cried out before he was completely erased from existence.

I spoke "Holy shit dude...."

Tachigami was on my shoulder since he had aided Alastor in slicing Tigerclaw up.

Alastor spoke "Holy weaponry, a sinner’s greatest weakness since it can erase their very existence."

I checked my senses… and Tigerclaw was really gone! Wow! I did not expect to see that happen!

I spoke "My Stand, Celestial Gods, is a holy class Stand thus it's effective against all sinners and hostile demons. And before you ask, I will not sic Amaterasu or Gekigami on you."

Alastor asks "I can see that. Well I’m starved! Who wants some jambalaya?"

I ask "What?"

Amaterasu appears beside me, startling Alastor a bit.

I spoke "Look dude, I know you don't like dogs but Ammy here's a wolf."

Alastor spoke "Apologies, but I don’t like canines very much since one was involved with my death."

I spoke "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder huh? I know a girl that has that sort of problem but hers is gun-related."

Alastor spoke "I see."

But then Carrot and Cupcake’s stomachs growled.

Alastor asks "Why don’t we all have a meal before getting ready for the party?"

I whistle loud, getting Soma and Sanji's attention.

I spoke "Yo Soma, Sanji! We got a LOT of hungry folks here!"

Sanji spoke "Okay."

Soma spoke "Sure."

“And we got an extra cook to help us out!” I added, pointing to Alastor, who smiled.

Rimuru spoke "Just don't let Shion help you four out. She's a terrible cook... I'm talking Mystery Food X terrible!"

Alastor laughs "Haha! I guess you can say that the meals she make have kicks that come right out of Hell! Ohohoho!"

*Snicker!* Okay, that was a good joke.

I spoke "Rimuru may not look it but he is a demon lord."

Alastor spoke "Hmm… Sounds familiar."

I spoke "It's sort of the Tensura equivalent to a demon king. But me? I'm just an Alpha-Queen that's also a Joestar."

I engulf myself in fire as I took on my Danyterasu form thus exposing my cutie mark.

Alastor spoke "Well, I must admit, that is quite a surprise."

I engulf myself in fire again, taking on the Danydonna forme this time.

I spoke "And this one's my Danydonna form."

Alastor spoke "Oh! Now that is even more of a surprise!"

I spoke "Heck, I know a few demons too. There's Koga, Ayame, Gadget, Sesshomaru, Towa, Setsuna, Inuyasha, Moroha, Clarity, Ifrit, Yuki, Sabrina, Kara, Darrel and Yuri. The lot of them are either full demon, half demon or quarter demon. Twilight's part demon too due to an accident that was caused by a jerk named Ashfur."

Soon, we got food ready.

I spoke "You could say that I'm considered to be half demon when I'm in this form but my actual title is Nekomata of Redemption. I got that title back when I reformed Gilda since I was a lot like her. I had lost contact with a friend long ago so I knew what to say."

Alastor spoke "Ah! So that’s why you remind me so much of Charlie."

I spoke "Heh, I've reformed quite a few baddies in my youth. Chrysalis, Starlight, Cozy, Gilda, Eggman, Opaline and a few other folks. But there were some I couldn't reform... Those had been Tirek, Pucci, Tabuu, Galeem, Dharkon and Keiko."

But then something grabbed me before I got… A noogie?

A voice spoke "Now is that any way to talk about my husband, Dany? You did redeem him."

I laugh "Long time no see Dahlia!"

But then I saw Dahlia carrying a baby girl centaur.

I spot Cerea and Doppio as well with a young male centaur.

I spoke "Cerea! It's good to see you again!"

Cerea spoke "It’s good to see you as well."

Quasi was talking with her brother.

Slam and Suu were enjoying the jambalaya.

WereLycanmon had pranked Ein, pinning the blame on Rev.

Soon, we were getting ready to head to the party that Belladonna talked about.

Leaflymon and the other grass and ice types opted to stay behind since they were weak to fire.

Blazedramon spoke "Leaflymon's such a wuss."

Vapormaimon spoke "She can't help it, she's a grass type."

“Can’t really blame them.” I agreed.

Sonic spoke "It's a Pokemon thing you know."

The Cake Twins showed up in their outfits for the party, but they were suddenly as big and fat as their parents, with the wings being a bit bigger for Pound and the horn being a bit bigger for Pumpkin.

Korra spoke "Let's get this party started!!!"
