• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 30,636 Views, 431 Comments

One Night at Anon's - Flutterpriest

Anon has a mare problem. A big mare problem. During the day, they treat him just fine. However, when night falls... that's where their inner desires rise to the surface and attempt to take Anon by force. A parody of Five Nights at Freddies

  • ...

Part 3: Containment Facility

"That's it!" you scream, throwing the letter across the room.

Anger seeps into your bones as you toss the covers off your body. You sit up on the edge of the bed, placing your face in your hands. That was the last straw. You need answers. No more of this night to night survival shit. You are going to see someone about this. Today.

Rising from your bed, you shed your sweat dampened clothes and take measured breaths. First, it was just normal ponies. Then it was Cadance. Now Luna attacked you. This whole thing is getting horribly out of hand.

However... she seemed to be different. She was more concerned with your sleep pattern than getting in your pants. There weren't any of the tell tale signs that anything other than she laid you in bed and wrote the note. So... you think she wasn't after anything else. However that dream was more jarring than anything else you've had to endure up until this point.

There has to be a way to get some answers. Why have the ponies been acting this way? Why at night? Why only for the last few months?


You might as well get ready for your day. The first day out in the sunlight in a long time. Just as you hit the doorway to your room, you freeze. Looking down at your unclothed body, your first concern is if you have any unwelcome guests. Or, an unwelcome Princess. You can't walk out like that.

Heading back to your closet, you grab a robe that Rarity made you as a welcome gift to Ponyville. It was white and had three light blue diamonds stitched into the fabric on the back. At the time, you thought it was a sign of a creator branding their creation, however after everything that has been happening at night you aren't as sure. At least now you are more covered up.

You approach the door and listen intently to any sort of sounds on the other side of the door. Only silence greets your ears. Hopefully, the coast is clear. Slowly, you open the door to your bedroom and peek into the hallway. The sunlight from outside lights a majority of your home, but the blind corners of the living room still set you on edge.

Poking your head out further, you cast a glance left and right down your hallway. Everything appears to be clear, but the doorway to your security room stands open. A shiver runs down your spine. That would be the best way to check if the house is clear.

This fear has got to stop.

You don't even feel safe in your own home anymore. The doorway creaks open wider as your tip-toe into your own hallway. Slowly, you walk to your security room. Leaning your head in, you find the monitors all glowing and the remains of your chair lying in a heap.

Dammit. You liked that chair.

Moving inside, you check the battery. Still recharging. Good. You flip through each of your cameras for good measure.

No noise in the kitchen. That might be the best you can do.

Hallways - Clear

Living Room - Empty

Bathroom - Nothing

Outside - Just the clear day.

Bedroom - Just as you left it.

Well that's a relief. Heading into the opposite hallway, you head to the bathroom casually.
As you step inside, your eyes instantly trace from the mirror of the bathroom, to the tub/shower combination.

A sinking feeling fills your stomach as flashback from the dream invade your mind's eye. Maybe you don't need a shower today. Turning back to the hallway, you take a step towards the living room.

Damn it, Anon. Get a hold of yourself. You can't let them win.

Turning back to your bathroom, you close and lock the door with a sigh. Shedding your robe, you turn on the shower to that magical spot. The spot where it isn't too hot or too cold. Pulling the shower curtain aside as the water warms up, you move to the mirror. Placing your hands on the sink, you stare down your reflection at close range.

"Are you going to come to life and attack me?" you ask your reflection.

Staring at yourself, you shake your head. Get a hold of yourself, Anon. Relax.

"Of course not. Cause you are a goddamn mirror," you say to yourself. "That's all you are."

Stepping back, you rub your eyes with your fingers. If there is one thing you can admit, it's that you feel refreshed after getting a good amount of sleep. Moving the shower curtain aside, you step inside your shower. Instantly a barrage of cold water assaults your feet. Leaping out of the line of fire, you rapidly turn the water to a much hotter setting.

