• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 30,637 Views, 431 Comments

One Night at Anon's - Flutterpriest

Anon has a mare problem. A big mare problem. During the day, they treat him just fine. However, when night falls... that's where their inner desires rise to the surface and attempt to take Anon by force. A parody of Five Nights at Freddies

  • ...

Part 2: Her Game

A smile curls on the Alicorn of Love's face as she inches closer to you. Fluttershy, Twilight and Pinkie Pie closely follow behind her. This is it. This is how it all ends. Night after night of success... all leads up to this?

Shadow surrounds Cadance as she has you pressed against the wall. You close your eyes and wonder to yourself it it will be over soon. Cadance moves herself dangerously close to your face and you can feel her warm breath against your cheek. Her hair brushes against you as she pushes herself closer to your ear.

"It's time for me to show you... why I'm the Princess of Love, Anon..." Cadance whispers delicately.

With a hard swallow, you clear your throat. If you beg, will they stop? What could possibly stop the four mare's oncoming storm. That's when you hear the call of a rooster off from the distant Sweet Apple Acres. Your eyes shoot open.


The magical grip around you fades as the four ponies around you cringe in agony. Scrambling to your knees, you crawl control room and check the monitors. The blue heart blinks quickly as your cameras slowly fade back from darkness. The battery indicator quickly show signs of new life as a green lightning bolt blinks across it. Yes! YES! It's recharging! You did it! You survived the night!

Stepping back out into the hallway, the four home intruders lay on the ground, rubbing their heads with a hoof. Gentle light from the slowly rising sun peers into your home from the front windows.

"Uuugghhh," Twilight moans.

"Where am I?" Fluttershy asks the group as she clamors to her hooves.

"Awwww... Again? I hate not waking up in my own bed!" Pinkie exclaims in frustration.

Princess Cadance looks around the room and back to you. A blush covers her face as she scrambles to her hooves and looks around the room awkwardly.

"I... I better go back to my husband..." she hesitantly laughs. Cadance looks around at her unfamiliar surroundings as you point to the front door. You've been through this drill more than once. They don't remember a thing once the sun comes up.

"Please, your highness, don't let me keep you," you nod to the princess. She nods back to you.

"Thank you... Mister...?"


"Right... Thank you, Anonymous," Cadance says.

The pink princess walks to the front door of your home, but she stops and turns to you and your guests.

"Would you all... consider keeping this our little secret–"

"Don't you have a kingdom to run?" you interrupt, annoyance filling your voice.

"Right! Yes... right." Cadance nods, hastily heading out the door.

It probably wasn't smart to speak to a princess that way, but it's been a long night. You jut want to go to bed. The other three look from you, to the front door, then back to you.

"So... um." Twilight begins, You sigh and head to your bedroom.

"Just get out of my house."

Collapsing on your bed, you yawn deeply as you try to settle in for a good day's rest. You've had to sleep during the day in order to avoid the nightmares at night. Well, night mares. You smile to yourself at the unintended pun. It's little things like that which make every day a little easier to get through. If you don't smile at them, your world would be turned upside down thanks to the subconscious will of pastel colored horses.

Placing a pillow over your head, you try to calm yourself down. Every night it was different mares. Twilight and Fluttershy seemed to come out the most often, but it was never more than four. Yet... last night was the first alicorn. Sure, every night it was getting slightly more difficult to keep them away, but you never had a battery problem either. Now you really needed to watch yourself.

Plus, Twilight is a smart cookie. If she figured out how to manipulate the security system... You shudder at the thought. That unicorn was nothing but problems for you. You remember the first night you installed the cameras, she just searched the whole house and stared into them. She didn't even try to attack you.

With a sigh, you try your best to get some rest. It was probably that first night that reinforced the ponies' enjoyment for looking into the cameras. You hadn't ever screamed so loud before. They got some sort of... sick enjoyment from hearing you scream.

See, to any other guy, that probably would have meant something completely different.

