• Published 22nd Aug 2014
  • 30,637 Views, 431 Comments

One Night at Anon's - Flutterpriest

Anon has a mare problem. A big mare problem. During the day, they treat him just fine. However, when night falls... that's where their inner desires rise to the surface and attempt to take Anon by force. A parody of Five Nights at Freddies

  • ...

Part 4: The Book of Fears

"Alright... I guess," you answer, reclaiming your seat at the table.

Maybe this scientist guy knows his stuff. The stuff in this place could actually be really dangerous... If they store things that make ponies turn aggressive or make new Nightmare Moons... then you need to take this more seriously. It could just mean your life.

"Now then," the scientist begins. "As I was trying to explain earlier, the artifact you are going to reclaim is not currently classified yet. We are still learning about it's basic qualities."

"So, nopony even really knows what it does?" asks Twilight.

"Not yet. We were performing research on the artifact when it had a violent reaction to Princess Luna, causing the breach and ..." the scientist reviews the rest of the paperwork. "I'm afraid the rest is on a need to know basis."

"Need to know basis?!" you shout at the coated stallion. "We have to get this thing, and you are telling me the details about it is a need to know basis?! I'd think-"

"Calm down, Anonymous," the Princess sternly interrupts. You lean back in your chair. "If there was additional information that we had about the event that was necessary to know, I'm sure it would be shared," Celestia claims. "However, I believe it is more important that we brief you about the object."

"That's correct," the scientist confirms. You shuffle in your seat and sigh.

"Alright. Tell me about this thing then."

The stallion changes to a new file and opens it widely, passing you a picture. The picture looks like an old book, with a blood red cover and pink pages. The spine of the book appears worn, as if it had been read countless times.

"This artifact was recovered from the basement of an abandoned home in year..." the stallion pauses again. "Redacted. The books owner was curled in the corner of the basement, rocking back and forth. The mare's hair was disheveled and she appeared to have stayed in the corner for quite sometime. After medical personnel arrived on scene, she perished later that day due to malnutrition and failing internal organs," the scientist reads.

"How can you just say that?" Twilight asks. The scientist's eyes rise from the papers. "How can you just talk about somepony's life as if it was nothing?" the young mare asks.

"I'm sure the staff attempted everything in their power, Twilight," Celestia calmly assures her student. She shifts in her seat uncomfortably as you try to find other details that could assist you. The scientist returns his eyes to the paper and clears his throat.

"When the reclamation team arrived to return the book to the facility, task force member A, further to referred as subject A, attempted to reclaim the tome. Upon touching the book with her hoof, she immediately froze in place and became unresponsive. All attempts of communication with the subject received no response. Task force member B, further referred to as subject B, became irritated at their team member's lack of action and levitated the book with her unicorn magic. Once her aura enveloped the book, Subject A fell to the floor, unconscious and subject B became unresponsive to all forms of communication. After approximately 5 minutes, Subject B began screaming intensely and began to quickly walk backwards, visibly trembling. Other members of the reclamation task force asked for authorization for use of Experimental Artifact 49, Containment Ooze, and was approved. Task force members C and D covered the tome in Artifact 49 and Subject B fell to the floor, unconscious. The artifact is to remain in Artifact 49 at all times when not under observation or during research." The scientist looks up from his paperwork and shifts to a new one.

"What happened to the subjects?" you ask.

"The subjects awoke in ... some time, and reported having the most vivid and terrifying experience of their lives. Subjects were reported to be jumpy and did not want to discuss what happened in their experience under the influence of the artifact. However, both claim their experiences were wildly different, as if tailor-made to their worst fears."

The room becomes silent and a shiver runs down your spine. "So, I'm guessing that' it's Twilight and my job to go dump ooze on this book and put it back in it's room?" you ask.

"That's correct," Princess Celestia confirms.

"Why do you need me? Why can't any of the other workers perform the task? Hasn't anyone else tried?" you ask. The room goes silent

"My sister tried, Anonymous," the Princess curtly reminds you. You lean back in your chair, worried you offended the Princess. "The difference from this time and when the tome was claimed, is that the book is lying open. When it was claimed, it was closed," the Princess clarifies.