You growl under your breath. This is because of Rainbow's bullshit last night. You'll be sure to send her your bill for this one.

The water becomes more tolerable as you pour some shampoo into your hand. Well, since you are actually going to be awake for today, there is only one thing to do. You are going to demand to speak to Celestia. Stepping under the water, you massage the shampoo into your hair.

Getting on the train to Canterlot shouldn't be hard... it's going to be getting an audience with her. How in the world would you do that? You stare at the drain of your tub and feel goosebumps rise on the back of your neck. Is that... black-

Stop, Anon. Just a dream.

Shaking your head, you close your eyes and place your face under the faucet, letting the cleansing waters run down your face. The only person you know who can get Celestia's attention like that is Twilight, but how would you make that work? You never see any of the ponies during the day, since you try to stay awake during the nights. Yet, if you try to keep it up... Luna has different plans for you. With a groan, you take a bar of soap to the rest of your body, cleansing the smell of sweat and body odor away.

You will have to try and talk to Twilight and see if you can get her to see reason. She's a smart mare. She should be able to put two and two together. Then again, this isn't the first time you've tried to explain this to her either. For some reason, randomly waking up in somepony else's house, with no memory of going there, didn't strike her as odd.

These ponies are weird.

However, maybe being attacked by two Princesses, two nights in a row, might finally get her to see reason. Rinsing the suds off your body, you take a deep breath to recollect yourself. Everything gets fixed today.

If not, then to hell with this shit. It'll be time to move into the woods.

Turning off the flow of what little hot water you have left, you step out of the shower and grab your RariRobe™. Grabbing a nearby towel, you pat dry your hair while approaching the fogged bathroom mirror. Removing the towel from your head, you wipe away the condensation. Then, you gently pull the towel away.

The clear mirror reflects your features. Goosebumps form on the back of your neck as the dream floods back into your head.

You know what, you don't need the mirror to brush your teeth.

Prepping your toothbrush, you step out to your living room while brushing your teeth. Out of instinct, you cast a glance at your front door. Closed tightly.

If Equestria had better locks for their doors, then you would have had one... but considering most could be easily bucked open, there wasn't much of a point. Spitting the toothpaste foam into the sink, you prep a pot of coffee for the journey ahead of you.

Twilight should be at the library. The trick wouldn't be getting her attention, it's assuring her that you needed to speak to Princess Celestia immediately. However, how would you approach the situation? You could act like you were dying...

Nah, she would just call an ambulance. What if you said there was some sort of evil on the loose? That's not totally a lie.

Then again, she would probably just try to use the Elements of Harmony against whatever it is. Damn those things... always ruining the best laid plans. So then... what do you do? You can't really... threaten her. That would just be wrong.

Placing the coffee on the stove, you return your toothbrush and head back to your room to get dressed. Throwing on a casual pair of jeans and a t-shirt, you return to your kitchen table and carefully consider your options. After a few unfruitful moments, nothing comes to you. You groan in frustration and rest your head on the table.

"Why can't this just be easy?" you ask yourself out loud. You rise from your seat and pace the room. "Hey Twi! Can you take me to the ruler of the country right away? I need to speak to her immediately," you mutter in a mocking tone.

This is so stupid.

Just then, you hear three carefully calculated knocks from your front door. Your head turns in confusion to the source of the noise. You... have a visitor. There is no way this could go well. Quickly, you move to hide behind your couch.

But, wait, it's during the day. They aren't in their needy mode. So what do you have to lose?

You look to the door, where the three calculated knocks sound again. Well. Shoot. Here goes nothing.

With a sigh, move to the front door. Placing your hand on the knob, you turn and pull the door open carefully. Who could it be?

As the door opens, a young purple unicorn stands in front of you wearing a stern expression and standing beside her is a tall white alicorn with a long flowing mane. Your gut drops upon recognition of the taller guest.

"Uhh," you say in shock.

"Anon, I wrote the Princess a letter mentioning the events from two nights ago and she felt we all needed to speak immediately," Twilight announces in an overly official tone.