You slap yourself in the face and roll over. Bad Anon! Those sorts of things aren't allowed either. Get a grip on yourself, man. You glance at your alarm clock. 7AM. You gotta get some sleep so you can stay up and watch the cameras. The last thing you need is to be drowsy when they are trying to catch you off guard. You close your eyes and try to drift to sleep.

It's 11AM and you still can't sleep. The unanswered questions in your mind are keeping you awake. Why Cadance? Why an Alicorn all the way from the Crystal Empire? Something isn't adding up. Are the ponies colluding with each other once the sun sets? Do they have some sort of telepathy? How did Cadance even get here? Sure, alicorns have a lot of magical power. Sure, they have the ability to teleport and they can fly long distances quickly. But, all the way over here?

Also... why you? Why not some other stallion? Was it because you were the only human in Equestria? Were you some sort of rare prize to them? Do they all have some sort of weird human fetish?

With a sigh, you roll over in your bed again. It's not like you are going to ever get a definitive answer. Maybe you could leap out of your booth and just ask. That would probably go great.

With a loud groan, you check the clock again. 11:10AM. You are never going to get to sleep at this rate. The pillows have become warm and the bedsheets are overheating you. Yet, if you take them off the room is too cold and there isn't any good support for your head. Moving to the edge of the bed, you decide that maybe closing the curtain and keeping the bright sunlight out will help you get to sleep. Heading to the window, you peer outside.

Just off in the distance, you can see Applejack bucking the trees over at Sweet Apple Acres. They are so nice during the day. Why can't they just be like that all the time? Then you wouldn't mind living here so much. You tried living in the woods, but living in those woods is almost more terrifying than having to 'survive' the night. With a sigh, you close the curtains tight, dramatically darkening the room.

There, that should make things better. Crawling back into bed, you flip the pillow so that the cooler side is facing up. It's not much cooler, but it's enough to make the pillow more comfortable. A contented sigh leaves your lips. Much better. Checking the clock, you watch as the seconds tick by. If you fall asleep right now, you can get 8 good hours of sleep before you prepare for the night. Closing your eyes, you wait for sleep to come. Maybe counting will help.

One. Two. Three.

What do they keep coming back for? That's what never quite made sense to you. You would think tat after the first few unsuccessful nights that the mares would have just... given up by now. Yet, they haven't. They are so determined in their quest to get into your pants that they will keep trying the same methods over and over again. Just waiting for you to make one false move. Waiting for you to catch yourself when your guard is down... For one little... Mistake...

Gently you open your eyes in the dark room of your home and look around. Wow! hat a great nap! The merciful sleep recharged your batteries, much like how the sun is recharging your home's. Sitting up with a smile, you stretch and reclaim your bearings. Hopping out of bed, you walk to the window of your bedroom, cracking your neck and thinking to yourself what you should make yourself for breakfast.

Dinner. Same difference.

It's the only peaceful meal you can have before sundown, so you do your best to make it nice. Nothing like some good brain food to keep you on your toes. Then it's time for the race. You place a hand on the curtains. Maybe today would be a good day for oatmeal.

Tearing open the curtains, you find no light streams through your windows, only the gently rising moon.

Your soul leaves your body for a second. No. It can't be. Ripping around, you check your clock. 11:30PM. You overslept! ShitShitSHIT!

Grabbing a set of clothes, you quickly run out to your kitchen to grab a few granola bars and a bottle of water. How could you oversleep? You never overslept before! Was last night really rough enough for you to have to get more rest? Scrambling through the drawers of your kitchen, you look out the windows, trying to see if you have any incoming attackers. Stuffing some granola bars in your underpants, you run to your refrigerator in only your socks.

Yet as you try to stop, your socks decide that this would be the perfect moment for an epic power slide; Directly into one of your cameras.

With a loud snap, the camera points directly at the wall and remains stationary.

"ShitshitSHIT!" Ripping open the fridge, you grab a bottle of water and slam it shut. Sliding your way down the call, you enter your fortress of solitude. Quickly, you check the cameras around your parameter using your computer.

Kitchen – Black. Shit. It must be dead now. Damn it.

Living Room – Clear.

Bedroom – Clear.