"Why should that make a difference?" Twilight asks.

"Now it seems, the artifact is reacting with whoever is closest with it," the stallion explains. "So, our hope is that Anonymous is immune, considering he is not of this world."

"Then what if I do react?" you ask.

"Then you will have to live out your worst possible fear," the scientist says flatly.

A shiver runs up your spine. Your worst possible fear? Nothing has been more terrifying than the last few days? What could possibly be worse?

"What if I can't overcome what my fear is?" you ask. The scientist looks from you, then to Celestia, then back to you.

"Then you will have been the first," he replies. "Either way, the Princess and her student will be instructed to retrieve you. The book has never affected more than one host before and it did not when Princess Luna was affected... so we have no reason to believe that they should be harmed."

"So in the end... this is all some big experiment," you confirm.

"To a sense, yes," he replies. With a great huff, you lean back in your chair and attempt to brainstorm an alternative.

"Why do I even have to help you?" you ask. "You contained the thing that was ruining my life...Why should I help?"

"Anon!" Twilight exclaims, shocked at your question. Celestia raises a calm hoof to her student.

"If a sense of gratitude and thanks does not drive you to assist us, perhaps a job opportunity would," she asks. "If you complete this task, we could consider hiring you for artifact retrieval."

Your head perks up. A job? You barely made any money doing odds and ends work around Ponyville... you barely had enough to feed yourself. Where there is a job, there is money. Where there is money, there is food.


"Alright, so I just gotta go in, dump this ooze stuff on the book.... then..." you clarify, hoping the stallion would explain the rest.

"Return it to it's room," the scientist answers.

"Which is..." you ask again.

"The open door directly beside the book. All you have to do is place it on the pedestal and close the door on the way out," he answers.

You look across the table at the three ponies eyeing you intently.

"So, when do we get started?" you ask.

"Let me gather your supplies, and we can begin immediately," the scientist says, rising to his hooves.

"So, I don't get protective armor... or any sort of weapon. Just... purple goop."

"It's neutralizing ooze, thank you very much," the scientist reiterates. "It will be your only defense if you can fight the effects of the book." You look down at the bucket of thick purple liquid and sigh to yourself.

"I don't even get a weapon though? I mean-"

"Listen," the scientist interrupts you.

He looks around the empty holding chamber directly connected to the containment area. A thick, locked iron door stands between you and the hallway that contains the book of fears. The scientist looks directly into your eyes with concern.

"I've watched stallions, stronger ones than you, take their own life from what they see in that book. When it was closed. Ponies that have gotten in contact with it when it was open... still haven't woken up. It's all confidential... but we don't know how to save anypony from this thing. You're our only hope." A chill runs down your spine as you glance at the closed door. "You have to do your best," he reiterates. "The Princess and Twilight are here to recover you if it gets bad."

Taking a deep breath, you try to shake off the oncoming sense of numbness. You can do this. Piece of cake. Book that makes ponies kill themselves? Walk in the park. You chuckle to yourself involuntarily.

This is the dumbest thing you've ever done.

"Hey... if you're the last person I ever talk to... can you tell me your name?" you ask the stallion. He goes silent.

"We aren't supposed to share our names at the facility," he answers. With a sigh, you shake your head.

"Alright. I get it," you tell him.

Stretching your arms, you head towards the iron door and place your hand on the opening button. It's now or never. No point in delaying the inevitable.

"It's Arty. Arty Fact," he calls to you. Turning to him, you give him a smile.

"Thanks Arty," you tell him. "See you on the other side." Pressing the button, the door opens in front of you and step inside. The door closes firmly behind you once you enter the hallway. "Hopefully not THE other side."

You take measured steps on the metal floor as you immediately see the open book in the middle of the hallway. The hallway is well lit and several closed doors line the hallway, each labeled for some unclassified SCP object. Your hands tremble as you move closer to the book. The breath escapes your mouth shakily. Nothing yet...