"I hope you don't mind the intrusion, Anonymous," Princess Celestia says in earnest, attempting to make the situation seem more casual.

You look between the two ponies standing in front of you in shock. Well, okay. This will work. It definitely involves a lot less shouting and threats.

"No, uh. Not at all. P-please come in," you reply, opening the door wider. "I was just making coffee, would the two of you like some?" The two mares make their way inside your home, looking around at your home decor.

"That would be wonderful," the Princess answers.

"None for me, thanks. I had some as a filly and... well, coffee and I don't react well," Twilight answers.

"Fair enough," you say while closing the door behind them. "Sorry for the mess, I didn't quite expect guests."

"It's no trouble at all," Celestia answers.

"This is nothing compared to the library on a bad day," Twilight replies in a tone that felt almost too honest.

"Right. Right," you answer, heading to the kitchen and grabbing two mugs. "So, what would you like to know?"

"Twilight told me the most peculiar thing," the Princess begins. "That she woke up in your home with no memory of what happened prior,"

"Yeah, she did," you reply, pouring coffee for the two of you.

"However, I wanted to see your side of the story, Anonymous. Normally I would have attributed her comment as a sign of a new budding... friendship for Twilight." Twilight's face reddens and she looks away from the table, her pupils shrank to the size of pins and ears flattened. "But, I wanted to hear your side of the story, Anon. I have some concerns about other recent events and how you may be connected to a bigger picture," the Princess explains.

This couldn't have gone better if you planned it. Don't mess it up.

"Well, I'm not sure how I can explain it in... appropriate terms, your Majesty," you reply, placing the fresh mug of coffee in front of her.

"Then use whatever terms you feel are appropriate, Anonymous," Celestia answers with a smile.

Taking a sip of your coffee, you stare down into the black liquid and ponder how to chose your words. "Well, you see... at night for the last few months... Mares around town have been kinda... sorta..." you begin. Raising your gaze to the Princess, you notice who eyes you carefully. "They... won't take no for an answer," you answer in as delicate terms as possible.

Princess Celestia nods while Twilight looks between the two of you for some sort of signal to what you two are talking about. "So, after midnight, they became forceful," Celestia asks bluntly.

"Yeah. That's a good way to put it," you elaborate. The purple mare sits up and interjects.

"So... wait a minute. Are you saying that when I go to sleep, I some how come over here and try to-"

"Yes," you interrupt her. "Almost every night."

Twilight leans back in outrage. "That's not possible. Nopony can do that... even with sleepwalking. That's not scientifically possible," she answers.

"Neither are the Elements of Harmony," you answer quickly.

"Friendship is more powerful than science," she retorts.

You shake your head. Just another thing that doesn't make sense on top of the massive pile of things that doesn't make sense in this world.

"Science or not, what he is saying makes perfect sense to me, Twilight," Celestia responds calmly, levitating the cup of coffee to her lips and taking a sip.

"About the Elements?" Twilight asks in shock. "But Princess-"

"No, about what Anonymous has been experiencing," the Priness interrupts. Celestia sets her drink down and refocuses on you.

"How?" Twilight asks curiously. The Princess's face curls into a smile.

"It's not really something I can simply explain. I must show you."

"Really?" you reply, leaning forward slightly. "Then show me." Finally, some answers. Princess Celestia studies the features of your face carefully.

"First, I have a few more questions of my own..." the white alicorn elaborates.

Ugh. You've waited this long, but even five more minutes feels like utter torture.

"Alright,” you answer.

"What did you use to fend off your attackers?" the Princess asks.

"Oh. Uh. That's easy. I'll show you," you reply. Rising from the table, you head into the living room and the two mares rise from their seats to follow you. Pointing to an area in the center of the room, you turn to Twilight. "Twilight, could you stand here for a second?" you ask.

"Yeah, sure," she answers, walking to position herself in the center of your living room.