Bathroom – Clear. Now outside.

Backyard – Clear.

Westside – Clear.

Eastside – Clear.

Front – Clear.

You sit back in your chair and sigh to yourself. Safe.

For now.

You swiftly check the clock to see how much time you still have. 11:50PM. Quickly, you change your clothes and smash down a granola bar. There's no telling what you will have to face tonight. Every night it's gotten a little bit worse. Then last night... an alicorn.

Nervousness settles in as the pre–attack silence settles in. The calm before the storm always made the air around you feel colder. You have a feeling it's going to be a long night.Rubbing your eyes, you still can't seem to shake some of the lingering tiredness. That's what you get for oversleeping.

The minutes tick by as you try your best to get yourself prepared. As the clock strikes 11:59PM, you slap yourself on the face for an extra dose of adrenaline. Alright. Let's do this. You can do this. Bring it on. You're ready for anything. Flipping to the Living Room, you watch the front door as the clock slowly ticks to 12. Three. Two. One. The battery switches from 100% to 99%.

Game on.

The door to your home flies open as a flurry of rainbow light flies from the living room camera to just off screen. Raindow Dash! You no more than hit the button to the left hallway, when a loud thud echoes from the other side of your impenetrable shield.

"Dang it!" screams Rainbow Dash.

Checking the left hallway camera, you watch Rainbow rub her head and stretch her wings. You better keep a close eye on her. Who knows when she could charge next? But for now, she's going to need time to recharge her strength. Hopping from room to room, you inspect your playing field.

Bedroom – Still Clear.

Kitchen – What's the point in even checking?

Living Room – The front door is still left wide open from Rainbow Dash's grand entrance.

Right Hallway – Clear.

Left Hallway – Rainbow seems to be heading down the hall towards the bathroom.

Bathroom – You watch Rainbow enter inside.

Well that's enough of the bathroom cam! Better check outside.

Front door – Nothing.

Backyard – All clear.

Eastside – Empty.

Westside – Nopony.

Hmm, it seems like they are starting out easy. Reopening he left hallway door, you sit back in your chair again. It's so oddly comfortable tonight. It would be great if you could just sit back... relax... You feel your eyes droop.

Sitting back up quickly, you shake your head. Get it together, Anon. You are in the middle of a war zone. Don't lose your guard.

Suddenly, a loud crash emanates from the kitchen. A chill runs down your spine as you instinctively check the camera. Yet, all that is returned is blank, empty video. Hoofsteps can be heard from the audio feed.

"Oh, I do hope that he didn't hear that..." a womanly tone whispers.

Rarity. Her appearance is usually quite the... unusual occurrence, for the lack of a better word. Instantly you are set on edge. Rarity wasn't particularly hard to stop... or even predict for that matter, but this mare doesn't know how to take no for an answer. She doesn't teleport around the house like Pinkie or Twilight, but every failure only makes her more aggressive and determined.

You check your battery for your status. 89% and it's only 12:30AM. The next sound that fills the house is the sound of running water. Flipping to the bathroom, you watch as Rainbow has turned on the shower to full blast. Steam begins to rise from the bathing area and fill the room.

Wait, they've never done this before... If they keep that hot water running... The steam is going to fog up the camera!

Plus, it will make your water bill atrocious!

Yet, that's not the problem at hand. A shiver runs down your spine. Now they have two safe zones... Flipping to the kitchen, no sound comes from the audio feed. Quickly you jump to the Living Room feed.

"How do you like my camouflage dress, Darling?"

You check the camera feed carefully. Where is she hiding? The sound of the running water fills your ears. Wait. You look to your right door and Rarity steps closer to you with a malevolent smile.


Launching a strong kick at the white unicorn, you push her back into the hall. She flies backward, but catches herself with her magic.

"So you want to do this the HARD way?!" she exclaims.

You quickly close the door in front of the purple maned fashion diva and she begins to buck the door.

"LET! ME! IN!" she screams, accentuating every kick.

"Maybe once you've had the chance to get a better tan!" you mock her.