How close did Arty say you had to be for the effects to begin? The bucket full of purple gel stays resolute in your hands. Maybe if you get close enough, you can toss the purple shit all over it and not have to feel the effects. Yeah, that's a great plan.

You take step after step closer to the book. After you get half way there, the thought occurs to you... what if you miss? Then you wouldn't have anything to save you. You will have to make sure you are close enough. Just a bit closer.

The book sits on the floor peacefully and undisturbed. As you cross the doors, you can hear a quiet whispering emanating from them, just quiet enough for you to not understand what they are saying.

Your muscles tense as you move closer to the book. Maybe you should try throwing it now. It's only thirty feet away. No. You could miss.

You move closer to the book. The lights around you begin to flicker and dim as you approach. This is all in your head, Anon. It can't hurt you.

Moving closer, you wonder if you should try now. It's only twenty feet away. You ready the purple goop, but freeze. There is still the chance to miss. Do you trust your aim well enough?

One of the pages of the book flips on it's own. You can't miss.

Taking five more shaky steps, the room around you grows colder. Your breath condenses in the air, showing a visible cloud of air in front of you. Almost there.

The book flips two pages on it's own. You ready the bucket and look at the book to take aim.
Yet, three of the words on the book scream out on the page of the book.

"Anonymous sits quietly..."

Was... Was that your name? The bucket slowly lowers as you take another step closer. The text was too small... maybe you were just seeing things. But you swear you saw it... the book has your name in it. You ready your bucket again.

"Anonymous sits quietly in his saferoom, reading off his glowing screens..."

You blink and the text is too small again. There isn't an opportunity to miss. You have to do this right. Ten steps, and you should be right by it. You shut your eyes. One step. Two... three.

Holding your breath, you measure out your steps, On ten, you dump the bucket right at your feet. Eight... Nine... Ten.

Dumping the bucket right in front of you, you hear an audible splat on the ground. Then silence.

Was that it? Did you beat it?

You open your eyes to find yourself sitting in the saferoom of your home, the glowing screens showing you 100% charge. Your heart stops for a moment and your mind goes blank. Just another night at home. Let's do this.


Quickly you check the buttons of your side doors. They work perfectly. That's a good start. Quickly flipping through your camera feeds, you check your home for intruders.

Kitchen – Still dark. That's right. That camera got broken.

Living Room – Nothing.

Bedroom – Empty.

Bathroom – Nopony.

Now outside.

Backyard – Clear.

Westside – Clear.

Eastside – Clear.

Front – A grey blur flashes on screen and slams directly into your door.

You check your clock. 12:01

So it begins.

The door opens, revealing a cross-eyed, blonde maned mare with bubbles on her flank.
Derpy? Really? Well. She's not that intimidating. She typically just just trips and falls all over herself as she tries to go through your home to find you.

"Anoon?" she calls out into your home as she steps inside, looking around. "Where are yoou?"

"Derpy! Go home!" you yell to the ditzy horse.

"Did you put yourself in time out again?" she asks, heading down the hallway.

"It's not timeout! I mean- UGH! GO HOME!" you exclaim, flipping to your hallway camera.

"Maybe after you show me a little hospitality..." she flirtatiously calls out to you. Her flank sways back and forth as she makes her way down the hallway. In her attempt to act sexy, she slams herself directly into a table and a vase falls to the ground, shattering into millions of tiny pieces.

"Ugh. God... damn it," you sigh to yourself. You close the door to Derpy's hallway to resist yourself the temptation to remove her personally. Better check around again to be sure.

Right hallway – Derpy tries desperately to clean up the broken bits of vase.

Left hallway – Empty.

Bathroom – Nothing.

Living room – Clear.

Kitchen – Black as night.

You prepare to move to the next camera, but then you hear a light clink. What was that? You lean closer to the speaker and listen intently for the noise again. Only silence radiates from the speaker. Maybe the noise was just the wind... or something in the house settling. Unless.