"Thanks. Now, see this device, Princess?" you explain, walking up to the camera that's placed on the wall of your living room.

"Yes," she answers.

"This is called-"

"A camera," she completes your sentence. You turn to her curiously.

"Yeah, how did-"

"Where do you view the camera feeds?" she asks.

You stare at the Princess carefully. How does she know? This only raises more questions. Equestria can't have this kind of technical knowledge yet... can it?

"Uh. Back here..."

You turn your back to her and head down one of your hallways to the monitor room while the Princess follows you. Stepping into your room, you press the Living Room button, which shows a bored Twilight.

"I see," Celestia observes. "But why back here?"

"Oh. That's the other part. I also did this," you turn to look at the Princess, who stands in the hallway, looking in at you. You press the door button to her hallway and the metal door closes tightly. A muffled "Oh!" is heard from the other side of the door. Raising the door, Celestia's gaze traces it as it returns into the ceiling.

"Very clever," Celestia compliments.

"Thank you,"

"You built all of this yourself?" she asks.

"Yeah. All myself with some knowledge I brought with me from Earth."

"I see... Then I believe I will require your help in a mission Twilight and I are embarking on."

"I thought you were going to show me why I've been getting attacked?" you ask.

"That is part of the mission, should you choose to join us." Celestia mentions.

Well shit. Looks like you don't really have a choice. It's either some weird mission or never knowing why all of this is happening.

"Well, what's the mission?" you ask, returning to the hallway.

"Does that mean you will be joining us?" she asks.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure. Whatever," you sigh.

"This mission is not something you may take lightly, Anonymous," Celestia warns. "You may never discuss of this trip with anypony else. Do you understand?"

You stare the Princess down. What is she talking about? Could this really be that bad? Then again, do you really have a choice? You can't even look at yourself in the mirror.

"Yeah. I'll do it."

"Very well then. I will brief you and Twilight on the way there," Celestia concludes. The two of you re-enter the living room with Twilight and you turn to the Princess.

"Where are we going then?"

"Our destination is deep in the Everfree Forest," the Princess calmly answers.

A shiver runs down your spine. Between having to live under constant attack every night or in the forest, you would still choose the forest, but that doesn't make it a safe place by any means. At least it's day time.

"The Everfree... why?" you ask.

"I will show you when we arrive," Celestia answers.

You turn to Twilight. She follows the Princess out the door without a second thought. Something about this doesn't seem right. Those two seem to be acting kinda funny. If you stay, you won't get your answers. However... if you go with them...

This is your last chance, Anon.

You take a look behind you at the bathroom. Another shiver runs down your spine.

"God damn it."

Grabbing one of your flashlights from the living room closet, you follow the girls out the door. At least it could be used as a blunt weapon in case of an emergency. The two mares head towards the tree line of the forest behind your home and you jog to catch up with them.

"So... that it? No hints, no backstory... no nothing? Nothing to explain what we are heading to right now?"

"Hmm..." Celestia answers, thinking to herself. "How should I begin to explain our

The two mares remain silent as the three of you enter the dim forest. Light fades through the leaves in the trees and lights a portion of the way, but navigation would still be difficult without a map. Which none of you have. You hope Celestia knows what she is doing.

"Since Equestria was founded, we have discovered items, belongings and artifacts of great and mysterious power," Celestia begins to explain. "The first of these mysterious items were named 'The Elements of Harmony'” Twilight's head turns to look at her teacher and listen more attentively. "These artifacts were nearly useless on their own, but as we began to experiment with them and place them in the same room, their powers would erupt and cause great spikes in energy. We lost the whole east wing of our first castle to the Element's powers."


"My goodness," Twilight remarks.

"We needed a way to contain these magical artifacts that were discovered as we explored the lands. However, we needed the place they were stored to be secret. Hidden away from somepony who could attempt to use their powers for their own selfish purposes. Plus, after the Elements had caused such destruction in untrained hands, we needed a way to contain these artifacts until they could be properly studied. We needed a containment facility," the Princess continues.