"Once I –WHAT?!" she yells. While you may be giggling now, it doesn't solve the problem. The running water is muting their steps around the house. You flip your camera feed to the bathroom as Rarity unleashes a flurry of prim and proper insults, having you know that she works very hard to keep her coat a pristine white. The camera feed is hazy, but you can still make out the blue and rainbow horse pacing. Waiting for the right moment to strike. You're going to have to keep checking the camera for some sort of warning of her attack. Until then...

Living Room – Clear

Kichen – No sounds.

Backyard – Clear

Westside – Clear


Slowly the shadow of a pony looms on the horizon. She moves diligently and with a sense of confidence. As the figure draws nearer, you notice a large stetson on her head.

Applejack has joined the fray.

You check your battery with concern. 76% – 1:45AM. Your battery seems to be draining faster than usual. Was it something that Cadance did last night? If she doomed you... then you will have to seriously consider a back up plan.

Also, probably file a lawsuit against the Crystal Empire for property damage. Then you would have to worry about not only the night ponies, but your attorney screwing you too.

With a sigh, you shake your head. You will have to make due. Applejack seemed to feel that when she bucked on the doors, she gets closer and closer to knocking them down. While you don't doubt the structural integrity of the door, what she does manage to do is to significantly lower your battery level.

Flipping back to the hallway camera, you notice Rarity has left. Perfect. You nearly open the door, when you examine the feed a bit more closely. Since when did your potted plant get a stylish purple mane?

In fact, when did you get a potted plant?

She's there. She's just hidden. Great.

Flipping back to the bathroom, you notice Rainbow is doing more stretches and the feed has gotten blurrier. Your body feels weak and your blood runs cold. Rubbing your eyes, you try to shake off your tiredness. Damn it, Anon. Of all nights, it had to be tonight. It's nearly a perfect storm.

Flipping to your living room, you watch as the shadow approaches the door. Applejack steps into your home and slowly closes the door behind here.

"It's time to show why I'm the rodeo champion," she whispers, taking a long yellow rope out of her stetson.

Wait, what? It's just a rope. How is a rope going to help her? After fiddling with the rope in her hooves, she seems to have made a small loop. Well, alright then. If AJ is going to spend her time with rope tricks, let her.

You check the hallway and the potted plant is gone. Checking the feed, nothing seems to be out of place. Perfect. Raising the other door, you let out a sigh. You have to conserve as much power as possible. Checking the clock, it's 2:05 AM.

"Here we go!" you here the farm pony yell.

Flipping back to the Living Room, you watch as the pony releases a spinning lasso from her mouth and down a hallway. Wait... The lasso curves into your room, through the right door, and around your arm. You watch her pull tight on the rope, and it jerks your body towards the exit.

"Wait! WHAT?"

"Got him!" AJ yells.

You slam the right door down and the tautness of the rope forces you to the ground. However, on the feed, as Applejack pulls harder and harder, she makes no headway on pulling you out of your base of operations. With a sigh, you try to get to your feet, but your arm remains tethered to the floor.

Wait. She told everyone in the house.

Hitting the bathroom, you watch the shadow of a pony rise into the air through the mist. Oh SHIT! Pushing your feet against the door, you extend your arm as far as you can reach to try and hit the door button. You gasp for air, when your attempted slap only greets air. Come on, Anon! There's no time to waste!

The feed is filled with a streak of rainbow light. You reach out in panic. Almost there. Your fingers graze the edge of the button. The rainbow light fills the hallway. Just as you see a fleck of rainbow mane, you hit the button and the door comes slamming down. A loud thunk rings from the left door.

"OH COME ON!" the rainbow pony yells.

With a sigh, you sit on your floor and catch your breath. You have to cut this rope. Looking around the room, you find a pair of spare scissors that you had brought in from a few nights ago to open a snack container. Grabbing the jaws of life, you reclaim your freedom. Sitting back in your chair, you check the cameras.

Outside all looks clear.

Bedroom – Your bedspread has apparently changed to a vivid purple color.

Living Room – Applejack curses at her rope.

