• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 30,637 Views, 431 Comments

One Night at Anon's - Flutterpriest

Anon has a mare problem. A big mare problem. During the day, they treat him just fine. However, when night falls... that's where their inner desires rise to the surface and attempt to take Anon by force. A parody of Five Nights at Freddies

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Part 1: Stay Alert

Night has fallen in Equestria, as you take a seat in the master chair of your base of operations. You check the time that's dimly lit on your computer screen in front of you. 11:45pm.

Almost there.

Every night, it was the same routine. When the sun is out, your home has enough power to run your basic needs and get by. However, at night, your solar power doesn't work. This forces you to rely on a battery that is safely protected in your basement. You wouldn't need a battery if they didn't change.

With a shudder, you check the cameras of your security system. The coast is clear around your home. Nothing inside and nothing outside.

At night, the lovable ponies of Equestria... change. It was like flipping a light switch. First, they would be cute, lovable and sensitive. Then... they would become raving monsters, hell bent on getting in your pants. Every man's dream? Right?

You'll admit.. the first few nights weren't quite so bad. Then, as time dragged on, all you wanted to do was cuddle.

You check the clock and sip on your coffee, carefully jumping from camera feed to camera feed.

Was that so much to ask? Apparently to the little beasts... it was. So now here you are, guarding your home with technology that simply shouldn't even exist in this world. You watch the clock hit midnight and you hit the switch on your battery backup. The percentage gauge lights up on your control panel, dimly showing 100% charge remaining.

"Here we go." You mutter under your breath.

The hair on the back of your neck stands up straight and your ears perk up. The safest place in your home was right here. To your left and to your right, there were hallways, providing you an escape in either direction. You placed cameras everywhere so that there weren't any blind spots. Starting with the cameras inside, you start a rotation.

Kitchen – Clear.

Living Room – Clear.

Bedroom – Clear.

Bathroom – Clear.

Hey, you can't be too careful. You gotta cover all your bases. Even if it means video taping yourself taking a dump.

Next you check your remaining cameras.

Backyard – Clear.

Westside – Clear.

Eastside – Clear.

Front –

You leap back in your chair as a yellow demon with pink butterflies on her chair stares directly into your camera with a smile.

"I'm coming iin, Anon," she chants.

Okay, Anon. Keep it together. Normal protocol. Only the doors to the left and to the right of you can be locked.

Watching the camera carefully, Fluttershy places her hoof on the handle of the door and presses herself inside. Quickly, you snap to the Living Room and watch her enter.

Alright, Fluttershy is a slow mover, you should still be able to look around.

Living Room – Flutters.

Kitchen – Clear.

Bathroom – Clear.

Snapping to the Bedroom, you find a purple unicorn raising her flank to the camera.

"Like what you see Anon?" she giggles.

You snap to the living room again, but the channel flips back to Twilight.

"Watch me Anon..."

Mashing the button for the Living room, the screen goes black.

"Shit... Shit..." you mutter, frantically searching for your flashlight.

The screen blinks back to life and shows your bedroom, empty.

"Fuck. Fuck!" you whisper, pushing the buttons swiftly.

Living Room – Still Fluttershy.

Bathroom – Nothing

Kitchen – Still nothing.

Left Hallway – Empty. Which means.

"There you are Anon~" a feminine voice whispers beside you.

Your fist slams into the button controlling the door to your right and your anti-magic steel-reinforced door slams down. A chill runs down your spine as you hear her hoof slam against the door.

"Nonny~ Open the dooor. Please?" she begs.

Fuuuck that. You turn back to the hallway camera where Twilight sits patiently, as if waiting for the door to magically open. Sighing to yourself, you check the clock. 1 AM and 85% power left. Still in good shape. Just 5 hours left.

Right Hallway – Twilight.

Left Hallway – Empty.

Bathroom – Empty.

Bedroom – Fluttershy rifling through your underwear.

Shaking your head, you move back to the Living Room camera. The door to the outside stands wide open. That's weird, Fluttershy closed it earlier... Was it Twilight? Probably not. She usually used her magic to get in.That's when there is a rustle from the corner of the room.

Your eyes strain to see what's on the tiny monitor... Then you gasp, wheeling back in your chair. Your eyes are affixed firmly on a pink pony with curly hair, covered in latex and wearing night vision goggles.

Pinkie Pie.

Trembling, you check the right hallway again. Empty. Twilight must have moved on. Opening the right door, to conserve power, you decide to check inside one more time.

Bedroom – Flutters.

Kitchen – Twilight.

Living Room – Pinks.

Bathroom – Empty.

Checking outside, you quickly flip through the outside cameras. Looks like the usual gang is here... but normally you have a forth... You suppose you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

The next few hours move slowly, but painfully as you check each camera for the movement of the ponies outside. Pinkie seemed to jump between rooms, no matter how far apart they were. Twilight stopped and talked to Fluttershy and you could hear their whispers about a plan.

It set you even more on edge, normally they weren't organized. Normally they would simply hop from room to room and attempt to catch you off guard.