"But the Elements aren't harmful," Twilight interjected. "They've saved Equestria plenty of times."

"Yes, we only began to use them after we discovered their proper uses. However, not all the artifacts we have discovered were good. Some are very dangerous and could cause massive destruction, chaos, or change the hearts and minds of ponies. Sometimes... the ponies are the artifacts," Celestia explains sullenly.

The three of you walk through the darkened forest in silence. A containment facility for ponies and magical artifacts? Like a prison? Or... some sort of gun cabinet? The darkness around you blankets the path underneath your feet. Celestia leads you with a sense of purpose, as if she's walked this path a million times. You hope she actually has.

"So... are you saying some sort of... weird, magical spoon, or something caused all of these attacks to happen to me?" you ask in an attempt to distract you from the hostile surroundings and actually answer some of your questions.

"An artifact, yes," Celestia confirms.

"Then why has this been happening for months?" you ask.

"We've been in the process of moving our artifacts from the Crystal Empire Facility to The Everfree's Facility... and one of the artifacts slipped our grasp. The artifact that was missing was noticed two days ago and Cadance sought to find the artifact personally, given she was overseeing this top secret operation."

"Then... she attacked me two days ago. She somehow knew how everything in my house worked..."

"The containment facilities use a monitoring system very similar to yours in order to keep the artifacts under constant surveillance. Until this moment, only the Princesses were allowed to come and go from the facilities at a moment's notice. All of the staff that work in the facility live on premises."

"That kinda makes sense... I guess. What about Luna then? She attacked me last night too," you ask.

"That is the issue we have ran into..." Celestia explains. "After Cadance was possessed by the artifact two days ago, she enlisted the help of Princess Luna to reclaim the artifact and return it to the facility. As I'm sure you have worked out, the artifact works within a range and only activates in the evening."


"Then... was Luna affected too?" Twilight asks.

"Not exactly," Celestia continues. "The two princesses reclaimed the artifact and returned it to the facility... but, there was a problem after Cadance left."

"You're kidding me. It reactivated? Or something?" you ask.

"No. The 'Saddle' artifact was returned and stored properly before it could affect Luna. She was wearing a nullifying artifact that made her resistant to the Saddle's power. There was a containment breach of a different artifact," Celestia explains.

"A breach?" you ask.

"What got out?" Twilight asks.

"That's the problem. Luna was affected by an artifact that brought out a part of the essence of Nightmare Moon that was locked away inside her. It didn't react well with her new reformed self and made her act irrationally. Some of the on site personnel still haven't woken up yet."

"Wait a minute. Was Nightmare Moon caused by an artifact?" Twilight asks.

"Yes," Celestia answers. "We were unable to discover a proper way to lock away the power..."

"So you sent her to the moon," Twilight answers.

The Princess simply sighs and her pace slows. "That's correct," Celestia continues. "That was our first attempt at combining the effects of other artifacts."

"You were able to contain it, right?" you ask. "The current breach."

"Also correct. That's what we aim to do here at the facility," Celestia answers, stopping suddenly.

Her horn lights up with golden magic and the ground under your feet begins to shift. The ground in front of the three of you pulls apart, revealing a long staircase down into the earth.

"Secure, contain, and protect. At least, until we understand," Celestia concludes. Celestia begins to descend the staircase and you turn to Twilight.

"This is insane..." you whisper to her.

"I know... How could have the Princesses kept this a secret for so long..." Twilight answers you.

A mission is a mission. You have to press on. Shaking your head, you follow the Sun Princess and Twilight follows behind. The three of you descend the cold metal staircase in the middle of the Everfree Forest. The walls are dimly lit with electric bulbs and at the bottom of the staircase sits a metal door, where Celestia stands, waiting for the two of you patiently.

Reaching the bottom, Celestia presses a button on a nearby device. The device emits a high pitched noice.

"*ERRK* Security clearance please, *ERRK*"

"Security code, Supernova." Celestia states loudly.