Left Hallway – Rainbow rubs her head again.

That's all three. You can't get into this situation with the rope again. Flipping back to the Living room feed, you get an idea. Applejack paces back and forth muttering under her breath. This is only going to work once... She grabs her hat and throws it to the ground.

You swiftly open the door and grab the trailing end of the rope. Pulling hard, you do your best to take it for yourself. The rope begins to exit out of the camera feed and Applejack fails to notice until it's already off screen. Once the last bit is inside, you shut the door tight.

"DANGNABBIT! GIMME BACK MAH ROPE!" Applejack yells to you.

With a smile, you flip the feed back to the left hallway and find Rainbow has vanished. You nearly open the door when you remind yourself to take a closer look. No random purple. No blue eyes. It seems to be your ordinary hallway. Only then do you reopen your door.

Checking back to the bathroom, you confirm Rainbow has re–entered her 'Flier's Cove". Moving to the Kitchen, you hear soft footsteps echo on the tile floor. There's Rarity.

A loud clang to your right deafens your senses. There's Applejack.

Checking your battery, you watch as it nears 45% CLANG! 40%

"SHIT! FINE! FINE!" you scream, tossing the rope out into the left hallway. "It's on the other side!" The clanging stops.

Checking your cameras, you watch as Applejack circles to the other hallway and you flip the doors. The clock chimes three and you rub your eyes. Halfway. You can do this, Anon. Just be delicate with your power. Time for a good sweep.

Left Hallway – Applejack grabbing her rope.

Bathroom – You can see the shadow of a pony pacing in the fogged lens.

Right Hallway – Looks clear.

Bedroom – Seems to be empty.

Living Room. – Another random purple potted plant.

Come on, Rarity. If you are going to do camouflage, at least do it right. On second thought, never mind. It's like she is completely invisible to you. With a smile, you quickly check the outside cameras.

Backyard – Empty.

Sides of the house – Empty.

Front – Empty.

Keeping your screen on the front door, you quickly flicker your light. No shadows of ponies off in the distance. Perfect. No visitors yet. This might actually end up being an easier night. As you sit back in pride, you feel another wave of tiredness attack you.

Trying to shake the sleep from your eyes, you flip through the monitors again, you check the hallway to find Applejack left her station. Letting the door open, you check the other hallway, just to be sure. Both hallways look clear. Jumping to the living room, you find Applejack approaching the potted plant. Voices come to life from the audio feed.

"Really, Rare?" Applejack asks the potted plant. "That was your big plan?"

"Applejack! Shush! You'll blow my cover."

"Anon doesn't like plants, Rarity."

"Well NOW you tell me..." Rarity sighs. Rarity turns herself a different direction and becomes clearly visible to the camera. "I don't suppose your silly rope trick did any better though, did it?"

"Well, no... but I did catch him off guard!" Applejack retorts.

"Well, I got into his private room." Rarity proudly comments.

"Everypony gets lucky sometimes," replies the orange earth mare.

"Will you two stop bickering?!" You hear the squeaky voice of Rainbow Dash call to the two mares. "I can't psyche myself out with you two arguing!"

You check the clock. 3:30AM and 37% battery left. No, girls. Please keep fighting. It just makes things easier for you. Checking the hallway cameras, you notice Rainbow Dash stomping out towards the girls. Flipping back to the Living Room, you watch as Rainbow joins their heated argument.

"Well you are even worse!" Rarity comments.

"Yeah! How many bumps on the head will it take for you to realize that your 'fly really fast' plan isn't going to work?" Applejack asks mockingly.

"Hey! Flying really fast has got me to really awesome places in life. It got me there quickly too." Rainbow defends herself.

Opening another granola bar, you watch the argument with your guard down. You would have to pay to see this anywhere else. They don't put anything this good on cable. The ponies begin to argue and bicker with each other incoherently as you enjoy the break from their constant barrage of attacks. You might as well check the cameras, just to be safe.

Front Yard – Empty.

Westside of the house – Nothin.

Eastside – Zilch.

Backyard – Nothing.