You move the camera feed to the west side of your house. Something seems off about the scene, but you can't place your finger on it. Carefully, you examine the surroundings. Trees, the stars, the moon... but it looks like something is hidden in the tree line. Is that... a cart?

It would be too big to be a cart. Is it a mobile home? It might be too small for that... Wait, someone might have snuck in. Quickly, you flip back to the living room. A small ball rolls into the living room from the kitchen.

"Oh, shit."

The ball begins to fire vast quantities of smoke into your house and blocks out the vision of the camera. You can hear Derpy coughing from the other side of the closed door. Quickly you inspect the time you have left on your battery. 70% at 1:05 AM.

This is bad, really bad. You can't close the other door, you might run out of power later. Flipping to the left hallway, you watch as the smoke creeps down the hallway. There's only one pony that has tricks like this at her disposal. If so... how are you going to get around this one? You check the right hallway. It's completely shrouded in smoke and the audio picks up Derpy's coughing. That's your escape. It could be your only shot.

But if you want to survive this night, you are going to have to take a few chances. This is a terrible plan.

"Watch in awe, as the Witty and Cunning Trixie finally breaks through Anon's defenses and claims him as her own!" Trixie's voice rings through the hall as she lunges out of the smoke.

Slamming on the right door button, it raises to the ceiling. Taking a deep break, you push past the bubble horse and push through the hall. Five steps in and a sharp pain shoots up your foot. You yelp in pain and fall to the ground, where hundreds of tiny pokes assault your body.

"Shit!" you exclaim, pain wracking you body.

Gasping for breath, you get a strong dose of the smokescreen, which catches you even more off guard. Your eyes watering, you try to think on your feet. Just a few feet away is your bedroom. That's the best option. Using your arm, you cast away the pieces of broken vase in your path and army crawl towards your bedroom.

"What?!" Trixie exclaims. "He isn't here?!"

"Huh?" Derpy says, stepping into your security room, "but he was just here."

Once you get inside your room, you slowly close the door and brace yourself against it. You look down at your feet, a few pieces of broken vase shoved inside and blood dripping to the floor. Something's wrong... you were wearing shoes.

You know you were. This isn't right.

Reaching down, you pull out the exposed pieces and toss them across the room. Looking across the room, you see the shoes you swear you were just wearing. Rising to your feet, you feel the sting of your exposed wound on the hardwood floor. Heading across the room, you slip back into your shoes and move to your bedroom window.

Raising the window open wide, you look back towards the bedroom door. It won't take long for them to find you. You have to get the hell outta here. That's the only way to survive this one. Leaping out the window, you charge with all your might towards the forest. Don't look back. Just don't look back.

It doesn't matter if they are following you. Just keep pushing. Get to the forest. Your hairs stand on end as you feel something behind you.

You close your eyes and focus on harder, wider strides. Just get to the forest, then you can lose them.

"Going somewhere, Anonymous?" A feminine voice whispers into your ear. The voice causes you to trip and you fall through the night air onto the grass. You turn on your back to view your pursuer. Before you stands a tall white alicorn, wearing a wide smile and pupils the size of pinpricks. You crawl backward on your hands. "Do you think that by running away that you can avoid me for the night?" she asks calmly, walking towards you.

Clamoring to your feet, you sprint towards the forest. Not Celestia. Anyone but her. Don't look back. Just keep going. The hairs on the back of your neck raise as you look back. She's gone.

The wind escapes your lungs as you look around. Where is she? Stopping in your tracks, you look back to your home. Trixie and Derpy just leaped from your window and head towards you in hot pursuit. You look to the forest with dread in your bones. That's what she wants you to do. You can fight the two ponies in an open plane or attempt to hide from an immortal in the dark forest.

Well, the answer is clear to you. Time to take on Trix and Derpy.

You look back to the forest. But how? Trixie will just use her magic and hold you down. Maybe you can fool them. Heading into the forest, you hear them call to you to come back.

Finding the first tree with a low limb, you begin to climb. If there is one thing your tall frame and long limbs has helped you with in this little world, it's climbing their smaller trees. Once you reach the top, you hold your breath and cling to a limb for dear life. If you fell from this height, you could probably break an arm or a leg. At this point, there isn't much you can do but wait.