Silence fills the room. A camera whirrs on the wall and scans the three of you.

"*ERRK* Are you aware you are not alone? *ERRK*"

"Yes, I have brought two guests," Celestia answers.

Silence is the only other presence in dimly lit underground hallway. The ground above you slowly shakes as you watch the entrance to the staircase slowly recess back into the earth. Once the rumbling has settled, your gaze alternates between Twilight and Celestia. Your muscles stand tense. What sort of artifacts could be in this facility, and if it was recently breached, how do you know it will be safe?

This is madness.

This place could be an elaborate death trap.

"Have ponies died here?" you ask the Princess.

Celestia's gaze remains forward and does not answer. A loud click emanates from the door and it slides into the ceiling.

"*ERRK* Please enter the holding chamber. *ERRK*"

Celestia moves forward into the doorway, followed by you and Twilight. The three of you enter a bright room with a mirror posted on one of the walls. The door behind you closes tight.

"What is that status of Princess Luna?" Celestia asks.

A speaker from the ceiling of the room comes to life, as four cameras on each wall of the room inspect the three of you carefully.

"The Princess's internal artifact has been re-contained. The artifact that has affected her is still loose within the facility and must be contained," a feminine voice says over the intercom.

"And Cadance has returned to her facility?" Celestia asks.

"That is correct," the intercom mare confirms.

"Perfect," the Princess says with a smile. "Have we isolated the artifact to a single wing?"

"Yes, but it will react with any pony who attempts to reclaim it," the intercom explains.

Celestia turns to you with a smile. Why is she-

Oh. Right. Human.

"So, I'm here to be live bait for your artifact," you ask.

"Well, another way of saying it is, that this is your mission," Celestia corrects you.

"Right. Right," you answer with a sigh.

No sense fighting the Sun Princess. At least she is trying to help you. In her own weird way.

"Plus, since you did so well at fending off the other ponies, this should be no problem for you," Celestia continues.

"Except I had doors to close if I were in danger. What do I have to protect me this time?"

"That is where Twilight and I come in," Princess Celestia answers, while Twilight turns to her.

"W-what?" her student asks.

"*ERRK* Please proceed to the briefing room. *ERRK*"

The door opposite of the one that you entered from opens widely and the Princess moves to the newly opened doorway. You and Twilight exchange nervous glances and follow her into a bright white hallway. The walls seem to radiate light and are only contrasted by the flat steel doorways, each marked with a small illuminated screen with letters and numbers.

"I don't like the sound of this," you whisper to Twilight.

"Me either... what does this thing do?" she whispers back.

You glance at the doorways that you cross along the way.

SCP-086 Containment Zone. SCP-087 Transport Area. SCP-088 Containment Zone.

"Hell if I know... but Luna really did some messed up shit last night... I dunno if I could take another dream like that," you reply.

"Dream? What dream?" Twilight asks.

The Princess turns right into an open doorway ahead of you.

"I'll explain later. I have a feeling we are about to figure out what we are going after," you answer.

The two of you turn into the open doorway and find yourselves in another bright white room, with what looks to be some sort of machine held against a wall and a table with four chairs. Princess Celestia sits patiently at the table while another pony seems to be just sitting down.

"Please take a seat and we will begin the orientation," the Princess tells you, as a gray stallion in a white lab coat and short brown mane places a few folders on the table where Celestia sits.

"Orientation?" Twilight asks.

"Uh. Alright," you say, approaching the table.

"Would the two of you like something to drink?" the stranger asks.

"Uhm. No, thanks," Twilight asks.

"Is it poison?" you ask.

The lab coated pony sighs and opens his first folder. "This is the room of SCP-294. Object Class: Elucid-"

"What the hell does Elucid mean?" you interrupt the stallion. The stallion sighs and shakes his head.

"There are many different types of objects here at the facility," Celestia explains. "Some of which are harder to contain or understand than others. We measure them on a scale of Safe, Euclid, and Keter."