All that sits in the back yard is the bright moon up in the sky. You sigh to yourself and you prepare to head back to the living room camera, when you pause. Something changed about the back yard camera, but you couldn't put your finger on what. Watching the feed closer, you notice one of the bright lights in the sky disappear from view.

"What?" you ask yourself unconsciously.

Then another light burns out. And another, and another. Then, the only light that remains left hanging in the sky is the bright moon that shines down at you. A chill runs down your spine. Why are the stars going out?

You flip to each of the other outside facing cameras and look around. No stars. Returning to the back yard, you watch the moon closely. Will it go out too? Leaning into the screen, you watch carefully for any changes.

That's when you see it.

A single dark speck in the center of the moon. It slowly grows larger and larger. You are at a loss for words as you watch the moon slowly fade into darkness. Except, the speck doesn't seem to grow into a circle. It seems like it has two... wings.

The dot become more and more defined as it grows in size. It seems to have four hooves, two wings. And a horn. You gasp and lean back in your chair. This is bad. Not another alicorn... You barely survived the last one.

Leaning into the screen, you watch as the alicorn speeds to the ground. When she reaches your back yard, she slowly descends, revealing her starry blue mane and light blue fur. Princess Luna.

"WHO DARES TO NOT REST ON THE NIGHTS WE SO CAREFULLY PREPARE?!" the alicorn yells in a voice that shakes the very trees around your home.

Time seems to stop, as the girls in the living room fall silent. The princess walks to the front of your home with a maliciousness in her steps. Her brow is furrowed and she seems focused, as if she were on some sort of mission. Flipping to the living room, the girls look to each other in mild shock. The door to your home opens and the Princess of the Night walks inside.

"Where is the one named Anonymous, who refuses to sleep during my precious nights," Luna asks the three Elements of Harmony.

The girls simultaneously point to your back room and your blood runs cold.

"He will pay for his transgressions. We create these nights for the citizens of Equestria to sleep peacefully, not for them to spend their time with unfruitful, unproductive tasks," Luna says to the three.

She walks slowly towards the left hallway and you immediately close the door. Screeew that.

"You won't be able to get there like that," the rainbow pony says to the princess.

"And why not?" Luna asks in irritation.

"He will just close his door on you," Rarity responds. "They have some sort of magic barrier on it and we can't kick it down either." Luna looks down the hallways, carefully considering her options.

"So, he challenges us to a duel?" Luna asks rhetorically.

"If there is anything we can do to help ya, Princess–" Applejack begins to volunteer, until she is cut off by Rainbow.

"AJ. Third–person. I don't think she means 'us'," Rainbow whispers.

"Oh. Right,"Applejack replies. The three mares look at Luna who surveys the scene carefully.

"Well, um, Your Highness... I suppose we will be going now. To rest on your beautiful night," Rarity says shakily, backing up. The other girls, taking the unicorn's cue follow her out.

"What is this peculiar device?" Luna asks the girls. Applejack turns to the Princess, as she points to one of your cameras.

"That doohickey?" Applejack replies. "We aren't sure, but we figure it lets him watch us from his weird TV from his safe room." Luna studies the camera closely as the three girls make their way out.

"Then, you are watching us right now?" Luna asks you through the camera. You keep your mouth shut, your muscles tense and ready for anything. "Your doors may be protected, but is your spying machine?" she asks with a smile.


Luna's horn glows with magic as she leans in closer to the camera. She take another step closer, and closer. Until her horn protrudes from the monitor in front of you. Leaping out of your chair, you lean against the wall as you watch the alicorn emerge from your screen. This has got to be cheating. This isn't fair.

As Luna's head emerges from the screen, you pick up your wooden chair and attempt to bring it down on the Princess, but a magical barrier forces the chair to shatter into several pieces. Shit.

You push yourself back against the wall as Luna pushes one hoof out of the monitor. Attempting to juke her out, you lean left, but dart to the right doorway to make a getaway. The doors slam shut before you can even take another step. Her magic slams you up against a wall again as Luna's tail emerges from the screen and leaves you alone with her.