Once you hear the rustling of grass, you hold your breath. The two ponies move into the forest and call your name.

"Anon, where are you?" Derpy calls.

"Anonymous! The Great and Powerful Trixie does not have time for these silly games!" Trixie exclaims. "Now come out this instant!" The two walk directly under your tree and they stop and look around.

"I don't see him." Derpy says to Trixie.

"He must be around here somewhere," The unicorn replies.

"Do you think he ran in deeper?" The grey pegasus asks.

"I'm not sure... but he will have to come out sometime. We could wait in the field until he tries to come back out," Trixie speculates.

"B-but maybe he's lost..." Derpy says. "Maybe we should try to find him." Trixie casts Derpy a dirty look.

"What makes you think he's lost?" Trixie asks, unable to conceal the doubt in her tone. Derpy scratches the ground with a hoof.

"W-well. I know I'd get lost in a dark forest late at night."

Trixie huffs. "That is preposterous. How could you get lost this far into the forest? Let's go back." she answers. The unicorn turns away from the grey pony and begins to walk back the way she came. Then she stops.

"Um. Trixie? Are we going back?" Derpy asks.

"Of course! The Great and Powerful Trixie is simply ensuring that she is taking the most direct way out of the forest," Trixie says shakily. "And it's this way. Now let's go," she concludes, heading in a different direction.

The two horses move deeper into the woods and you let out a sigh. Safe. Carefully moving down each branch, your feet sting as you jump to the ground. The adrenaline must be wearing off. Just head back home. If you are lucky, the lack of using cameras and the doors has bought you some time.

Power limping, you head back into the open field towards your house. The pale moonlight reflects down onto the grassy plain. You still can't help but constantly check your surroundings. Where is the Princess? Were you just imagining her?

Wasn't there... something you needed to remember. A sharp pain pierces your head as you approach your humble home. It must not be important. The bedroom window is closed tightly and so is the kitchen. Which means the only way in is the front door. Your eyes move to each camera as you head to the entrance of your home. As you do, you can't help but feel the cameras follow you. A shiver runs down your spine as you approach the door.

The front door sits slightly ajar as you gently push it open, attempting not to make a noise. Taking a few steps in, you scan the room. The smoke has fully cleared out and everything seems to still be in it's proper place. Stepping inside, you close the door behind you.

"Welcome home, Anonymous," a feminine voice whispers.

Fighting the urge to freeze, you sprint directly to your security room, only just seeing the alicorn sitting patiently in the corner of the living room. Blood courses through your veins. You barely survived Cadance on technicality. Luna was able to do anything she wanted. Leaping into your room, you franticly slam the doors behind you. Checking the monitor, you look carefully over the battery stats.

30%, 5:45am. You nailed it. There's no way she's getting into these doors. If she tries to do the same thing her sister did, you can just book it out one of the doors. You won't fall for the same trick twice.

"Alright, Sunbutt. Let's see what you got," you whisper under your breath.

Moving to the living room, you watch as the Princess walks slowly to the center of the room and stares directly at the camera with a smile. She remains eerily still as you watch the screen. What is she doing? You look up at your clock screen to check the time.

5:49am. There isn't much time left. Has she given up? Her stare feels as if it pierces your soul like a ray of light through the dark. All while she wears that creepy smile, as if she knows something. What's she doing? Is this part of her plan? What is she waiting for? You triple check the clock.

5:53am. Have you actually beaten another Princess? You look carefully on the camera feed as she sits quietly in the middle of your living room. Looking to your battery monitor, you check your energy percentage. 16% You will easily make 6am. Looking back to the camera feed, Celestia is unmoving, staring with her shrunken pupils and wide smile.

The hair stands on the back of your neck. Was there something you were forgetting? Slowly you turn behind you. Nothing's there. Looking back to the screen, she continues to smile devilishly. Staring up at the clock, you watch it strike 5:58am. Just a few more minutes and it's all over. Then the sunrise will make all of it go away.