"Okay," you say. "Sooo-"

"So, is that object over there..." Twilight asks curiously.

"That is 294. I'll spare the details, but it can produce any liquid that you request of it, if you request it," the scientist replies. "So let me ask again. Would either of you two like something to drink?"

Twilight rises from her seat and walks up to the device slowly. It looks like an ordinary vending machine with a keyboard on the front. This is ridiculous. It probably just makes coffee and tea. These ponies are ridiculous. How is this an artifact?

"Well, I've only read about it... but there is this fancy drink they make over in Saddle Arabia I've always wanted to try..." Twilight says to the scientist.

"What is it called?" The scientist asks, pulling out a pen.

"I believe it's a... Oh, I don't know how to pronounce it... but I can spell it." Twilight confirms.

"Alright. I'll watch you input it into the machine," he confirms. "Punch the name of the drink in using the keyboard and see if it recognizes it." Twilight's gaze returns to the machine as she places her order and the scientist scribbles down the name of the drink. When she presses enter, the display on the machine goes blank and is replaced with 'Finding...'.

A silent moment passes as the four of you watch the machine. A small bell rings and the display changes to 'Dispensing...'. The machine's delivery compartment closes with a piece of glass, and a small white paper cup dispenses into view. A dark orange liquid then flows into the cup.

With another ding, the display changes to "Please retrieve your beverage." and the glass door slides open. Twilight turns her head to look at the three of you and the scientist nods his head. Her horn glows and she retrieves the drink.

Bringing the cup to her nose, she gives it a gentle whiff. "It smells like oranges," she observes.

You chuckle in satisfaction. "Of course it only makes juice. Somehow you guys made a juicer and you guys aren't sure how you did it. So instead of using it, you have it locked away in some basement," you criticize. "Great job guys."

"Alright, wise guy," the scientist scoffs. "Go request a beverage then. Anything at all."

"Fine. You want a challenge? You got it."

Rising from your seat triumphantly, you cross Twilight who takes a sip of her drink. Her face scrunches tightly at the bitterness of the drink and places it on the table away from her.

"This is one straight from my home," you state, punching in the name of the liquid.

"What's it called?" he asks curiously.

"Mountain Dew,"

"Water from a mountain?" he asks. "Why would you want that?" You turn from the machine to the scientist.

"It's a special type of soda from Earth," you answer matter-of-factly.

"Soda?" Celestia asks curiously.

"Yeah, but it won't matter. There is no way you guys could remake something that only I have ever tasted. There's-"

A bell rings from the device and the scientist smiles widely. You turn to the device in shock, and the display shows 'Dispensing...' The door slides shut again, and a paper cup drops into view. There's no way.

You kneel down to get a better view. A yellow-green liquid slowly flows into the cup and fills it almost half an inch from the top. With another ding, the door flies open. A silent moment passes as you stare at the paper cup.

"Well, go on," the scientist urges you. "I was hoping you would order something from your world."

You reach out and grab the cup. Retrieving it, you look inside to see the familiar sight of a bubbly carbonated soda. You haven't had this soda in, what feels like, a lifetime. There is no way. You bring the glass to your lips, but the sugary lemon-lime taste of Mountain Dew fills your taste buds.

You turn to the stallion slowly. "How did it do that?" you ask quietly.

The stallion returns to his documentation. "The machine can return any desired liquid found in this universe. While it can be used for any known Equestrian beverage, it can also be used for super heated or super cooled liquids, elements that can appear in a liquid state, or any known liquid. This includes, but is not limited to liquid from other planets, liquids that have not yet been formally discovered, and bodily fluids," he reads aloud.

"Bodily fluids?" you ask.

"Yes. Like blood," the stallion clarifies.

You turn to the vending machine, which patiently asks what your next order is. Slowly, you take a step back.

"That's not right..."

"Now then, now that you understand the importance of what is contained in this facility, can we continue?" the Princess asks you.