"It appears we have won your little game, Anonymous," She says fiercely, pushing you against the wall. "However, do you find it humorous to stay up every evening that we so delicately craft?" A lump forms in the middle of your throat.

"No, not really–"

She lifts you away, then pushes you back against the wall.

"You will pay for refusing to sleep during our precious nights!" Luna yells. You close your eyes and look away. What is she going to do? Luna laughs to herself quietly. "It appears that you have dark circles under your eyes, Anon. Are you tired?" She asks with a malevolent smile.

Your eyes shoot open and you turn to look her in the eyes, shaking your head. No... she can't.

"How about we let you have some rest, Anonymous?" Luna asks. You try to fight against the strain of the magical binding around you, but she is simply too strong.

"I played your silly little game, Anon. Now let me show you mine," She growls. Your eyes feel heavier and heaver. Stay awake, Anon! If you don't... who knows what she will do? She has the power... To control...

You rise from your bed quickly. Looking to your alarm clock, you find the clock clock set to 8am. The sun is shining on the beautiful green hills of Equestria. That's weird. Wasn't... Luna...

Go to your kitchen.

You guess not. All of a sudden, you feel the strong compulsion to head to the kitchen. With a wide stretch, you change your clothes and make your way to get yourself some delicious oatmeal.
When you enter, you find a note on your table.

"Anon! Great news! I found a spell that might be able to send you back to Earth! Stop by as soon as you get this. Sincerely, Twilight."

No way. Did they... did they actually figure it out? Did they discover a way to get you back to Earth? You hold the note in your hands as if it were a rather large paycheck and reread it several times. A smile curls on your face.

There is no time to waste!

Sprinting out your door, you head into Ponyville to get to Twilight as soon as you possibly can. As you pass Sugarcube Corner and Applejack's cart, they begin to gallop along beside you.

"What's the big rush, Anon?" Applejack asks, as Rainbow and Fluttershy catch up to you.

"Twilight figured out a way for me to go home!" you exclaim. "I can't believe it. She actually figured it out."

Rarity spots your group heading towards Golden Oaks Library and races out of her shop to join you. The six of you stop once you reach Twilight's door. You knock over–enthusiastically and count the seconds it takes for the egghead to answer the door. Twilight opens the door and peers outside.

"Anon! Come on–" You push past the purple unicorn and step into her home.

"What is it? What's the spell? Get me out of here. Please, Twilight. Do it. Do it now," you command Celestia's prized pupil.

"Slow down! I have it right over here, just give me a minute," Twilight says soothingly. You attempt to hold your excitement the best you can as you wait for the unicorn to return with her spell.

"A–are you really going to leave, Anon?" Fluttershy asks, walking up to you.

"I think so," you answer the shy pegasus.

"Like, for forever?" Rainbow adds.

"Yep, isn't it great?" you reply. The five mares look to each other with a frown.

"Ah... Ah guess," Applejack replies.

"I think what we are trying to say, Darling, is that... we are really going to miss one of our closest friends," Rarity attempts to clarify.

"Oh girls, don't you see?" You say, approaching the five mares. "This isn't the place I belong. You ponies have a marvelous way of life that... I just don't seem to fit into, no matter how hard I try. Earth is where I belong. It's my home. During the days I've spent my life in Equestria in a way I will never forget."

The girls grow a faint glimmer of a smile and you gently ruffly Fluttershy's hair.

"Plus, what you guys did to me every night made me hate you all until the end of time."

"Wait, wha–"

"Found it!" Twilight yells, interrupting Applejack, levitating a book to a nearby stand. The book is dark red with what looks like teeth surrounding the edges. Twilight flips through the pages with her magic. As you approach, you find many different symbols adorned on the pages.

"Here we go!" Twilight says, stopping on page with several interconnected circles being held inside of an octagon. "All you have to do is hold your finger in the center of the symbol, and it should teleport you home."

You look at the book curiously.

"That's it?" you ask.

Twilight nods.

Do it.