You look back down to the screen feeling proud of your triumph. Let her smile. Just wait. In a few minutes, Celestia will... Celestia will...

You take a few steps back once the truth hits you. Of course she knew. She knew the whole time. Time didn't matter. None of that mattered. The battery was just buying you time. The night won't end unless she lets it.

You begin to shake as her chilling gaze stares you down. Her smile was one of known triumph. Celestia has been playing with you this whole time. Backing into the corner of the room, you huddle into a ball. Your eyes watch the battery percentage as it slowly ticks down.



Your breath holds fast in your throat as you watch the timer to your fate count down. You could never win. She could choose to never bring the day and make the mares leave. Celestia owns you.

You bury your face into your knees. Think. There has to be something. Something else you've forgotten. Something else that can help you out of this situation. Something about Celestia.

Wasn't there... some secret she was keeping? A sharp pain jabs your brain, but you ignore it. A secret... about facilities and artifacts? A high pitched screech pierces your ears as the battery percentage ticks down lower and the image on the screen begins to melt into a horrific image. Clamping your hands to your ears, you realize it.

It was all clear as day. This was an artifact. This is all in your head.

Closing your eyes tight, you see yourself, lying on the floor of the facility's hallway. The pages turn franticly as you slowly try to clamor to your feet. You open your eyes.

The security room of your home is far away as you find yourself back in the facility, with a spilled bucket of purple goop on the floor. Looking around the hallway, you don't find any other ponies around you. That must have been the effects of the book. You must have fought it off. Reaching down, you pick up the bucket and try to mop up whatever purple goop you can.

Getting as much as you can into the bucket, you notice that it's thickness turns from gel-like to water-like when you touch it. Well great, that can't be good.

You look down at your runny bucket of purple water. It's better than nothing you suppose. All you gotta do is put the book back in it's room and call it good. Mission accomplished. Then go the hell home. You deserve some sleep after that.

Tilting the bucket of purple gak on the book, it splatters on it's pages, but nothing else remarkable happens. Setting the empty container down, you smile as you think to yourself about your new job. It's probably not that crazy around here.

Watching a bunch of random magical spoons and vending machines for a living. How bad could that be? Reaching down you grab the book by the purple pages. You chuckle to yourself in triumph. Piece of cake. You slam the book shut.

A hot searing pain shoots throughout your body as the room spins around you. Your stomach churns and you feel the acid in your stomach force itself up your throat. The blood in your veins boil as you hold onto the book for dear life. The hallway transforms around you into a crossroads and the lights burn out. You scream as the pain overwhelms you and a high pitched scream fills your ears. Then nothing.


You open your eyes and gradually stand up, holding the book. Looking down at it, you curse under your breath. Of course it wouldn't be easy. Of course. Turning around you find Twilight standing at the end of a hallway.

"Oh, hey Twilight," you say aloud. "I got the book. I just gotta get it in it's room." She remains motionless as you stare at her. "So, uh. I'm almost done. Do you know how I can get this thing back? I think I've been whammied by this again," you call to her.

Twilight remains silent and unmoving as you stare down the hallway. Why isn't she responding? The two of you were friends. Hell, close friends for that manner. Before everything started happening. You take a step forward, not even thinking about the unconscious blink. Suddenly, Twilight halves the distance between the two of you.

You leap backward and gasp.

"Woah. Twilight. What the hell?! How did you do that?" She remains silent and unmoving, staring at you with her eyes wide. And is... is that a smile? A chill runs down your spine as you take a few steps back. You rub your eyes, to see if it's all some sort of dream. Opening your eyes, Twilight stands directly in front of you.

You quickly leap back. She only moves when you aren't looking. Suddenly, your eyes feel heavier than ever before.

"Twilight, this is one fucked up staring contest," you say to her, trying to lighten the situation.

You continue walking backward, focusing on Twilight. Her eyes are pupil less and her hair is disheveled, all while wearing an unnaturally wide smile that extends from ear to ear. This isn't Twilight.