No... tonight... they seemed to have a rhythm. There was something different.

You promptly shut the doors when you had to, but all in all, it was a good night so far. 4AM and 60% power left. You got this.

That's when all three met in the living room.

"Is it time?" Pinkie asked?

Twilight and Fluttershy nodded their heads. You inspected the camera to the Living Room as the three girls then began to give each other signs and nods. They had a code?! Shit.

Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom – Clear.

Living Room – The three.

Hallways – Clear.

Backyard –

Your gut drops as you watch a tall alicorn stepping out of the darkness and moving around your home. An... An alicorn? I-is your system even equipped to handle this? You've never been attacked by an alicorn before.

You flip back to the living room, where the girls sit patiently for their guest. Jumping to the front door camera, you remotely flicker the porch light. Purple and pink streaked hair and pink fur is illuminated in the dark of the night. Cadance. It had to be Cadance.

Yet for some reason, you aren't really surprised. Celestia is usually taking care of the sun and Luna takes care of the moon. She was the only... 'available' princess. Kinda. It also likely had something to do with helping them 'love' you. You shudder at the thought.

The alicorn steps inside your home and the three ponies bow to her deeply.

"Good Morning-"

"Where is he?" Cadance quickly interrupts Pinkie.

"In the back of the two hallways... every time we try to get back there, he slams the door on us," Twilight elaborates.

"Hmm... Can he close both at the same time?" Cadance asks.

"Mhm," Fluttershy answers. "We tried rushing them both last night and it didn't work."

"How does he make it work?" Cadance asks. She walks up to one of the cameras and stares directly into it.

"I'm not sure," Twilight answers. "It's something even I don't know about."

"Yes!" You exclaim, feeling proud of outsmarting the local egghead. The four turn to look at you and you promptly clamp your mouth.

"I see... Have you tried... waiting him out?" Cadance asks quietly.

You check the clock. 4:30AM and 50% battery. You got this.

"Go directly to the doors and just wait outside." The pink princess orders the girls.

"Wait, what?" You whisper.

"Ooh! I like this plan!" Pinkie exclaims. “Why hadn't we thought of it before?!”

Suddenly she pops out of view. SHIT.

"Hi Nonny~ Can I-"

Reflexively you slam the left door, and you quickly look to your right, where a yellow pegasus approaches you.

"Uhm... is being scared your-"

Immediately, you slam the right door shut as well. Taking a deep breath, you lean back in your chair. The ponies pound their hooves against the door.

"Let me in Nonny!" Pinkie cries.

"Uhm... Would you open this door so I can make forceful love to you? Please?" Fluttershy moans from the other side of the door.

"Let us in, Anon..." Twilight calls from Pinkie's side.

Cadance continues to stare at you through the computer monitor and a smile forms on her face. Her brow furrows in triumph.

"Don't stop watching me, Anon..." She whispers into the camera. The pounding from the other side of the steel doors intensifies. You watch Cadance carefully and check the time. 5AM. 40% left and dropping fast. What's going on?! It shouldn't be dropping that fast?!

A blue glow emits from Cadance's horn. The battery meter immediately drops to 20%. Your body goes numb as you begin to tremble. N-no. She figured it out. She broke your system! How?! This isn't fair. This isn't how this is supposed to work at all.

"You better not stop watching me, Anon~" Cadance whispers again. The knocks on the door suddenly cease. All is quiet in your security room as the violet eyes of the alicorn peer into your soul. If you keep both doors closed, you are going to run out of power. This was it. This was her end game. The cunning of an Alicorn.

You look at both doors with dread. At least one will have to be opened in order for you to not run out of power. Turning to the left one, you lean in closely to the door to perform your Pinkie test. Clearing your throat, you hum melodically.

"Shave and a hair cut..."

You listen closely. Just barely audible on the other side, you can make out a voice.

"Two bits."


Cadance giggles into your screen. 10%. 5:30AM.

You aren't going to make it at this rate. There's only one solution. You're going to have to check the right hallway camera. Maybe if you do it quick, the Princess won't notice. You hover your hand over the buttons. It'll be quick.

The button clicks loudly.

Right Hallway – Clear

You open the door quickly to save power. Quickly, you press the button to return your feed to the living room.

Living Room – Clear.


The room becomes much colder as the screen in front of you glows with a light blue light. The battery gauge in front of you quickly depletes to zero and instead of a red 'empty battery' light, a light blue heart appears. The doors shoot open beside you and you back up against the wall.

Everything in the room goes black as you scramble for the flashlight on your waist. The sound of slowly approaching footsteps moves through the right hallway. With a click, your flashlight roars to life. Flashing it out into the hallway, it quickly is tossed out of your hands with a cyan magic.

"Thanks for letting me into your humble home, Anon..." Cadance whispers, approaching you. Blue magic pushes you against the wall and illuminates the Princess's bright violet eyes. "But I warned you to keep your eye on me," She whispers malevolently.

Author's Note:

This was something I did for fun to try and exercise my horror muscles. I've really been enjoying this game lately. I may do more of this if I need a break from my other projects.