Something about this doesn't seem right. You approach the book and you can feel your heartbeat quicken. A feeling deep in your chest is telling you that something is wrong. Taking a deep breath, you hesitate.

Do it.

Raising your hand to the book, you place your finger in the center of the intersecting circles. A bolt of electricity shoots through your arm.

Pulling your finger away, you watch as blood drips from your finger onto the page.

"Shit!" you yell reflexively, putting your bleeding finger into your mouth.

The book faintly glows with a dark red magic. What the hell is this? Taking a few steps away, you watch as the book levitates into midair. Turning around, you find the ponies have vanished and the door to library has disappeared with them. Looking back to the book, you watch as it pulsates in midair and fills the room with a red glow. The windows to the outside fade to black as you watch the book helplessly.

That's when you realize that pulsating isn't the right word. The right word would be beating. It's shakes move like a heartbeat and grow faster with each passing minute.

The paint from the walls begin to peel and decay, turning the colorful wall into a brown mess. The wooden floors below you dry, crack and splinter into a pale lifeless hue. The books on the shelves shake and fall to the ground, shattering into dust on impact. The living book beats faster and faster as you feel the world around around you spinning. A part of you feels as if you were going to vomit, and you collapse to your knees. The world stops. A cold chill fills the air as dust coats the floors and a single doorway sits off in the distance.

Go to it.

"I don't want to."

You must.

Rising to your feet, you walk carefully to the door through darkness. A chill runs through the air, raising goosebumps on your necks. When you reach the door, you firmly grasp the door handle. Pulling it open, you step inside of a tile room, with a bathtub sitting in the corner and a large mirror covering the opposite wall.

Stepping inside, you hear the door close behind you. You check your back and the door is gone. Moving into the center of the room, you inspect yourself in the mirror. Nothing... seems to be out of the ordinary. Turning your attention to the bathtub, you make your way over to see what's inside. Peering over the side, you find a bubbling black liquid sitting in the tub. A long metal chain lies on the outside of the tub and runs inside.

Grabbing the chain, you pull as hard as you can and after some resistance, it comes free. The dark liquid slowly exits the tub and leaves it empty, revealing a now unclogged drain. You look from the chain to the tub.

"I really hope that wasn't some sort of puzzle," you mutter under your breath.

You turn and look at the mirror and your reflection gazes back at you. Except, in the reflection, the tub's level of black tar is beginning to rise. You approach the mirror and watch the tub carefully, as well as continually looking back at your empty washing basin. The black liquid falls onto the floor of the reflection and begins to jet out along the floors and walls like thick black veins.

You can hear the book's heartbeat renew on the other side of the glass. Soon, the floor of the reflection is entirely covered in black pulsating veins, but your reflection pays them no mind, and the darkness doesn't spill into your side of the mirror. You take a few steps backward away from the mirror, but your reflection only takes one. He smiles at you.

Your blood runs cold. He raises his hand and waves at you. His entire room has become black, while you stand on dirty, unwashed , brown and red tiles. The mirror Anon points down to his feet. You look down and find your shoes beginning to be covered with thick black veins. In a panic, you reach down and try to rip your shoes off, but the veins only spread to your arm, sending a scalding hot pain through your senses that refuses to go away.

The black veins crawl over your skin as you collapse to the ground screaming in agony. The mirror you steps out of his room and into yours, walking slowly across the floor. He kneels down before you as you grasp his legs, screaming at the top of your lungs. You look up to the mirror Anon and beg for help, but he simply smiles. His pupils transform into thin vertical slits.

"What's wrong?" he asks in a low distorted voice. "Can't handle the Nightmare?"

Screaming, you sit up in bed in a cold sweat and with your breath out of control. Your eyes scan the room, and you find only sunlight streaming through your windows. Ripping the covers off, you check your arms and legs. They seem to be fine. No black veins.

You stop to catch your breath. Checking the alarm clock, it reads 8AM. Your throat runs try when you notice a note beside it. Reaching over carefully, you pluck the note from it's resting place and unfurl it. In deep blue ink, spiraled in well practiced cursive lines the note:

"Sleep well, Anonymous."