This has to be the book, fighting back at you.

Goosebumps raise on your skin as you blindly walk backwards, staying focused on Twilight's hollow eyes. Your eyes begin to water as Twilight trails off in the distance. Alright. You should have a little wiggle room now.

Quickly, you look to the left wall of the hallway, then back to Twilight. She made some headway, but not very much. No open doors on the left either. Then, you check to the right, then back to Twilight. No open doors. Every step is measured and calculated as you try to back away from the aggressive unicorn.

Then something cold presses against your back. You yelp and close your eyes for a fraction of a second. Shooting your eyes back open, you focus back on Twilight who is slowly catching up.

Okay. Three. Two. One.

You spin in place to see what's behind you. When you return, Twilight halved the distance. Your muscles tighten, but at least now you know.

A metal door, similar to the one in your home and a button. Hopefully it will open the door. Twilight's focused gaze upsets your stomach as you take a few steps back. Backing up to the button, you press it. A whoosh sound comes from where the door is.

Sounds like it opened.

Strafing towards the door, you step into the next room. The door raises up, and once Twilight is out of sight, a massive boom comes from the door. There's no time. Turning tail to the door, you sprint down the hallway while holding the book tightly to your chest.

Open door... Open door... The open door has to be around here somewhere. You glance over your shoulder for any sight of Twilight. She could follow you and you would never know. Your pace increases. Another door marks the end of the hallway. You mash at the button, hearing the whoosh.

Turning around, you find Twilight halfway down the hallway you're preparing to leave.

"Fuck," you whisper under your breath. Stepping through the doorway, your eyes focused on Twilight as the door closes again. Once Twilight is out of sight, you turn to sprint again. The loud boom of her colliding with the door only increases your pace. Sweat drips down your brow as you frantically search through the hallway in front of you.

When you reach the end, you find two doors at the end. You quickly turn to look behind you. No Twilight. You catch your breath and turn to the door on the right. Might as well try one. It's not like you know where you are going anyway.

Hitting the button, you watch the door slide up. Twilight stares back at you with her hollow eyes. Your heart stops for a minute as you focus on her.

“Nope,” you say aloud. Leaning over, you press the button again. The door closes, separating the two of you. Let's try the other door.

Moving to the other side, you press the button and move to the other side. As you enter, you find a brightly lit hallway with one open door, directly in the center and a larger braced metal door on the other side. This is it.

You jog to the open door and look inside the room. Only to find Twilight standing between you and the podium in the middle of the room for the book. Alright, Anon. Let's do this.

You focus directly on Twilight and walk into the room with long strides. Don't blink. Circling around the unicorn to the back of the room, you hold the book tightly. The book begins to heat up in your hands as you move towards the containment podium. Staying focused on Twilight, you raise the book to the podium.

The book becomes white hot and you grit your teeth trying to resist the urge to yell in pain. You set the book on the podium and it slowly rises into the air and is enveloped by a large purple sphere. Yet, the hollow Twilight remains in the room. Almost done.

Side-stepping around the purple horse, you head backwards towards the door. This is it. All you have to do is walk out and close the door. You take one careful backward step after another. Your eyes water and feel heavy, but you can't take your eyes off of the unicorn. Just a few more steps...

You hold your breath, trying to muster the power to keep your eyes open. Her smile burns itself into your memory as her exposed gritted teeth have their targets sighted on you. Almost there. It should be right around...

Your back presses up against a flat wall. The breath escapes your lungs as fear fills your soul. Where's the door? You raise your arms out trying to feel for the exit, but no hole meets your grasp. The muscles in your eyes strain themselves to stay open.

Taking a step to the right, you feel out further. Nothing.

Then another. Nothing.

Your blood runs cold as you can feel tears flowing down your cheeks. Another step. Nothing.

You begin to hyperventilate. Is this it? Is this how it all ends? With one more step, you reach out desperately.


You sprint into the opening and franticly slam on the button, locking you away from the unicorn and the tome of fear. Closing your eyes, you fall to your knees.

It's over. It's all over.